Highly Sensitive Person? Being a Highly Sensitive Person Has Many Advantages


The Vibrant Moment – Holistic Health Tip: Sense more data.
From the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Psychological research has found that 20% of the population is considered to be highly sensitive to subtle data. Since so many of us are highly sensitive, this trait is normal and a healthy sign that becoming more sensitive is a positive movement occurring in human evolution. Especially since another 30% can be considered to be sensitive.

Even if you do not consider yourself to be a sensitive or highly sensitive person you may be living with someone who is a HSP. Your lover, partner, child or parent may be a highly sensitive person.

Being a highly sensitive person gives you many advantages over other people.  I know many of you will scream at me, “No, being so sensitive is horrible and terrible. I hate it!”

Unfortunately, the reason you do not think being sensitive has advantages is because you have been told you were “too sensitive” so often.  As a result of experiencing this constant judgment from insensitive people, you probably feel bad about being so sensitive. Therefore you have not developed your basic nature so that you can use your highly sensitive nature to your advantage.

There are three major advantages to being a highly sensitive person.

You have a:
1.  Greater chance of survival because you notice and avoid toxins
2.  Keener empathic instrument for sensing data and knowing
3.  More loving nature for better relationships

Of course, there are also problems that come with being a highly sensitive person.   Because others have not validated your subtle perceptions you are more likely to suffer from certain psychological, mental health and emotional health problems.

You are more prone to experience:
1.  Anxiety
2.  Confusion and self-doubt
3.  Emotional insecurity

Therefore, if you want to develop and use your highly sensitive nature to your advantage, you need to overcome these psychological problems.  You can learn to trust your own perceptions when others do not perceive what you do. You can reduce your anxiety and improve your self-esteem so you are not overwhelmed and confused by the data you are perceiving.

Just imagine how powerful and successful you will be when you engage in quality personal growth. Your highly sensitive nature will perceive reality more accurately than others.  As a result, you be more intuitive, skillful at body language, energy awareness, body awareness and emotional awareness.

The bottom line is the more you use your highly sensitive nature, the more successful you will be at whatever you do.  Sensing the data around you gives you a definite advantage at work and home.  There is no reason for you not to use your highly sensitive self to shine and glow.


EMPOWER YOUR HIGHLY SENSITIVE SELF: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” gives you the facts about your highly sensitive nature as well as tons of support and encouragement to be yourself and shine. Get help with being overwhelmed and confused so you can develop your sensitive nature. PDF, 31 pages, $19.97, money back guarantee.

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Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


LAST CHANCE: Order two private coaching sessions at $200.00 an hour and get the third one free. Sessions can be on the phone or in-person.

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Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


LISTEN TO DR. JEANETTE: Hear a coaching session with a woman who is in the middle of a divorce. Listen as she explores and untangles her unhealthy emotional dynamics on Dr. Jeanette’s free Internet radio show, Live at the Edge.
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