The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Heal Emotional Wounds.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
I am delighted last week’s The Vibrant Moment about how to permanently reduce anxiety resonated with so many readers. The information shared is the secret to reaching health and happiness on planet earth. If you have been in therapy and have not been able to stop your anxiety attacks, it contains the missing link. In summary, you must find, love, and heal your emotional self. Read The Vibrant Moment if you missed it here: How to Stop Anxiety
Not only does healing your emotional wounds reduce anxiety and depression, you also experience other holistic health benefits. Your physical and mental health begins to improve as soon as you feel your emotions. If the results you are getting in life are not to your liking, heal your emotional self and see what happens.
Another benefit of healing your deep emotional wounds is your relationships dramatically improve. All of the conflict you currently experience in relationships is due to an anxious, fearful child inside of you. When you heal your emotional self he or she feels safe and secure and does not react defensively in relationships with other people.
Once you feel safe and secure, everything is easier. A loving relationship with yourself, allows you to love others and let others love you. Whether you are washing the dishes, sitting by the pool, paying your bills, or swimming in the water you are more alive and whole. Your life is no longer ordinary and mundane, you have meaning and purpose.
When you become comfortable feeling your body feelings and emotional feelings you drop down, into a place I call, Heaven on Earth. This holistic psychology newsletter is called The Vibrant Moment because when you feel safe and secure, you enter the present moment you are living and there are no distractions. No anxiety, no thoughts, just being alive in the moment. You have a whole body experience of be-ing in the world.
The rewards of healing your emotional wounds makes life on earth worth the pain you have experienced. Get the help you need to find, accept, and follow your emotional self to freedom and joy.
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FIND YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: If you do not own the three-hour “Opening the Heart” audio series, order it now. The first hour of audio, “Feelings. the source of authentic love” guides you into finding your emotional self and shows you how to take care of her or him. Listen to this comforting, relaxing audio every day to learn how to feel more love for yourself and heal your emotional wounds. The other two hours of audio are “Fear. the pathway to freedom and joy,” and “When You’re Hurting…” Opening the Heart” gives you emotional healing guidance at your fingertips twenty-four hours a day. $97.00, money-back guarantee.
Read more and order now:
OVERCOME ANXIETY NATURALLY: Learn to feel body feelings and emotional feelings as you shift out of mental judgments into feelings. Take the effective home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally to reduce the static energy of anxiety out of your nervous system. The package includes all you need to get started. ten written lessons, five hours of audio that include the Opening the Heart audio above. $199.97, money-back guarantee.
Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:
NEED HELP WITH GRIEF? Lose a pet, mother, or child? If you are interested in a four-session grief group on the phone this summer, “How to Become More Alive While Grieving” let me know. You get the support and help you need to keep moving forward with your grieving instead of getting stuck in depression and anxiety. If there is enough interest, I will do one or two “How to Become More Alive While Grieving” Groups during the summer. The price is $200 for four hour and fifteen minute sessions. Times and days will be decided by participants. Contract information at