The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Effective.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Get real. Get ready. Roar!
This is my tag line. These short phrases sum up the process of transformation and successful personal growth. If you want your New Year’s Resolutions to bear fruit, you must put the natural laws of transformation into play in your own life.
Positive change does not just happen. Losing weight, eating better, feeling more self-confident, having a good sex life, and living more fully must be orchestrated. You do not achieve peak performance or have peak experiences without taking the pathway that leads to your goals.
Just imagine how much education and practice it takes for a musician to deliver beautiful sounds into your heart. Be realistic about how much coaching and practice it takes for a quarterback to throw a touchdown pass once in a while!
If you want to be effective, you also have to practice. However, before you practice, you must know what to practice! To achieve permanent weight loss you have to know what to do, how to do it and when to do it! Otherwise, you are wasting your time, money, and effort. The weight will come back in full force even after you suffer and deprive yourself.
To be effective, you need to know the exact pathway that leads to your goal. This is the reason education, coaching, and mentoring are the best investments you can make in 2015. If you invest in yourself, you will learn what, when, where, and how you need to practice, in order to be effective.
As noted in my tag line, the first general psychological state you must enter is: to get real. You cannot be in denial or exaggeration. You cannot be defensive or in an ego state. To be effective, you must sit in reality and be honest about yourself in every moment. Rose-colored, all-happiness, and everything positive realities do not work.
For example, if you are overweight, you must be honest about what your body looks like before you can lose weight. You have to look in the mirror and see what is there. It is only in reality that you can be effective. The laws of transformation and personal growth only work when you are in reality.
You cannot be effective and reach your New Year’s Resolutions being stuck in your head with positive or negative thoughts about reality. The first thing an effective coach, psychologist, or mentor teaches you is: to get real. Then, you learn what is the next step that leads directly toward your New Year’s Resolution.
Please share this holistic psychology education with friends and family interested in keeping their New Year’s Resolutions:
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