The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Accept What is Real.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Thank you, readers, for your feedback and questions. Keep them coming. Here is an important question about how to reach good mental health from a kind hearted reader who is stuck in confusion and intense mental anguish.
“I have enjoyed your emails for 5 years! Wow! Please write about how to learn to live in the HERE and NOW! And acceptance. I am a mom who is both blessed with two adult kids but I feel rejection about living here in North America … Them and my loving husband is what keeps me here. I am too attached to my past, because that’s what I know best and that is what made me “grow”! Somebody told me, your heart has to be in one place. What does it mean? I am from EU and live here more than half of my life!! I can’t either go back or stay. And the HERE and NOW is filled with tears and sadness … Unshared … because I am ashamed of not being able to enjoy the many blessings around me!”
For all of you, always remember that no matter what is going on inside of you there is a rational reason for what you feel. You have real problems that have real solutions. Your feelings and emotions are real. Never doubt reality.
Mother Nature knows what she is doing. Evolution knows what she is doing. As Einstein said, “God does not play with dice.” There is sanity in the universe; there is sanity inside of you. It is up to you to find your sanity!
Thank you for your question. Even though I may not hit the bullet mark with so little information about you, I know for sure that your feelings and emotions are not wrong or bad. It is only your thoughts about your feelings and emotions that are confused and irrational.
You are stuck in depression and dense energy because you tell yourself everyday that your feelings and emotions are WRONG and BAD. They are not. What you feel is what you feel. No more or less. Simple and profound. Feelings are real.
The reason you are stuck in such unpleasant, never-ending pain is because you are making your feelings and emotions wrong at every turn. Every day, all day long, your self-judgment is killing your heart, body, and soul. Your thoughts are irrational and unkind, creating your mental anguish.
You are hurting your real self every time you find fault with yourself. To feel better, you must stop finding fault with what is real. Instead of making your feelings and emotions wrong, accept them and let them move. The vital energy of your emotions is the potent energy that will move you forward into vibrant moments.
I assume you are too afraid to feel your strong emotions and feelings on your own. This is often the case because children are taught to control their feelings and emotions instead of feel them. Nevertheless, trying to control your feelings and emotions creates mental health problems.
Therefore, I recommend that you work with an emotionally safe professional who can help you unlearn your fear of your emotions so you can break free and enjoy life. If you do not have access to an emotionally safe professional you can receive emotional guidance and support by using the self-help “Opening the Heart” audio series.
The way to enter the Here and Now is to feel what you feel. Physical and emotional feelings put you squarely in the moment of that which is real. It does not matter what you feel. Just accept and love your real feelings and you enter the here and now.
ACCEPT YOUR FEELINGS: Feel better immediately when you accept what is real inside of you. Learn how to feel your emotions and stop making them wrong and bad. Get the help you need in overcoming your fear of your emotions. The Opening the Heart audio series is a three-hour comforting guide that helps you find, accept, and heal your emotional self. Hundreds of people have listened to the Opening the Heart audio again and again for relaxation as well as emotional guidance and information. $97.00, money-back guarantee.
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