The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Relate equally.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
How healthy are your relationships with others?
How healthy is your relationship with yourself?
The answer to one is the answer to the other. How you relate to others is how you relate to yourself. Most of us relate to ourselves sometimes with love and sometimes with judgment. The more loving you are, the healthier you are. Therefore, is not a surprise that when we are self-accepting, our relationships are healthier and when we are self-rejecting, we feel rejected.
However, did you know that relationships cannot be healthy unless they are equal?
Equality is a reliable way to measure how healthy any relationship is at any point in time. When you are feeling superior or inferior to the other person, you are in an unhealthy relationship dynamic. For example, when I used to feel superior to others because I was such a good, righteous person, I did not have many genuine friends. I felt alone because I was on a pedestal where healthy relationships cannot exist. Your Self-righteous Ego Energy is not only unhealthy for you, it physically repels all the vibrant energy around you.
When I used to feel inferior to Divine Energy, I could not communicate and connect with the invisible energies on the planet. I felt alone and did not know how to fulfill my soul’s purpose because I was hiding in my Inadequate Ego Energy. Take note of your defensive positions and how often they physically keep the abundant healthy energy of the cosmos from reaching you.
You must come down to earth and out of the darkness in order to live in The Vibrant Moments of life. Other people cannot reach you when you are on a pedestal. Your Sage cannot reach you if you are hiding in a dark cave. In contrast, since I was a child, I have felt love for Mother Earth, as well as loved by her. When I was sad, I would go sit under the weeping willow tree and share my deep sorrow with her. Afterwards, I always felt better and more resilient, ready for whatever came next.
You can use equality as a scientific measure to reveal when you are stuck in an unhealthy relationship. Equality is the only physical reality that creates an open, empathic, healthy energy flow between you and others. As you notice how you relate to others, you could be surprised at how many people you do not feel comfortable with. It is also helpful to notice how you relate to different parts of yourself. Do you relate equally to your body, your emotional self, your Inner Critic? Do you judge your male energy and accept your feminine energy?
At any moment you can move from your superior or inferior position to an equal position. Notice what happens when you shift out of your ego into your accepting, non-judgmental self. When you feel more relaxed and comfortable being yourself, this invites others to relax and feel comfortable with you.
Enjoy getting to know deeper parts of yourself as you get closer to others.
RELATE EQUALLY: The first section of the Opening the Heart audio series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species,” teaches you the energy difference between superior, controlled energy and inferior, out of control energy so you learn when you are not feeling equal. Learn how to drop into the natural flow of yourself and find your unique vibrations. Next you are guided into finding your emotional self so you can heal the parts of you that need to be healed. The other two hours in the Opening the Heart series are on fear and hurt. Recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better holistic health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.
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The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into physical reality and succeed in relating equally to all things. Say goodbye to anxiety and hello to equality. Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove conditioned responses from your nervous system so you improve relaxation and self-confidence. $199.97, money-back guarantee.
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