How to Open Your Heart and Let Love in

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Receive Love.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Love energy exists outside of you in many forms. Consider the
possibility that you are actively blocking this sweet nectar so it
does not penetrate your heart. How much love do you allow into your
heart? Probably not nearly as much as you could. Could it be that
your ego is stopping you from receiving love?

One of my large social networks is a center city, Philadelphia
outdoor olympic size pool club where I have been a member since 1980.
Being half a block from my home, I go and come all day long. I enjoy
coffee in the morning, a swim in the afternoon and dinner looking out
over the cityscape. Due to the pandemic, The Lombard Swim Club was
not able to open last year.

Five hundred of us own the club and it is a heart-warming story of
how the community saved this precious outdoor space from being
developed into townhouses. As we cautiously gather this year, my
socks keep getting knocked off at how much love energy is coming
toward me. I feel like a bag of bones, withered and weak. Like I have
aged a decade. Curiously, the comments from others do not match my
perception. As I creeped across the pool deck yesterday with lower
back pain, a new member that I do not even know said, “You look
fantastic!” Gee, what is going on?

People are seeing something that I do not feel. Could I be projecting
my judgment of myself onto others and not even know it? Probably.
Always allow yourself to notice and question your perception. If you do,
you become more grounded and realistic. It is often the case, that
others are more loving of you than you are of yourself. So, it pays to be
present enough with yourself and others to experience what is really
going on in physical and emotional reality. This is the reason it is so
important to be able to read body language.

When we only listen to the thoughts in our head, it is easy to forget
that reality is full of love. My Judgmental Self does not receive love
from others. Or give it to others! My True Self takes in it and keeps
it forever in my heart. My True Self freely gives love as a way of life.
Open your heart and allow love to come and go without your Ego
acting as the suspicious guard.

It feels wonderful to feel loved and to know that you are loved. You
deserve this feeling often. Love is knocking on your door. Open your
heart and let it in. To open your heart learn to recognize your Ego
when it is getting in your way.


A GUIDE TO OPEN YOUR HEART: Learn to recognize your Ego when it
shuts your heart. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the
energy difference between your True Self and your Egos. Once you
know the difference, you heal your emotional wounds by choosing self-
acceptance in stead of self- judgment. Your heart receives and gives
love with confidence after you heal your emotional wounds from the
past. Three hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt.
Money-back guarantee. $97.00

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality by questioning your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self-care products.