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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Mend and Heal.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
Recent research has found that the physical human heart can be immediately damaged by relationship loss, pain and hurt. It is exciting that the scientific community has documented a direct connection between emotional pain and physical pain.
When your heart is broken and you have a heartache, you are hurt physically and emotionally. The medical community calls this dual damage the “broken heart syndrome.”
It is important to note that the physical damage and the emotional damage must be healed if you want to return to health. This means that when you have a broken heart it is not in your best interest to avoid, depress or ignore your feelings and emotions.
Instead, you need to take immediate action to heal your broken heart and mend your heartache. When you engage in effective emotional healing, it stops the physical damage being caused by the “broken heart syndrome.” Effective emotional healing will make you stronger physically and emotionally.
It is also wise to prevent physical damage to your human heart by learning how to feel your authentic emotions and feelings as they occur. When you learn how to feel your authentic emotions, you will become stronger as you go through the reality of life events instead of weaker.
Emotions are energy in motion. Therefore, when you feel them, they add more vital energy to your body so that you become stronger and more vibrant.
WANT EFFECTIVE EMOTIONAL HEALING? I am pleased to announce the birth of a little eBook on Kindle, HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love by Dr. Doris Jeanette. It is not necessary to own an eReader device to purchase the eBook. You can download free software and read it on any computer, iPad or smartphone. $4.99.
To read more about the eBook visit:
To order HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love by Dr. Doris Jeanette visit Amazon:
If you know someone who does not have a computer and you want to order it for them email me and ask for a pdf file. Contact information at