The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Open your heart.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
Last week we talked about how to use the James Holmes tragedy in Aurora, CO, to improve your mental health by cleaning up some of the yucky stuff in your unconscious. If you haven’t read it, here it is: Improve Your Mental Health.
Thank you for all the positive comments I received. The personal power you will receive when you clean up your mental health mess seemed to hit a strong, positive note with many of The Vibrant Moment readers.
So often we try to separate ourselves from those who act out and hurt others without owning the fact that we are also disconnected from our hearts much more than we realize. After all, most people do not have an open heart most of the time. This is the reason we are destroying our planet, wars still occur and emotional violence is almost the norm.
Whenever you disconnect from your heart, you hurt yourself and others in little and giant ways. As a renegade, holistic psychologist with 35 years of clinical experience teaching people how to open their hearts, I understand your major concerns.
The number one reason people have given me over the years for the reason they do not want to open their heart is that they are afraid they will get hurt.
Does being vulnerable feel scary to you?
Are you sure someone will take advantage of you?
Are you certain others will make fun of you?
I have to tell you the truth. You will get hurt when you open your heart.
There is no way to avoid getting hurt occasionally because there are so many insensitive people in the world. Therefore, defensive, controlling and closed hearted people will definitely hurt your feelings, body and soul from time to time.
However, you also need to consider the fact that you are constantly getting hurt when your heart is closed and hard. When your heart is closed, you feel misunderstood, mistreated, lonely, abused and criticized.
With a closed heart you cannot:
1. Receive real love from others
2. Give real love to others
3. Feel love for yourself
4. Be emotionally healthy
5. Be mentally healthy
6. Be physically healthy
So what are you going to do?
You can keep your heart closed and continue to hurt yourself and others. This makes you one of the insensitive people in the world.
Or you can open your heart and become strong enough to deal with the occasional emotional pain you will naturally have in life. This will make you one of the sensitive ones.
With a closed heart, you cannot exchange energy with others. This means your human needs will never be met. With an open heart, you will exchange lots of loving energy with others and you will be able to meet your needs. As a result of meeting your needs, you will be vibrant, strong and happy.
Don’t let your fear of being hurt keep your heart closed. Your strength is in your vulnerability.
OPEN YOUR HEART: A great place to start is the “Opening the Heart” audio and ebook. My comforting voice guides you into the different energies in your heart so you learn to support yourself emotionally and become stronger and happier. Money back guarantee. Three hour audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97.
Read more and order:
TWO BONUSES if you order the “Opening the Heart” audio before Monday, August 6.
Receive the “Opening the Heart” Ebook, $19.97 and
the Special Report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up.”, $9.97
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Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Order the Summer Special: Order two private coaching sessions at $200.00 an hour and get the third one free. Sessions can be on the phone or in-person.
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Pay for your sessions online using a credit card, e-check, PayPal .
Or mail your regular check for $200.00 or $400.00, you can pay for
the sessions one at a time if needed, to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
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Must order before September 1 and use two of the three sessions
by September 30.
LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her negative emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge.
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