The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Find your greatness.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
How great are you?
I love the ancient practice from Greece where the whole world stops its fighting to compete with each other in physical skills. This year, many countries sent their greatest athletes to London to compete with all the other world cultures. The Olympics are indeed a noble tradition.
Out of all the species on planet Earth, humans have the widest range of possibilities. We can be the lowest of the low as in the man who shot 7 people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this week. And we can be the highest of the high as in Michael Phelps who turned his high energy into the most celebrated athlete of all time this week.
You are great. Use the Olympics to inspire you to find your greatness. Use these young men and women to get you up and moving.
You have to take action, learn new skills and develop your ability if you want to be great. You also have to practice what you learn in your daily life. This means you spend your time in valuable, effective personal growth activities.
As an adult, there is no one who can stop you from being great except yourself. You get to choose your course of action. You can be the lowest of the low or you can be the highest of the high.
I am blessed to have spent my life as a holistic psychologist helping people find their greatness. You will be blessed if you look into your heart and body for your greatness. Look into your feelings and emotions for your essence.
You will find your greatness as a bright light, a bubbling stream, a lovely sound, a young child inside of you. Look until you find your essence and then set your precious energy free. It is up to you to nourish your greatness and practice being great.
FIND YOUR ESSENCE: Use the “Opening the Heart” audio and ebook to find your essence. Your authentic self will lead you to your greatness. This emotional health guide guides you into your heart and body. Three hour audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97.
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TWO BONUSES if you order the “Opening the Heart” audio before Monday, August 13.
Receive the “Opening the Heart” Ebook, $19.97 and
the Special Report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.”, $9.97
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Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Order the Summer Special: Order two private coaching sessions at $200.00 an hour and get the third one free. Sessions can be on the phone or in-person.
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Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
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Must order before September 1 and use two of the three sessions
by September 30.
LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her negative emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge. Listen at:
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