The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Breathe.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
I am stuck in the grieving process. My mother died over a year ago. I was moving and grooving smoothly along in the grieving process, experiencing waves of sadness that crashed against the shoreline and moved onward and upward.
My joy and energy was coming back from time to time. I was so much more grounded after my fall Nature Workshop and magical trip to Yellowstone National Park. Was finishing up my book over the winter in Colorado, getting it ready for publication, and BANG.
No more. It appears I was dead wrong. I thought just feeling the sadness when I felt sad was enough to move me successfully through the grief process. Feeling sad when you feel sad is not all there is to letting go of a loved one when they physically die.
The body does not lie. Nope, you gotta listen and learn from your physical self every step of the way, especially for us highly sensitive ones who are also empathic. My body is screaming and I am listening with all my ears and cells to discover what my beloved body needs to return to relaxation, safety, and peace.
Here is list of factors I am discovering, which determine the process of letting go of loved ones during the grief process.
Factors that affect and effect the grief process:
1. How close you were to the loved one
2. How much you loved them, note closeness is not love
3. How much she or he loved you.
4. How effectively you expressed love toward her or him.
5. How separated you were from them
6. How many unhealthy attachments you did not resolve
7. What false beliefs you have about death
8. Unhealthy attachments that resurface after the loss
9. How successful your loved one was in letting go of you
Wow. If you think relationships don’t matter, you are in for a shock. How you relate to your parents, family, yourself, and everyone you meet during your lifetime — affect and effect your matter. Your body and energy field reflects the health and unhealthy impact of your relationships.
It does not matter if you loved them or rejected them; you still have an attachment. In addition, you cannot get away from anyone just because they die. Now is the time to unlearn your unhealthy attachments to your parents so you enjoy life more abundantly.
When you read the list of factors that affect the grief process notice that closeness is not the same energy as love. This is where the unhealthy attachments come into play. Often people feel close to each other in unhealthy ways, such as through judgments, guilt, and pity.
For example, take a look at your family through the centuries. Are there common judgments and false beliefs your family hold dear? Does your family think they are better than others because they are good and do the “right” thing? Do you believe you get gold stars for suffering?
Whatever is true or not true, when you get stuck, go back to the basics and breathe. Bringing back my breath helps me become conscious of what I am not conscious of, that I need to be conscious of, in order to get unstuck. Breathing will work for you, too.
Use the approach offered in the Opening the Heart audio to help you feel your feelings and get back on track. “Breathe and feel.” Take a deep breath and slowly exhale. As you let go of your breath, feel your physical feelings and emotional feelings.
BREATHE AND FEEL: Learn how to feel your feelings and emotions so you do not get stuck in anxiety or depression. Learn the difference between judgment and love, pity and sadness, fear and anxiety. Only after you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy attachments can you let go of judgment, pity, and anxiety. Use the comforting emotional health audio, Opening the Heart. It leads you into healing any grief or loss. Three hours of relaxing audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97, money-back guarantee.
Read more and order Opening the Heart, an emotional health guide into your feelings and emotions.
GET RID OF UNHEALTHY ATTACHMENTS. Finally separate from the anxiety your parents taught you. Get this buzz out of your nervous system. The home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, includes the Opening the Heart audio mentioned above and two additional hours of audio PLUS ten written lessons. Written lessons lead you step-by-step into living in your body where reality exists. $199.97, money-back guarantee.
Read more and order the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally
HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON? Get the guidance you need to trust your sensitive feelings and emotions to manifest the life you want. Order the Special Report: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” Learn how to accept, develop, and use your natural gifts to your advantage. Thirty-one page PDF file, $19.97. Money-back guarantee.
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