Economic Suicide Prevention: Develop Authentic Self Confidence

pinktree.jpg The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Move beyond your ego.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor
Live at the Edge:


What part of you do you identify with?  Your ego or
your authentic self?

Your ego is your learned self which looks outward for
approval. You pay attention to others and seek their
approval.  You get upset and inhibit yourself when
others disapprove of you.

Your authentic self does not seek or need approval from
outside sources.  Your authentic self is strong, healthy
and happy because you get your energy from the pure,
authentic sources of energy in the world.  You are strong
and solid because you know who you are and you know you
are worthy.

Most of us have heard the stories of men jumping out of
windows during the Great Depression.  The Great Recession
is also causing a dramatic increase in suicides.

In Italy, suicides motivated by economic difficulties
increased 52 percent in 2010. In Greece, the suicide rate
among men increased more than 24 percent from 2007 to
2009. The men who kill themselves are identifying with
their ego. They do not have an authentic sense of self.

Do you identity with your relationship? Money? Work?

If your identity, which is how you see yourself, is
cemented in your relationship, your money, your success,
then you will be in great despair if your relationship,
your money or your success disappears.  This is true of
any outside factor you use to determine if you are
worthy or not.

Your ego is a false sense of self that is based on what
you think you should and should not be. This is a
dangerous place to live.  Instead move beyond your ego.

Get to know your authentic self and let its authentic
energy make you strong, solid and worthy.  You want a
genuine self-confidence that does not suddenly disappear
if you lose your relationship, money or fail at what
you do.


Heart” audio and eBook teaches you how to find,
accept, love and follow your authentic self and say
goodbye to your ego.  $19.97-$97.00.

Read more and order at:


NEED RELATIONSHIP ADVICE?  Learn the “7 Steps to
Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.”
This special report tells you the exact action steps
that will take you into an authentic sense of self so
that you do not fall apart when you have relationship
problems. Move beyond your ego and become solid in
your relationship.  $9.97.


May 5, Nature Workshop in Cape May, New Jersey. Let Mother
Nature and Dr. Jeanette show you the energy difference
between your ego and your powerful authentic self so you
can feel solid and worthy when others disapprove of you.

Sign up now:

Questions? Concerns?
Call 215-732-6197 or email me back.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Add Communication Skills, Assertiveness Training to Personal Growth Toolbox


Stand your ground, Red Earth Pow Wow, Doris Jeanette

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Be assertive.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Mentor, Energy Coach
Live at the Edge:


The two most effective tools I learned from my early
years spent training and studying as a Behavior
Therapist, Sex Therapist and Feminist Therapist were:

1. Relax and reduce your anxiety for better mental,
emotional, sexual and physical health.

2. Be assertive. Do not be aggressive or passive
because people will not like you.  Be assertive.
Assertiveness is effective. If you are passive or
aggressive you feel bad and don’t get what you
want. Lose-lose.

When you are assertive, you get what you want and
most of the time everyone is happy. Assertiveness
ensures a win-win situation.

Therefore, if you want to be stronger and healthier
in mind and body, you must learn to use the tools of
anxiety reduction and assertiveness to your advantage.

The current psychological treatments today have
forgotten these two extremely effective tools.
Every therapist and psychologist of any nature or
variety needs Relaxation Therapy and Assertiveness
Training in their tool box. Then they will reach in
their tool box at the correct moment and teach you
how to relax and how to be assertive.

If you have not taken courses and classes in these
two rock-bottom, effective, no-nonsense personal
growth areas, you need to consider how much value
they would add to your daily life.  If you cannot
find an in-person Assertiveness Training and Anxiety
Reduction course to take, take the online versions.
Online versions are also effective teaching tools.

After you take a basic course in Assertiveness
Training, you need to continue to practice your new
skills in your daily life. Practice is the only way
to get comfortable with your new communication skills.
You need to practice your assertiveness skills over
and over again until they become your new default.

However, be careful.  Practicing without reliable
feedback can be a bit risky.  You could fall into your
old habits of being passive or aggressive and not even
know it.

Look for safe places to practice and skillful teachers
to guide you into relaxing and being assertive so you
get exactly what you want.

What is your experience with relaxation and
assertiveness?  Put your feelings, experiences
and thoughts into the comment box below.


NEED A PLACE TO PRACTICE? My twice a year Nature
Workshops are great places to practice your new
communication skills. This year the Cape May, NJ
Spring workshop’s theme is Assertive Communication.
You will have plenty of exercises and opportunities
to practice being assertive and I will lovingly give
you feedback about your new communication skills.
All day, $200.00.

Sign up now to get the feedback and practice you need:


LOOKING FOR ONLINE COURSES?  Check out the anxiety
reduction course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Learn
all you need to know to successfully begin to reduce
your anxiety for increased holistic health.

Read more and sign up for the course:

“Although I am only 3 lessons into the course it already
has been well worth the investment.  Knowing what to do
during an anxiety attack helps so much.  Many times I
would wake early in the morning and couldn’t go back to
sleep because of my racing thoughts.  Now I can go back
to sleep every time I do the breathing and comforting
exercises.” Heather, mother of four


the Holistic Psychology Mentoring Program.  Classes and
discussions take place online and on the phone.  For
as little as $69.00 a month, get the help you need to
add relaxation training to your holistic health
practice. You do not need a degree, any holistic health
person can join.

Check out the details and sign up:

Questions?  Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Earth Day is Everyday: Good Vibrations Come From Trees


Being hugged by a weeping cherry tree, Kelly Drive, Philadelphia, 2012 taken by new friend on her iphone.

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Feel what is around you.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


This week I am going to give you an exercise to do with any
tree of your choosing. Pick a tree that you like and that feels
good to you. Then go sit with your back against the tree. Try
to relax into the ground and against the tree. If you have
children, do this tree body energy awareness exercise with

As you sit with your back against the tree, use your senses
to feel everything you can. Especially be on the lookout for
something new and different.

Do you feel any sensations, tiny movements or energy:
In the tree?
In your body?
Between you and the tree?
Between you and the earth?
In the ground?

If you cannot feel anything, take a deep breath and relax
even more into your body and into the ground and into the tree.
Sit with your tree in silence until you feel and sense something
new and different for you. If you are anxious, it could take a while.

However, when you become patient you will relax into the physical
reality around you.  Then, who knows, you could feel the essence of
the tree or the essence of you.

You could also:
Feel a connection between you and the tree.
Have a vibrant moment.
Feel the sap of the tree as it moves in the tree.
Get a message that you need to know to move forward.
Be intoxicated with joy when you get up and walk away.
Smile at everyone you see on the way home.

I would love to know what happens when you give this tree body
energy awareness exercise a try.  You can email me to have a direct
communication with me. I love getting feedback and will respond to you.

Or you can post your comments in the box below. Share your
thoughts, feelings and experiences with all of us.

It would be helpful to have a dialogue about personal growth, self-
improvement and full bodied living.  People could read what you think
and know and you can read what they have experienced and know.  A
little group energy would add depth and richness to our personal
growth and self-improvement journey.

You might enjoy reading the comments a reader of The Vibrant Moment
wrote about a recent newsletter.  The one I shared about how the double
blossom, bright pink cherry trees helped me have my first vibrant moment
as an adult.

You can read how she connected with a
tree in her past:

Click on the comment button to read her story. And register if you want to
share your stories with others.  Feel free to ask me questions if you need to
know how this blog works.

You could tell us what you learned when you tried the tree exercise.  After all,
I am dying to know if you tried the tree exercise and what happened when
you slowed down and relaxed enough to feel the tree that picked you.


Melt Stress Away: Relaxation Training and Techniques Audio: After
many years of resistance, I have finally made a relaxation training audio
to teach you how to relax. There have always been so many relaxation
audios available, I did not see the value of putting yet another on the market.
Well, so many of the audio on the market do not have relaxed voices and are
not effective so I have overcome my resistance.  If you want a comforting,
relaxing guide to teach you how to relax so you can feel more of the reality
around you order my how to relax audio for $29.97.

For a CD:

For mp3:


NEED HELP FEELING AND SENSING? Sign up for the May 5, Nature
Workshop in Cape May, New Jersey. Let Mother Nature and Dr. Jeanette
teach you how to become more aware of the energy that is inside and
outside of you.  Improve your holistic health and have fun at the same

Sign up now:

The workshop is limited to 10 people to give you personal time to work
on your chosen issues.  4 places are available.


Psychology Mentoring Program.  Classes and discussions take place
online and on the phone.  For as little as $69.00 a month, get the help
you need to add relaxation training to your holistic health practice.
You do not need a degree, any holistic health person can join.

Check out the details and sign up:

Questions?  Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


For Holistic Health, Improve Your Relationship With Your Body


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  To respond to your body.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Most people don’t like to talk about the body, smell the body,
hear the body or pay attention to the body.  Unless of course,
the body is perfectly presented and posed for everyone to
look at and admire.

From my observations, as a holistic psychologist with 35 years
of clinical experience, this is one of the major source problems
of all mental, emotional and physical diseases.  And I will be
so bold as to say that the results of ignoring your body do not
need an artificially contrived study to back up its common sense.

There are many facts that are plain to see.  All you have to do is
pay attention to what you and other people are doing to become
more aware of natural laws, facts and vital information that could
make you healthy, strong and happy.

Here is one of my simple observations that might help you
become more aware of how you ignore your body and the
consequences that could occur if you continue to ignore your

I am sitting at my computer working on a project.  Totally
concentrating on getting all the needed words, photos, links and
such in place.  I am eager to finish and go outside to play.

It is spring after all and all the trees and plants are blooming and
I want to spend some quality time with the cherry trees over lunch.
I am concentrating so hard on what I am doing, I ignore the
rumbling sensations in my lower body.

I keep working and thinking. I want to finish posting one more
press release before I quit.  My body speaks again, I don’t want to
move, I want to finish this up so I can go play. I ignore my body’s
communication again and again.

Now, what do you think the body does? It gets louder and more
serious. The magnificent intestinal system begins to interfere and
interrupt what I am doing in no uncertain terms. Finally, the body
succeeds and I rush to the bathroom.

After many years of ignoring the needs of the intestinal system,
the results could be in a complete physical breakdown such as
colitis and colon cancer.

Imagine all the bodily sensations in your stomach that you have
to ignore when you are overweight.  Just think of all the loud
messages your body is sending you when you overwork, overdrink
and under sleep.

Therefore, one of the major actions you can take immediately to
become healthier is to improve your relationship with your body.

You need to listen to your body, smell your body, hear your body
and respond to your body when it needs something from you.

I have a deal with my body not to ignore my intelligent
intestines when they speak anymore– no matter what.


HEAR YOUR BODY TALKING: The holistic psychology
audio, “Hear Your Body Talking” teaches you the 3 reasons
you have a body.  You also receive guidance to help you pay
more attention to the vital information about what your body
needs to be healthy and strong. One hour personal growth
audio, $29.97.

Read more and order:


Nature Workshop in Cape May, New Jersey. Let Mother Nature
and Dr. Jeanette give you hands-on guidance in how to drop
down into your body so you are more aware of what your
body is feeling and needing. Learn how to get grounded and
stay ground for more holistic health.
Sign up now:

The workshop is limited to 10 people to give you personal
time to work on your chosen issues.  4 places are still available.


BECOME A BODY AWARE PROFESSIONAL: Join the Holistic Psychology
Mentoring Program.  Classes and discussions take place online
and on the phone.  For as little as $69.00 a month, get the help
you need to add body language and body awareness to your
holistic health practice. You do not need a degree, any holistic
health person can join.

Check out the details and sign up:

Questions?  Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:
