How to Manifest Your New Year’s Resolutions and Reach Personal Growth Goals


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Face Fears.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

The beginning of the New Year is a great time to use your intention
to create more freedom and joy. Take time to write down your desires
and needs. Writing your desires down is an effective first step
toward manifestation. Using vision boards, soul collages and making
masks are also fun ways to set your intention into motion. Once set,
trust your process.

The next step is to notice and remove the blocks that are keeping
your intentions from becoming true. Most often, it is your unresolved
emotional issues that keep you from moving forward on your desire to
lose weight, save money, create more loving relationships and make
your dreams come true.

The problem is you can’t reach your emotional self in order to heal
your wounds until you get pass your egos. Yes, you have many. Your
defensive energy often blocks the gateway to your tender heart. This
means you need to get to know your sneaky ego if you want to
transform your body into more of your natural born energy.

Transformation means your ego energy literally changes form in your
body so that you become softer, sweeter and more receptive. Also,
during transformation your energy field becomes more radiant. This
energy change occurs because you are allowing more of your natural
born light to shine outward. Others can see and feel your change
because your change is physical, not just emotional or mental.

Meeting your ego as an equal is often a daunting task. You crafted
your ego to take care of yourself when you were little and didn’t
have any other way to protect yourself. This process of creating
defensive energy occurred unconsciously and automatically when you
were hurt or scared as a child.

However, the more you avoid exposing your controlling egos, the more
you experience anxiety and mundane moments. This is where so many
people are stuck on the planet right now. Egos are in charge of the
world. Egos are ruining our planet and hurting Mother Earth.
Defensive energy is keeping us from enjoying vibrant moments.

Back to your intentions. Have fun using your intentions to move
forward. Play with all the creative arts for success. Next, expose
your egos that are blocking your heart’s desires. The goal is to meet
your defensive energy as an equal. You need to stand up to your ego
so you can assert yourself effectively in the world. When your ego is
no longer in charge of you, you don’t let others control you.

In order to stand up to your ego, your adult self needs to learn how
to use your inner strengths and natural born talents to help you face
your fears and reduce your anxieties. The benefits of letting go of your
controlling ego are freedom and joy.

To learn more about the natural process of transformation, letting go
of control, finding your inner strengths and standing up to your ego

Please ask me any questions you have about how to get unstuck. I
will write more about breaking free and being joyful after the New

FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTHS: Learn to feel the difference between your
true self and ego in the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species.” Practice
sensing your natural born vibrations as you receive guidance on how
to recognize your controlling ego energy. You are empowered as soon
as you love who you really are. Three hours of audio on feelings,
fear and hurt, recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers
healing, calming vibrations to resonate with over and over again for
better mental health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into it and
stay grounded. When you are grounded, you cannot be anxious.
Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove
conditioned responses from your nervous system so you relax and
become more self-confident. $197.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Enjoy Life and Say Goodbye to Your Ego

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be True to Yourself.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Thanks for the wise comments and questions about the psychology article on ambivalence. Catch it here if you missed it:

A reader wants me to go deeper into the ambivalence state of mind for more personal growth help:

“I think it would be helpful to speak on the reason behind the ambivalence, because that is what is so frustrating.”

Indeed, you are correct. The reason behind your ambivalence is the conflict between your ego and your authentic self. You do not know what you really need and want because you are conditioned and controlled so successfully that you only know what you “should do” and “should not do.” You are not able to find and fearlessly follow your authentic self.

Instead, you are listening to your brain tell you the shoulds and should nots of the situation. To break free from your conditioning, you need to become aware of this everyday struggle between your ego energy and your authentic self energy. This is the major work of all personal growth and transformation. To be happy and satisfied you must not allow your ego to win these frequent conflicts that put you in the ambivalence state of mind. Or in the lose-lose state of mind which is another favorite of the Almighty, Reigning Ego.

The goal is to move away from your conditioned self and move toward a reality state that is free, responsible, and joyful. When you are in reality is when you automatically have a vibrant moment or two. When you are in the moment, you have successfully traveled the long distance from your controlling brain into your loving heart.

You are letting go of your brainwashing and literally dropping down into your heart so you access your authentic self. Your authentic emotional self has been wounded. This is the reason you have trouble finding, accepting, and following your little girl or boy into bliss. You are rejecting yourself because you learned to reject your true self. You were never good enough. Thus, as an adult you are afraid to listen to yourself because when you do, you experience a great deal of anxiety about doing so.

To win your everyday battles between your ego and authentic self, you must reduce your anxiety, slowly, step by step as you live your life. The home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally leads you successfully through this reconditioning process. You must learn how to listen to your authentic fear from your emotional self and not listen to your irrational anxiety from your brain, your conditioned self.

Take the time to learn how to successfully reduce your anxiety and you will be healthier and happier. Good mental health is directly related to knowing what you really need and want and being able to manifest your desires and needs without letting your ego ruin your life.

Several readers also want to know how to deal with the unpleasant ambivalence that occurs in relationships. Oy vey! Relationships are a hard, complicated issue. However, we will take a shot at helping you with relationship ambivalence for the month of August.

In the mean time read the free psychology articles in the holistic psychology library at to help you find your strengths and be at peace — no matter what!


REDUCE YOUR ANXIETY: Imagine: By the end of the summer you are making better decisions and feeling relaxed, secure, and happy. These are some of the benefits of knowing and getting what you really want. Learn how to find, accept, and follow your emotional self by moving past your controlling ego. Take the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally to reduce your anxiety about being true to yourself. The home study course guides you step-by-step out of your ego into your body where you have the strength to know the difference between real dangers and irrational thoughts. Five hours of audio and ten written lessons for $199.97 with a money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:

Questions? Problems? Email Dr. Doris Jeanette.


FIND YOUR STRENGTHS: Being more relaxed, open, and secure are a few of the many benefits of loving and living in your body. Hear Your Body Talking: 3 Reasons You Have a Body is an educational tele-seminar on how to listen to your body to get grounded, hear its wisdom and experience more pleasure in everyday life. One-hour audio, $29.97. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please sign up for your holistic psychology newsletter at:

How to Know Pick the Best Candidate by Reading Body Language

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Read Body Language.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Well, researchers are catching on to the importance of your body. Wow! You really need one after all. No matter how spiritual or smart you are, you just cannot make it in life on planet earth without — a body.

The New York Times reports, “To Better Cope With Stress, Listen to Your Body … To handle adversity more effectively, we should probably pay closer attention to what is happening inside our bodies, according to a fascinating new brain study.”

For decades, I have been teaching that when your brain is not properly connected with your body you are in deep trouble. Mental illness, in varing degrees, is the result. If you want to be safe and sane, never let your brain override your senses.

Dr. Martin Paulus, the senior author of the new study said, “resilience is largely about body awareness and not rational thinking. Even smart people, if they don’t listen to their body, might not bounce back as quickly from adversity as someone who is more attuned to his or her physiology.”

When your awareness is in your body and your body is grounded into the earth you do not experience anxiety or depression. This is a physical fact.  The reason my home study courses, classes, and workshops are so effective in reducing anxiety is because they teach you how to put your awareness in your body.

First, you need to learn how to read your body. You need to know what is really happening inside of you. What is your body asking for? When your awareness enters your body you enter reality. Think of your body as an accurate thermometer that registers the temperature of its surroundings.

Body awareness is empowering. When you are aware of your body you are exponentially more self-confident. As you learn to read your body, you also begin to read other people’s bodies. When you are aware of other people’s bodies you make better decisions in every area of your life.

For example, if you could read body language you would pick the best candidate for every public office. I pray that citizens of the United States will learn how to read body language. Take a look at the current people running for president. Notice his and her body language. Really, really look at their whole body and observe how they move through space.

Sometimes they are more comfortable and vulnerable than others. This is natural and normal. Keep looking at what their body tells you about how much they blame others. How grounded are they? Notice if they have the ability to protect you and keep you safe. Their body cannot lie but their words do.

Have fun learning to read your body language and others. Your mental health depends on how much you honor your body. Pay attention to it, listen to it, and give your body the love it needs for good mental health.


GET IN YOUR BODY! Jump out of your thoughts into your body in the first lesson and feel the difference. Being in your body is a new way of being alive. Not since you were a little one did you enjoy such body awareness. Each lesson continues in small steps toward a more conscious body experience. Take, and retake, this home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, to reach more and more body awareness. Ten written lessons and five hours of relaxing, comforting audio about emotions and energy. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.”

Order before Sunday, Feb. 21 and get one hour of body awareness and another hour of body language education.

Body Awareness: “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking:”

Body Language: “How to Read Body Language to Know the Truth,” worth $49.97. Made for professionals who need to know how to read body language. Made for citizens of the United States who need to know the truth.

Must mention The Vibrant Moment in check out box to get your free body audios.


OR ORDER “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking

ORDER BY SUNDAY, Feb. 21 and get a free holistic psychology audio on body language, “How to Read Body Language to Know the Truth,” worth $49.97. Not available on the website. Made for holistic health professionals and psychologists who need to know how to read body language. Perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to read body language.


If you want to experience more body awareness and do not have local workshops available please email me. I will consider doing a workshop in your area if it is a fun place to visit and if you are able to gather ten people together for the workshop.


How to Use Your Intuition by Slowing Down

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Intuition.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Last week I gave you a working definition of intuition and explained the importance of tuning out anxiety so you can tune into your clear, intuitive voice. Read it here if you missed it:

A famous psychologist, Milton Erickson and his wife had an effective way of finding lost objects such as their keys. They sat down and tuned into their intuition to discover where their body put the keys. After all, your body knows where you put the keys even if your brain does not remember.

Really get what this means. Yes, your body knows and you cannot remember. Your body knows. This is the reason all my products, courses, and workshops help you get into your body and live in your body. Feeling your body is the only way to access the valuable information that your body knows that you do not.

The benefits of developing your intuition and using it in your daily life are endless. Credit card companies have a category called lost in the house. Sometimes I have been successful finding my credit card with the Ericksons’ approach so I do not have to call the lost in the house department. Just imagine how helpful it would be if you were able to know, instead of deduct, reality.

Would you like to improve your holistic health? Some medical intuitives are as accurate as an MRI. In addition, medical intuitives can see problems in areas where no medical test currently exists. Your body knows what is going on, within and without, its borders. Don’t think for a minute that it does not!

What kind of relationship do you have with your body? Your body does not lie, confuse you, or manipulate you. You can learn how to hear what your body is saying. Your body knows you much better than any outside person or test. My body even remembers where I put my credit card when I do not! What is there not to love, trust, and use?

The bottom-line is you have probably already used your intuition much more than you admit to yourself. Consider those wonderful moments when everything seems to go your way. The parking space that you need is there. The door opens and you walk through with ease.

Yes, your intuition gives you what you desire. So, sit down and give your intuition more conscious attention. The next time you lose something, take it for a test drive. However, do not expect your intuition to be perfect anymore than any other way of knowing. You are human.

Do not let your mistakes and imperfections stop you from learning how to develop and trust the information you receive. Just know that the answer you receive may or may not be truth. Let the information move and do not try to control reality.


USE YOUR INTUITIVE SELF: Safe in the arms of Mother Nature it is easier to access and use your intuitive self. Especially if you have a guide gently showing you how to move past your anxiety so you hear the clear tones inside of you. Have fun playing with your intuitive self at a Nature Workshop with a small group of intuition seekers. Near NYC and Philadelphia. Come for the day or spend the fall weekend in New Hope, PA. October 24, 11:00-5:00, $200.00, five openings left.

Read more and sign up:


ACCESS YOUR BODY WISDOM: Your body knows what you do not. Listen to what your body is screaming at you. Then give it what it needs for better holistic health. Order “Hear Your Body Talking,” a one-hour tele-seminar to improve your respect, love, and understanding of your body. Then access and use your body wisdom. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order “Hear Your Body Talking”:


How to Get Anxiety Out of Your Nervous System

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Heal Emotional Wounds.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


I am delighted last week’s The Vibrant Moment about how to permanently reduce anxiety resonated with so many readers. The information shared is the secret to reaching health and happiness on planet earth. If you have been in therapy and have not been able to stop your anxiety attacks, it contains the missing link. In summary, you must find, love, and heal your emotional self. Read The Vibrant Moment if you missed it here: How to Stop Anxiety

Not only does healing your emotional wounds reduce anxiety and depression, you also experience other holistic health benefits. Your physical and mental health begins to improve as soon as you feel your emotions. If the results you are getting in life are not to your liking, heal your emotional self and see what happens.

Another benefit of healing your deep emotional wounds is your relationships dramatically improve. All of the conflict you currently experience in relationships is due to an anxious, fearful child inside of you. When you heal your emotional self he or she feels safe and secure and does not react defensively in relationships with other people.

Once you feel safe and secure, everything is easier. A loving relationship with yourself, allows you to love others and let others love you. Whether you are washing the dishes, sitting by the pool, paying your bills, or swimming in the water you are more alive and whole. Your life is no longer ordinary and mundane, you have meaning and purpose.

When you become comfortable feeling your body feelings and emotional feelings you drop down, into a place I call, Heaven on Earth.  This holistic psychology newsletter is called The Vibrant Moment because when you feel safe and secure, you enter the present moment you are living and there are no distractions. No anxiety, no thoughts, just being alive in the moment. You have a whole body experience of be-ing in the world.

The rewards of healing your emotional wounds makes life on earth worth the pain you have experienced. Get the help you need to find, accept, and follow your emotional self to freedom and joy.

Write me and tell me the topics you want to know more about. If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share your holistic psychology newsletter with friends, family, and colleagues. Tell them to sign up at:


FIND YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: If you do not own the three-hour “Opening the Heart” audio series, order it now. The first hour of audio, “Feelings. the source of authentic love” guides you into finding your emotional self and shows you how to take care of her or him. Listen to this comforting, relaxing audio every day to learn how to feel more love for yourself and heal your emotional wounds. The other two hours of audio are “Fear. the pathway to freedom and joy,” and “When You’re Hurting…” Opening the Heart” gives you emotional healing guidance at your fingertips twenty-four hours a day. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:


OVERCOME ANXIETY NATURALLY: Learn to feel body feelings and emotional feelings as you shift out of mental judgments into feelings. Take the effective home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally to reduce the static energy of anxiety out of your nervous system. The package includes all you need to get started. ten written lessons, five hours of audio that include the Opening the Heart audio above. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:


NEED HELP WITH GRIEF? Lose a pet, mother, or child? If you are interested in a four-session grief group on the phone this summer, “How to Become More Alive While Grieving” let me know. You get the support and help you need to keep moving forward with your grieving instead of getting stuck in depression and anxiety. If there is enough interest, I will do one or two “How to Become More Alive While Grieving” Groups during the summer. The price is $200 for four hour and fifteen minute sessions. Times and days will be decided by participants. Contract information at

Mental Health Advice: Trust the Truth, Not False Beliefs



Follow Dr. Doris Jeanette on Twitter!



Can’t you just feel the strong sunshine in Colorado?


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Trust the Truth.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Where are you stuck?
Can you tell the difference between false beliefs and truth?

Frequently, in holistic psychology sessions with my clients, I sense and feel a woman or man to be in a physical state of energy that is different from where he or she thinks they are. This is the reason it is so reliable and effective to use energy as the basis of the new, holistic psychology. The truth is easy to know when you learn to read and sense the information in physical and emotional energy.

For example, I hear a very harmonious male voice telling me that he is anxious and fearful and had a terrible week. His words do not fit his energy. His mental perception does not match up with his physical and emotional truth.

Or, I hear a woman tell me that she is doing great, everything is fine, and she sounds very depressed and miserable. Her mental perception has no basis in reality. Her energy is down and out, no matter what her thoughts are telling her, or what her words say to me.

In both these cases, the ego energy is reversing reality so the client does not know the truth. The man’s ego energy is telling him a false belief about his success in the hope of keeping him in control. The woman’s ego is telling her a false belief about her lack of success in the hope of keeping her in control.

You are full of false beliefs you learned from religions, governments, and parents. These false beliefs keep you stuck and controlled. You must know the difference between a false belief and the truth if you want to achieve self-esteem, be successful, and enjoy life.

You cannot stand in false beliefs and be successful. Only when you stand in reality can you manifest what you want in life. If you are a psychologist, coach, or therapist you need to know how to read energy so you teach your clients how to read energy. I teach my clients to read energy so they know when their ego is reversing reality and when they are standing in their truth.

Armed with this knowledge, they have the means with which they can become effective and successful. When you discover a reversal of reality that is fooling you, rejoice! You can learn how to break free from your false belief so you stand in your truth.

No matter what your truth is, you move forward immediately becoming stronger and more self-confident.


REVERSING REALITY? This reversal of reality is often found in highly sensitive people who have been conditioned to distrust their perceptions. Could this be you or a loved one? Get the professional help you need in sorting through the confusing process of accepting, developing and using your highly sensitive gifts to your advantage. Order the special report: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” 31-page PDF file, $19.97. Money-back guarantee.

Order “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.”


YOUR BODY DOES NOT LIE! The way to know the truth is to trust your body. Your body energy always tells the truth. The one-hour audio, “3 Reason You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking,” teaches you how to benefit from listening to your body so you become empowered by standing in your success. Cost is $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Order “3 Reason You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking:”

WINTER SPECIAL: Order the hour audio, “3 Reason You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” and get the special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment during check out to get free report.


ENERGY HEALING IN COLORADO. I will be offering private in-person energy healing sessions in Glenwood Springs, CO from Feb. 17-March 18, 2015. Sense and feel the difference between your false beliefs and the energy of truth. Learn to become more effective and successful. If interested, contact information at


Metaphysical Law: Bless What You Want and Need to Manifest Goal.

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Bless Your Heart.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


My mother signed every card she sent me with “Bless you.” Sometimes, it was even “God bless you.” As a young psychologist, I did not like her religious tones and words. I threw her blessings into the trash in my Center City, Philadelphia home with irritation and disapproval.

As an older, wiser, holistic psychologist I write “Bless you.” and “Bless your heart” at the end of some of my emails. My 86-year-old mother has heard me say many times to her in the last decade, “Thank you mother for blessing me all those years. It finally paid off!”

“Mother, I am so grateful for your blessings. You are so smart. How did you know blessing me was the thing to do?” Mother gently replies, “I don’t know, I just knew to bless you and all that I love.”

Indeed. How wise my mother was and is. She still blesses me in each phone call and encounter we have. It is one of the many things I will miss when she passes. Her ever presence love and blessings will be sorely missed.

Huna psychology from Hawaii also teaches the power of blessing. Whatever you bless increases. This increase occurs because you give positive energy to that which you bless. There may be some other metaphysics magic that occurs that I do not know about, but I know for sure blessing something empowers me and that which I bless.

Try it yourself. If you want more money, bless those that are rich. Bless money in any and all forms. Bless paper money, real estate, stocks, and gold. Bless money to get more money. Notice if you judge and curse the rich. Cursing simply means that good old fashion disapproval I blasted upon my mother’s blessings.

I used to also curse money and the rich. My disapproval of money blocked me from having a good relationship with money. Finally, after years of rejecting money, I am close and loving with money. What a shift and what a joy to be in harmony with money!

Bless anything you want to receive. Bless healthy people to become healthy. Bless loving couples to become more loving. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday to remind you to use the power of blessing. Bless all that you love and want.

Start by blessing the Native American people for giving life and food to white man when he landed upon their shores.


GET RID OF DISAPPROVAL! “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment,” a one-hour personal growth audio, teaches you the importance of getting rid of your mental judgments for peace of mind, relaxation, and pleasure. Learn ways to purge yourself of disapproval and approval. It is not for you to judge, it is for you to accept, bless, and love. One-hour CD or mp3, $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:


ALREADY OWN THE GUILT AUDIO? Learn to be assertive with your family this Thanksgiving so you have a more joyful holiday experience. Take the Assertiveness Training home study course: “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence.” 46-page manual as a PDF file PLUS over six hours of audio as mp3s. $147.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:


MANIFEST MORE MONEY: Join a four-week Skype class, “The Magic of Money Magnetism Revealed,” to improve your relationship with money in mid January 2015 with a small group of motivated people. Please email me and let me know you are interested. The cost will be $200.00.

Contact information at

Keep New Year’s Resolutions, Take Action for Successful Personal Growth

skiingFollow Doris Jeanette on Twitter:


Take action. Do what you love.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Light your fire.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Do you know what stops you from being open, relaxed and fit?

Let us recap what you learned last week about how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions so you feel proud and pleased with yourself by the end of 2014.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Be realistic
Set yourself up for success, not failure
Feel proud of last year’s successes
Learn to stand in your success
Take responsibility for your actions or lack of actions
Use your intention to get energy moving forward
Take appropriate action that leads to success

Failure to keep your New Year’s Resolutions is due to one psychological factor, anxiety. For example, if you want to lose weight you must reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is what makes you eat too much. If you want to be more open, you must reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is what causes you to be distrustful of others. If you want to be more fit, it is anxiety that you must get out of your nervous system and physical body in order to become physically healthy and strong.

Apply this anxiety help to all of your New Year’s Resolutions. Anxiety makes you drink too much, push away love, not move, move too fast and defend yourself in relationships. Anxiety is what makes you stop pursuing your New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January!

Therefore, the action step you must take if you want to be successful with any New Year’s Resolution is to reduce the anxiety that currently exists in your body and nervous system. Anxiety is like static on the radio, it interferes with your ability to perform at your best in any situation. Anxiety is never helpful. Anxiety is a maladaptive conditioned response.

Maladaptive conditioned response means you learned to be anxious in a past learning experience and this response is not helpful. Period. This is the definition of anxiety. A little bit of anxiety is never good for you. Real fear, on the other hand, is helpful. Fear keeps you safe and sane.

Rest assured there are real solutions to any and all psychological problems and relationships issues. If you want to be open and trust people, you can learn to be open and trust people. If you want to reduce your anxiety, you can learn, step by step, exactly how to reduce your anxiety.

Do not sit in helplessness, thinking you cannot reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is learned, and you can unlearn it. Light some fire underneath your butt to make sure you take the positive action steps that take you directly to your New Year’s Resolutions.

Get excited and take some baby steps into more pleasurable moments in 2014.


Two Home Study Courses Lead to Success

ANXIETY HELP: Experience more relaxation, fun and self-confidence. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson, learn how to successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio, which includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

LEARN NEW SKILLS: Assertiveness Training is an essential communication skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.

If this sounds exciting to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for a discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 20, 2014.

Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxiety energy into effective energy.


GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order:


Please share your comments below.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Feel Proud


Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter:


Spending a month in Hawaii in 2013 was one of my accomplishments.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel proud.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Like removing dirty clothes, it feels good to let go of 2013. Like putting on fresh, clean clothes, it feels fantastic to walk into the brand new year of 2014. It is exciting to know that this new year offers new possibilities and promises that you could embrace if you so choose.

It is always helpful to take stock of your personal growth and review the successes you achieved over the last year. If you want to permanently improve your self-confidence, it is essential to take the time to celebrate your successes and feel proud of yourself. You need to make the successes yours.

To help you own your successes, write down the personal growth and professional achievements you accomplished in 2013. No matter how small your success, write it down and know that baby steps are the way you learn to dance in the world. Your written material will give you concrete data you can use the next time your ego starts to find fault with everything about you!

Next, you need to celebrate your successes in some way that feels good to you. Reward yourself with something that you love. It is also important to not forget about your successes. Instead, remember your successes as you walk into the New Year. Take time each day to feel proud of yourself and feel good about yourself.

Body Awareness Exercise

To help you anchor your successes into the physical plane, think of your successes as you feel your body and stand up tall with pride. Then continue to stand in your success as you walk around inside your house. If you have attended one of my workshops or phone sessions, you know these body awareness exercises are effective and fun. Next, take your new body posture outside in the world and enjoy your new body self-confidence.

Body awareness exercises help you own your power to make sure you learn a new physical sense of self-confidence that no one can take away from you. The addition of this body awareness factor is what makes my new psychology approach and home study courses more effective than traditional personal growth courses.

Take Responsibility

You must also remind yourself that you took specific actions that lead to your successes; they did not just happen to you. You are the one who took the proper actions that led to reaching your goal. It does not matter how good your teachers, mentors and coaches are, you are the one who did the work that led your to accomplishments. Like it or not, you are responsible for your successes and failures.

Intend to Make 2014 Even Better.

Write down your New Year Resolutions, goals, desires and needs. Choose to be part of the 12% of people who successfully reach their New Year’s Resolutions. It would be a waste of energy for you to be part of the 88% who drop the ball by the end of January!

You can lose weight, make more money, have more fun, improve your sex life, become healthier and attract more loving relationships by the end of 2014. If you take yourself seriously and make a definite plan on how to reach your New Year’s resolution, you will be successful. There is no reason for you to drop the ball and fail.

To succeed, you must be realistic. Do not set yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for success. Set a goal that you know you will reach. If losing weight is your New Year’s Resolution, plan to lose one pound a week. And know that some weeks you will not even lose one. That is reality and reality is the path that leads to success.

To be successful, you also need to make sure your weight loss program is not based on controlling yourself and your diet. Control is not successful with any New Year’s resolution because it is not pleasurable. Never try to make yourself do something or not do something if you want to reach your New Year’s resolutions. If the activity is not fun and enjoyable, you will quickly drop the ball and fail.

More next week on how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. For this week, stand in your successes and feel proud. Then write down realistic New Year’s Resolutions outlining a successful personal growth pathway.


Two Home Study Courses Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions.

INCREASE BODY AWARENESS: Enjoy more relaxation, fun and self-acceptance. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson learn how to stop anxiety attacks and increase body awareness so you successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio which, includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

USE YOUR POWER: Assertiveness Training is an essential skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.

If this sounds beneficial to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.

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NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for your discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 13, 2014.

Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxious energy into effective energy.


GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order:


Music, Sound and Color Therapy Tip: Listen to the Blues and Feel



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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Good Vibrations.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Sitting in the Memphis airport catching up on my email while listening to sounds of the Blues being piped throughout the Memphis airport. For those of you outside of USA, Memphis is on the Mississippi River in western Tennessee and is the birthplace of the Blues.

B.B. King, an African-American, is considered to be the King of the Blues. He performed his soulful sounds right here on Beale Street in downtown Memphis. He is 88 years old as of 2013. The Blues are a colorful expression of emotions put to music which grew out of the hard life on the Mississippi Delta.

I have been recommending color therapy and music therapy to my clients for over 30 years. For example, listening to the Blues can help you heal your heart and connect with your soul. If you allow yourself to feel the vibrations in the Blues, these vibrations provide you with a safe, effective form of color therapy and music therapy.

What can listening to the Blues do for you?

The results of listening to the Blues when you feel down and out gives you psychological benefits far beyond what most traditional talk therapy can do for you. The vibrations in music affect your physical body and your emotional body.

Sound vibrations affect your physical body. Color vibrations affect your emotional body. Therefore, listening to music helps you connect with your authentic emotions. The more you feel your authentic emotions, the more effectively you move through difficult periods in your life.

If you let yourself feel your sad feelings when you feel sad, you do not get stuck in depression. Instead, you move forward through your pain, loss and sorrow until you reach the state where you feel more alive, rich and deep. The Blues help you feel your authentic emotions, which helps you move forward.

As a result, you begin to live life more fully than you did before your loss, pain or sorrow. Listening to music is helpful but certainly not enough. If you keep moving forward by engaging in effective personal growth actions, you get to the emotionally healthy place where you don’t even experience the Blues very often anymore.

I like to listen to the African-American women sing the Blues. Ma Rainey is considered to be the Mother of the Blues. Bessie Smith, Ida Cox, Alberta Hunter and Ethel Waters are just as worthy of your attention. Of course, many of the current performers render their wonderful original tunes with heartfelt emotion.

My all time favorite Blues song is Ida Cox’s “Wild Women Don’t Get the Blues.” If you have never heard it, give it a spin. Whether you are a man or woman, you need to be free, wild and happy without needing external approval from someone else.

Feel the vibrations in the Blues and let your body move. Soon you will feel better, stronger and more alive.


FEEL BABY FEEL: For those of you who have not yet listened to the colorful, soulful vibrations in the Opening the heart audio, now is the time to put the good vibrations in my voice into your ears and heart. No music, just good vibrations that help you feel your emotions and love yourself. Use them over and over again to relax and feel comfort. Three hours, $97.00, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Order before Monday, November 11 and get the Opening the Heart ebook, worth $19.97 for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.


COLOR THERAPY: The simple exercises which connect color, sound and body movements in the Home Study Course, “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound,” give you an introduction to sound and color therapy. Learn more about the science behind color and sound therapy. Do the exercises to become more aware of the different vibrations in sound and color. These exercises are fun for children and the child within you. Great to get you moving out of depressed energy. Downloadable in PDF format, 40 pages, $19.97.

Read more and order:


MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT TELE-CLASS IN JANUARY. If you are manifesting what you do not want instead of what you do want, take this course. Learn more about natural laws and how to use them to your advantage. Feel, sense and affect the flow of energy toward you, away from you and around you.

Four week course on manifestation taught in one hour sessions with practice in between for all students. Learn to use the laws of physics and metaphysics to manifest what you want and need. From money to friends, master the flow of your own energy so you interact with reality in ways that empower you and support you.

Beginning Tues. night, 6:00 ET, Jan 7.
Sign up for Manifest What You Want Course.


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