How to Stop Guilt From Killing Your Love Relationship


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Guilt Kills Love.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

Wow, so far, the year of the Chinese Wood Dragon is delivering a wild
energy ride for me. If you missed my confession about Dragon Envy in
January’s, The Vibrant Moment, read it here:

There are many toxic thoughts that make us feel bad, wrong and
worthless. However, at the top of the list, poisonous thoughts that
make you feel guilt and guilty are the most deadly. Toxic thoughts
are learned and control you.

Guilt kills your True Self.

Your True Self is naturally loving and a bundle of joy. The innate
part of you is a package of energy composed of your emotional self,
physical body, creative mind and spiritual self. Spirit is pure,
unaltered energy that can be recognized as light, colors, love, sound
and other subtle qualities. You have the ability to expand your
perception of these powerful energies by learning how to sense and
feel them directly with your body as you go through your day and

Feeling reality improves your mental health. Denial does not. Staying
busy does not. For some of you, the voice of your Inner Critic may not
be in your daily awareness. If this is true, you need to look around
in your unconscious for your toxic thoughts and notice how they make
you feel so you can break free from your conditioning.

Often, when you finally learn how to take care of yourself, instead
of putting everyone else first, you experience the nasty energy of
guilt. Being able to recognize the energy of guilt can help you get
out of and say a resounding “No, no, no.” to this sticky, dense,
dark, heavy energy. Guilt often sits on your shoulders, hangs out
around your head and lands heavy on your heart. When you are in the
middle of guilt, you feel bad, wrong and worthless.

So, the secret of living a guilt free life, which is the same thing
as living a resentment free life, is to be able to recognize when you
are being controlled by guilt so you can get out of this painful
energy faster and with more ease.

Some toxic guilt thoughts to watch out for are:
You should do…….
You must do…….or people will think bad things about you.
You should not do…….or people will think you are weird.
You are lazy…….
You are selfish…….
You are inconsiderate…….
You are crazy…….
You are narcissistic…….

And the guilty beat goes on and on about how bad, wrong and terrible
you are as a human being if you do NOT behave as a conditioned,
controlled person SHOULD do. The Guilt Trap is a very sneaky way to
brainwash you. Since we are by nature loving and empathic, we do not
want to hurt others. When the Guilt Trap is used by religions,
dictators, governments and parents, they are using our loving nature
to keep us from being free and joyful.

You reap happy rewards if you pay attention to the thoughts in your
head. Shine light on all your thoughts and take a good, long look at
them. Question if they are true or not. Get support in any place you
can find it, for being authentic, free and happy instead of living
your life burdened down by toxic thoughts and guilt. For more about
how to live a guilt free life read:

Expanding your consciousness means you are learning how to sense and
feel more of your True Self vibrations. The more you expand your
awareness of the realities inside of you and outside of you, the
better your mental health. You keep depression and anxiety from
dragging you down if you stay more connected to reality as you live
each moment.

Your self-confidence and self-esteem improves dramatically, the more
you breathe in and out each real moment that is occurring in front of
you. Say no to guilt to experience more vibrant moments.

Trust your heart to lead the way with compassion.

LIVE A GUILT FREE LIFE: Get support and guidance in removing the
sticky energy of guilt when you study the holistic psychology
educational audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment.”

Order mp3 “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” self-help audio as
mp3 for $19.97.

“That was awesome! Thank you. It was stuff that we’ve talked about
before, but for some reason it really hit me last night. Now I
understand even more why I need to remember that what my head says is
illusion, but what my heart is telling me is real. I get it!” Ermine,
Washington, DC.


FIND YOUR INNER DRAGON: Learn to feel the difference between your
defensive ego and your true self in the first half hour of the
Opening the Heart audio series called “Feelings: The challenge of our
species.” Practice sensing your natural born vibrations as you
receive loving guidance on how to recognize your controlling ego
energy. You feel better as soon as you love who you really are
instead of letting your ego tell you how bad you are! Three hours of
audio on feelings, fear and hurt, recorded in a sound studio so my
voice delivers healing, calming vibrations to resonate with over and
over again for better mental health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Manifest Your New Year’s Resolutions and Reach Personal Growth Goals


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Face Fears.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

The beginning of the New Year is a great time to use your intention
to create more freedom and joy. Take time to write down your desires
and needs. Writing your desires down is an effective first step
toward manifestation. Using vision boards, soul collages and making
masks are also fun ways to set your intention into motion. Once set,
trust your process.

The next step is to notice and remove the blocks that are keeping
your intentions from becoming true. Most often, it is your unresolved
emotional issues that keep you from moving forward on your desire to
lose weight, save money, create more loving relationships and make
your dreams come true.

The problem is you can’t reach your emotional self in order to heal
your wounds until you get pass your egos. Yes, you have many. Your
defensive energy often blocks the gateway to your tender heart. This
means you need to get to know your sneaky ego if you want to
transform your body into more of your natural born energy.

Transformation means your ego energy literally changes form in your
body so that you become softer, sweeter and more receptive. Also,
during transformation your energy field becomes more radiant. This
energy change occurs because you are allowing more of your natural
born light to shine outward. Others can see and feel your change
because your change is physical, not just emotional or mental.

Meeting your ego as an equal is often a daunting task. You crafted
your ego to take care of yourself when you were little and didn’t
have any other way to protect yourself. This process of creating
defensive energy occurred unconsciously and automatically when you
were hurt or scared as a child.

However, the more you avoid exposing your controlling egos, the more
you experience anxiety and mundane moments. This is where so many
people are stuck on the planet right now. Egos are in charge of the
world. Egos are ruining our planet and hurting Mother Earth.
Defensive energy is keeping us from enjoying vibrant moments.

Back to your intentions. Have fun using your intentions to move
forward. Play with all the creative arts for success. Next, expose
your egos that are blocking your heart’s desires. The goal is to meet
your defensive energy as an equal. You need to stand up to your ego
so you can assert yourself effectively in the world. When your ego is
no longer in charge of you, you don’t let others control you.

In order to stand up to your ego, your adult self needs to learn how
to use your inner strengths and natural born talents to help you face
your fears and reduce your anxieties. The benefits of letting go of your
controlling ego are freedom and joy.

To learn more about the natural process of transformation, letting go
of control, finding your inner strengths and standing up to your ego

Please ask me any questions you have about how to get unstuck. I
will write more about breaking free and being joyful after the New

FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTHS: Learn to feel the difference between your
true self and ego in the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species.” Practice
sensing your natural born vibrations as you receive guidance on how
to recognize your controlling ego energy. You are empowered as soon
as you love who you really are. Three hours of audio on feelings,
fear and hurt, recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers
healing, calming vibrations to resonate with over and over again for
better mental health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into it and
stay grounded. When you are grounded, you cannot be anxious.
Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove
conditioned responses from your nervous system so you relax and
become more self-confident. $197.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Stop Judging Yourself and Others for Better Mental Health


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Care and Change.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

Here is an excellent holistic psychology question I got this week
from a client. She asks, “How do I stop hating myself— as in judging
myself —when I make a mess and so many mistakes over and over again.
I can’t stand it.”

This client is learning how to be responsible for all her behaviors,
thoughts and feelings without being mean to herself. Being
responsible for yourself without judging yourself is what I call the
“First Trick in Transformation.” When you master this, you move to
the wonderful place on planet earth beyond judgment. This is the
place the poet Rumi loved to write about.

When my client makes a mess, she apologizes and thinks that is all
she has to do. However, the messes continue and add up over time
because she is not learning how to be a more responsible person with
the people in her life. She is still avoiding, instead of owning and
facing her mess. You know you are still being defensive if you cannot
admit and talk about the mistakes you make with ease again and again
over time. No buttons or triggers will be there when you are
emotionally secure.

Like most people in the world, my client does not want to be
responsible because if she admits she made a mess, her Inner Critic
beats her to death, just like the flagellation that was used for
punishment by the Romans. In 2023, you may not be physically
punishing yourself but you sure are beating yourself up creating as
much emotional and physical pain as if you were!

Sometimes, my client wants to kill herself to escape this pain. The
racing, mean, nasty thoughts hitting her emotional self makes her
want to run away and hide. If these thoughts are often enough,
terrible enough, people do kill themselves, as the brilliant author
Virginia Woolf did by putting rocks in her pockets and walking into
the Ouse river behind her home.

Therefore, learning how to stand up to your Inner Critic is essential
for personal growth. The lower brain needs to unlearn this nasty behavior
from the Middle Ages of attacking ourselves when we make a mess.
Making a mess and making mistakes are part of the natural process of
transformation that occurs when we self-actualize and become our true

When you make a mess you must clean it up. If you are not making a
mess, then you are not becoming a better person, you are stuck in
your ego. This means you want to make a mess, be responsible for your
mess, be compassionate toward yourself and stop making the same mess
over and over again. In other words, CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR! Anxiety is
usually the reason you make a mess in the fist place, so learn to
reduce your anxiety, be responsible and make better choices.

The fastest way I know to be successful learning how to stop whipping
yourself, is to FEEL how much you are hurting your little girl when you
attack her and make her bad and wrong. Feeling solves the problem for
me. Once I feel how much I am hurting myself or someone else, I
immediately want to stop being insensitive, mean or heartless.

My open heart cares and quickly stops the abuse. If you know of a
faster way to do this, please share it with me and our readers.
Caring is the result of opening your heart and solar plexus. Open
your heart to help yourself and humanity move forward.


OPEN YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS: Learn to tell the difference between your
true self and ego in the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species.” Practice
sensing your colorful vibrations as you receive guidance on how to
recognize your rigid ego energy. You are empowered as soon as you
accept your true self. Three hours of audio on feelings, fear and hurt,
recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming
vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better mental
health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into your skin
and stay grounded. When you are grounded, you cannot be anxious.
Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove
conditioned responses from your nervous system so you relax and
feel more self-confident. $197.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Feel Better Quickly

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Increase Flowing Energy.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


What is the fastest way to feel better in the moment?

Switch out of your Inner Critic energy and drop down into gravity and
Mother Earth’s energy. As soon as you drop down into gravity, you feel
your physical body, which is your connection to your true nature. Your
true nature is directly connected and plugged into Mother Earth and
the Cosmos.

This earth connection happens naturally when you let go of control,
which means you stop over thinking and worrying about anything. Some
people control themselves with positive thoughts about how superior
they are and how much better they are than the rest of us. Some
people control themselves with negative thoughts about how inferior
and worse off they are than the rest of us.

Both the superior and inferior person are out of touch with reality.
Alas, both of these mental states are false. When you are in this
false energy, you are not connected to your body and the cosmos.
Finding fault with yourself or others is the fastest way to feel bad
and miserable. Approving of yourself and others is the fastest way to
fool yourself into self-righteousness.

Yes, shutting off your Inner Critic is a skill you need to learn. And
you can learn it. It is not as hard as you think. Of course, once you
learn how to be assertive with your Inner critic and Inner Snob, you
have to keep an eye out to make sure they behave! Your Inner Snob is
harder to find and tame than your Inner Critic.

What this means is you need to practice everyday learning how read
the energy difference between your true nature and your positive and
negative egos. Study and use the guidance in the Opening the Heart
audio or Ebook; it is a great resource. Use quiet time, creative
mediation, body awareness, energy awareness and being in nature to
help you feel energy so you know what is happing to you in reality.

Once you know it is your Inner Snob that is blocking your healthy
energy flow, you can quickly switch out of your Inner Snob or Critic
into your natural, healthy, vibrant self. Immediately, you enjoy more
vibrant moments. The benefits and rewards of flowing energy for your
mental, emotional and physical health are remarkable. Flowing energy
keeps you safe and sane.


Learn to Read Energy: In the future everyone will read energy, just
like we read books now. Get a head start by learning the difference
between egos and true selves. Study the first thirty minutes of audio
in the Opening the Heart series over and over again until you
recognize other peoples’ egos and yours as soon as they show up!
Money-back guarantee. Successfully used by hundreds to achieve
emotional health. $97.00

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Tell the Difference Between The Truth and A Lie?


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Look Inward for Answers.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


A client who was conditioned to please others was having a hard time
paying attention to her own needs and desires. As a result, this
mother of three suffered from extreme anxiety and insecurity.
Unfortunately, her schoolteacher mother successfully taught her to
look to her mother, schools, books and experts for answers.

Early on, she learned to distrust herself and looked outward for all
her answers. She learned to become insecure and unsure of her own
inner knowings so successfully that she acted dumb around others and
they believed she was dumb and labeled her such. Psychologists and
teachers sometimes do great harm to our self-esteem.

The first time I met this mother of three I knew she was not dumb, it was
easy to sense her smarts. I also could feel her wonderful heart, full of love.
Take note dear ones of what you have learned that is not true about you. Take
three deep breaths and reset your truth barometer so you can tell the
truths from the lies. You can learn to feel the huge difference between
a lie and the truth. There are lots of false beliefs outside of you. You may
have learned to believe some of them about yourself and others.

In the last session I had with my smart and loving client, she
started to ask me questions at the end of the session. I had to
remind her that I did not have her answers. She pressured me and I
like they have THE ANWER does not live in reality. No one has our answers.
Sometimes, we don’t even have our own answers because there are no

She “got it’ and told me to write about “no answers” in The Vibrant
Moment, so I did. All power is within. All answers are within. Look
inward and connect with Mother Earth and the Cosmos for the vibration
of truth.


FEEL THE DIFFERENCE: Learn to feel the energy difference between a
lie and the truth by trusting your senses and paying attention to the
biofeedback from your physical body. The first half hour of the
three-hour Opening the Heart audio teaches you how to feel the
difference between out of control energy, controlled energy and
healthy flowing energy. Reading energy is an essential skill that
empowers you so you quickly become more secure and self-confident.
The first hour audio is “Feelings. The challenge of our species.”
Order all three hours of Opening the Heart for $97.00. Or order
“Feelings” for $47.00.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Experience Heaven on Earth

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Slow Down and Savor.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

My 10 commandments are quite different from the ones I learned in the
tiny country church where I was instructed on the Right Thing to do based
on the One authority that had all the answers—the Bible. I benefit
from many of the wise lessons in the Bible as well as all the other points
of view in the world.

Here is my alternative, holistic psychology commandment: “Thy shalt
not rush.”

So many people rush through life looking for “the vibrant moment.”
They long for a peak experience, a new “high” and a wondrous moment
of joy. From drugs, to traveling, to staying busy; alas, they do not,
cannot find true happiness anywhere. Indeed, I do my share of looking
for the peak in trees: from fantastically seeking the peak of the red
trees in Vermont, like a mad woman in a rental car, to searching for
the peak cherry blooms in Philadelphia. I miss the moment.

This year, I just missed the glorious peak on the River Drive, bummer.
And, the peak in the Japanese Garden, terrible. And, due to weather
and a scheduled massage, it appears that I will miss the peak in my
Cherry Grove in Fairmount Park. So, taking myself to task, practicing
what I know— I let go of control and relaxed last night.

Boom, vibrant moments are all around me. I had a great night’s sleep,
yummy. I woke up early and am enjoying each moment as I move through
space and write my newsletter to you, my beloved readers. Thank you for
reading me, some of you, for many years. I turn 75 tomorrow and am
grateful I have enjoyed so many vibrant moments through out my life.

Bless you. The more you slow down and savor the moment you are living
in, the more vibrant moments you will have. Rush not through your life
looking for something. You will not be fulfilled. You enjoy the feeling
of being in “heaven on earth” when you stop looking outside yourself.
What you are doing in the moment, washing the dishes, is where you
find true happiness.

Letting go of control and relaxing your physical body is the key.
Become like melted butter becoming one with gravity and the cosmos.
Boom, you enter the giant flow of energy that feels wonderful, whole
and delicious.


STOP RUSHING YOUR BODY!! Your body hears every thought you have and
responds. Your autonomic nervous system cannot relax your muscles if
you rush and scare it with thoughts of what you have to do. Study the
information in the tele-seminar, “Hear Your Body Talking,”
to become more relaxed and in the moment. Your physical body is
reality. One hour, $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:


REMOVE GUILT ENERGY: Learn how to say NO to guilt and judgment by
listening to this one-hour personal growth audio, “Find Peace Beyond
Guilt and Judgment.” Order mp3, only $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

What is an Emotion? What is a Feeling? Use Energy to Know Truth

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Research Your Emotions.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


What is an emotion? What is a feeling?

The misinformation about emotional energy is abundant online. Many websites do not know the difference between a depressed mental state and a true emotion, like sadness. Because of this confusion, medical practitioners quickly give you medication to avoid the natural grief process. The natural grief process is essential for your mental health.

Unfortunately, I have also found incorrect information about emotional energy in research studies conducted by academic people for decades. Researchers do not know the difference, even though psychologist’s studies prove otherwise, that a conditioned response like guilt is learned. Guilt is not an emotion. Guilt is a conditioned response, often used to control you. When you feel guilty do you please others and create resentment? 

Emotions are not learned, they are innate. Yet, positive psychologists tell you that joy is a mind set. All you have to do is choose to be happy. Joy is not a mind set. Joy is an emotion. Emotions are physical. They are real, honest to goddess, energy in motion. Emotions are not rigid and still, they move as soon as you allow yourself to feel them. Research your own emotions and fall in love with your emotional self.

Your emotions have a “mind” of their own. You do not get to choose what you feel. You only get to choose whether or not to feel what is real. What you feel will be based on reality. When you are not in touch with reality, you become anxious. The more you avoid your emotions, the more anxious you become because your emotions are real.

Instead of trying to control your emotions and force them to behave as you want, let their colorful energy take you on exciting journeys into physical and metaphysical realities. Open your solar plexus and heart so you can experience the earth adventures your soul longs for. Allow yourself to experience the emotional energies on planet earth so you can relax and enjoy more vibrant moments.

All emotions are colorful. All colors are equal. All emotions are equal. All emotions are healthy. All colors and emotions are necessary for mental health and well-being. Your emotions operate on the laws of physics.

When you face your real fear of emotional energy, the natural process of transformation automatically takes you to freedom and joy. All you have to do is stop trying to control the outcome. The second hour of “Opening the Heart” is called, “Fear. The pathway to freedom and joy.” Your real fear keeps you safe and sets you free.


RESEARCH YOUR EMOTIONS: Know the truth by learning how to feel the energy difference between your emotions and your learned, conditioned behavior. The Opening the Heart audio teaches you how to recognize these difference energies in the first half hour. Say no to guilt, judgments and mental states. Say yes to your authentic emotions, which lead you to your heart, body and soul energy. When you love your emotional self, vibrant moments are common experiences and bring you great joy, even in your sorrow. Experience heaven on earth as your soul longs to do in everyday life.

Read more and order, Opening the Heart audio:


How to Improve Your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Seek Love Energy.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Do you run toward genuine love or away from it?

Here is a helpful question I learned to ask my clients during my
supervision with Dr. Joe Wolpe. “Tell me three things you like about
yourself.” Take time now to answer this question for yourself. Write
your answers down on a piece of paper and notice how you feel. Was it
easy or hard to come up with three things about you that you consider
worthy of loving?

I love my highly sensitive nature. After years of rejecting my
ability to feel the “pea underneath all the mattresses,” I love the
fact that I feel physical vibrations before many others can feel
them. My highly sensitive nature is helpful, cool, wondrous and
worthy of being loved. I no longer feel sorry for myself that I feel
“everything.” Instead, I reap the benefits of being more relaxed and

Love energy not only feels good to you, it also makes you physically
stronger. This divine energy creates a physical body that is
healthier because of its radiant energy. Vital energy improves the
health of your cells and radiates outward off your body into the
space around you. Others can see, hear, taste, smell and feel your
glow because it is palpable. It is this whole body physical state
that gives you a vibrant moment which is a heavenly body experience
on the earth plane.

If it was not easy for you to name three things you love about
yourself, use your intention to become more self-accepting of your
true nature. It may take a few years to honestly accept some parts of
yourself that you find fault with now, but any effort you put into
improving your self-esteem is worth the effort. If you find yourself
running away from love and hiding in your ego energy, I encourage you
to be brave.

In order to receive love you must consciously and deliberately remove
your mental judgments against yourself and others. Judgments are
expressed as thoughts. Humans create thoughts and suffer because of them.
For good mental health, we need to live in physical reality instead of our
mental thoughts. Do not hesitate to invest in yourself to become braver
and more assertive.

The rewards of more love energy in your physical body are great. As
we age, we need strong, healthy energy even more than we did before!
Ain’t that the truth?

REMOVE SELF-JUDGMENT: Learn how to stop rejecting your true nature
with this one-hour personal growth audio, ”Find Peace Beyond Guilt
and Judgment.” $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Get Rid of Mental Judgments


Order the Special Report: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive
Person.” Let Dr. Jeanette guide you through the process of accepting,
developing and using your natural gifts to your advantage. 31-page,
PDF file, $19.97.

Read about the HSP and order: Who is a Highly Sensitive Person

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Relax, Achieve Emotional Health and Improve Self-Confidence

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Accepting is Powerful.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Getting my post-doc at Temple Medical School with Dr. Joe Wolpe, had
many perks. One of them was meeting famous psychologists in person
for a master seminar. Meeting Dr. Albert Elias, a tall thin, wiry man
who appeared to be quite anxious, even though he reassured us he was
very relaxed comes up in my mind as I write The Vibrant Moment for
this month. Dr. Elias was sure his Rational-Emotive Therapy could
cure any mental health problem and make you as happy as he.

As I remember him and his approach, is reminds me of the current
Positive Psychology approach. Dr. Martin Seligman started this
movement, which is also rational, and tells you that all you have to
do is made the choice to think positive and be positive. After over
45 years of exploring consciousness and looking for ways to empower
us to enjoy life more, I do not find either of these rational
approaches to be effective in living a relaxed-in-the-body life of
authenticity and integrity.

Shakespeare, the best psychologist I know, said it clearly, the
choice you have as a human being is “To be or not to be.” In the
flesh, you cannot change who you are. You were born a unique bundle
of joy and lo and behold, that is the energy you are working with in
this lifetime. The question is what are you doing with your innate
energy? Are you inhibiting your light or accepting your light?

Often we make ourselves wrong and call ourselves bad when we feel sad,
angry and afraid. Being sad, angry and afraid is normal and healthy if
you live in reality. When you are true to yourself, you are a part of
nature. Like nature, you wax and wane; you do not choose when to wax
and when to wane. Life events, like the weather, affect you and you
effect life events.

To enjoy more vibrant moments, relax and be yourself in the moments
of life’s up and downs. You can be present, feel grateful and be
loving toward yourself in any emotional or mental state. Hug yourself
and give yourself more love, no matter what you feel or what is
happening to you. Include others in this love vibration and you feel
good all over.


ACCEPT YOURSELF: The first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species,” teaches you
the energy difference between your ego energy and your true-self
energy. Learn how to accept your colorful emotions and enjoy your
unique vibrations. Also, you are guided into finding your emotional
self so you heal the parts of you that need to be healed. The other
two hours in the Opening the Heart series are on fear and hurt.
Recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming
vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better holistic
health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How Can You tell if Your Relationships are Healthy?

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Relate equally.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology

Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher



How healthy are your relationships with others? 

How healthy is your relationship with yourself? 

The answer to one is the answer to the other. How you relate to others is how you relate to yourself. Most of us relate to ourselves sometimes with love and sometimes with judgment. The more loving you are, the healthier you are. Therefore, is not a surprise that when we are self-accepting, our relationships are healthier and when we are self-rejecting, we feel rejected. 

However, did you know that relationships cannot be healthy unless they are equal? 

Equality is a reliable way to measure how healthy any relationship is at any point in time. When you are feeling superior or inferior to the other person, you are in an unhealthy relationship dynamic. For example, when I used to feel superior to others because I was such a good, righteous person, I did not have many genuine friends. I felt alone because I was on a pedestal where healthy relationships cannot exist. Your Self-righteous Ego Energy is not only unhealthy for you, it physically repels all the vibrant energy around you. 

When I used to feel inferior to Divine Energy, I could not communicate and connect with the invisible energies on the planet. I felt alone and did not know how to fulfill my soul’s purpose because I was hiding in my Inadequate Ego Energy. Take note of your defensive positions and how often they physically keep the abundant healthy energy of the cosmos from reaching you. 

You must come down to earth and out of the darkness in order to live in The Vibrant Moments of life. Other people cannot reach you when you are on a pedestal. Your Sage cannot reach you if you are hiding in a dark cave. In contrast, since I was a child, I have felt love for Mother Earth, as well as loved by her. When I was sad, I would go sit under the weeping willow tree and share my deep sorrow with her. Afterwards, I always felt better and more resilient, ready for whatever came next. 

You can use equality as a scientific measure to reveal when you are stuck in an unhealthy relationship. Equality is the only physical reality that creates an open, empathic, healthy energy flow between you and others. As you notice how you relate to others, you could be surprised at how many people you do not feel comfortable with. It is also helpful to notice how you relate to different parts of yourself. Do you relate equally to your body, your emotional self, your Inner Critic? Do you judge your male energy and accept your feminine energy?

At any moment you can move from your superior or inferior position to an equal position. Notice what happens when you shift out of your ego into your accepting, non-judgmental self. When you feel more relaxed and comfortable being yourself, this invites others to relax and feel comfortable with you. 

Enjoy getting to know deeper parts of yourself as you get closer to others.


RELATE EQUALLY: The first section of the Opening the Heart audio series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species,” teaches you the energy difference between superior, controlled energy and inferior, out of control energy so you learn when you are not feeling equal. Learn how to drop into the natural flow of yourself and find your unique vibrations. Next you are guided into finding your emotional self so you can heal the parts of you that need to be healed. The other two hours in the Opening the Heart series are on fear and hurt. Recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better holistic health. $97.00, money-back guarantee. 

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The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into physical reality and succeed in relating equally to all things. Say goodbye to anxiety and hello to equality. Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove conditioned responses from your nervous system so you improve relaxation and self-confidence. $199.97, money-back guarantee. 

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If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: