How to Open Your Heart and Follow Your Bliss


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Present.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Do you know the difference between your super responsible ego energy
that is dictated by the “shoulds” your brain insists you must do AND
the glow of warmth living in your heart that calls out to you to
follow and express?

Many people have the belief that when they grow up they must be
responsible by being polite, good and right. This kind of
responsibility is heavy on your shoulders and does not lead to
vibrant moments. Ego energy is flat, heavy, rigid and makes you
anxious and insecure.

Even though my clients learn that it is their ego that makes them
anxious, they are afraid of letting go of their Perfect Selves. They
are sure they will be out of control and do the wrong thing if they
relax and stop taking care of others. Are you afraid of letting go of
control? Do you think you need your super responsible ego energy to
make you do the right thing?

If you want to experience freedom, joy and vibrant moments, you need
to challenge this false belief everyday. Even though I know my
defensive ego, Dr. Tight-ass, is what makes me unhappy, anxious and
helpless, I sometimes get fooled by her loud, bully voice in my head.
Every morning when I wake up I explore what is in my consciousness.
Shifting out of any ego energy hanging around me into my real
feelings immediately improves the knot in my stomach.

In the real, physical world you can trust your heart. Your heart is
tender, loving and kind. Its energy is like the sun, it radiates
energy outward and makes you strong, secure and sturdy. Your heart is
amazingly wise because it is connected to your body, Mother Earth and
the Cosmos. When you follow your heart, it leads you to freedom, joy
and a responsibility that is far more effective than that of your

Your heart does not blame, like your brain. When you follow your ego
you blame yourself and others. When you follow your heart you are
responsible for what you are experiencing. Compassion pours out of
you toward people and things. You do not deliver harsh judgments to
yourself or others. You stand in the batter’s box and show up —no
matter what.

With an open heart, you live in reality, instead of your thoughts
about reality. What this means is that you are aware of your body,
earth and cosmos as real energies that you interact with. When you
are in your thoughts, beliefs and ego, your body awareness is absent.
Use your body awareness was a reliable test to know if your ego is
present or not!

With an open heart and body awareness you accept and adjust to what
exists. You do not have expectations of how things should be. You
dive into your unconscious and come up with yucky stuff to transform.
No matter what society judges you about, the amount of
self-confidence you gain from living with an open heart is profoundly

The bottomline is that the more you avoid letting go of your
controlling ego, the more you experience helplessness, anxiety and
victimhood. So, step up to the plate and get ready to hit the ball.
It does not matter if you hit a home run or strike out, either is
just fine. You did your best. Whatever you do is good enough when
your heart is in charge.

Love yourself as you are right now in this moment. Reap the rewards
of being physically strong, relaxed and self-confident by putting
your heart in charge. The next time you feel down in the dumps, let
go of your defensive ego energy and see what happens. Email me your
results. I love to get feedback about your explorations of becoming
more self-aware.

FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTHS: Learn to tell the difference between your
true self and ego in the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species.” Practice
sensing your colorful vibrations as you receive guidance on how to
recognize your blaming ego energy. You are empowered as soon as you
accept yourself. Three hours of audio on feelings, fear and hurt,
recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming
vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better holistic
health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body so you can relax into it
and stay grounded. When you are grounded, you cannot be anxious.
Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove
conditioned responses from your nervous system so you can relax and
be self-confident. $197.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Stop Addictive Behaviors


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Have fun!
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

After studying the psychological dynamics causing addictive behavior
since 1976, I suspect that the root cause has been found. If you want
to lose weight, stop impulsive buying, no longer need legal or
illegal drugs, the solution is to have more fun. Yes, it appears that
people become addicted to “treating” themselves to unhealthy
behaviors because they are not allowing themselves to experience
enough pleasure in everyday life.

Wow, isn’t that wonderful? How delightful it is to give yourself
permission to add more genuine fun and pleasure to each day so that
you do not need to sneak your fun and pleasure in the back door. When
you feel deprived because your Inner Critic is making you wrong for
not working all the time, you become addicted to unhealthy things,
like food, drugs and gambling. Sex addiction would also be included
because sex addicts do not really enjoy the fantastic pleasure that
true lovemaking gives your whole body and soul.

So, my dear readers, please make sure you give yourself enough fun
and pleasure each day. Your emotional self needs fun; your body needs
pleasure. Create a holistic healthy practice each morning before you
get out of bed. Check in with what your emotional self and body need
to make you happy and satisfied.

If you do not have a loving relationship with your emotional self,
the Opening the Heart audio series is an effective guide. If you do
not have a loving relationship with your body, the Overcome Anxiety
Naturally home study course guides you into a physical reality that
reduces anxiety and depression.


STAND UP TO YOUR INNER CRITIC: Learn to listen to your emotional self
with the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio series called “Feelings.
The challenge of our species.” Practice sensing your true colorful
vibrations as you receive guidance on how to recognize your Inner Critic
energy. This knowledge is also very helpful in getting along with
other people. Three hours of audio on feelings, fear and hurt. Recorded
in a sound studio so my voice has healing, calming vibrations to resonate
with over and over again for better holistic health. $97.00, money-back

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body. Breathing and body
exercises strengthen your ability to remove conditioned responses so
you are assertive. $199.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Grieve and Avoid Depression and Anxiety

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Grieve When Sad.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Have you lost a job, your youth, money, or lover?

A reader asks, “The one year anniversary of my mother’s passing is
coming up soon. What do I do?”

When you feel sad you need to grieve. You may have lost a pet, a
friend, or a house. If you do not grieve when you have feelings of
sadness, your emotional energy gets stuck in your body because you
are holding on to your unexpressed grief. When you hold on to your
unexpressed feelings you suffer much more misery than needed.

According to Chinese Medicine, your lungs take on the disease of your
unexpressed grief. Although, I am sure your grief could get stuck in
many other places in your body. Nevertheless, you need to do
everything you can to help yourself feel sad when you feel sad so
this energy does not take hold in your body.

Sounds simple. However, since you have been conditioned to stop
feeling your feelings and emotions as soon as they occur, you need to
notice the means by which you stop yourself from feeling sad. I am
sure you have a lot of clever, effective defense mechanisms to
overcome. Pay attention to distractions and thoughts.

To counter condition your inhibitions you must learn how to stay with
your body feelings and emotional feelings. Your feelings of sadness will
surface naturally as you go about your day. When sadness occurs, take
a breath and exhale. When you exhale, relax your body and allow
yourself to feel your emotions.

Sometimes your feelings will be stronger and more intense than at
other times. It is helpful to know that holidays, anniversaries, and
new adventures are often triggers for a renewed wave of feeling sad.

Rituals are wonderful ways to honor the loss of your mother,
especially on her death anniversary. You can create any ritual that
means something to you to mark the occasion. Simple silent times
alone as well as being with loved ones are both helpful.

Be creative and honor your mother in anyway that feels good to you.
The essential ingredient is helping yourself move through the sadness
so you avoid getting stuck in heavy, dense, depressed energy. Neither
do you want to act like you are all over your loss and it does not
bother you anymore, which is denial.

Anytime you feel stuck in heavy energy sit down and put your hand on
the part of your body that feels tight. You also need to do this when
you are anxious and feel like you are in the spinning cycle of a
washing machine. Breathe into your tightness. When you exhale, let
go, and feel the emotion that is being held there.

When you feel your sadness you may cry and express your feeling in
some other fashion. Music, memories, photos, nature, and cooking help
me stay with myself in sadness. When I am cooking, I feel especially
close to mother. She is there with me as I slice a tomato, make a
delicious meal, or burn my finger.

Now that she has passed, the sadness of not having her to visit, in
the flesh, when I go to my North Carolina high school reunion this
spring is very, very sad.


FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS: Experience someone right there with you as you
feel sad and grieve your loss. This audio helps you stay with yourself in
your sadness. Receive love and comfort from the sounds of the relaxing
Opening the Heart audio. I made this audio to help you feel your emotions
and stay with yourself as needed along the pathway of your life.
This audio was made in a sound studio and is very relaxing, nothing to
distract you. Three hours guide you and help you stay in
your feelings, fear, and hurt. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Order and use often to feel your emotions:

Get written Ebook of “Opening the Heart” for free if you order by
Sunday, Feb. 28, worth $19.97.


ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Get specific help to relieve you of
guilt, judgment, anxiety, depression, bad body image, or racing
thoughts. Pick one and get another one for free from this holistic
psychology list of tele-seminars if you order by Sunday, Feb. 28.

Read and order:


If you want to experience more emotional and body awareness and do
not have local workshops available please email me. I will consider
doing a workshop in your area if it is a fun place to visit and if
you are able to gather ten people together for a workshop.


How to Get More Vital Energy by Feeling Your Emotions

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Accept What is Real.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Thank you, readers, for your feedback and questions. Keep them coming. Here is an important question about how to reach good mental health from a kind hearted reader who is stuck in confusion and intense mental anguish.

“I have enjoyed your emails for 5 years! Wow! Please write about how to learn to live in the HERE and NOW! And acceptance. I am a mom who is both blessed with two adult kids but I feel rejection about living here in North America … Them and my loving husband is what keeps me here. I am too attached to my past, because that’s what I know best and that is what made me “grow”! Somebody told me, your heart has to be in one place. What does it mean? I am from EU and live here more than half of my life!! I can’t either go back or stay. And the HERE and NOW is filled with tears and sadness … Unshared … because I am ashamed of not being able to enjoy the many blessings around me!”

For all of you, always remember that no matter what is going on inside of you there is a rational reason for what you feel. You have real problems that have real solutions. Your feelings and emotions are real. Never doubt reality.

Mother Nature knows what she is doing. Evolution knows what she is doing. As Einstein said, “God does not play with dice.” There is sanity in the universe; there is sanity inside of you. It is up to you to find your sanity!

Thank you for your question. Even though I may not hit the bullet mark with so little information about you, I know for sure that your feelings and emotions are not wrong or bad. It is only your thoughts about your feelings and emotions that are confused and irrational.

You are stuck in depression and dense energy because you tell yourself everyday that your feelings and emotions are WRONG and BAD. They are not. What you feel is what you feel. No more or less. Simple and profound. Feelings are real.

The reason you are stuck in such unpleasant, never-ending pain is because you are making your feelings and emotions wrong at every turn. Every day, all day long, your self-judgment is killing your heart, body, and soul. Your thoughts are irrational and unkind, creating your mental anguish.

You are hurting your real self every time you find fault with yourself. To feel better, you must stop finding fault with what is real. Instead of making your feelings and emotions wrong, accept them and let them move. The vital energy of your emotions is the potent energy that will move you forward into vibrant moments.

I assume you are too afraid to feel your strong emotions and feelings on your own. This is often the case because children are taught to control their feelings and emotions instead of feel them. Nevertheless, trying to control your feelings and emotions creates mental health problems.

Therefore, I recommend that you work with an emotionally safe professional who can help you unlearn your fear of your emotions so you can break free and enjoy life. If you do not have access to an emotionally safe professional you can receive emotional guidance and support by using the self-help “Opening the Heart” audio series.

The way to enter the Here and Now is to feel what you feel. Physical and emotional feelings put you squarely in the moment of that which is real. It does not matter what you feel. Just accept and love your real feelings and you enter the here and now.


ACCEPT YOUR FEELINGS: Feel better immediately when you accept what is real inside of you. Learn how to feel your emotions and stop making them wrong and bad. Get the help you need in overcoming your fear of your emotions. The Opening the Heart audio series is a three-hour comforting guide that helps you find, accept, and heal your emotional self. Hundreds of people have listened to the Opening the Heart audio again and again for relaxation as well as emotional guidance and information. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:

Already own Opening the Heart? Take one of the holistic psychology home study courses to accelerate your personal growth.

Home Study Courses:
1. “Overcome Anxiety Naturally,” $199.97
2. “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” $149.97
3. “Become a Better Lover,” $249.97


How to Feel Happy and Say Wow More Often

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Experience Wow Often.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach

When was the last time you said, “Wow!” out loud?
When was the last time someone else said, “Wow!” to you?

This is the first thing one of my current clients has been saying for the last few months when we connect on the phone. “Wow!” Her life is certainly not boring, mundane, or ordinary. What about yours?

The Vibrant Moment exists to make sure your life is not boring, mundane, or ordinary. When you are here on planet earth you have the opportunity to have lots of exciting adventures. Sometimes reality is hard and difficult but if you stay in your natural flow, you become stronger and wiser after the hard times.

Regular readers know my mother passed away last winter after about a year of sickness. I mention my life experiences from time to time to help you see how real people live in the flow. While staying in the hard times is difficult when you are grieving or in pain, know that when you get out of the hard times you will experience joy again.

After my exciting, loving, body awareness Nature Workshop this past weekend, I have been walking around my house rubbing my hands together because I am so excited. “Wow!” pops out of my mouth every few minutes. My energy has returned! I finally have some pep!

Awareness is such that you do not notice you are missing something until you get it. I knew I did not have much energy, grieving was using it all up. However, I did not know how ungrounded I was. I was trusting I would move through my grief and get my energy back. And … that is just what happened.

After working in the forest this week-end with a group of caring, open people, my legs are back to sturdy and strong. I have not felt this strong since I rushed to NC to be with my sick mother a year and a half ago. Honestly, the power I feel in my legs may be greater than before.

For sure, my joyful energy has returned and I feel good all over. Of course, my grieving is not over, but this difficult passage in my life has turned a corner. Now I am enjoying the benefits of transformation that come with grieving the loss of a loved one. More of me is present and available for healthy living and vibrant moments.

For you, stay with yourself wherever you are and trust your natural process. If you are in hard times, you will be back to experiencing “Wow!” soon. Just let go of trying to control anything or anyone and more of you will soon be present and available.

Keep the faith. Get grounded and enjoy the moment — whatever it is.


GET GROUNDED: If you want me to do a Nature Workshop in your area contact me. Perhaps we can make it happen. Your legs can feel stronger and more sturdy. If there is a location you will travel to such as Hawaii let me know.

Read about Nature Workshops:

Contact information at


GROUNDING AT HOME: Take the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally to get your mental energy grounded so you stop being anxious. Extremely effective. If you do the body exercises, you get results. Ten written lessons, five hours of audio, including the emotional health audio guide, Opening the Heart worth $97.00. Course is tax deductible for holistic health professionals as continuing education. Buy the entire home study course for $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Order before November 1 and get a free audio worth $29.97 of your choice at:

Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus in the check out box.


How to Follow Your Heart and Find Peace

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Seek Peace.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach

A reader asks, “What do I need to feel more at peace?”

A pause and a wonder.

That is a short answer arriving instantly from my intuitive poet. Let’s explore the holistic psychology dynamics of finding peace to see how close my little poetic phrase is to the longer version.

Peace is a state where all is well. You do not have to jump up and do something. You are ok and your world is ok. When you feel peace you are enough and your world is enough. You are in harmony with yourself and your surroundings. I love feeling peace, tis a delicious, deep, vibrant moment.

The opposite of peace is war, conflict, fighting, confusion, and distress. Conflict, fighting, confusion, and distress are caused by a brain that is never satisfied. A brain that finds fault with its world. A brain that does not allow you to experience reality. This never satisfied part of you is sure to make you unhappy and drive others away.

From your question I assume that you are in conflict. This means different parts of you are at war. The war may be hopelessly futile, meaning no one ever wins. Unfortunately, this is the conflict the brain often puts you in — a lose-lose situation. A lose-lose mental state is irrational. If you try to please the irrational part of you, you often feel crazy because it is impossible to please an irrational brain.

For example, the irrational brain loves to call you lazy. So, you jump up and try to please the brain so it does not call you lazy. After you do what the brain told you to do, the brain does not say, “Great job, that is wonderful. You are wonderful. You are enough.” Instead it says, “You didn’t finish the job, you didn’t do this enough or that enough. You didn’t do it the right way.”

Alas, you are still lazy or stupid or crazy or selfish. You always will be, and never can you get out of the irrational lose-lose situation your brain puts you in, until you get out of your brain. The pathway to peace is to exit the conflict you are in. Since there are no winners in this war, letting go of trying to please an irrational master is smart.

Instead, listen to your heart and follow your heart. Your heart is a wonderful master: loving and kind, gentle and strong. Let your heart lead the way and peace is what you find. You will also enjoy good mental health and enough time to play, make love, and have lots of vibrant moments. A compassionate heart is peaceful and patient.

To find your compassionate heart, you must open your heart. To open your heart go inside and take a look. There you may find your inner conflicts covering up your lovely heart. These are the conflicts you must heal, forgive, and transform in order to be at peace. There is no magic, you must do the personal growth needed to heal, forgive, and transform this dense energy out and away from you.

The secret is to find your emotional self who must be protected from the crazy lose-lose situation you are constantly putting her in. Only when you are safe from your judgment can you experience peace and harmony instead of conflict and disharmony.

There is sanity in the real world. The war between your brain and heart is real and one will win, every single time, every single moment of your day. Only one can be your master. You get to choose.

A pause and a wonder. Stop, feel, and be in awe of what you find, the precious one that is you.


OPEN YOUR HEART: The benefits of opening your heart are peace, patience, kindness, love, and vibrant moments. Opening the Heart audio series is the guide to help you find your emotional self and learn how to keep her safe from your judgments. Your emotional self leads you to peace and your purpose in life. Three hours of relaxing, comforting audio to use again and again to help you do the personal growth needed to follow your heart. Order “Opening the Heart,” $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:

Order before Sunday, August 2 and get the Opening the Heart Ebook, worth $19.97 for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.


ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Learn more about your sensitive self and how to trust your intuition and poet. Did you know that twenty percent of the population is highly sensitive? Another twenty percent is sensitive. This special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” addresses the concerns and psychological problems you may have in accepting, developing, and using your intuitive skills to your advantage. 31-page PDF file, $19.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.”


TAME YOUR THOUGHTS: Your thoughts are strong, keep you awake at night, and are often out of control. You must pay attention to your thoughts and get rid of the rotten, lose-lose ones as fast as you can. Tame Your Thoughts is an hour tele-seminar that helps you change masters. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Tame Your Thoughts:


How to Grieve to Become Stronger and More Secure

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Sad with Yourself.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach

Being sad with yourself is just as important as being happy with yourself. Last week we explored how genuine heart happiness is based on realistic self-love. Read The Vibrant Moment if you missed it:

This week we need to balance your self-love by adding genuine sadness. Yes, being sad with yourself is essential if you want to increase your self-esteem and holistic health. Sadness is powerful; it connects you with other human beings. The closest I have ever felt to another person was when they shared their heart-felt pain with me.

Genuine sadness is deep, real, and rich. You feel the texture, hear the sounds, and know the sadness is coming from deep within your heart and soul. Sometimes the sadness comes from far away, such as the cry of Mother Earth as her trees or children are being hurt.

Regular readers of The Vibrant Moment know my mother passed away January 25, 2015. Grieving her in-the-flesh loss has many up and downs as I feel my body and emotional feelings. I feel like an orphan, all alone and sad. I feel abandoned by my mother even though that does not make any rational sense. Feelings do not make sense, they make music.

Loving yourself and staying with yourself when you are sad helps you move forward through loss, grief, and sorrow. You become stronger and more secure after feeling sad. When I feel sad, it quickly changes into another emotion and I am soon laughing and having fun with my friends again.

You may also feel a piercing sadness that you have not fulfilled yourself. I feel deep sorrow I have not used more of my human potential. Feeling the profound pain of not reaching an important goal helps you recognize your heart’s desires and admit the strong fears you need to overcome in order to reach them. Let your sadness be a potent motivator to take action, instead of dismissing your heart’s desires before it is too late.

Feel sad when you feel sad, and your sadness flows into more strength, joy, and happiness. If you avoid, deny, block, or repress your sadness, your controlled energy becomes dense and dark, weighing you down. This stuck, blocked energy keeps you from moving toward your heart’s desires and makes you mentally and physically sick.

Find healthy ways to express your sorrow with any of the expressive arts. Put on sad music, look at a sad play or movie, write about your feelings, and feel connected to the human race. Sadness connects us deeply and profoundly with each other. Sadness increases your self-esteem so you fulfill your purpose in life. Sadness is food for your soul and opens the door to more joy.


LACKING FULFILLMENT? You had a dream about being rich and did not follow through. You had a feeling you could be sick and did not heed your own wisdom. Learn to use your natural Goddess-given gifts to fulfill your heart’s desires. Get the holistic psychology help you need to accept, develop, and use your intuitive and highly sensitive nature to your advantage. Order the special report: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” Thirty-one-page PDF file, $19.97. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person:”


FIND YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: Learn to be sad with yourself by listening to the “Opening the Heart” audio series. The third hour of audio, “When You’re Hurting…” teaches you how to stay with your sadness so your vital energy makes you self-confident, healthy, and strong. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross loved the “When You’re Hurting…” audio and recommended it in her newsletter. The other two hours of audio are “Feelings. the source of authentic love” and “Fear. the pathway to freedom and joy.” “Opening the Heart” gives you three hours of comforting, relaxing emotional healing guidance at your fingertips twenty-four hours a day to use as needed. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:

Order “Opening the Heart” before Monday, June 15 and get the Ebook, “Opening the Heart” worth $19.97 for free. The written words have a different impact on you. Words reach the left brain and help overcome its resistance!


FEELING SAD ABOUT A RELATIONSHIP? Learn exactly what you must do to stop your emotional pain and move forward. Relationship pain is one of the strongest motivators for personal growth. This report is helpful even if you want to keep your relationship and improve it before you lose it! Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.” Thirteen pages; $9.97; PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader) format.

Read more and order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up”:


How to Be Heart Happy

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Happy With Yourself.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


While attending a psychology lecture during my graduate school days
at Baylor University, the professor said, “Never expect to make
people happy. Happiness has nothing to do with psychology.
Psychologists cannot make anyone happy.”

Imagine my feelings and emotions when I learned that one of the major
reasons I was studying to be a psychologist was not what I “should”
try to do or what I “could” do. Wow, was I depressed, inhibited,
insecure, and ejected after that lecture.

All this studying and reading and remembering the white, straight,
male psychological theories for nothing! If traditional psychology
could not even make people happy, what was I doing in graduate
school? Honestly, this was the closest I ever came to suicide. If
there was a button to push I might have pushed it. Or the other
option was to take off in my VW van, Sunshine, and travel the world.

Thankfully, I stayed to complete my doctorate degree because
somewhere deep inside, I knew my psychology professor was wrong. I
could be happy and I could teach others how to be happy. Happiness is
a Goddess-given right for all human beings. We deserve to be happy
and we can be happy. Genuinely, happy. Not, positive thinking happy.
Happy in the heart, happy.

Real happiness is closely related to real love. When you love
yourself, you are happy with yourself. When you are happy with
yourself, you love yourself. When you love someone else, you are
happy with the other person. When you love a plant or sunset, it
makes you happy!

To become happier start with something about yourself you love. Your
feet? Your heart? Your mind? Your ability to do something or other.
Notice a quality or behavior about yourself that you admire in
others. If you have trouble with this personal growth exercise, get
outside, objective help to discover the truth about yourself.

Next, notice how often during the day you pay attention to what you
love about yourself. Become more aware as you go through your
evenings of how many moments you spent giving yourself a little love
and emotional support. Give yourself a little love more often to feel
better more often.

Just make sure what you love about yourself is real and not your
puffed up ego or puffed up chest. I doubt you want to reinforce your
unhealthy, controlling energy, which would make your defensive body
language more obvious!


INTERESTED IN A HEART HAPPY GROUP? Join a “Joy in Your Heart” group
on the phone to learn how to become happy and satisfied with
yourself, realistically! Being happy in the heart improves your heart
and breast health. Email me and let me know you want to experience
more vibrant moments and “Joy in Your Heart.” The small group will
run for four sessions for an hour and 15 minutes and cost $200.00.
Participants decide time and dates. Contact information at


FIND YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: If you want to be a happy in the heart
listen to the “Opening the Heart” audio series. The first hour of
audio, “Feelings. the source of authentic love” guides you into
finding your emotional self and shows you how to take care of her or
him. Listen to this comforting, relaxing audio teaches you how to
feel more love for yourself and heal your emotional wounds. The other
two hours of audio are “Fear. the pathway to freedom and joy,” and
“When You’re Hurting…” Opening the Heart” gives you emotional healing
guidance at your fingertips twenty-four hours a day. $97.00,
money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:


OVERCOME ANXIETY NATURALLY: Learn to feel body feelings and emotional
feelings as you shift out of mental judgments into reality. Take the
effective home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally to reduce the
static energy of anxiety out of your nervous system. The package includes
all you need to get started. Ten written lessons, five hours of audio
that include the Opening the Heart audio above. $199.97, money-back

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:



How to Get Anxiety Out of Your Nervous System

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Heal Emotional Wounds.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


I am delighted last week’s The Vibrant Moment about how to permanently reduce anxiety resonated with so many readers. The information shared is the secret to reaching health and happiness on planet earth. If you have been in therapy and have not been able to stop your anxiety attacks, it contains the missing link. In summary, you must find, love, and heal your emotional self. Read The Vibrant Moment if you missed it here: How to Stop Anxiety

Not only does healing your emotional wounds reduce anxiety and depression, you also experience other holistic health benefits. Your physical and mental health begins to improve as soon as you feel your emotions. If the results you are getting in life are not to your liking, heal your emotional self and see what happens.

Another benefit of healing your deep emotional wounds is your relationships dramatically improve. All of the conflict you currently experience in relationships is due to an anxious, fearful child inside of you. When you heal your emotional self he or she feels safe and secure and does not react defensively in relationships with other people.

Once you feel safe and secure, everything is easier. A loving relationship with yourself, allows you to love others and let others love you. Whether you are washing the dishes, sitting by the pool, paying your bills, or swimming in the water you are more alive and whole. Your life is no longer ordinary and mundane, you have meaning and purpose.

When you become comfortable feeling your body feelings and emotional feelings you drop down, into a place I call, Heaven on Earth.  This holistic psychology newsletter is called The Vibrant Moment because when you feel safe and secure, you enter the present moment you are living and there are no distractions. No anxiety, no thoughts, just being alive in the moment. You have a whole body experience of be-ing in the world.

The rewards of healing your emotional wounds makes life on earth worth the pain you have experienced. Get the help you need to find, accept, and follow your emotional self to freedom and joy.

Write me and tell me the topics you want to know more about. If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share your holistic psychology newsletter with friends, family, and colleagues. Tell them to sign up at:


FIND YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: If you do not own the three-hour “Opening the Heart” audio series, order it now. The first hour of audio, “Feelings. the source of authentic love” guides you into finding your emotional self and shows you how to take care of her or him. Listen to this comforting, relaxing audio every day to learn how to feel more love for yourself and heal your emotional wounds. The other two hours of audio are “Fear. the pathway to freedom and joy,” and “When You’re Hurting…” Opening the Heart” gives you emotional healing guidance at your fingertips twenty-four hours a day. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:


OVERCOME ANXIETY NATURALLY: Learn to feel body feelings and emotional feelings as you shift out of mental judgments into feelings. Take the effective home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally to reduce the static energy of anxiety out of your nervous system. The package includes all you need to get started. ten written lessons, five hours of audio that include the Opening the Heart audio above. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:


NEED HELP WITH GRIEF? Lose a pet, mother, or child? If you are interested in a four-session grief group on the phone this summer, “How to Become More Alive While Grieving” let me know. You get the support and help you need to keep moving forward with your grieving instead of getting stuck in depression and anxiety. If there is enough interest, I will do one or two “How to Become More Alive While Grieving” Groups during the summer. The price is $200 for four hour and fifteen minute sessions. Times and days will be decided by participants. Contract information at

How to Stop Your Bully Brain From Ruining Your LIfe

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Question Your Thoughts.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Getting what you need and want depends on learning how to bypass your brain so you at least know the desires that live in your heart and soul. This means you must question your thoughts.

Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning there are no thoughts in my awareness at all. This is when I am in a vibrant moment, waking up relaxed, rested, and happy. Those are the mornings to cherish.

I am part of the sun light bouncing all around my large, bright room pleasing every cell in my body. Or, I feel the sound of the raining falling endlessly as it hits my wall of glass panes and slowly wriggles it’s way down to the deck. The bright green tree outside looms large above my house and hugs me with her branches no matter what the weather.

Nothing could be more true than what Socrates said. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” A century of learning research by psychologists shows us the reason Socrates’ wisdom is accurate. Any brain that does not question it’s own thoughts, is a brain that has been washed!

Yelp, you have been brainwashed. Far more than you realize until you get in therapy, work with a coach, hire a mentor, and spend your days in self-examination. You are a bundle of conditioned responses and reactions, until you deliberately and consciously, begin to unlearn these controlling knee-jerk reactions.

How often during the day do you question the thoughts in your head? To enjoy vibrant moments and good mental health, you must question your thoughts on a regular basis; especially the first thing in the morning before your bully brain makes you jump out of bed to “do” something.

Notice how often you think what you think is real, correct, and right. These are your defensive states. You think you are this and that and the other! And of course, you are this and that and the other. I do not agree with Positive Psychology psychologists who think positive thoughts are superior to negative thoughts. Positive thoughts can be as controlling and self-destructive as negative thoughts. Positive thoughts control you and keep you in denial, thinking you are just so-so!

Notice how often you react and respond to conditioned responses you learned as a child. If you are like most humans, your behavior is controlled much more than you think by false beliefs and controlling thoughts. Your positive and negative beliefs keep you from getting what you need and want.

Begin in the morning by taking a look at what thoughts are occurring in your brain as soon as you become conscious. Continue throughout the day, examining exactly what you are thinking at many moments along the way. Anytime you do not feel good is a great time to sit down and write down exactly what you are thinking. Yuck.

When you do not feel good, I am sure you will find nasty, judgmental, self-righteous thoughts somewhere in your unconscious. Tame your thoughts to enjoy more vibrant moments.

Write me and tell me what holistic mental health topics you want to know more about. Share your holistic, New Psychology information with friends, family, and colleagues interested in learning how to get what they need and want:


NEED HELP IN BYPASSING BRAIN? Learn to connect with your body and heart when you take the popular home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. 10 written lessons and five hours of audio move you out of judgment into self-acceptance, out of anxiety into relaxation. The package includes all you need to get started living a more relaxed life. The price of this home study course is $199.97. Vibrant Moment readers get this course for $50.00 off if you order before Mother’s Day, May 10th. Order one for you and get one for your mother for $100.00! Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:

Use coupon DRJEANETTE for $50.00 off your home study course. If you want to give your mother a gift email me for the extra special discount information after you place your order.


TAME YOUR THOUGHTS: Learn how to throw out your rotten thoughts so your brain does not stink of old, dead food. Even the so called Positive Psychology thoughts need to be thrown away to make room for creative, sexy, healthy, vibrant thoughts. Tame Your Thoughts audio is included in the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course above along with 4 more hours of self-help audio. This one-hour tele-seminar is $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Tame Your Thoughts:

“I have been turning my thoughts back ‘in’ instead of being ‘outside’ of my body. This has been a very important step. It really works and I find it to be an awesome technique I should have learned many years ago. Decades even!” Alex from Austria

Order Tame Your Thoughts before Mother’s Day and get a free self-help audio, worth $29.97 of your choice from this list of holistic psychology topics.
