Relaxation and Anxiety Help: Get Rid of Judgment and Live a Guilt Free Life

pillowThis pillow is waiting for you to relax. Rest easy and dream with the angels.

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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Enjoy the moment.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


August 7, 2013 is National Play Day. This is a great reminder for adults and children to get outside and have fun moving and grooving.

National Play Day is a wonderful follow up to my recommendation last week to the regular The Vibrant Moment readers. I suggested for good mental health you need to enjoy some pleasure every single day.  Here is the link if you did not read it:

So, were some of you able to add more pleasures this week? I sure did. I call vibrant moments being in heaven on earth.

Here is a list of some of my heavenly moments:

Swimming in a beautiful blue pool cleaned and softened by rain water
Swimming slowly on my back looking up at the glorious blue sky
Strolling in Rittenhouse Park while giving and receiving smiles
Cooking walnut crusted trout, Swiss shard and corn on the cob
Eating walnut crusted trout, Swiss shard and corn on the cob
Relaxing in a lounge chair outside looking at green trees and insects flying around
Sipping coffee with bits and pieces of pound cake underneath a canopy of trees
Gently resting my head on my buckwheat pillow in clean sheets
Taking a warm, long shower after hard housework

If you were not successful in enjoying more pleasurable moments this week, ask yourself, “What stopped me?”

In the USA, our Puritan and Germanic backgrounds rewards hard work and staying busy.  If you work hard, you are rewarded.  If you do not stay busy, you are punished.  This means that if you want to avoid punishment you have to keep working and stay busy all the time.  This is what most people do.

Resting, doing nothing, relaxing and enjoying life is a sin. Yes, a sin.

This Puritan Ethic conditioning is hard to break free from once it takes hold in your body and psyche.  If you do not pay attention to how your conditioning stops you from enjoying pleasure, you cannot put into practice the action steps needed to break out of the bad habit of not relaxing.

At the age of 34, I consciously let go of control and relaxed.  Immediately, the most painful guilt experiences crippled me again and brought me back into control.    Every time I relaxed, I felt like a sinner. Every time I experienced pleasure, I felt like I was sinning.

No wonder I had such trouble learning how to relax in the first place! Every time I relaxed, I judged myself as lazy. Or to be more precise, I heard my father’s voice in my head calling me, “Lazy.” His judgment stopped me dead in my tracks and tightened up every muscle in my body.

Later in life when my father was dying, he confessed to me that he desperately wanted nothing more in life but to be able to put his feet up, kick back and relax. But he couldn’t. He just could not relax, no matter what he tried to do.

I suggested to him that he could stop making himself wrong when he relaxed. However, he was never able to rest, do nothing and enjoy just being in the moment. My father died an anxious man. While it is too late for my father, it is not too late for you.

If you listen, you can hear the exact judgments you learned from your parents, teachers and priests.  These mental judgments keep you from relaxing and being in the moment.  You must get rid of your mental judgments if you want to kick back and enjoy the moments of your life.

Of course, when you break free, you experience guilt.

Guilt is a given. This is when you really have to pay attention so you eliminate the irrational judgments in your head and keep moving forward.  If not, guilt puts you right back into darkness, anxiety and depression.

So, using learning research, I felt like a lazy person for a while and continued to relax my body.  I felt like a sinner over and over again, as I continued to enjoy the pleasures of living in the body.

Soon the control guilt had over me began to vanish and I could kick back and enjoy the moment without any guilt what so ever.

Share your feelings, thoughts and comments about guilt, guilt-free living, control, workaholics, Puritan conditioning and relaxation therapy below.


NEED HELP WITH GUILTY PLEASURES?  Guilt is the major block to receiving your daily pleasures.  Learn how to get rid of guilt and judgment so you give yourself pleasure every day. One-hour personal growth audio, $29.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order: ”Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment.”

Free Bonus: Order “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” before Monday, August 12 to get “Break the Grip of Anxiety Naturally: An Overview,” for free, a one-hour anxiety help audio, worth $29.97.


NEED HELP RELAXING?  Enjoy the body exercises in the Overcome Anxiety Naturally Home Study Course. Your body and mind will be glad you learned to kick back and do nothing before it is too late for you to enjoy the pleasures of being alive on planet Earth. Get 10 written lessons and 5 hours of healing therapy audio for only $149.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order your anxiety help course:


Goodbye Performance Anxiety, Hello Peak Performance

peakFollow Doris Jeanette on Twitter for daily doses of healthy suggestions:


Let the music flow. Peak performances are fun and healthy for you. Performance anxiety stops the fun so healthy energy cannot flow through you.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Get in the Zone.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Since I spent the weekend with my highly motivated musical and political nephews, my creativity is amped up and renewed.  So I revisited the last survey The Vibrant Moment’s readers filled out to some fresh ideas for the content of this week’s newsletter.

The top three topics you were interested in were:
Peak Performance

Wow, I forgot peak performance was number three!  I have not written about peak performance since the survey.  This learning experience is a helpful self-improvement lesson in and of itself.

Lesson Learned:

Make sure you get feedback from your personal relationships as well as your professional relationships.  Write the feedback down so you have a record of the data. Then make sure you revisit the feedback to find new ways to be successful with your personal growth and professional development along the way.

Now, to peak performance.

First, let’s definite our terms accurately.  I just did a google search and found incorrect information. Even the current Psychology Today information is incorrect on performance anxiety.

The Definition of Performance Anxiety:

Performance anxiety is a learning research term that is used to define any anxiety that occurs before or during any type of performance. It does not apply just to stage fright and public performances.  Performance anxiety applies to any activity that you may need or want to perform.  For example, taking a test, making love with your partner, reaching the moon and trying to relax.

The Definition of Peak Performance:

Peak performance is a psychological term that applies to any type of performance where you are able to relax and do your best.  We often think of sports and music.  If you saw the third game of the NBA playoffs last night, you know what I mean.  Two undrafted players “led the San Antonio Spurs to one of the best-shooting, biggest blowouts in NBA Finals history.” The San Antonio Spurs had a magical performance blowing away the stars of the Miami Heat that gave the viewers, as well as the players, plenty of goosebumps and joy.

However, anything you do could be a peak performance for you.  Anytime you relax and perform at your best, you are enjoying a peak performance.  In a relaxed state, you are able to use your human potential to its maximum based on your current skill level.

This is what gives you a peak performance.  You are able to access and use the skill you have spent hours learning and practicing to your maximum advantage at your command.  So a peak performance is based on your ability to use your innate ability and learned behavior with mastery at your will.

Performance Anxiety Blocks Peak Performances

Do you have performance anxiety? Most of us do. Just think of all the ways performance anxiety keeps you inhibited, depressed and miserable. For example, you don’t feel comfortable in your body so that you can spontaneously get up on the dance floor when the spirit moves you and show off your dancing skills. You cannot let go and have a peak performance any time or anywhere.

How can you experience a peak performance?

The answer is really quite simple. You have to remove enough anxiety from your physical body so that you can perform the task at hand. To remove the anxiety from your body, you have to stop the mental judgments coming out of your brain from taking the center stage.  When your thoughts are in control, they are always successful in making your body contract.

When you let go of control, you automatically relax.  So the solution is to let go of control and stop thinking.  In a relaxed state you will do your best without thinking about anything at all.  This is because when you relax your physical body, you automatically get in the flow or zone.  Anytime you get in the flow, you will have a peak performance for you.

The great thing about peak performances is that these wonderful experiences keep getting better and better so you have new peak performances all along the way. There is no end to how many peak performances you can have before you die. Get in your flow and enjoy more peak performances.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback about performance anxiety, relaxation and peak performances below.


PEAK PERFORMANCE HELP:  Use the information on the self-improvement audio, “How to Study Guide: 7 Study Skills to Peak Performance,” to ace your next presentation.  This material was made for college students and adults who want to work smarter, not harder. Learn how to approach your job or exams with more self- confidence.  Based on learning research, mind-body tools and holistic psychology principles. $29.97, CD or mp3, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:


TAME YOUR THOUGHTS HELP: Stop your mental judgments from taking center stage. Put your nasty, low self-esteem thoughts in the trash where they belong. Use the information in this one-hour anxiety reduction audio, “Tame Your Thoughts,” to break free from your performance anxiety so you have more peak performances.

Read more and order:

FREE BONUS! Order either personal growth audio above before Monday, June 17 and get the free bonus audio, “Break the Grip of Anxiety Naturally: An Overview.” One-hour audio, $29.97. Must mention The Vibrant Moment in the check out box to get free audio.

Personal Development Tip: Study Metaphysics for Peak Performance, Success, Holistic Health and Happiness

 Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Use Metaphysics
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


What kind of experiences have you had in your life that you would put into the metaphysical category?

Readers of “The Vibrant Moment” ranked metaphysics as the second-most desirable topic to know more about, just behind physics.  Currently, metaphysics is very difficult to define.  After all, this entire area of study has changed dramatically since the Greeks first defined it at a time in history when Zeus ruled the world with thunder bolts.

Metaphysics used to be a central part of academic inquiry and scholarly education even before the age of Aristotle, who considered it “the Queen of Sciences.”  Metaphysics was equal in importance to the subjects of physical science, medicine, mathematics, poetry and music.

And my, how things have changed. Poetry and music are not taught at many of our schools across the country in USA and neither is metaphysics.  It seems that many academic types currently look down their nose at that which they cannot see.

However, since Albert Einstein’s Metaphysics of Relativity, wise people have expanded their consciousness to include the many new realities that had previously been unseen and unknown.  As a result, that which was once metaphysics is now considered to be part of physics.

So, even though many in the traditional scientific community would like you to continue to deny, depress and ignore these realities, it is not in your best interest to do so.  If you want to be happy and healthy, you need to value and honor any personal experiences you have had that cannot be explained by the current rigid, outdated scientific paradigm.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits to studying and following the laws of metaphysics.

A person who successfully uses the laws of metaphysics will experience:

– Improved self-esteem and self-confidence.
– Healthier relationships to other people, plants and objects.
– The joy of attracting more money.
– Choosing goals that feel good.
– Reaching goals that satisfy.

So how would I define metaphysics?  The realities that exist and have always existed since time out of mind. The realities that the ancient Greeks knew more about than humans in 2012.

The subtle realities that you can and will become conscious of as you open your hearts, bodies and minds to that which is all around you.  Join the thrilling journey into these new realities that exist inside of you and outside of you at all times every minute of everyday.


Highly Sensitive Person? My educated observation is that the highly sensitive person is much more likely to have experienced metaphysical phenomena during childhood.  To reclaim your self-esteem and self-confidence in your ability to perceive real data read the Special Report: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.”  I guide you through the process of accepting, developing and using your natural gifts to your advantage. 31 page PDF file, $19.97.

Read more and order:

Bonus for the Holidays: Order  “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” by Monday, December 17 and receive a discount coupon for $30.00 off any course, audio or product at  Give yourself or a loved one a personal growth gift for the New Year. Please mention The Vibrant Moment in the check out box to get your discount coupon.


TREAT YOURSELF FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Indulge your body and soul in a two-day private Energy Retreat offered for a few individuals or couples.  Receive your Energy Retreat in Philadelphia, PA, Glenwood Springs, CO, Chapel Hill, NC or the Big Island, Hawaii depending on the time of the year.  I will also consider coming to your location so ask for what you want.

Read more about this personal growth luxury:


Falling in Love, Relationship Advice: Use Body Language to Notice Fear, Anxiety


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Use Body Language

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


A reporter sent me a series of questions to answer on the
physical effects of falling in and out of love for an article
she was writing.

One of her questions was, “What exactly causes the
“butterflies” and “sweaty palms” when people fall in love?
Is that real or not?”

My answer:

“Yes, these physical experiences are real. Your body reacts
to everything that is going on inside and outside of you all
the time. Your body is the best barometer you have for knowing
what is really happening in physical reality.”

For example, “butterflies” and “sweaty palms” occur when you
are anxious.  These physical effects often happen to you before
you give a speech, when you are in a new situation, when you are
in an airplane and so on.

What you need to know is the feeling of love is not causing your
physical reactions of anxiety.  It is most important to sort out
the difference between love and the fear of love.

It is your fear of love that causes you to have butterflies in
your stomach.

Your fears of intimacy cause you to experience sweaty palms.
You may feel insecure about the possibility of falling in love.
Perhaps you are afraid of being vulnerable and open.

You are thinking thoughts like this:
“Does she like me as much as I like her?”
“Oh no! I will get hurt if I fall in love.”
“I can’t let him know how much I like him. He will run away.”

When you are in love your body reacts very differently.

You are feeling love and not thinking anything. Your body is
relaxed, open and soft when it is in the energy of love.

Real love makes you feel secure, accepted and calm. You are glad
to have a person to love and be loved by.

If you are afraid of love, now is the time to learn how to face
your fears and overcome your anxiety.   It will be good for your
mental health, emotional health and physical health to learn how
to spend more time in the physical state of love.

PROFESSIONALS:  If you are not using body awareness and its
physical truths in your work, you are not using the most powerful
tools you have to help your clients transform their fear and anxiety
energy into love energy.  Engage in continuing education to learn
how to include the body and its truths in your psychological work.

PARENTS:  Make sure you get back in your own body so you can model
healthy loving behaviors for your children instead of anxious,
fearful behaviors.  Help your children keep their body self-esteem
as they grow up by allowing them to play freely with their whole
body and spend lots of time outdoors every day.


GET STARTED, TAKE ACTION: The best place to start facing
your fears and overcoming your anxiety is with the “Overcome
Anxiety Naturally” online course.  It teaches you the physical
awareness you need to tell the difference between your body in
love, in fear and in anxiety.  It also gives you the body exercises
and physical tools you need to use in your daily life when you
are anxious so that you can unlearn your fears of intimacy. Fully
guaranteed. 10 written lessons and five hours of audio, $149.97.

BONUS:  Order the “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” online course before
Monday, Jan 16 and receive an audio worth $29.97, “Hear Your Body
Talking.” Remember to tell me in the check out box that you are a
Vibrant Moment reader.

Read about the personal growth power tool:
“Hear Your Body Talking”:


ALREADY TAKEN THE ANXIETY COURSE? The next step is mentoring and
coaching. Get the support and specific help you need to become more
aware of how you are stuck in fear and anxiety.  Mentoring makes sure
your personal growth and self-improvement is successful. You will
reach your New Year’s Resolutions and more.

For professional and personal growth join the Holistic Psychology
Mentoring Program:

For private coaching email me about your interest. I will be in
Glenwood Springs, CO for private in-person energy sessions
until Feb. 13.

Questions?  Email me at
Or call 215-732-6197.


NO-COST TELE-SEMINAR: Thursday, Jan. 19, 7:00 PM, ET. “Get
More Clients in 2012.”  The Holistic Psychology Mentoring
program also includes a holistic health marketing education
as well as clinical help.

Read more and sign up:


Daily doses of Doris on twitter at:


Holiday Advice: Take Action On Self Improvement, Personal Growth for 2012

dsc_0146.jpgThe Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Take a look.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


This time of year is a great time to take a look at the whole
year and see how much you have accomplished in both your
personal and professional life.

Enjoy and celebrate your successes. If you do not have a lot
of successes to admire and enjoy, you probably did not take
action.  Doing nothing, means getting nothing.

Therefore, it is important to acknowledge the areas you were
not successful in.  The self-improvement goals that you did
not take action on could be the first thing you put on your
New Year’s Resolutions list for 2012.

As you enjoy your holidays look at your life and make some
positive decisions.  Decide to accomplish something wonderful
this year. You can reach a goal that you need, want or desire.

There is no doubt that taking appropriate action will result
in getting what you need, want or desire.

Look within, look around and look below for resources to
help you.


LOOK INWARD: The “Opening the Heart” audio is a great place
to find your self-confidence and your blocks to success.
Listening to the audio relaxes you and helps you become
empowered immediately. 3-hour audio for $97.00.

Read more and order:

Order before Jan. 1 and get the written version as a
bonus, worth $19.97.


relationship advice report will tell you the action
steps you need to take to improve your self esteem.
Take these action steps and you will become
emotionally secure, more self confident and effective
in relationships. $9.97.

Read more and order:


MONEY, JOB WORRIES? Download the free report,
“16 Secrets to Relaxing During A Recession.”


help audio at “Live at the Edge” radio. Current show
about how to survive being single for the holidays.
Look for fun, creative interviews in the free
self-improvement audio library.

Listen and learn:


the Holistic Psychology Mentoring Program.
For as little as $69.00 a month, stay home and
learn how to grow your holistic health business
with more effective marketing.  Classes and
discussions take place online and on the phone.

Check out the details and sign up:

Sign up before Jan. 1 and get your second month
as a bonus.

Questions?  Email me at
Or call 215-732-6197.

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146



Mentor, radio host, columnist and author

Reap Your Harvest: Take Personal Growth Actions Now for More Abundance

harvest.jpgThe Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Reap your harvest.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


What self-improvement crop did you plant in the spring?

Fall is the time to gather in your personal growth harvest
for the year.  If you planted some self-improvement seeds in
the spring they are fully grown by now and ready for

For example, your intention to make more money or learn a
new relationship skill could be ready to pick off the vine
and store in your body and heart.  The results?  Some
wonderful winter enjoyment and personal growth pleasure.

Feeling good about yourself because you have worked hard to
grow as a human being is warm, sweet and delicious.

Take a look at your cornucopia.

If it is not as colorful and bountiful as you would like,
you need to resolve to take action now so that your future
will be brighter.

If you take appropriate action now, your winter will be better
and you will have exciting seeds to plant in the spring.

1.  Make a list of what you need to learn.

2.  Find an audio, class, online course and teacher to teach
you what you need to learn.

3.  Study and apply yourself over the winter.

If you spend time getting ready you will have the appropriate
seeds to plant in the spring.  You will work hard over the summer
taking care of your self-improvement plants.  Your relationship
skills or money skills will grow and flourish.

See yourself enjoying a cornucopia full of orange, yellow, red
and green riches in the fall of 2012.

In a year, you can transform your life into an exciting, living
experience that you love and enjoy.

Get real. Get ready. Roar!


MONEY PROBLEMS?  Study the free report, “16 Secrets to
Relaxing During a Recession.”

Download it here:


Psychology Mentoring Program.  Classes and discussions
take place online and on the phone.  For as little as $69.00
a month get the help you need to live a life of meaning and
purpose so you can teach others how to do the same.  You
do not need a degree, any holistic health person can join.

Check out the details and sign up:

Questions?  Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please tell your
friends and colleagues. It comes to you from
holistic psychologist, Doris Jeanette, a licensed
psychologist with 35 years of experience teaching
people how to read and use energy to unlock and use
their human potential. She is the author of “Opening
the Heart,” “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” and 14
other self help products. Her Holistic Psychology
Mentoring program is for people interested in
learning how to sense energy so their effectiveness
becomes dramatic.

For weekly holistic psychology principles, mind-body
reminders and encouragement sign up for “The Vibrant
Moment” at

How to Manifest Money? Change Your Thinking, Reduce Your Anxiety


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Manifest your dreams.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Live at the Edge:


Money, Money, Money

Do you think you have enough money?
Or are you scared to lose the money you have?

There are two major ways of thinking about money. You
can engage in poverty thinking or prosperity thinking.

Poverty thinking is when you never have enough money.
You may have millions yet you are anxious of losing your
money. You cannot relax and enjoy your money. You are
always poor. You have anxious thoughts.

Prosperity thinking is when you have enough money.  No
matter how much money you have, you always have enough
money.  You know you can get more money from whence you
got money before.  So you relax and enjoy life when you
have hundreds and when you have millions. You are always
rich because you trust your relationship with money.

Which type of person are you? A poverty thinker or a
prosperity thinker?

If you want to relax and enjoy life, you need to develop
more and more prosperity thinking.  Otherwise, you will
be an anxious millionaire and miss all the fun.

Money is energy. No more and no less. Money manifestation
is like manifesting your dreams. If you want to know how
to get rich, take these four steps.

You need to:
1. Use more of your human potential.
2. Clear the path so money can arrive. (This means
removing your psychological blocks to being rich
and satisfied.)
3. Allow the money you have to flow and grow.
4. Appreciate and enjoy the money you already have.

For more information on manifestation listen to Judy Smith,
author of “Business Mojo” on” Live at the Edge” radio. A
lively, interesting conversation about manifesting money
and other wonderful things in your life.

Listen and share how to get rich with your family and


Relaxing During a Recession.” Pick up your copy and begin to
relax and enjoy your life as you improve your relationship with


manifestation of anything. Anxiety is the tell-tell sign of
a poverty thinker. Anxiety makes you poor in all regards.
Get rich in health, wealth, loving relationships and vibrant
moments by reducing your anxiety. I created this original,
effective, holistic psychology online course, “Overcome
Anxiety Naturally,” with 10 written lessons and five hours
of audio to teach you how to reduce your anxiety naturally.
Make reducing your anxiety a fun summer project for
only $149.97.

Read more and order:

“The Vibrant Moment” readers get a bonus audio, “Find
Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment,” if you order “Overcome
Anxiety Naturally” online course by Monday, June 13.
Judgment and guilt are psychological factors that totally
block the manifestation of money.

Read more about your bonus audio “Find Peace Beyond Guilt
and Judgment:


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it
to friends and colleagues. It comes to you from
holistic psychologist, Doris Jeanette, a licensed
psychologist with 35 years of experience teaching
people how to read and use energy to unlock and use
their human potential. She is the author of “Opening
the Heart,” “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” and 14
other self help products. Her Holistic Psychology
Mentoring program is for people interested in
learning how to sense energy so their effectiveness
becomes dramatic.

For weekly holistic psychology principles, mind body
reminders and encouragement sign up for “The Vibrant
Moment” at