The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Reap your harvest.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
What self-improvement crop did you plant in the spring?
Fall is the time to gather in your personal growth harvest
for the year. If you planted some self-improvement seeds in
the spring they are fully grown by now and ready for
For example, your intention to make more money or learn a
new relationship skill could be ready to pick off the vine
and store in your body and heart. The results? Some
wonderful winter enjoyment and personal growth pleasure.
Feeling good about yourself because you have worked hard to
grow as a human being is warm, sweet and delicious.
Take a look at your cornucopia.
If it is not as colorful and bountiful as you would like,
you need to resolve to take action now so that your future
will be brighter.
If you take appropriate action now, your winter will be better
and you will have exciting seeds to plant in the spring.
1. Make a list of what you need to learn.
2. Find an audio, class, online course and teacher to teach
you what you need to learn.
3. Study and apply yourself over the winter.
If you spend time getting ready you will have the appropriate
seeds to plant in the spring. You will work hard over the summer
taking care of your self-improvement plants. Your relationship
skills or money skills will grow and flourish.
See yourself enjoying a cornucopia full of orange, yellow, red
and green riches in the fall of 2012.
In a year, you can transform your life into an exciting, living
experience that you love and enjoy.
Get real. Get ready. Roar!
MONEY PROBLEMS? Study the free report, “16 Secrets to
Relaxing During a Recession.”
Download it here:
Psychology Mentoring Program. Classes and discussions
take place online and on the phone. For as little as $69.00
a month get the help you need to live a life of meaning and
purpose so you can teach others how to do the same. You
do not need a degree, any holistic health person can join.
Check out the details and sign up:
Questions? Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:
If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please tell your
friends and colleagues. It comes to you from
holistic psychologist, Doris Jeanette, a licensed
psychologist with 35 years of experience teaching
people how to read and use energy to unlock and use
their human potential. She is the author of “Opening
the Heart,” “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” and 14
other self help products. Her Holistic Psychology
Mentoring program is for people interested in
learning how to sense energy so their effectiveness
becomes dramatic.
For weekly holistic psychology principles, mind-body
reminders and encouragement sign up for “The Vibrant
Moment” at