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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Celebrate.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
Thank you for reading The Vibrant Moment this year. As the year comes to an end, take a look at how much your personal growth efforts have paid off. Celebrate your successes. Then resolve to get the education and help you need to develop yourself so you have even more vibrant moments in 2013.
I am grateful for your interest in learning how holistic psychology can help you lead a healthier and happier life. Please continue to let me know the topics you want to learn more about. There will be plenty of future newsletters about physics and metaphysics in 2013.
Enjoy your holidays and make them rich with meaning and experience. The more you honor other people’s ways of celebrating light and love, the stronger you will be.
If you are alone for the holidays or feel blue even when you are with your family, read my 10 Best Ways to Enjoy Being All Alone and Single During the Holidays.
If you take action on one of my 10 Best Ways to Enjoy Being Single for the Holidays you will immediately feel better. Read the Top 10 List:
If you are a Highly Sensitive Person or know a HSP, listen to my recent free Internet radio show at Live at the Edge. You can learn to be more self confident as a highly sensitive person. You will love this 15-minute radio show if others call you “too sensitive.”
My wish for you is that you open your heart and live in your body so that you have peace between the ears this holiday season.
Here is a gift of love arriving in the form of pink cloud-like hugs. Receive and enjoy. Wear them when you are around anyone who might be unkind. Much love to you and to those you love.
GET EDUCATED: Check out the holistic psychology personal growth audio, courses and special reports that will help you reach your goals in 2013.
Read the list: