Self Help: How to Use Feelings to Make Good Decisions

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Don’t Fret.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


You could stay home tonight or go to an event you want to attend. You do not know which one to do. Ambivalence occurs. You go back and forth, weighting the pros and cons. What DO you do?

Everyone has trouble making decisions in some area of their life. I can quickly decide to take a trip to India with Jean Houston. Yet, spent years deciding where to put the new washroom. Where, when, and how do you become ambivalent?

Some decisions are more important than others. The color you paint the outside of your house has to be tolerated for years. The event you want to see may leave town and never return. On the other hand, there could be a terrible accident about to occur and if you stay home you avoid it. Seriously.

My, my, all sorts of factors affect our decisions. No wonder the gall bladder gets upset. In Chinese Medicine, the gall bladder is the Little General in relationship to the liver, the Big General. The gall bladder gets agitated when you have trouble making all those daily decisions human beings are required to make. What paper towels to buy?

Early in my career I had trouble helping people when they were ambivalent about big decisions. To go back to school or not? I did not know how to guide them into the right decision. Finally, I began to see the Bigger Picture of what was going on. In most cases, it does not matter what you do or do not do. There is no right answer.

What matters is how you feel about your decision. It is your feelings, not your choice that matters most. As long as you feel good about your decision, it is a good one. This is wonderful news. You can relax, stop worrying, and trust your feelings.

Try on different decisions as if you are shopping for a new hat. How does it feel tonight if you stay home? How does it feel if you go out and play? Which one is the best fit? If something feels good, it is a good decision.

This means you have to know what you feel in order to make good decisions. This is the reason it is so important to have a close, loving relationship with your emotional self. No one else knows what is best for you. No one else knows how you feel.

You must find and follow your emotional self if you want to feel good and make good decisions. Learn to trust your feelings and use them to manifest the vibrant moments you want and need.
Feel free to contact me if I can be helpful to you. Visit the free holistic psychology library at for anxiety, depression and relationship help.


FIND YOUR EMOTIONAL SELF: Making good decisions, being relaxed, feeling happy are some of the benefits of knowing what you feel. Learn how to find and follow your emotional self by listening to the Opening the Heart audio series. Use the comforting emotional health audio, Opening the Heart. Three hours of relaxing, comforting, educational audio, $97.00, Ebook, $19.97, money-back guarantee.

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How to Use Patience to Enter the NOW

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Patient.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychologist, Mentor, Coach


In my new Center City house, at the age of 33, I sat in total frustration on the floor surrounded by a mess of fabric, wood, and dozens of tiny nails. My attempts to cover the ugly pink and green striped wallpaper in my hallway with the beautiful black and red flowered fabric I had bought in the fabric district was failing.

The professional look I was guaranteed by the designer magazine did not manifest. What was I to do? The unsightly stripes had to removed. I could not afford to pay someone else to do it. This meant another long, irritating walk back to the lumberyard on Washington Avenue. This would be my third.

Feeling my feelings, suddenly, my disgust with my efforts turned into patience and understanding. It occurred to me that there was no hurry to get this project completed. I had all the time in the world to walk back and forth to the lumber store on Washington as many times as needed to get whatever supplies it took to keep the fabric on the wall and make it look great.

The only person rushing me was me. I decided to give myself the luxury of taking as long as I needed to make the wall look beautiful. I could relax and enjoy the process instead of feeling rushed. Wonderful. This was my first act of being patient with myself.

The moment I decided to be patient with myself, was the moment I dropped down into a newfound sense of self-love and self-acceptance. Visualize how, when, and where you could use patience to become more effective and happier. Patience is a long way from anxious.

After this break through, I read that Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, said, “Time, space, and patience are those channels through which man as a finite mind may become aware of the infinite.” What this means is that you enter the reality of the infinite universe when you are patient with yourself instead of critical of yourself. Wow!

Patience takes you into a place far away from your brain and thoughts. Your thoughts are the problem. It is your critical thoughts about yourself that cause you to feel frustrated and unhappy. An old Dutch proverb says, “A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.” Indeed.

Patience is power in its purest form. It is not passive, it is acceptance of that which is. Patience works magic on the moment. Try being patient with yourself and see what results you get. Take Patience for a walk, she is good company.

Let me know the results you get. I bet you quickly get a smile on your face because you are more relaxed and happier.

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BE PATIENT AND LOVING WITH YOURSELF: Feel good about yourself, no matter what your problems are. Say good things to yourself instead of nasty things. Get that static energy out of your nervous system. The home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, guides you in baby steps toward patience. It includes the Tame Your Thoughts and Break the Grip of Anxiety audio and the Opening the Heart audio series PLUS ten written lessons. Written lessons lead you step-by-step out of your thoughts into reality where patience lives. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

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