How to Open Your Heart and Let Love in


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Receive Love.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Love energy exists outside of you in many forms. Consider the
possibility that you are actively blocking this sweet nectar so it
does not penetrate your heart. How much love do you allow into your
heart? Probably not nearly as much as you could. Could it be that
your ego is stopping you from receiving love?

One of my large social networks is a center city, Philadelphia
outdoor olympic size pool club where I have been a member since 1980.
Being half a block from my home, I go and come all day long. I enjoy
coffee in the morning, a swim in the afternoon and dinner looking out
over the cityscape. Due to the pandemic, The Lombard Swim Club was
not able to open last year.

Five hundred of us own the club and it is a heart-warming story of
how the community saved this precious outdoor space from being
developed into townhouses. As we cautiously gather this year, my
socks keep getting knocked off at how much love energy is coming
toward me. I feel like a bag of bones, withered and weak. Like I have
aged a decade. Curiously, the comments from others do not match my
perception. As I creeped across the pool deck yesterday with lower
back pain, a new member that I do not even know said, “You look
fantastic!” Gee, what is going on?

People are seeing something that I do not feel. Could I be projecting
my judgment of myself onto others and not even know it? Probably.
Always allow yourself to notice and question your perception. If you do,
you become more grounded and realistic. It is often the case, that
others are more loving of you than you are of yourself. So, it pays to be
present enough with yourself and others to experience what is really
going on in physical and emotional reality. This is the reason it is so
important to be able to read body language.

When we only listen to the thoughts in our head, it is easy to forget
that reality is full of love. My Judgmental Self does not receive love
from others. Or give it to others! My True Self takes in it and keeps
it forever in my heart. My True Self freely gives love as a way of life.
Open your heart and allow love to come and go without your Ego
acting as the suspicious guard.

It feels wonderful to feel loved and to know that you are loved. You
deserve this feeling often. Love is knocking on your door. Open your
heart and let it in. To open your heart learn to recognize your Ego
when it is getting in your way.


A GUIDE TO OPEN YOUR HEART: Learn to recognize your Ego when it
shuts your heart. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the
energy difference between your True Self and your Egos. Once you
know the difference, you heal your emotional wounds by choosing self-
acceptance in stead of self- judgment. Your heart receives and gives
love with confidence after you heal your emotional wounds from the
past. Three hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt.
Money-back guarantee. $97.00

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality by questioning your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self-care products.

Assertiveness Moves Beyond Talk Therapy into Nature, Energy and Power


Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter:

Walking the truth in the forest near New Hope, PA.


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Assert Your Truth.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor


A reader of The Vibrant Moment expressed how she was feeling about some medical problems she just found out about in a recent email to me. Then she abruptly called herself out on “whining. ” Of course, as soon as she judged herself as whining, she immediately stopped sharing how she was feeling and changed the topic.

Do you block your emotional expressions by calling yourself names?

If you do, you are making sure you do not move forward into new, unexplored emotional territory.  If you want to do transformational work, which means you physically change your energy, you must express your truths no matter what they are at any given moment in time.

Of course, I do not encourage whining. However, are you really whining? Maybe yes and maybe no.   If you want to get to the heart of what is really going on with you psychologically, do not stop your truths at any point in time.

Even if you are whining, stopping yourself in this fashion keeps you from getting down to your unconscious truths.  While knowing the difference between expressing your authentic feelings and whining is important, it is even more important not to block self-expression in the moment it is happening.

This means it is better to whine so you can see that you are whining, rather than stop yourself from whining before you can tell if you are whining or not!  The act of controlling your energy is the oppressive psychological problem, not the whining.

Just imagine if you stepped back and look at your process instead of your words. As a holistic psychologist, I teach you to notice your process so you discover what is really going on inside of you and outside of you.  If you do not let your unconscious material surface, it continues to control you.  The only way to claim your power is to expose your truths.

If you stay stuck in the content, you quickly sink into psychobabble, which is what often happens in regular talk therapy.  You also reinforce your controlling behavior of trying not to whine.  You think that you are whining, complaining and being negative, but are you really?  And if you are, “So what?”

How much power would you have if you learned to notice the how, what, when, where and why behind your words?  When you pay attention to process, you quickly move beyond your thoughts and conditioned reactions into more physical data. Noticing your process gives you the energy needed to master yourself.

It does not matter if you are whining or not.  When you pay attention to your process, you may discover that you were not whining in the first place.  Or you may see that you are whining.  If so, you can learn a more effective way to get what you need or want.

Here is my clinical observation about whining and whiners.  When you judge yourself as whining, there is a high probability that you are not whining.  The whiner usually has no awareness of the fact that she or he is whining.  The whiner does not notice how she is being received by others because she is not conscious of it.

I will explain the energy difference between whining and expressing your authentic feelings and emotions next week.  In the mean time, help me do some research about what I just said about whiners. Observe yourself this week and observe other people. Is my clinical observation correct? Do whiners judge themselves and stop? Or do whiners keep whining?

Please post your feelings, thoughts and comments about self-awareness, emotional expression and whining below.


SEEKING TRANSFORMATION? The body and energy exercises at the fall Nature Workshop give you a safe place to express your truths.  Learn to notice and trust your process by having fun outdoors with an emotionally safe leader. Asserting your truths makes you stronger and more self-confident.  Sign up for the Nature Workshop near New Hope, PA, October 12, $200.00. Limited to 12 people to maximized your personal growth experience.

Read more and sign up:


BACK TO SCHOOL ANXIETY?  Anxiety about leaving home, studying, being alone or meeting others keeps you from doing your best.  Order the “How to Study Guide: 7 Study Skills to Peak Performance” for your daughter or son before exam time:

You and your children learn effective physical ways to reduce anxiety naturally by taking the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally.

Love and Relationship Advice: Use Body Language to Improve Self-Esteem and Personal Growth

Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter: in the mirror and expose your denial.

Personal Growth Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Denial is your worst enemy.  Denial can be the difference between successful personal growth and unsuccessful personal growth. Denial lowers your self-esteem and ruins relationships.

What is Denial?

Denial is when you think one thing and another thing is real in physical form.  Denial is when you have an image of yourself that is not based in reality. This image can be a puffed up perfect image of yourself or a low self-esteem image.

In my audio series, “Opening the Heart,” I use the example of my Philadelphia trolley driver.  The trolley driver was ferociously biting his fingernails as he was driving me to the sound studio where I recorded the heart healing audio series. He did not seem to have any awareness of what his teeth were doing to the tips of his fingers.

The communication the trolley driver’s body was sending to the world was crystal clear.  An educated person could look at his behavior and see what his body was communicating.  Reading his body language it was obvious his unconscious act of biting his fingernails meant he was extremely anxious at that moment in time.

Yet, if I had asked the Philadelphia trolly driver if he was anxious, he would probably say, “No, I am not anxious. I am not afraid of anything. I drive this trolley everyday. There is nothing to be afraid of.”

However, his body was clearly communicating to an educated observer that he was in a highly anxious state as he was driving his trolley.  The driver was denying he had high anxiety, yet his nervous system was extremely upset.

Is Your Denial Destroying Your Personal Development?

If you have not been getting the results that you want or need, consider the possibility that you could be stuck in denial.  If you have not been able to relax and feel close to others so you can reach your relationship goals, look around for your denial.

Denial is a total waste of energy. It keeps you from knowing that you are anxious.  Every single human being on the planet right now has some degree of anxiety in their nervous system.  Therefore, if you are not in touch with your anxiety level, as it comes and goes on a daily basis, then you are in denial.

It is only logical that you cannot do anything to become less anxious until you admit that you are anxious! This means you need to expose your denial so your personal growth pays out big dividends. Expose your denial so you can relax, be close with others and enjoy life.

How to Expose Your Denial?

If you consider the physical information around you, your personal growth will immediately become wildly successful.  This is because feedback from the real world exposes psychological denial.

One of the first things I did when my heart was broken at the age of 34 was look in the mirror.  Mirrors give you concrete feedback that you can learn to see and use for your personal development.  The image in the mirror is reality. Reality destroys denial.

It does not matter what you think or what you tell yourself, your physical body reveals the truth. To overcome denial, begin by observing your body and pay attention to what your body is actually doing in real time.

Body Exercise to Break Through Denial:

Looking in the mirror can be extremely helpful. Look at yourself to see physical feedback about what is happening in your nervous system. See if you can tell how you are really feeling inside.

Other people look at you all the time.

It is to your advantage to see what others are seeing. Take off all your clothes and stand in front of a full length mirror.  Look at yourself in the mirror for a good five minutes. If you cannot do this exercise without your clothes, start with your clothes on.

1.  Look at your whole body from the front.
2.  Turn and look at the back of your body.
3.  Now look at both sides of your body.
4.  Pay attention to your face, what do you see?
5.  How is your face attached to your body?
6.  If your face separate or part of your body?
6.  Write down all the places you see tension in your body.
7.  Write down all the mental judgments you notice in your head.

Admitting the truth to yourself about what you see and how you feel standing naked in front of a mirror will help you begin to give up denial.  To make dramatic progress, enjoy a daily practice of stopping to look at who is in the mirror.

The faster you give up denial, the faster you will be able to accept and love yourself–just as you are, naked and real.  Say goodbye to denial and ego images, they don’t improve your self-esteem or help you make love.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and comments below.


LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: Your body knows more than your conscious mind. Learn to listen to the communications your body is screaming at you.  Yes, your body is screaming. Order “Hear Your Body Talking,” one hour personal growth audio for $29.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order “Hear Your Body Talking”:

Order “Hear Your Body Talking” by Sunday May 5 and get the one hour audio, “How to Read Body Language.” This introduction to how to read body language is from a class I taught a few years ago. It is a very helpful guide to learning how to read body language. Worth $49.97. You must mention The Vibrant Moment to get the free audio.


FOR MEN: BECOME A BETTER LOVER: A anxiety reduction course to help you relax and become more self-confident as an emotional and physical lover. You can feel good and experience more love by learning how to give and receive physical and emotional love with self-esteem. 6 hours of audio and 10 written lessons. $199.97

Read more and order:

FOR WOMEN: If you want to improve your ability to give and receive physical and emotional love, take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. This course reduces general anxiety although it does not specifically address sexual anxiety.

Read more and order:


Human Energy Tune Up: Want to improve your self-esteem or love making skills? Learn to read the energy around you and between you and others.  Private Energy Retreats teach you how to real body language and sense the human energy data that exists in physical reality. You need to know physical reality to improve your self-esteem and love relationship skills. Enjoy a retreat alone or as a couple.

Read and order option number 2:

Holistic Health and Wellness Treatments that Make You Healthy and Happy

Follow Dr. Jeanette on Twitter at:

Love Thy Body at Any Agebody

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Love yourself.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


How many times a day do you say kind things to your body?
Do you check in daily to see what your emotional self needs?

If you ignore, reject and hate your body, you will get one set of results. If you love your body and take care of it, you will get another set of results.

If you hate your emotions when they surface and wish you did not feel that way, you will get one set of results.  If you take positive actions as a result of the vital information you receive from your emotional self, you will get another set of results.

Health and wellness are not accidents. Disease and sickness do not occur as random acts of probability.  Health and wellness are direct results of certain well-defined factors.
One of the most important factors, and a factor that you have complete mastery over is how much you love yourself.

If you listen to your emotions, you will discover exactly what you need to do differently in order to meet your emotional needs. If you don’t meet your emotional needs, there is no way you can achieve health and wellness or happiness and self-actualization.

Loving yourself is often considered hokey, unfashionable, silly or down right sinful.  Yes, most religions and many judgmental parents teach you to hate your body and ignore your emotional needs.

You have been taught that:
“You are a terrible sinner.”
“Your body is dirty.”
“Sex is sinful.”
“Your emotional needs are not important, get over it.”
“Just stop being afraid and do it.”

However, no matter what others have taught you, natural law prevails. Self-acceptance is the only way you will ever reach holistic health and wellness.  Self-rejection will always result in a lack of mental health and emotional health.

If you do not love your body and take care of it, there is no way you can have a strong and sturdy body.  An unloved body is sick and moving toward mental illness or physical disease.
If you do not love your emotional self and take care of your emotional needs, there is no way you can achieve mental health and wellness.  You will never be happy or experience the joy of self-actualization.

Self-love is the best drug you can find anywhere in the world. Self-acceptance will take you directly to health and wellness. You can even get immediate results when you self-administer this natural treatment in the moments of your life.

Self-love is the most potent medication you can buy at any price.  An investment in learning how to love yourself is worth your life.  So take a dose of self-love today if you want to move toward health and wellness.

Holistic Health and Wellness Natural Treatments:

1.   Say something kind to your body at least three times today and notice the effect.  See if you can feel how self-love energy feels in your body as opposed to self-rejection.  Notice how your nervous system, cells, muscles, stomach and organs respond when you say something kind.

2.  Spend 5 minutes twice a day slowing down and tuning into your heart. Look around and see if you can find your emotional self. This part of you is keeping your vital energy alive so you can use it as needed for health and wellness.  Establish a loving connection with your emotional self. Listen to the feedback she or he gives you about what you need to do differently today in order to feel emotionally good today. Take action on the feedback you receive and see how good you feel all over.

If something is in your way or making it difficult for you to connect in a loving way with your emotional self, use the “Opening the Heart” emotional health audio guide.  Or get a teacher to show you how to find, accept and follow your potent emotional self.

What do you feel is the direct pathway to health and wellness?  Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback on this blog.


LOVE YOUR BODY:  Stop hating and rejecting your body. Learn more about the reasons you have a physical body in the first place.  Get holistic psychology support and guidance about how to take care of your body for more health and wellness. One hour personal growth audio, “Hear Your Body Talking,” $29.97, money back guarantee.

Read how to love your body and order:

Order by Monday, April 15 and get a discount coupon worth $30.00 on your next purchase. Must mention “The Vibrant Moment” to get discount.


GET A LESSON IN SELF-LOVE:  Attend the spring Nature Workshop in Cape May, NJ, Saturday, May 4. Enjoy fun body and emotional health exercises made to help you love your body and emotional self. Get practice feeling emotionally safe and physically secure.  As a Vibrant Moment reader, sign up early and get a discount off the $200.00 fee.  Limited to 12 men and women.

Read more and sign up:

Sign up before April 15 for $175.00.
To get the $25.00 discount you must mail a check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


VIRTUAL GROUP RELAXATION THERAPY:  Join a small group on Skype once a month for four months.  I will help you fine tune your relaxation response so you can sense and feel more color.  The group will take place on the first Wednesday night of each month beginning at 6:30 PM, ET, in May.  Cost will be $149.00 for four-hour sessions, limited to six people. Email me about your interest. Group times and dates can be changed if members need them changed due to prior commitments.


Earth Day 2013, Free Relaxation Workshop for Holistic Health, Near PA and NYC


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Love Mother Earth
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach

What are your feelings toward Mother Earth?
How intimate are you with her?

We have a U.S. Senator, Gaylord Nelson, to thank for raising the consciousness of Americans about their relationship to Mother Earth.  Gaylord’s continued environmental efforts finally paid off in 1970, when his nationwide protest called National Earth Day, received amazing support.  An estimated 20 million people took to the streets and parks willing to stand up for Mother Earth.

Since I grew up on a self-sustaining, 300 acre farm in North Carolina, I was not aware that so many Americans were disconnected from nature. Therefore, I did not realize how important Earth Day was until five years later when I ended up in Center City, Philadelphia surrounded by anxious people rushing to and from work every day.

The anxious people that came to my office to receive Relaxation Therapy and Assertiveness Training slowed down. I taught men and women how to stop rushing to and from their work so their blood pressure could return to normal. The clients who received the most positive results, were the ones who learned to relax their physical body and feel their emotional feelings.

The more I researched what worked and what did not work in terms of anxiety, depression and other mental health problems, the more I realized how disconnected most humans were from their own physical body. Everyone was in their head, thinking.

Therefore, my goal as a clinical psychologist and sex therapist became clear:  getting people out of their heads into their body.  That was when my new holistic psychology approach began to really take off.  I began to work in nature, exploring more effective ways of helping people.  I did my first Nature Workshop in 1984.

It is a fact that people are more relaxed in nature. The only exception is someone with a history of abuse that is associated with nature.  Forest, river or beach scenes are always picked as relaxing, by both men and women.  I began to understand how essential a physical connection to Mother Earth is for humans.

Some traditional psychologists understand that it is unhealthy for a child to be disconnected physically from his mother.  This is called “Attachment.” Without a healthy attachment to your mother, you cannot grow into an emotionally mature person who can connect and be close to other people.  Without a healthy attachment to some loving adult, you have trouble with relationships, intimacy, love making and self-esteem.

Therefore, I can say, with absolute certainty, that any type of mental health problem is the direct result of being disconnected.  To feel emotionally secure, you must have a physical connection with your human mother or some other loving person.  To feel physically secure, you must have a physical connection to Mother Earth.

Being disconnected causes mental, emotional and physical health problems.  An attachment problem can be overcome by learning how to connect with Mother Earth.  Holistic health can be achieved as an adult–no matter what was lacking in your past learning history.

Come meet me April 27, at Core Creek Park’s Free Earth Day Celebration In Langhorne, PA, just north of Philadelphia.  From 11:15 till noon,  I will be conducting a free relaxation workshop with Earth lovers. For more about this free relaxation workshop visit:


GET CLOSE TO MOTHER EARTH:  Attend the spring Nature Workshop in Cape May, NJ, Saturday, May 4. Enjoy fun body exercises made to connect you with your body and Mother Earth. Get real live practice feeling emotionally safe and physically secure.  As a Vibrant Moment reader, sign up early and get a discount off the $200.00 fee.  Limited to 12 men and women.

Read more and sign up:

Sign up before April 15 for $175.00.
To get the $25.00 discount you must mail a check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


VIRTUAL GROUP RELAXATION THERAPY.  Join a small group on Skype once a month for four months.  I will help you fine tune your relaxation response so you can sense and feel more color.  The group will take place on the first Wednesday night of each month beginning at 6:30 PM, ET, in May.  Cost will be $149.00 for four-hour sessions, limited to six people. Email me about your interest. Group times and dates can be changed if members need them changed due to prior commitments.


Heart Health, Heal Your Broken Heart and Heartache


Red bud tree, Philadelphia, 2012, Doris Jeanette

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Examine your heart.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Do you know the health of your heart? If not, it is time for
a thorough heart exam.

Heartaches are real and physical. When you suffer from a
past emotional trauma, the hurt you feel is both physical
and emotional.  A broken heart is indeed broken, damaged
and wounded.

Has it been years since you got divorced? Or did you just
break up with your lover?  Or perhaps you are in the same
relationship and you feel numb, stuck and mundane. Or maybe
you have never been in a loving relationship.

In any case you need to take a heart examination and check
the health of your heart.   Let’s take a look into your
heart and see what is really there.  You can sense the
matter and energy in your heart by putting your
consciousness into your heart and taking a look.

So, put your awareness into your heart.  See if you can
look deep inside of your heart as a physical organ and as
an energy vortex.  How does your heart look, feel, taste,
sound, smell?

If you cannot see clearly deep inside, look around and
see if you can sense what is sitting on top of your heart.
See if you have heaviness, weight, resentment and sadness
barricading your heart.

Then examine the surface of your heart and sense the
physical matter in your chest.

Tight are your muscles?
Sensitive is your chest area?
Open and strong is your chest area?
Closed and weak is your chest area?
Tender are your breasts?

Next, check to see if you can tell how much love energy
is pouring out of your heart.  Then notice how much love
energy is pouring into your heart.

Honestly, most people have closed hearts. Very few have
open hearts. So do not be surprised, upset or judgmental
if your heart is closed or rarely open.

Instead, begin to heal your heartache so that your heart
becomes physically stronger and emotionally healthier.


READY TO GET STARTED? Order the affordable special
report that takes you by the hand and tells you
exactly what you need to do to heal your broken heart.
“7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or
Break Up” $9.97.

Read more and order:


HEAL YOUR HEARTACHE: “Opening the Heart” audio and
eBook teaches you how to heal your broken heart from
the inside out so that you become physically stronger
and emotionally healthier.  $19.97-$97.00.

Read more and order at:

Order the audio by Monday, May 14 and get the special
report “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or
Break Up” as a bonus. These same action steps need to
be taken to heal your broken heart even if you are in
a relationship or never had one.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Get mentored in holistic
psychology. Learn how to physically open your heart
so you can help your clients open their hearts.

Read more and sign up:

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Relax, Signs of Anxiety Can Lead to Natural Anxiety Cure


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Stop pushing.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


The New York Times is running a series of articles on
anxiety symptoms, signs of anxiety and anxiety attacks.
One in five Americans admit they suffer from anxiety and
the New York Times is beginning to understand that
“anxiety is not a disorder, it is part of the human

Last Sunday in the Times, Alissa Nutting, author of the
short story collection, “Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls‚”
and creative writer teacher at John Carroll University
wrote an article called, “An Appointment with Dread.”

She bravely shares her inner, anxious world.  Picture this.

On the outside, Alissa looks fine. She is sitting in the MD
office waiting to be seen.  The average person would not
know Alissa is feeling anxious because she looks just like
everyone else, and besides, she is pretty.

However, on the inside, Alissa is freaking out.

Alissa describes how she feels as she walks down the hall to
the medical examining office. “Although this feels like an
emergency, when we pass a fire extinguisher, I do not break
the glass. I would like to, though. I would like to activate
an alarm and run.”

How often do you feel like something is an emergency and
you know it is not a real emergency?  This feeling of urgency
and anxiety IS part of the human condition.

For example, are you the kind of person who has to jump up
and do something as soon as you think about it?  Your sense
of emergency forces you to complete a task as soon as you
think about the need to complete a task.

You have trouble relaxing, resting, and being in the moment.
You do not trust that you will complete all tasks as needed,
when needed.

This urgency that something is an emergency when it is not,
is very important to tease out, address and unlearn.

As a child, you learned to be anxious about all sorts of
things.  As you grew up, many of your anxious behaviors
became very unhelpful and ineffective.

As an adult, you have trouble relaxing, resting and being in
the moment.  Anxiety is the reason you do not have more
vibrant moments of being alive, happy and full of yourself.

Begin to recognize your sense of urgency, which is your
anxiety.  Then address the real issue.

Do not follow in Alissa’s footsteps of getting more medication
from physicians to mask the psychological problems that you
have.  Instead, address your real mental health, emotional
health and sexual health problems.

You need to unlearn all the behaviors that push you to do
something right now, in a certain and just so. Your pushy
behaviors are anxious behaviors. They are keeping you from
relaxing, being healthy, making love and enjoying life.

Holistic Health Professionals:  Are you in the process of
unlearning your anxious behaviors from the past?  If not,
your anxiety is coloring your world and blocking your personal
growth.  Your anxious behaviors are also stopping you from
being more successful with your clients who have anxiety
symptoms, signs of anxiety and anxiety attacks.

Parents on the Personal Growth Path: You too, need to unlearn
your anxious behaviors from the past.  Then you will model
relaxation, effectiveness and self confident for your children.
Always remember, whatever you do is what your children learn.
Help them learn relaxation and self-confidence instead of
pushy, urgency behaviors that gives them signs of anxiety.


NATURAL ANXIETY SOLUTIONS: Take the online course,
“Overcome Anxiety Naturally” to learn the essential
body skills you need so that you can unlearn your anxious
behaviors from the past.  10 written lessons and 5 hours of
audio teach you the mind-body skills you need to use for
the rest of your life to keep your anxiety from interfering
with vibrant moments and joy.  $149.97.

Read more and order:

Order the course before Tues., Feb. 7 and receive a bonus
audio worth $29.97 called, “Hear Your Body Talking.”
Mention that you are a reader of” The Vibrant Moment”
to get your bonus self-improvement audio.

Read more and order: “Hear Your Body Talking.”


ANXIETY COACHING: For private coaching sessions email
me about your interest. I will be in Glenwood Springs,
CO for private in-person sessions until Feb. 15.
Phone sessions and Skype sessions are available at
any time.

Questions?  Email me at
Or call 215-732-6197.


Get Mentored:

Join the Holistic Psychology Mentoring Program to
learn the new psychology tools you need to be more
effective as a psychologist, coach or therapist.
Anyone who is motivated for professional growth
can join the holistic health program.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Falling in Love, Relationship Advice: Use Body Language to Notice Fear, Anxiety


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Use Body Language

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


A reporter sent me a series of questions to answer on the
physical effects of falling in and out of love for an article
she was writing.

One of her questions was, “What exactly causes the
“butterflies” and “sweaty palms” when people fall in love?
Is that real or not?”

My answer:

“Yes, these physical experiences are real. Your body reacts
to everything that is going on inside and outside of you all
the time. Your body is the best barometer you have for knowing
what is really happening in physical reality.”

For example, “butterflies” and “sweaty palms” occur when you
are anxious.  These physical effects often happen to you before
you give a speech, when you are in a new situation, when you are
in an airplane and so on.

What you need to know is the feeling of love is not causing your
physical reactions of anxiety.  It is most important to sort out
the difference between love and the fear of love.

It is your fear of love that causes you to have butterflies in
your stomach.

Your fears of intimacy cause you to experience sweaty palms.
You may feel insecure about the possibility of falling in love.
Perhaps you are afraid of being vulnerable and open.

You are thinking thoughts like this:
“Does she like me as much as I like her?”
“Oh no! I will get hurt if I fall in love.”
“I can’t let him know how much I like him. He will run away.”

When you are in love your body reacts very differently.

You are feeling love and not thinking anything. Your body is
relaxed, open and soft when it is in the energy of love.

Real love makes you feel secure, accepted and calm. You are glad
to have a person to love and be loved by.

If you are afraid of love, now is the time to learn how to face
your fears and overcome your anxiety.   It will be good for your
mental health, emotional health and physical health to learn how
to spend more time in the physical state of love.

PROFESSIONALS:  If you are not using body awareness and its
physical truths in your work, you are not using the most powerful
tools you have to help your clients transform their fear and anxiety
energy into love energy.  Engage in continuing education to learn
how to include the body and its truths in your psychological work.

PARENTS:  Make sure you get back in your own body so you can model
healthy loving behaviors for your children instead of anxious,
fearful behaviors.  Help your children keep their body self-esteem
as they grow up by allowing them to play freely with their whole
body and spend lots of time outdoors every day.


GET STARTED, TAKE ACTION: The best place to start facing
your fears and overcoming your anxiety is with the “Overcome
Anxiety Naturally” online course.  It teaches you the physical
awareness you need to tell the difference between your body in
love, in fear and in anxiety.  It also gives you the body exercises
and physical tools you need to use in your daily life when you
are anxious so that you can unlearn your fears of intimacy. Fully
guaranteed. 10 written lessons and five hours of audio, $149.97.

BONUS:  Order the “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” online course before
Monday, Jan 16 and receive an audio worth $29.97, “Hear Your Body
Talking.” Remember to tell me in the check out box that you are a
Vibrant Moment reader.

Read about the personal growth power tool:
“Hear Your Body Talking”:


ALREADY TAKEN THE ANXIETY COURSE? The next step is mentoring and
coaching. Get the support and specific help you need to become more
aware of how you are stuck in fear and anxiety.  Mentoring makes sure
your personal growth and self-improvement is successful. You will
reach your New Year’s Resolutions and more.

For professional and personal growth join the Holistic Psychology
Mentoring Program:

For private coaching email me about your interest. I will be in
Glenwood Springs, CO for private in-person energy sessions
until Feb. 13.

Questions?  Email me at
Or call 215-732-6197.


NO-COST TELE-SEMINAR: Thursday, Jan. 19, 7:00 PM, ET. “Get
More Clients in 2012.”  The Holistic Psychology Mentoring
program also includes a holistic health marketing education
as well as clinical help.

Read more and sign up:


Daily doses of Doris on twitter at:


Self Improvement, Parenting Tip: Find Your Natural Walk

motherinthesnow.jpgThe Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Listen to your inner child.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Yesterday while I was looking out the window of my second
floor Center City home in Philadelphia, I saw a young adult
male walking down the street in his normal quick stride.
Unfortunately, he was holding the hand of a little boy.

The little boy was over two feet behind his father who was
looking straight ahead. The adult male was not alternating
or adjusting his speed for his companion.  As a result, the
little boy was being dragged down the street.

When I see little children being pulled or pushed like this
I wonder, could this be the beginning of their anxiety?
What is that little boy learning as he is being dragged down
the street?

Take a moment to notice your walk, your pace, your speed
through life.

Did you learn to walk faster than your normal pace?
Did you learn to speed up to keep up?

Or did you learn to honor your own pace, your own speed,
your own way of being in the world?

Parents:  Pay attention to what you are teaching your child
as you walk down the street.  Notice how often you push or
pull your daughter to fit your pace instead of allowing her
to have her own pace.

Psychologists and Other Healers: Notice what you are teaching
your clients.  Do you rush from one person to the other? Do
you move too fast, too quick? Do you adjust or alter your
pace to fit your client?  Are you listening to your inner
child AND your client’s inner child?


Heart”  3 hour audio series was created to help you find
and follow your own natural, inner authentic pace.  Learn
how to tell the difference between your natural energy and
the learned, controlling energy that makes you anxious and
sick. 3 hours of audio for $97.00 or eBook for $19.97.

Read more and order:

Order the audio for $97.00 by Monday, December 5 and get
the eBook, worth $19.97 as a bonus. Some like to read and
some like to listen. Doing both is most effective.


course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” teaches you step by
step how to pay attention to your natural physical self
and authentic emotions.  Learn how to stop the pulling and
pushing behavior you learned as a child.  5 hours of audio
PLUS 10 written lessons give you the tools you need to be
successful, $149.97.

Read more and order:

Order the anxiety online course by Monday, December 5 and
get a bonus coaching session worth $50.00 with me either
by phone or email. We can help you overcome your
resistance, fear and anxiety that is blocking your


LEARN HOW TO HELP OTHERS: Join the Holistic Psychology
Mentoring Program.  Classes and discussions about the
powerful energy relationship with your natural emotional
self, which is your inner child, take place online and
on the phone.  For as little as $69.00 a month, stay home
and learn how to teach others how to find their own
natural, powerful pace. You do not need a degree, any
holistic health person can join.

Check out the details and sign up:

Sign up before December 5 and get your second month
as a bonus.

Questions?  Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist

Mentor, radio host, columnist and author

Reap Your Harvest: Take Personal Growth Actions Now for More Abundance

harvest.jpgThe Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Reap your harvest.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


What self-improvement crop did you plant in the spring?

Fall is the time to gather in your personal growth harvest
for the year.  If you planted some self-improvement seeds in
the spring they are fully grown by now and ready for

For example, your intention to make more money or learn a
new relationship skill could be ready to pick off the vine
and store in your body and heart.  The results?  Some
wonderful winter enjoyment and personal growth pleasure.

Feeling good about yourself because you have worked hard to
grow as a human being is warm, sweet and delicious.

Take a look at your cornucopia.

If it is not as colorful and bountiful as you would like,
you need to resolve to take action now so that your future
will be brighter.

If you take appropriate action now, your winter will be better
and you will have exciting seeds to plant in the spring.

1.  Make a list of what you need to learn.

2.  Find an audio, class, online course and teacher to teach
you what you need to learn.

3.  Study and apply yourself over the winter.

If you spend time getting ready you will have the appropriate
seeds to plant in the spring.  You will work hard over the summer
taking care of your self-improvement plants.  Your relationship
skills or money skills will grow and flourish.

See yourself enjoying a cornucopia full of orange, yellow, red
and green riches in the fall of 2012.

In a year, you can transform your life into an exciting, living
experience that you love and enjoy.

Get real. Get ready. Roar!


MONEY PROBLEMS?  Study the free report, “16 Secrets to
Relaxing During a Recession.”

Download it here:


Psychology Mentoring Program.  Classes and discussions
take place online and on the phone.  For as little as $69.00
a month get the help you need to live a life of meaning and
purpose so you can teach others how to do the same.  You
do not need a degree, any holistic health person can join.

Check out the details and sign up:

Questions?  Email me at
or call 215-732-6197.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please tell your
friends and colleagues. It comes to you from
holistic psychologist, Doris Jeanette, a licensed
psychologist with 35 years of experience teaching
people how to read and use energy to unlock and use
their human potential. She is the author of “Opening
the Heart,” “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” and 14
other self help products. Her Holistic Psychology
Mentoring program is for people interested in
learning how to sense energy so their effectiveness
becomes dramatic.

For weekly holistic psychology principles, mind-body
reminders and encouragement sign up for “The Vibrant
Moment” at