New, Holistic Psychology Uses Transformation Model Instead of Medical Model For Better Results


The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Add awareness.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Having spent the last 36 years researching and developing a new psychological approach, I am always on the lookout for faster, easier ways to help people.  Since my model is a transformational model and not a medical model the work I do is fun, exciting and dramatic.  If you don’t know the difference between the New and Old Psychology, visit:

To keep up with the latest research, I attend many workshops and study with other innovative people.  Active professional development keeps me expanding and simplifying the essential ingredients which are necessary for permanent transformation.

So, what does it take for you to have a breakthrough that occurs immediately and can be used to improve the quality of your life?

One thing I know for sure is that you can transform your stuck energy into flowing energy immediately if you are open to change and willing to let go. This allows new information, new behaviors and new ways of seeing the world to occur.  So you definitely need to be open to change and willing to let go.

If my client is open and willing to let go, he often experiences sudden and permanent change in the first session with me.  This transformational shift can occur on the phone just as easily as it does in person.  The best way to put into words what happens is that I help my client increase his awareness of his physical body and his emotional feelings.

When he becomes aware of his physical and emotional feelings, instead of his thoughts, he has a new in the body experience of reality.  This in the body experience immediately allows new facts to pour into his conscious mind and he spontaneously exhibits new behaviors.  As a result, he ends the session with new ways of seeing the world which give him the power to move forward.

You too can have a breakthrough.  All you need to do is add more awareness to your database.  For the most powerful experience, become aware of your physical feelings and your emotional feelings.  These two realities will give you an in the body experience that you cannot forget or deny.

Use products, courses, workshops, mentors and coaching to help you become more aware.


LOOKING FOR AWARENESS?  I created Nature Workshops to give you this powerful in the body experience of reality so that you can have a breakthrough. Come to the Forest and let me help you transform your stuck energy into flowing energy in the moment under the trees. Saturday, Oct 20, 2012. All day, limited to 12 people, $200.00.

Read more and sign up at:

Sign up by September 3 and get a $50.00 discount.
Must send a check for $150.00 postmarked by September 3 to
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


BECOME AWARE OF YOUR SENSITIVE SELF: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” gives you the facts about your highly sensitive nature as well as tons of support and encouragement to be yourself and shine. Get help with being overwhelmed and confused so you can have breakthroughs.  PDF, 31 pages, $19.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Pay for your order online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal.
Or mail a regular check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her unhealthy emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge. Listen at:


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Highly Sensitive Person? Being a Highly Sensitive Person Has Many Advantages


The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Sense more data.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Psychological research has found that 20% of the population is considered to be highly sensitive to subtle data. Since so many of us are highly sensitive, this trait is normal and a healthy sign that becoming more sensitive is a positive movement occurring in human evolution. Especially since another 30% can be considered to be sensitive.

Even if you do not consider yourself to be a sensitive or highly sensitive person you may be living with someone who is a HSP. Your lover, partner, child or parent may be a highly sensitive person.

Being a highly sensitive person gives you many advantages over other people.  I know many of you will scream at me, “No, being so sensitive is horrible and terrible. I hate it!”

Unfortunately, the reason you do not think being sensitive has advantages is because you have been told you were “too sensitive” so often.  As a result of experiencing this constant judgment from insensitive people, you probably feel bad about being so sensitive. Therefore you have not developed your basic nature so that you can use your highly sensitive nature to your advantage.

There are three major advantages to being a highly sensitive person.

You have a:
1.  Greater chance of survival because you notice and avoid toxins
2.  Keener empathic instrument for sensing data and knowing
3.  More loving nature for better relationships

Of course, there are also problems that come with being a highly sensitive person.   Because others have not validated your subtle perceptions you are more likely to suffer from certain psychological, mental health and emotional health problems.

You are more prone to experience:
1.  Anxiety
2.  Confusion and self-doubt
3.  Emotional insecurity

Therefore, if you want to develop and use your highly sensitive nature to your advantage, you need to overcome these psychological problems.  You can learn to trust your own perceptions when others do not perceive what you do. You can reduce your anxiety and improve your self-esteem so you are not overwhelmed and confused by the data you are perceiving.

Just imagine how powerful and successful you will be when you engage in quality personal growth. Your highly sensitive nature will perceive reality more accurately than others.  As a result, you be more intuitive, skillful at body language, energy awareness, body awareness and emotional awareness.

The bottom line is the more you use your highly sensitive nature, the more successful you will be at whatever you do.  Sensing the data around you gives you a definite advantage at work and home.  There is no reason for you not to use your highly sensitive self to shine and glow.


EMPOWER YOUR HIGHLY SENSITIVE SELF: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” gives you the facts about your highly sensitive nature as well as tons of support and encouragement to be yourself and shine. Get help with being overwhelmed and confused so you can develop your sensitive nature. PDF, 31 pages, $19.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Pay for your order online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal.
Or mail a regular check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


LAST CHANCE: Order two private coaching sessions at $200.00 an hour and get the third one free. Sessions can be on the phone or in-person.

Read more and order:

Pay for your sessions online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal .
Or mail your regular check for $200.00 or $400.00, you can pay for
the sessions one at a time if needed, to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her unhealthy emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge.
Listen at:


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The Crying Games Bring Hope: Strongest Olympians are Emotionally Healthy


The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Cry.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach

The Wall Street Journal wrote a piece called, “Who Cries the Most at the Olympics?” In this article the WSJ made fun of the Olympians who lost their cool and turned into a “blubbering mess of mucus and tears.”

Their informal study examined the videos of the gold winners. It is disturbing as an holistic psychologist to read such a harsh judgmental piece published in the American media against the strongest and best Olympians.  Especially since the USA is in the midst of violent shootings in several states.

Just imagine that you had spent all of your time, energy and effort for many years becoming the best you could become in any area of your noteworthy life.  And then imagine how you would feel if the whole world acknowledged you as the best in the world among all nations.

You were awarded the gold medal because you were the one who showed up at that moment in time, in front of millions of people, and delivered your peak performance.  Imagine what this grand accomplishment would feel like in your heart and body.

Then allow yourself to know what it would feel like to stand on the top of the podium as your country’s anthem plays for you and you alone.  The whole world is celebrating you and your peak performance.  All of your life’s work has paid off.

When this happens to you, you would spontaneous cry, smile, laugh and beam if you were emotionally healthy.  You would feel and express joy.  If you were not emotionally healthy you would hold back your emotions and try not to feel anything during this peak experience in your life.  Perhaps you would sing, as many do, to cover up your emotions.

It is noteworthy that the WSJ’s research found that “China cries the least, with only 7% of its athletes succumbing to tears. More than 17% of American winners cried, while a whopping 37.5% of athletes from host country Great Britain cried.”  China sang the most.

Ah, it is not fair to proclaim the British the most emotionally healthy of the bunch.  After all, it was in their country that the Olympics occurred so it meant more to them.  Winning in your homeland is more emotional because it means more to you to win there.  You get an extra voltage of energy.

Therefore, if you want more vibrant moments, allow your life to have meaning.  Care about what you are doing and cry often. The more the better.  Then your life will be full of meaning, purpose, tears and joy.


FIND YOUR TEARS:  Use the “Opening the Heart” audio and ebook to help you let go and cry.  Give meaning and purpose to your life. This emotional health guide guides you into your healthy emotions so that you experience joy and peak experiences. Three hour audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97.

Read more and order:

TWO BONUSES if you order the “Opening the Heart” audio before Monday, August 20. You will receive the “Opening the Heart” Ebook, $19.97 and
the Special Report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.”, $9.97

Pay for your order online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal.
Or mail a regular check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her negative emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge.
Listen at:


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Personal Growth and Professional Develpment: Use Olympics to Find Your Greatness


The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Find your greatness.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


How great are you?

I love the ancient practice from Greece where the whole world stops its fighting to compete with each other in physical skills.  This year, many countries sent their greatest athletes to London to compete with all the other world cultures. The Olympics are indeed a noble tradition.

Out of all the species on planet Earth, humans have the widest range of possibilities.  We can be the lowest of the low as in the man who shot 7 people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this week. And we can be the highest of the high as in Michael Phelps who turned his high energy into the most celebrated athlete of all time this week.

You are great. Use the Olympics to inspire you to find your greatness. Use these young men and women to get you up and moving.

You have to take action, learn new skills and develop your ability if you want to be great. You also have to practice what you learn in your daily life. This means you spend your time in valuable, effective personal growth activities.

As an adult, there is no one who can stop you from being great except yourself.  You get to choose your course of action.  You can be the lowest of the low or you can be the highest of the high.

I am blessed to have spent my life as a holistic psychologist helping people find their greatness.  You will be blessed if you look into your heart and body for your greatness.  Look into your feelings and emotions for your essence.

You will find your greatness as a bright light, a bubbling stream, a lovely sound, a young child inside of you.  Look until you find your essence and then set your precious energy free.  It is up to you to nourish your greatness and practice being great.


FIND YOUR ESSENCE:  Use the “Opening the Heart” audio and ebook to find your essence. Your authentic self will lead you to your greatness. This emotional health guide guides you into your heart and body. Three hour audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97.

Read more and order:

TWO BONUSES if you order the “Opening the Heart” audio before Monday, August 13.
Receive the “Opening the Heart” Ebook, $19.97 and
the Special Report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.”, $9.97

Pay for your order online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal.
Or mail a regular check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Order the Summer Special: Order two private coaching sessions at $200.00 an hour and get the third one free. Sessions can be on the phone or in-person.

Read more and order:

Pay for your sessions online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal .
Or mail your regular check for $200.00 or $400.00, you can pay for
the sessions one at a time if needed, to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Questions? Concerns? Ask me by hitting reply or call 215-732-6197.
Must order before September 1 and use two of the three sessions
by September 30.


LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her negative emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge. Listen at:


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please tell your friends and colleagues.

Heart Health: Heal Your Broken Heart and Heartache for Holistic Health and Fun


The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Open your heart.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Last week we talked about how to use the James Holmes tragedy in Aurora, CO, to improve your mental health by cleaning up some of the yucky stuff in your unconscious.  If you haven’t read it, here it is: Improve Your Mental Health.

Thank you for all the positive comments I received.  The personal power you will receive when you clean up your mental health mess seemed to hit a strong, positive note with many of The Vibrant Moment readers.

So often we try to separate ourselves from those who act out and hurt others without owning the fact that we are also disconnected from our hearts much more than we realize.  After all, most people do not have an open heart most of the time.  This is the reason we are destroying our planet, wars still occur and emotional violence is almost the norm.

Whenever you disconnect from your heart, you hurt yourself and others in little and giant ways.   As a renegade, holistic psychologist with 35 years of clinical experience teaching people how to open their hearts, I understand your major concerns.

The number one reason people have given me over the years for the reason they do not want to open their heart is that they are afraid they will get hurt.

Does being vulnerable feel scary to you?
Are you sure someone will take advantage of you?
Are you certain others will make fun of you?

I have to tell you the truth.  You will get hurt when you open your heart.
There is no way to avoid getting hurt occasionally because there are so many insensitive people in the world.  Therefore, defensive, controlling and closed hearted people will definitely hurt your feelings, body and soul from time to time.

However, you also need to consider the fact that you are constantly getting hurt when your heart is closed and hard.  When your heart is closed, you feel misunderstood, mistreated, lonely, abused and criticized.

With a closed heart you cannot:
1.  Receive real love from others
2.  Give real love to others
3.  Feel love for yourself
4.  Be emotionally healthy
5.  Be mentally healthy
6.  Be physically healthy

So what are you going to do?

You can keep your heart closed and continue to hurt yourself and others.  This makes you one of the insensitive people in the world.

Or you can open your heart and become strong enough to deal with the occasional emotional pain you will naturally have in life. This will make you one of the sensitive ones.

With a closed heart, you cannot exchange energy with others. This means your human needs will never be met.  With an open heart, you will exchange lots of loving energy with others and you will be able to meet your needs. As a result of meeting your needs, you will be vibrant, strong and happy.

Don’t let your fear of being hurt keep your heart closed. Your strength is in your vulnerability.


OPEN YOUR HEART:  A great place to start is the “Opening the Heart” audio and ebook.  My comforting voice guides you into the different energies in your heart so you learn to support yourself emotionally and become stronger and happier.  Money back guarantee. Three hour audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97.

Read more and order:

TWO BONUSES if you order the “Opening the Heart” audio before Monday, August 6.
Receive the “Opening the Heart” Ebook, $19.97 and
the Special Report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.”, $9.97

Pay for your order online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal.
Or mail a regular check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Order the Summer Special: Order two private coaching sessions at $200.00 an hour and get the third one free. Sessions can be on the phone or in-person.

Read more and order:

Pay for your sessions online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal .
Or mail your regular check for $200.00 or $400.00, you can pay for
the sessions one at a time if needed, to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Questions? Concerns? Ask me by hitting reply or call 215-732-6197.
Must order before September 1 and use two of the three sessions
by September 30.


LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her negative emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge.
Listen at:


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:
