The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Stop pushing.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
The New York Times is running a series of articles on
anxiety symptoms, signs of anxiety and anxiety attacks.
One in five Americans admit they suffer from anxiety and
the New York Times is beginning to understand that
“anxiety is not a disorder, it is part of the human
Last Sunday in the Times, Alissa Nutting, author of the
short story collection, “Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls”
and creative writer teacher at John Carroll University
wrote an article called, “An Appointment with Dread.”
She bravely shares her inner, anxious world. Picture this.
On the outside, Alissa looks fine. She is sitting in the MD
office waiting to be seen. The average person would not
know Alissa is feeling anxious because she looks just like
everyone else, and besides, she is pretty.
However, on the inside, Alissa is freaking out.
Alissa describes how she feels as she walks down the hall to
the medical examining office. “Although this feels like an
emergency, when we pass a fire extinguisher, I do not break
the glass. I would like to, though. I would like to activate
an alarm and run.”
How often do you feel like something is an emergency and
you know it is not a real emergency? This feeling of urgency
and anxiety IS part of the human condition.
For example, are you the kind of person who has to jump up
and do something as soon as you think about it? Your sense
of emergency forces you to complete a task as soon as you
think about the need to complete a task.
You have trouble relaxing, resting, and being in the moment.
You do not trust that you will complete all tasks as needed,
when needed.
This urgency that something is an emergency when it is not,
is very important to tease out, address and unlearn.
As a child, you learned to be anxious about all sorts of
things. As you grew up, many of your anxious behaviors
became very unhelpful and ineffective.
As an adult, you have trouble relaxing, resting and being in
the moment. Anxiety is the reason you do not have more
vibrant moments of being alive, happy and full of yourself.
Begin to recognize your sense of urgency, which is your
anxiety. Then address the real issue.
Do not follow in Alissa’s footsteps of getting more medication
from physicians to mask the psychological problems that you
have. Instead, address your real mental health, emotional
health and sexual health problems.
You need to unlearn all the behaviors that push you to do
something right now, in a certain and just so. Your pushy
behaviors are anxious behaviors. They are keeping you from
relaxing, being healthy, making love and enjoying life.
Holistic Health Professionals: Are you in the process of
unlearning your anxious behaviors from the past? If not,
your anxiety is coloring your world and blocking your personal
growth. Your anxious behaviors are also stopping you from
being more successful with your clients who have anxiety
symptoms, signs of anxiety and anxiety attacks.
Parents on the Personal Growth Path: You too, need to unlearn
your anxious behaviors from the past. Then you will model
relaxation, effectiveness and self confident for your children.
Always remember, whatever you do is what your children learn.
Help them learn relaxation and self-confidence instead of
pushy, urgency behaviors that gives them signs of anxiety.
NATURAL ANXIETY SOLUTIONS: Take the online course,
“Overcome Anxiety Naturally” to learn the essential
body skills you need so that you can unlearn your anxious
behaviors from the past. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of
audio teach you the mind-body skills you need to use for
the rest of your life to keep your anxiety from interfering
with vibrant moments and joy. $149.97.
Read more and order:
Order the course before Tues., Feb. 7 and receive a bonus
audio worth $29.97 called, “Hear Your Body Talking.”
Mention that you are a reader of” The Vibrant Moment”
to get your bonus self-improvement audio.
Read more and order: “Hear Your Body Talking.”
ANXIETY COACHING: For private coaching sessions email
me about your interest. I will be in Glenwood Springs,
CO for private in-person sessions until Feb. 15.
Phone sessions and Skype sessions are available at
any time.
Questions? Email me at
Or call 215-732-6197.
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Join the Holistic Psychology Mentoring Program to
learn the new psychology tools you need to be more
effective as a psychologist, coach or therapist.
Anyone who is motivated for professional growth
can join the holistic health program.
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