Color Therapy: The Power of Pink for Personal Growth

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Fall in love with pink.





The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Wear Pink.
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


How do you feel around pink?
Does pink attract you or repel you?

In 2006, a small county jail in Texas started using pink. They dressed their inmates in pink jumpsuits and made them sleep on pink sheets and wear pink slippers. Even the walls and the bars of the cells were painted pink.

“I wanted to stop reoffenders,” the sheriff of Mason County, Clint Low, told the Associated Press. The pink jumpsuits were intended to act as a deterrent and stop inmates returning to jail, the pink walls were intended to calm tempers at the cramped prison.

The sheriff reported that the reoffending rate was down by 70% since he introduced the pink regime. He added that there have been no fights among inmates since the walls were painted pink. According to the sheriff, the men did not like pink so they behaved themselves to avoid the pink in the jail.

No fights? Amazing. Pink stops violence? Wow! Do these results make you stop and consider the power of pink? Most women, not all, but most, are comfortable wearing pink.

Pink is a heart color. Pink makes us feel good all over because we feel loved. We love pink and enjoy being around pink. Sensitive men are usually comfortable around pink and can wear pink with self-confidence. But your typical male or criminal does not often show up wearing beautiful shades of pink.

Perhaps the sheriff’s reason the pink jail had such a powerful effect on his criminals is incorrect. Maybe being around all that pink energy and pink vibrations actually changed how these men felt about their feelings, authentic emotions, and loving heart. Maybe the pink in the jail actually transformed these criminals into better citizens.

After all, in regular life, men are not allowed to wear, love, and enjoy pink. Men are taught to avoid pink and never be soft and tender. Pink is female, girly, and gay. Could it be that spending time in the presence of pink vibrations transformed these men into better citizens because their emotional vibrations changed?

I suspect the men enjoyed being hugged all over by the loving heart, pink energy. Yummy. A follow up study is certainly needed to see if these men changed their relationship to pink. Then we could discover the real reason these men did not want to break the law and be mean anymore.

In any case, check out the power of pink for yourself.


COLOR THERAPY: Love is pink and blue. Both blue and pink have loving vibrations. This home study course, “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound,” is a great introduction to using color therapy. The six primary colors are paired with sound and body movements to help you get more energy and different vibrations in your body and energy field. Learn which colors you are avoiding and which ones you need. It is playful and fun. Use alone, in color therapy groups, or with children. PDF format, 40 pages, $19.97.

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Special Free Bonus: Order the color therapy guide, “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound” before Sunday, May 4 and get the special report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for free.

This report explains the steps you need to take to become emotionally secure and healthy in or out of relationships. 13 pages, $9.97, PDF format.


BECOME MORE EMOTIONAL: Men have emotions and need love just as much as women. Study the Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” Buy at Amazon for $3.99

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Mental Health Advice: Celebrate Earth Day with Cherry Trees

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Fall in love with cherry trees.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Close to Trees.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


How do you honor Earth Day?
How do you stay healthy in mind and body?

Put in your intention to honor Mother Earth on Earth Day 2014 in some way that benefits you. Nature is your mother and the closer you are to her healthy ways, the better. If you have wandered off and away from Mother Earth into your computer and cell phone, it is time to come back to her.

If you feel depressed, down, tired, lonely, or looney, find a tree to spend the day with or at least a few hours. My favorite trees, which are in bloom right now, in the marvelous Philadelphia area, are the cherry trees.

There are many varieties and the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia has blessed our city with an abundance of cherry trees to sit under. I know many of these cherry trees personally and visit as they reach their peak: some on foot, many on bicycle, and some out of town in the country gardens. This past weekend I was at Morris Arboretum on Saturday and Tyler Arboretum on Sunday.

When you find a tree to spend the day with, notice how you change and shift over the course of the time you spend with your tree. Each tree is different. Every tree has a purpose, with a unique energy that it gives to you, a recent human being on the planet.

I hope you are able to find a cherry tree to connect with for a few hours. If you do, please notice how the cherry trees affect your body and mood. Pay attention to your energy field and how you feel as you leave your tree. Write me and tell me what you notice. I would love to collect a little research.

You need to take a blanket so you can relax on the ground in comfort. You could bring an old fashion book, pen, and paper to journal with, but nothing to keep you in beta brainwaves for long.

You want to let go of control and resonate with the energy of the cherry tree. Take a nap; change your body position to stay comfortable. Walk around; look at the blooms often against the blue sky. Feel the ground, your body, and all the energy around you. Drop down into gravity.

When you relax into the vibrations of the tree, you will know it.  You will feel different.  After all, you are moving out of the boring, controlling mind, into the full body experience of being alive in the physical world around you.

Appreciate the fact that you have entered a vibrant moment.  Enjoy and repeat.


LOW ENERGY? If you are down, depressed, and sad, learn more about depressed energy and how you learned to feel helpless. Next, discover effective mind-body ways to shift your energy into a more positive, proactive life experience. Order the one hour self help audio, “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free.” $29.97

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GIVE UP CONTROL: Depressed energy is too slow. Anxiety is too fast. Neither is helpful. Learn more about the different energies in you. Study the Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” The first section shows you how to create more vibrant moments by learning how to notice the slow and fast energies in your body. Buy at Amazon for $3.99

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Heart Health: Heal Your Heart From Broken Heart Syndrome

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Order Dr. Jeanette’s Book, “How to Heal a Broken Heart and Stop the Hurt: Mend Your Relationship Heartache with Self Love” on Amazon.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Heal Your Heart.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Are you afraid of losing a loved one?

For the second time in my life I was in a full-blown panic. I knew my 85-year-old mother’s heart was out of rhythm and planed to visit her in two weeks when her treatments were scheduled.  However, her physician just informed her, based on her stress test, that she had had a heart attack sometime within the last seven years that she did not know she had experienced. Due to the heart attack, he wanted to move up the procedures he hoped would correct her heart problem. He was afraid.

Over my 36 years of being in clinical practice, I have noticed the pattern that women and men often experience anxiety and panic attacks after one or both of their parents die. What is this panic and anxiety that gets triggered? I learn a great deal about human nature by observing myself as well as others.

The first time I experienced panic was when I thought my lover was going to leave me. Panic and anxiety are not the same thing as fear. Panic overwhelms you and consumes you. Its energy is sudden, intense and you are at its mercy unless you have the tools to transform its overwhelming energy into real fears, real problems, and real solutions.

What about you?

When you lose a deep, strong emotional connection with another human being or animal what happens inside of you? You may have experienced a high pitched anxiety and denied it. Or, you may have acknowledged that you were in a panic. In either case, it will help you now, if you become more aware of your real fear and irrational anxiety. Then you will handle your inevitable losses without being blind-sided by denial.

In addition, if you have ever experienced an emotional pain or loss that you have not healed, your heart is weak because it is still broken. The Broken Heart Syndrome, also called, stress cardiomyopathy, is real and scientifically established. For more information visit the American Heart Association.

Unfortunately, modern medicine can only correct Broken Heart Syndrome by repairing the physical damage after it has occurred. This means it is your job to heal your physical heart from past and current emotional pain. The only way to mend your heartache is to become emotionally healthy and strong. Healing your heart is an emotionally expressive and energetic process that occurs over time, resulting in a stronger physical heart.

I was the child that loved to go away from mother and explore the world. I did not get easily scared and run back to her for security. Nevertheless, my panic was strong, real, and humbling.  As soon as I was able to rearrange everything so I could go to her side, my panic receded. I was no longer helpless. Real fears, real problems, and real solutions returned.

All three of mother’s children were by her side as she successfully moved through her medical procedures. She saw our smiling faces before and after her surgeries. She was bathed in the love she gave us. Her heart is back in tune and all is well.

However, her death is inevitable as is mine. I am moving forward in being present with myself as her death process unfolds. You too, can prepare for inevitable emotional losses by becoming emotionally stronger and more secure.

The human heart is weak when emotions are blocked, denied, or exaggerated. However, your heart is amazingly resilient when love is the energy that radiates outward. Love is the strongest energy on this blue planet. Make sure your heart is full of love!


BREAK UP OR DIVORCE PAIN? Whether your emotional loss was in the past or recent, make sure you completely recover and heal your heart. In this special report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up,” learn the essential steps that heal your broken heart and mend your heartache. Taking these steps make sure you become emotionally stronger. “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up,” 13 pages, PDF, $9.97, money back guarantee.

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HEAL YOUR BROKEN HEART: The Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love” leads you through the journey of healing your heart. Learn about the difference between healthy and unhealthy energies, understand the reason you need to heal your emotional self, explore your blocks to healing, learn the difference between fear and anxiety and much more. Buy at Amazon for $3.99

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NEED HELP REDUCING ANXIETY? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. It gives you the tools you need to leave panic and anxiety behind you. Learn to pay attention to success instead of failure, live with real fears instead of irrational thoughts, and get real solutions instead of staying stuck in never-ending problems.

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Self-Esteem Tip: Reduce Your Anxiety to Get Comfortable



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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Comfortable.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Being comfortable with yourself is not simple, easy, or clear. One person can be self-confident about how they dress, another feels proud when they create new software. One person can be sure of how they relate to others, while another is certain they can make plenty of money. However, these single talents do not necessarily create a person who is comfortable with themselves as they move about the world.

Consider, the loud-mouthed man in the train car behind me right this minute. He is saying over and over again, “It doesn’t matter what you think about me. All that matters is what I think about me. I am the only one who stands in my way.” He is saying all the “right” things that could make you “think” he posses self-confidence.

However, from his volume, tones, pitch and energy you know he is suffering from extremely low self-esteem. His repetition could indicate a more serious mental health problem. In any case, he thinks he has self-esteem and he does not.

Often, the people who think they are self-confident and are not, are the ones in charge of Every-Thing. Every-Thing refers to governments, religions, corporations, banks, education, medicine, and psychology. These are the people who run the world and tell us what we can do and what we cannot do and how we must do what we do.

So, what is this elusive thing called self-esteem? Where is it and how can you get more of it?  Being comfortable with yourself in your physical body, in space, is the true measure of self-confidence. Naturally, the more situations you are comfortable in, the better.  Also, take note of when you are comfortable being uncomfortable.

It is only a self-confident man who admits he doesn’t know something, needs help, and is confused. It is the self-confident woman who admits she is fearful, anxious, or unsure. Becoming comfortable with all the different aspects of your body, mind, and heart is the pathway to genuine self-esteem. There are plenty of aspects to being human that will keep your personal growth and professional development programs active for the rest of your life.

So, no matter where you rate yourself on self-esteem, take note of the places you are comfortable and enjoy them. Comfortable means relaxed, with little tension in your body. Comfortable means no thought in your mind that makes you feel bad and tighten up.

Pay attention to the times you are uncomfortable and see what makes you anxious. Invest time, effort, and money into reducing your anxiety. Without anxiety, you become more comfortable in more places, with a greater variety of people. The more your anxiety comes down, the more your self-esteem goes up.

The more self-confidence you have, the more comfortable you are being in the world. Soon, you kick back and enjoy being yourself in a situation where you used to be uncomfortable. When you notice this new behavior, you are surprised and pleased with yourself.


NEED HELP BEING COMFORTABLE? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. Leads you step by step into feeling your body and being more comfortable with its many aspects. Learn how to tame your inner critics, breathe, feel your emotions, and have more fun being comfortable in lots more places.

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BECOME MORE ASSERTIVE: Psychological research has shown that being assertive reduces your anxiety level in many situations. Consider how much better your life would be if you were comfortable with others and able to express yourself without anxiety.

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Relationship Advice: Get Rigidity Out of Your Body and Mind

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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: It Could Be You.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Walking up to my house, eager to get out of the cold, a 60ish looking man called out to me, “Hello Doris.” His energy stopped me as I was unlocking my door. I turned around to see an old, weathered man standing on the sidewalk I did not recognize. Yet, he knew me. Obviously, he wanted to talk, so I moved closer to see who he was.

When he started to speak again, I recognized him immediately as a man I did know who is in his fifties. About 10 years ago a friend of mine divorced him. He had always been friendly toward me, so I wanted to be as patient and loving as I could be.

However, let’s call him “Ralph,” has always been one of those people I am eager to get away from.  I have a visceral response of wanting to move away as fast as possible. Nevertheless, I was friendly with him because I could feel his need to connect. Our conservation quickly revealed that he has not talked to his son since the divorce. His emotional pain was palpable.

“Reach out to your son, you reach out to him, “I said in my motherly southern accent, as I headed toward my door because I was cold. He immediately talked about how crazy the family was and on and on. I said a few more times, “You are the adult, reach out to your son.” Finally, I said with complete honesty and heart felt compassion, “Give up your rigidity. Give up being right, give in. Give up your rigidity.”

I wished him well as I turned and went into my warm house and closed the door. His rigidity is what makes me want to get away from him. His rigidity is what makes his son not want to talk to him. His rigidity is what stops people from snuggling up with him. As a result, he is isolated, lonely and aging quickly.

My rigidity is what makes people want to get away from me. Your rigidity is what makes others want to get away from you. Take a look in the mirror. Feel your body. Where is the tension in your body? Trust me, you have some. Each week my massage therapist finds new spots and keeps working on the chronic painful areas.

You may not be as isolated as this lonely man but you are probably pushing people away without knowing that is what you are doing. Pay attention to when others consistently do not move closer to you. It could have something to do with you and your rigidity.

After you to get to know your rigidity, which is any sort of tension in your body, take responsibility for your ego persona. Label it; give it a name so you can talk about your false self with others. Mine is called Dr. Tightass. I know it is hard to see your rigidity but it is even harder to keep it. Rigid mind, bodies, and energy make you sick, lonely, and isolated.

Without your mental judgments you are soft, warm, and inviting. People move close and want to stay awhile.


PRACTICE BEING SOFT ON MAY 3: Come to Cape May, NJ Nature Workshop. Learn to let go of your rigidity, your mental judgments. Play with the dolphins, get hands-on practice feeling energy, and learn how to keep your vital energy grounded. All day, limited to 12 people, $200.00.

Sign up and read more:


YOU ARE LOVABLE: Private sessions are available on the phone or Skype to help you feel safe enough to be open. When others see who you really are, they come to you want to snuggle up with you. Order your private session for $200.00 before April 15 and get a free set of Opening the Heart mp3s worth $97.00.

Read more and order your private session now:
