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Spending a month in Hawaii in 2013 was one of my accomplishments.
The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel proud.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
Like removing dirty clothes, it feels good to let go of 2013. Like putting on fresh, clean clothes, it feels fantastic to walk into the brand new year of 2014. It is exciting to know that this new year offers new possibilities and promises that you could embrace if you so choose.
It is always helpful to take stock of your personal growth and review the successes you achieved over the last year. If you want to permanently improve your self-confidence, it is essential to take the time to celebrate your successes and feel proud of yourself. You need to make the successes yours.
To help you own your successes, write down the personal growth and professional achievements you accomplished in 2013. No matter how small your success, write it down and know that baby steps are the way you learn to dance in the world. Your written material will give you concrete data you can use the next time your ego starts to find fault with everything about you!
Next, you need to celebrate your successes in some way that feels good to you. Reward yourself with something that you love. It is also important to not forget about your successes. Instead, remember your successes as you walk into the New Year. Take time each day to feel proud of yourself and feel good about yourself.
Body Awareness Exercise
To help you anchor your successes into the physical plane, think of your successes as you feel your body and stand up tall with pride. Then continue to stand in your success as you walk around inside your house. If you have attended one of my workshops or phone sessions, you know these body awareness exercises are effective and fun. Next, take your new body posture outside in the world and enjoy your new body self-confidence.
Body awareness exercises help you own your power to make sure you learn a new physical sense of self-confidence that no one can take away from you. The addition of this body awareness factor is what makes my new psychology approach and home study courses more effective than traditional personal growth courses.
Take Responsibility
You must also remind yourself that you took specific actions that lead to your successes; they did not just happen to you. You are the one who took the proper actions that led to reaching your goal. It does not matter how good your teachers, mentors and coaches are, you are the one who did the work that led your to accomplishments. Like it or not, you are responsible for your successes and failures.
Intend to Make 2014 Even Better.
Write down your New Year Resolutions, goals, desires and needs. Choose to be part of the 12% of people who successfully reach their New Year’s Resolutions. It would be a waste of energy for you to be part of the 88% who drop the ball by the end of January!
You can lose weight, make more money, have more fun, improve your sex life, become healthier and attract more loving relationships by the end of 2014. If you take yourself seriously and make a definite plan on how to reach your New Year’s resolution, you will be successful. There is no reason for you to drop the ball and fail.
To succeed, you must be realistic. Do not set yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for success. Set a goal that you know you will reach. If losing weight is your New Year’s Resolution, plan to lose one pound a week. And know that some weeks you will not even lose one. That is reality and reality is the path that leads to success.
To be successful, you also need to make sure your weight loss program is not based on controlling yourself and your diet. Control is not successful with any New Year’s resolution because it is not pleasurable. Never try to make yourself do something or not do something if you want to reach your New Year’s resolutions. If the activity is not fun and enjoyable, you will quickly drop the ball and fail.
More next week on how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. For this week, stand in your successes and feel proud. Then write down realistic New Year’s Resolutions outlining a successful personal growth pathway.
Two Home Study Courses Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions.
INCREASE BODY AWARENESS: Enjoy more relaxation, fun and self-acceptance. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson learn how to stop anxiety attacks and increase body awareness so you successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio which, includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.
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USE YOUR POWER: Assertiveness Training is an essential skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.
If this sounds beneficial to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.
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NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for your discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 13, 2014.
Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxious energy into effective energy.
GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.
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