Relationship Advice: Open Your Heart to Increase Natural Health and Wellness


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Touch others often.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: To connect with others.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Were you able to explore, find or plug into another person this week? Better than before? Or with a new person?

Last week I explained the magic that happens between you and another person when both of you are open and let each other close. The extra energy that you experience when you are plugged into another person is amazingly strong. This is the reason opening your heart is so beneficial to your health and wellness.

When you connect with another person, you literally have more healthy energy available to you to use as you please. This automatically makes you stronger in body and mind. Just being close to one other person gives you many natural health and wellness benefits. You feel better about yourself, have more self-confidence, feel saner, more grounded and loved. This is just for starters.

This energy exchange between you and others is potent. Do not just think of romantic love; that is of course, potent. However, the mother and child relationship and the friend relationship are equally potent. The mother and child relationship is the first and most potent relationship.

Therein lies the problem most people have with intimacy. Not to blame mothers, my wish is to make you more aware of how important it is to be attached to your mother in a healthy way. If your mother was not good at attachment or you have an unhealthy attachment with your mother, then you need to correct this relationship problem now.

As an adult, you can learn to be emotionally and physically attached to others in a healthy, emotionally mature fashion. There is no reason to blame yourself or your mother. There is nothing missing from your learning that you cannot supply yourself. You can learn to feel safe and comfortable being open so others can connect with you.

Take the time to invest in yourself so you experience the natural health and wellness benefits of being connected to other human beings.


NEED HELP CONNECTING? The 3 hour “Opening the Heart” audio was made in a sound studio with my comforting voice. Allow me to guide you into your genuine feelings and emotions. Learn to sort through your ego, thoughts and conditioning to find your emotional truths so you connect with others and experience the increased energy flow. Money back guarantee, $97.00.

FREE BONUS: Order before Monday, December 16 to get the “Opening the Heart” Ebook worth $19.97. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.

Read more and order Opening the Heart audio:


ALREADY OWN “OPENING THE HEART” AUDIO? You may be a highly sensitive person who had a mother who was not highly sensitive. Learn how to overcome the problems from the past and find your inner strengths. Read and study the special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person,” 31 page PDF file, $19.97 money back guarantee.
Read more and order “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.”


FOR MEN: NEED HELP CONNECTING? Take the “For Men: Become a Better Lover” home study course to get rid of your anxiety, fear and judgments that are keeping you from plugging into others with comfort and ease.

Read more and order:

FOR WOMEN: Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” It helps you overcome your anxiety so you can let go of control and enjoy making love.

Read more and order:


Please share your comments and concerns.

Relaxation and Anxiety Help: Get Rid of Judgment and Live a Guilt Free Life

pillowThis pillow is waiting for you to relax. Rest easy and dream with the angels.

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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Enjoy the moment.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


August 7, 2013 is National Play Day. This is a great reminder for adults and children to get outside and have fun moving and grooving.

National Play Day is a wonderful follow up to my recommendation last week to the regular The Vibrant Moment readers. I suggested for good mental health you need to enjoy some pleasure every single day.  Here is the link if you did not read it:

So, were some of you able to add more pleasures this week? I sure did. I call vibrant moments being in heaven on earth.

Here is a list of some of my heavenly moments:

Swimming in a beautiful blue pool cleaned and softened by rain water
Swimming slowly on my back looking up at the glorious blue sky
Strolling in Rittenhouse Park while giving and receiving smiles
Cooking walnut crusted trout, Swiss shard and corn on the cob
Eating walnut crusted trout, Swiss shard and corn on the cob
Relaxing in a lounge chair outside looking at green trees and insects flying around
Sipping coffee with bits and pieces of pound cake underneath a canopy of trees
Gently resting my head on my buckwheat pillow in clean sheets
Taking a warm, long shower after hard housework

If you were not successful in enjoying more pleasurable moments this week, ask yourself, “What stopped me?”

In the USA, our Puritan and Germanic backgrounds rewards hard work and staying busy.  If you work hard, you are rewarded.  If you do not stay busy, you are punished.  This means that if you want to avoid punishment you have to keep working and stay busy all the time.  This is what most people do.

Resting, doing nothing, relaxing and enjoying life is a sin. Yes, a sin.

This Puritan Ethic conditioning is hard to break free from once it takes hold in your body and psyche.  If you do not pay attention to how your conditioning stops you from enjoying pleasure, you cannot put into practice the action steps needed to break out of the bad habit of not relaxing.

At the age of 34, I consciously let go of control and relaxed.  Immediately, the most painful guilt experiences crippled me again and brought me back into control.    Every time I relaxed, I felt like a sinner. Every time I experienced pleasure, I felt like I was sinning.

No wonder I had such trouble learning how to relax in the first place! Every time I relaxed, I judged myself as lazy. Or to be more precise, I heard my father’s voice in my head calling me, “Lazy.” His judgment stopped me dead in my tracks and tightened up every muscle in my body.

Later in life when my father was dying, he confessed to me that he desperately wanted nothing more in life but to be able to put his feet up, kick back and relax. But he couldn’t. He just could not relax, no matter what he tried to do.

I suggested to him that he could stop making himself wrong when he relaxed. However, he was never able to rest, do nothing and enjoy just being in the moment. My father died an anxious man. While it is too late for my father, it is not too late for you.

If you listen, you can hear the exact judgments you learned from your parents, teachers and priests.  These mental judgments keep you from relaxing and being in the moment.  You must get rid of your mental judgments if you want to kick back and enjoy the moments of your life.

Of course, when you break free, you experience guilt.

Guilt is a given. This is when you really have to pay attention so you eliminate the irrational judgments in your head and keep moving forward.  If not, guilt puts you right back into darkness, anxiety and depression.

So, using learning research, I felt like a lazy person for a while and continued to relax my body.  I felt like a sinner over and over again, as I continued to enjoy the pleasures of living in the body.

Soon the control guilt had over me began to vanish and I could kick back and enjoy the moment without any guilt what so ever.

Share your feelings, thoughts and comments about guilt, guilt-free living, control, workaholics, Puritan conditioning and relaxation therapy below.


NEED HELP WITH GUILTY PLEASURES?  Guilt is the major block to receiving your daily pleasures.  Learn how to get rid of guilt and judgment so you give yourself pleasure every day. One-hour personal growth audio, $29.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order: ”Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment.”

Free Bonus: Order “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” before Monday, August 12 to get “Break the Grip of Anxiety Naturally: An Overview,” for free, a one-hour anxiety help audio, worth $29.97.


NEED HELP RELAXING?  Enjoy the body exercises in the Overcome Anxiety Naturally Home Study Course. Your body and mind will be glad you learned to kick back and do nothing before it is too late for you to enjoy the pleasures of being alive on planet Earth. Get 10 written lessons and 5 hours of healing therapy audio for only $149.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order your anxiety help course:


Depression Help: Sing the Blues to Keep Moving Through Your Grief and Grieving

whitelakeA fun time at White Lake, North Carolina

Notice the little girl playing with the water instead of looking at the camera. That’s me. My love affair with water began at an early age.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Sing Your Blues.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


It seemed like nothing mattered anymore. I didn’t care if I went swimming or not, even though swimming is my favorite activity. I did not care what I ate, even though looking forward to delicious food and yummy tastes used to be a daily pleasure.

How often to you feel blah, blue or bored?

I mentioned two weeks ago that it is easy to get stuck in depression during the natural grieving progress.  Take note of the losses you have suffered recently that you need to grieve so that you can move forward instead of getting stuck in depressed energy.

Have you lost your:
Best friend?
Beloved animal?
Beloved trees?

When grieving any type of loss, the natural process of feeling your authentic emotions takes many turns and twists until you begin to feel better and heal your heart.  Anywhere along the natural, normal stages of the grieving process, you can become blue, melancholy or depressed.

To heal your heart, you need to feel sad and not get stuck in depression.

This means you need to feel blue and keep moving through your grief as your emotional energy carries you along your own unique emotional healing process.

If you begin to feel melancholy, this means you are slowing down. If you are slowing down, this means you are inhibiting some of your authentic emotions and feelings as they surface.  If melancholy lingers too long, you are slowing down your energy so you become blah and stop enjoying life.

If you enter the mental health state called depression, you have inhibited your healthy emotional energy so much that you are stuck. Depression means you are not moving forward at all.   Depression is a dark, heavy state where you are numb and nothing matters.  You have stopped feeling blue and as a result you do not enjoy anything anymore.

Your vital emotions keep you moving forward in the natural grieving process.

The Indians call the emotional body, which is part of your energy field, the vital body.  This is because your vital body is full of colorful, strong, potent emotional energy when you are healthy and emotionally strong. When you are stuck in depression, your vital body is dark, grey and dense.

When you inhibit your healing emotions of grief you get stuck in depression.  Losses are natural and normal life experiences.  The feelings of sadness about your loss are also natural and normal no matter what medical authorities or friends tell you.

Give yourself permission to fully experience your loss.

Allow your grief and grieving to be natural and normal so that you heal your heart and become emotionally stronger.  When I noticed I was depressed, I decided to get back into my grief and grieving.  To help me get out of the dumps, I began to sing and hum the blues.

I put my comforting audio in my ears to help me stay in the hurt so I transformed my loss into more vital energy and aliveness.  Thank goodness, swimming is pleasurable again.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback about grief and grieving, emotional health, the stages of grief, hurt and loss below.


LISTEN TO COMFORTING AUDIO: “When You’re Hurting…” audio was highly praised by the late Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, author of On Death and Dying. “When You’re Hurting…” was made to help you stay in your hurt so you keep moving forward as you grieve your natural and normal emotional losses.  My comforting voice is relaxing, reassuring and helps you let go of the hurt so you do not get stuck in depression. One hour stand alone audio, “When You’re Hurting…” for $49.97.

Order “When You‘re Hurting…” one hour grief and grieving audio:

Or order the three hour emotional health guide, “Opening the Heart.” You receive “Fear: The Pathway to Freedom and Joy”, “Feelings: The Source of Authentic Love”, and “When You’re Hurting…”, all three for $97.00.

Read more and order the “Opening the Heart “audio:


SUMMER SPECIAL: Take advantage of the slow summertime to amp up your personal growth program. Get the personal guidance you need to move through grief, depression or guilt into healthy emotional states.  After the first session you know exactly what to do to move forward. Enjoy experiential sessions that are not available anywhere else. Pay for two holistic psychology sessions and get the third session free. Last session must be used by September 30, 2013. Get three hour sessions for $400.00. You save $200.00. Limited
number available.

Read more and order:









Personal Growth Tip: Wake Up to Your Human Potential With Relaxation


Jump into the water! Jump into Life!


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Big Island Beach, Sunset, 2013


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Get Unstuck.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Definition of Stuck: Not moving forward. Living a mundane and ordinary life. No passion and joy.

Do you work, eat, sleep and repeat the same behaviors day after day? If so, you are going through your life without feelings and emotions.  This means you are stuck in an ordinary and mundane life.

This phrase, “ordinary and mundane,” is taken from Dr. Charles Tart’s book, Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential, which I read in the late 1980s.  “The Vibrant Moment” exists to help you wake up and do a whole lot more than just get through your day.

How Awake and Alive Are You?

It is possible that ordinary consciousness may feel normal for you because you have not experienced anything else in so long you have forgotten the delicious extraordinary feelings you were born with.  Therefore, you may not be aware that you are living the moments of your life without passion, fire and joy.

On the other hand, perhaps you have enjoyed vibrant moments, peak performances and peak experiences from time to time.  However, stress and anxiety have unconsciously taken over your waking life.  As a result, you have settled back down into ordinary consciousness without even knowing it.

Or maybe you are grieving a great loss.  It is easy to get stuck in the grieving progress and become depressed instead of moving forward.  You may have dropped down out of ordinary mundane consciousness into a deeper level of depression.

Whatever the reason, you may be stuck in routine living, depression and anxiety without even knowing you are stuck in the daily grind of the walking dead.

To have more vibrant moments, you need to know when, where, how and why you are stuck.  To know when you are stuck, you have to increase your awareness. To increase your awareness, you need outside feedback that gives you some degree of objective data.

This means you need many different kinds of feedback systems that alert you to where your mental health, emotional security and body awareness are at any given moment in time.  I use mentors, groups and holistic health practitioners to wake me up and notify me that I have gotten stuck in the ordinary and mundane.  I also have my own daily feedback barometers.

Use Daily Activities to Notice When You Are Stuck

Just getting through a swim is not the same thing as enjoying a swim.  As a swimmer, I use how I feel and how much I enjoy my swim as a barometer of my state of being in the world.  I have many different kinds of swimming experiences.  Each swimming experience gives me concrete feedback about my consciousness and state of being alive.

There is the:
1. Delicious, flowing through the sensuous water with my whole body swim
2. Enjoyable, relaxing swim, where the mind is quiet and still
3. Fun, playful, feel good swim, where there is no thinking
4. Mean and lean exercise swim
5.  So-so swim, where the thoughts distracted me more than not.
6.  Did I even swim? swim, where my brain was in charge

I love swimming so much I don’t have a bad swim or a boring swim. But you may want to add bad and boring along with other specific qualities to your own feedback list.

Create Your Own Aliveness Feedback Barometer

To create your own Aliveness Barometer, think about some experience you do daily or several times a week.  For example, if you take walks, you can use your walking experiences. Make a list of all the difference kinds of walks you have.  Describe your walks honestly so that you can use each walk to increase your awareness of how present, alive and vibrant you are in the moment.

Then use your feedback to become more awake and alive.  If your feedback tells you that you are stuck in the ordinary and mundane, this means you are anxious. The less you enjoy something, the more anxious you are.

To correct the problem you need to begin to feel your body more and feel your emotions more. These two sensory experiences will start to bring more life energy into
your daily grind.

You only have one life to live. Get unstuck and allow more passion, joy and excitement into your precious moments. Reduce your anxiety and relax your body so you can perceive
the colors that are always dancing and playing around you before it is too late.

Peak performances, peak experiences and vibrant moments do not happen by accident. They happen because you show up and allow yourself to be in your body and emotions in physical reality. They happen because you reduce your anxiety and
relax into your body.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback about body awareness, emotional expression and peak performances below.


REMOVE VIBRANT MOMENT BLOCKS: Anxiety, stress and thinking too much are the major blocks that stop vibrant moments from occurring in your life.  Take the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, that has helped hundreds of people reduce their anxiety and relax into their body. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio, including the best selling emotional health guide, “Opening the Heart.” Worth $209.94, yours for only $149.97.

Read more and order:

FREE BONUS! Order “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” before
Monday, July 1 and get the free bonus audio, “Hear Your Body Talking”, a one-hour body language audio, $29.97.  Must mention The Vibrant Moment in the check out box to get free audio.


GET UNSTUCK SUMMER SPECIAL: Get the personal guidance you need to enjoy more vibrant moments and peak experiences.  After the first session you know exactly what to do to move forward. Getting unstuck is not that hard when you know what to do to move forward. You will enjoy experiential sessions that are not available anywhere else. These will not be talk therapy sessions.  Pay for two holistic psychology sessions and get the third session free. Only good during the summer months, last session must be used by September 30, 2013.  Regular one hour session, $200.00. You save $200.00. Limited number available.

Read more and order:


Love and Relationship Advice: Use Body Language to Improve Self-Esteem and Personal Growth

Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter: in the mirror and expose your denial.

Personal Growth Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Denial is your worst enemy.  Denial can be the difference between successful personal growth and unsuccessful personal growth. Denial lowers your self-esteem and ruins relationships.

What is Denial?

Denial is when you think one thing and another thing is real in physical form.  Denial is when you have an image of yourself that is not based in reality. This image can be a puffed up perfect image of yourself or a low self-esteem image.

In my audio series, “Opening the Heart,” I use the example of my Philadelphia trolley driver.  The trolley driver was ferociously biting his fingernails as he was driving me to the sound studio where I recorded the heart healing audio series. He did not seem to have any awareness of what his teeth were doing to the tips of his fingers.

The communication the trolley driver’s body was sending to the world was crystal clear.  An educated person could look at his behavior and see what his body was communicating.  Reading his body language it was obvious his unconscious act of biting his fingernails meant he was extremely anxious at that moment in time.

Yet, if I had asked the Philadelphia trolly driver if he was anxious, he would probably say, “No, I am not anxious. I am not afraid of anything. I drive this trolley everyday. There is nothing to be afraid of.”

However, his body was clearly communicating to an educated observer that he was in a highly anxious state as he was driving his trolley.  The driver was denying he had high anxiety, yet his nervous system was extremely upset.

Is Your Denial Destroying Your Personal Development?

If you have not been getting the results that you want or need, consider the possibility that you could be stuck in denial.  If you have not been able to relax and feel close to others so you can reach your relationship goals, look around for your denial.

Denial is a total waste of energy. It keeps you from knowing that you are anxious.  Every single human being on the planet right now has some degree of anxiety in their nervous system.  Therefore, if you are not in touch with your anxiety level, as it comes and goes on a daily basis, then you are in denial.

It is only logical that you cannot do anything to become less anxious until you admit that you are anxious! This means you need to expose your denial so your personal growth pays out big dividends. Expose your denial so you can relax, be close with others and enjoy life.

How to Expose Your Denial?

If you consider the physical information around you, your personal growth will immediately become wildly successful.  This is because feedback from the real world exposes psychological denial.

One of the first things I did when my heart was broken at the age of 34 was look in the mirror.  Mirrors give you concrete feedback that you can learn to see and use for your personal development.  The image in the mirror is reality. Reality destroys denial.

It does not matter what you think or what you tell yourself, your physical body reveals the truth. To overcome denial, begin by observing your body and pay attention to what your body is actually doing in real time.

Body Exercise to Break Through Denial:

Looking in the mirror can be extremely helpful. Look at yourself to see physical feedback about what is happening in your nervous system. See if you can tell how you are really feeling inside.

Other people look at you all the time.

It is to your advantage to see what others are seeing. Take off all your clothes and stand in front of a full length mirror.  Look at yourself in the mirror for a good five minutes. If you cannot do this exercise without your clothes, start with your clothes on.

1.  Look at your whole body from the front.
2.  Turn and look at the back of your body.
3.  Now look at both sides of your body.
4.  Pay attention to your face, what do you see?
5.  How is your face attached to your body?
6.  If your face separate or part of your body?
6.  Write down all the places you see tension in your body.
7.  Write down all the mental judgments you notice in your head.

Admitting the truth to yourself about what you see and how you feel standing naked in front of a mirror will help you begin to give up denial.  To make dramatic progress, enjoy a daily practice of stopping to look at who is in the mirror.

The faster you give up denial, the faster you will be able to accept and love yourself–just as you are, naked and real.  Say goodbye to denial and ego images, they don’t improve your self-esteem or help you make love.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and comments below.


LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: Your body knows more than your conscious mind. Learn to listen to the communications your body is screaming at you.  Yes, your body is screaming. Order “Hear Your Body Talking,” one hour personal growth audio for $29.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order “Hear Your Body Talking”:

Order “Hear Your Body Talking” by Sunday May 5 and get the one hour audio, “How to Read Body Language.” This introduction to how to read body language is from a class I taught a few years ago. It is a very helpful guide to learning how to read body language. Worth $49.97. You must mention The Vibrant Moment to get the free audio.


FOR MEN: BECOME A BETTER LOVER: A anxiety reduction course to help you relax and become more self-confident as an emotional and physical lover. You can feel good and experience more love by learning how to give and receive physical and emotional love with self-esteem. 6 hours of audio and 10 written lessons. $199.97

Read more and order:

FOR WOMEN: If you want to improve your ability to give and receive physical and emotional love, take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. This course reduces general anxiety although it does not specifically address sexual anxiety.

Read more and order:


Human Energy Tune Up: Want to improve your self-esteem or love making skills? Learn to read the energy around you and between you and others.  Private Energy Retreats teach you how to real body language and sense the human energy data that exists in physical reality. You need to know physical reality to improve your self-esteem and love relationship skills. Enjoy a retreat alone or as a couple.

Read and order option number 2:

Solution to Violence in USA: Improve Mental Health, Begin with Pleasure and Native Culture

Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter: your baby as if it were precious, close to your breasts and heart. Photo taken at Red Earth Pow Wow, Doris Jeanette

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Let thyself feel good.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Pleasure often has a dirty connotation.

If you indulge yourself in pleasure, some would call you a “sinner”, “hedonist”, “selfish” or “wanton”. One of the sources of judgment in the USA against pleasure is definitely the Puritan society that Americans inherited.  Unfortunately, the Puritan cover-up-your-whole-body-with-lots-of-clothes culture replaced the Native American culture who wore just the clothes that were needed.

These Puritans came from British and still have quite a bit of control over our modern day culture.  Michael Moore’s documentary, Bowling for Columbine ended with these funny dressed Puritans as a possible source of the violence in America.

How far removed are you from the thinking that made Hester Prynne wear a scarlet letter on her dress?  Have you found judgments against pleasure in your unconscious? Probably so. Quite a few nasty judgments toward physical pleasure have been exposed in my psyche as I have broken away from my Puritan conditioning.

The cross-cultural research conducted by James W. Prescott in the 1970s found that pleasure was the antidote for violence.  Dr. Prescott, a neuropsychologist found a strong direct correlation between the amount of bodily pleasure parents gave their children and the degree to which violent behavior existed in the culture.

The Polynesian cultures were the least violent cultures and they were the ones who physically touched and loved their infants the most. It is not a surprise that he discovered that cultures who hit their children had the most violence.  Important psychological studies like this do not get the attention they need from the media, college professors, congress or clinical psychologists.

In my professional opinion, bodily pleasure is the solution to violence in America. Gun control will not improve the mental health of children who grow up and act out in violent ways at schools, marathons and theaters.  It is the mental health of America that must be improved if you want to stop violent behavior.

Until mental health is taken seriously and parents learn how to grow mentally healthy children, violence acts will continue to occur at an alarming rate. Dr. Prescott’s research is an excellent place to begin reducing violence. Pleasure is one of the alternative medicines I use to treat aggressive behavior, depression, anxiety, addictions, obsessions and general bad feelings.

If pleasure works for all these conditions, just think what adding more pleasure to your life could do for your health and wellness. Do you know what kinds of activities make you feel good?

Find Out What Bodily Pleasures You Need Exercise:

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Then ask your body to visually show or tell you the three pleasures it needs and wants in order to be strong, healthy and happy.  Listen carefully.  Write down the three things.

Notice any judgments you have toward these activities. Do you usually let your judgments keep you from giving these physical pleasures to yourself? Pay attention to any guilt that might be hanging around left over from those mean Puritans who wanted to see Hester suffer and hanged.

I hope you can take action and add these three pleasures to your life. Pleasure will help you reach holistic health because you will experience many vibrant moments of being alive.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback about mental health, violence and pleasure by adding your comment.


LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: Your body knows a whole lot more wisdom than your conscious mind. Learn the three reasons you have a body and how to love and listen to your body. Order “Hear Your Body Talking”, one hour personal growth audio for $29.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order “Hear Your Body Talking”:


GIVE YOURSELF PLEASURE:  Attend the Spring Nature Workshop in Cape May, NJ, Saturday, May 4.  The theme will focus on helping you experience more pleasure and joy in life. You will learn how to stop judgment and guilt from ruining your joy. There will be bodily exercises that feel good. $200.00 fee.  Limited to 12 men and women.

Read more and sign up:

Let Thy Human Energy Flow for Holistic Health

Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter:


Big Island Energy, Doris Jeanette, 2013

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Let thy energy flow.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychologist, Mentor


How many times during the day do you notice:

-When you are tightening up your muscles?
-Your nervous system’s reaction to your environment?
-Where you are inhibiting the flow of energy in your body?

According to Yahoo headline news, Carnie Wilson, a 44-year-old singer, has been “Diagnosed With Bell’s Palsy on Left Side of Face.” Carnie is a member of Wilson Phillips and the daughter of American 1960s pop icon Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys.  Bell’s Palsy can result in a form of facial paralysis that is the result of facial muscles drooping due to a nerve not working properly.

The energy that you block, stop or inhibit in your physical body is the primary source of most mental, emotional and physical health problems.  Even if you are not aware of blocking, stopping and inhibiting your energy flow, the physical inhibition will still have a negative effect on all of the systems in your body.

Make a fist with your hand and see what happens to your hand. Look at your fist and see how much healthy, vital energy can get through a closed fist.  Not much.

Anytime you tighten up any part of your human body it affects your nervous system, spinal fluid, blood flow and other bodily functions.  The consequences of inhibiting the energy flowing through your body sets in motion some sort of mental, emotional and physical disease or dysfunction.

On Twitter, Carnie Wilson revealed how she’s coping with her nervous system condition: “PS Who believes in Acupuncture? I’m treating my Bell’s Palsy with it,” she shared on March 14. “It’s working.”

Carnie Wilson is smart.  Acupuncture is not a belief system. It is a reliable, Chinese alliterative medicine treatment that has been used for centuries to effectively treat many different types of diseases. The reason acupuncture works on different types of diseases is simple.  Acupuncture immediately unblocks your energy flow.

As soon as the energy flow improves in your cells, your body begins to heal itself by returning to its normal, healthy state.  While acupuncture is no miracle cure, it does work for many serious and not so serious health conditions.  Acupuncture is particularly effective if you catch your energy blockage before it causes permanent damage to your physical form.

Acupuncture is only one of many different methods that you can use to successfully create healthy energy flow.   For example, you can unblock your energy on your own if you learn to relax, overcome anxiety, stop thinking and start feeling.

While getting acupuncture treatments are helpful, treatments of any sort are not enough if you want to create and maintain holistic health.  The holistic psychology way of solving mental, emotional and physical problems gets to the source of what is making you stop your energy flow in the first place.

If you do not know how the new, holistic psychology approach is different from the traditional, managed care psychology read the definition of holistic psychology here:

The holistic psychology way of unblocking your energy teaches you to master your own energy flow. This is extremely important in between treatments or sessions. This means you learn how to get positive results on your own as you go about living your life.

Get started now.  Notice where, how and when you stop the healthy flow of vital energy from moving through your body.  Your awareness of your own human energy flow is the first step toward holistic health, more fun and lots of vibrant moments.


STOP BLOCKING YOUR ENERGY: Take the holistic psychology home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.”  You unlearn your anxiety response of tightening up and blocking your energy flow. You learn new ways to cope with stress and enjoy yourself.  You learn to feel proud of your successes and more self-confident.  Five hours of audio, 10 written lessons. $149.97 and money back guarantee.

Read more and order:


FEEL THE FLOW OF ENERGY IN YOUR BODY:  Attend the spring Nature Workshop in Cape May, NJ, Saturday, May 4. You will enjoy body and energy exercises that increase your awareness of your own human energy flow. You will notice when, were and how you block your flow and get some help in how to let go and enjoy yourself.  As a Vibrant Moment reader you can sign up early and get a discount off the $200.00 fee.  Limited to 12 men and women.

Read more and sign up:

Sign up before April 1 for $175.00.
To get the $25.00 discount you must mail a check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


VIRTUAL GROUP RELAXATION THERAPY.  Join a small group on Skype once a month for four months.  I will help you fine tune your relaxation response so you can sense and feel more color.  The group will take place on the first Wednesday night of each month beginning at 6:30 PM, ET, in May.  Cost will be $149.00 for four-hour sessions, limited to six people. Email me about your interest. Group times and dates can be changed if members need them changed due to prior commitments.


Want Holistic Health? Reduce Anxiety Naturally, Face Fears, Be Assertive, Become More Alive


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Expand your world.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


While snorkeling in Hawaii, out in a big, ocean tide pool, I encountered a giant 150-year-old green sea turtle.  As soon as her large, old, wrinkled neck and huge bobbing head came into clear focus, I grabbed my heart, stopped breathing and gasped.  She was bigger than me.

Hanging still in the water which was connecting us, I paused in wonder and awe.  This ancient sea turtle was resting her head on a large rock and resting her huge body upon the bottom of the sea.  I did not move for a very long time. Being so physically intimate with this powerful creature transformed me.  I will never be the same.

How big is your world?
How much bigger could your universe become?

Some people stay in the little safe pond they were born in and never have the courage to swim a little harder and further in order to reach a bigger pond.

Just think, if you worked hard enough you could reach the bigger pond and maybe even adventure out into the open ocean.  If you did, you would have many great adventures like a close encounter with an ancient sea turtle.

Of course, it takes a certain amount of time, energy and effort to become strong enough to swim a current that might be pushing you back to the smaller pond.  However, if you put your mind to becoming stronger and braver you will succeed.

What are the reasons you give yourself for staying in the little pond?

In reality, you are not any safer when you stay in the little pond close to home.  Most accidents happen in the home and within 5 miles of the home. 77% of car accidents happen within five miles of home.  You could say it is more dangerous to stay in the little pond than it is to travel out into the wondrous world around you.

What more important things do you have to do with your time than experience new exciting adventures?

Get the help you need to face your real fears and overcome your irrational anxiety so you have more pleasurable, exciting adventures in 2013.


OVERCOME ANXIETY NATURALLY: Facing your real fears is like learning to walk. You must learn to become stronger and braver, one step at a time. Get the guidance you need with my 10 body awareness lessons in the Home Study Course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” Plus five hours of audio including the best selling emotional health audio, “Opening the Heart.” $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Order by Monday, Feb. 25 and get the special report,”7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person” for free. It is not unusual for the HSP to have more trouble than most with anxiety. 31 page PDF file worth $19.97.


SAFE ADVENTURES: Nature Workshop at Cape May, NJ, Saturday, May 4. My Nature Workshop gives you a personal growth adventure that will transform you so that you will never be the same. The theme this spring will be “Pleasure.” How much pleasure can you let yourself experience before shutting down?  There will be lots of practice being assertive in all areas but especially when it comes to adding more pleasure to your life.  As a Vibrant Moment reader you can sign up early and get a discount off the $200.00 fee.  Group Adventure Workshop is limited to 12 men and women.

Read more and sign up:

Sign up before March 15 for $150.00.
To get the discount you must mail a check to:
Doris Jeanette
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146


Heart Health, Heal Your Broken Heart and Heartache


Red bud tree, Philadelphia, 2012, Doris Jeanette

The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Examine your heart.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Do you know the health of your heart? If not, it is time for
a thorough heart exam.

Heartaches are real and physical. When you suffer from a
past emotional trauma, the hurt you feel is both physical
and emotional.  A broken heart is indeed broken, damaged
and wounded.

Has it been years since you got divorced? Or did you just
break up with your lover?  Or perhaps you are in the same
relationship and you feel numb, stuck and mundane. Or maybe
you have never been in a loving relationship.

In any case you need to take a heart examination and check
the health of your heart.   Let’s take a look into your
heart and see what is really there.  You can sense the
matter and energy in your heart by putting your
consciousness into your heart and taking a look.

So, put your awareness into your heart.  See if you can
look deep inside of your heart as a physical organ and as
an energy vortex.  How does your heart look, feel, taste,
sound, smell?

If you cannot see clearly deep inside, look around and
see if you can sense what is sitting on top of your heart.
See if you have heaviness, weight, resentment and sadness
barricading your heart.

Then examine the surface of your heart and sense the
physical matter in your chest.

Tight are your muscles?
Sensitive is your chest area?
Open and strong is your chest area?
Closed and weak is your chest area?
Tender are your breasts?

Next, check to see if you can tell how much love energy
is pouring out of your heart.  Then notice how much love
energy is pouring into your heart.

Honestly, most people have closed hearts. Very few have
open hearts. So do not be surprised, upset or judgmental
if your heart is closed or rarely open.

Instead, begin to heal your heartache so that your heart
becomes physically stronger and emotionally healthier.


READY TO GET STARTED? Order the affordable special
report that takes you by the hand and tells you
exactly what you need to do to heal your broken heart.
“7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or
Break Up” $9.97.

Read more and order:


HEAL YOUR HEARTACHE: “Opening the Heart” audio and
eBook teaches you how to heal your broken heart from
the inside out so that you become physically stronger
and emotionally healthier.  $19.97-$97.00.

Read more and order at:

Order the audio by Monday, May 14 and get the special
report “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or
Break Up” as a bonus. These same action steps need to
be taken to heal your broken heart even if you are in
a relationship or never had one.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Get mentored in holistic
psychology. Learn how to physically open your heart
so you can help your clients open their hearts.

Read more and sign up:

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Sound and Color Therapy: Depression and Anxiety Help, Open Your Chakras


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Colors tell the truth.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Live at the Edge:


Are you the same color this year as last?
Are you becoming more open or stuck in one place?

Colors, just like emotions, do not stay stuck in
one place.

This means your relationship to color is constantly
changing.  Your relationship to color can change at a
moment’s notice just like your emotions suddenly
change and rearrange.

As a matter of fact, your relationship to color changes
dramatically depending on how much you are changing
emotionally and physically.  If you are becoming more
open and healthier your relationship to color changes.

Last week I told you I was red.  In the last six months
my relationship to red has changed dramatically.

In February I developed a red rash on my abdomen while
I was in Glenwood Springs, Colorado swimming in the
world’s largest outdoor hot springs pool.  I have been
swimming in these healing waters for 18 years.

The high sulfur content in the warm, therapeutic pool
always helps me clean away my toxins.  However, this
year my skin did not seem happy with the heat.

I was trying to heal the rash each night with my
smoothing tea tree oil.  Tea tree oil usually takes care
of most problems my sensitive, delicate skin develops.
Tea tree oil was not helping.

I tried Vitamin E, aloe, castor oil. Nothing was improving
the rash. So, I swam in the cooler part of the gigantic
pool and stayed out of the hot, hot water which I love.
Still the rash persisted.

One night, I put on my red pajamas and something did not
feel right.  I wanted to take off my soft, red shirt
immediately. So I quickly took off my red top. I felt
better as soon as the red was off my skin.

At first I was not sure what was happening.  After a few
nights, it was clear.  The color red make the rash more
unpleasant and I could not bear the intensity of red
against my skin.

I switched to white pajamas.  This color was the only one
I could tolerate against my skin.  I tried to wear my
favorite red pjs again the next week. I had the same
unpleasant reaction. So I stayed with white. The rash
cleared up in a few weeks.

Red was the dominant color in my wardrobe.  I loved red,
wore red and needed red.  Suddenly my relationship to
red was changing dramatically. I could not tolerate its

Now, four months later I just noticed this morning that
the two pair of shoes I wore yesterday were bright,
beautiful turquoise.

I have been craving blue, wearing blue and needing blue.
I have not worn any of those red clothes I own since
February.  Blue is the color I am wearing most often.

Over the course of the last six months, the back of my
throat chakra has been opening.  As a result of this
dramatic, intense shift, my entire relationship to red
has changed.  My relationship to blue has also
dramatically changed.

Pay attention to your relationship to each color and what
it means. Get to know more about how open and closed your
chakras are.

Be Careful.  Do not use too much color all at once. Like
eating, it is not healthy to put too much on your plate.
Slow down to feel more.  You need to learn to feel subtle
vibrations.  Take a very small bite of color and chew well.
Do not add more color until you know what it is doing to
your mind-body.

For Parents:  Use Color Therapy with your children to
keep them healthy and strong.  Color Therapy is a great way
to keep them from getting depressed and anxious. If they
are already depressed or anxious, use Sound and Color
Therapy to help them return to health.

For Professionals: If you do not use Sound and Color
Therapy, consider adding it to your tool box. Color and
sound are powerful, effective, safe ways to shift your
unhealthy energy to healthy energy. Then you can teach
your clients how to do the same.


report, “Energize Your Mind-Body with Color and
Sound” is an affordable way to learn more about
how you can use sound and color to become more
open and healthier.  The color and sound exercises
help you and your children sense subtle energy.
Slow down and notice your mind-body energy after
each exercise.  PDF format, 40 pages, $19.97.

Read more and order:


October 22, join me for the yearly Fall Nature
Workshop. Sound and Color exercises are always
a part of the group experience. All day, $200.00.

Read more and sign up:

Special: Get an early, early bird discount by
mailing a check for $150.00 to Doris Jeanette,
503 S. 21 Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146



Aloha, (Hawaiian for “Hello”.)

I am thinking of presenting a two-day workshop
on the Big Island of Hawaii on the Kona side at
the Place of Refuge, a National Park:  It would take
place next February on one of these topics:

Topic A: Experience the Energy of Body, Earth,
Emotions to Heal Yourself
Topic B: Use the Energy of Body, Earth and
Emotions in Your Healing Practice
Topic C: You name what you want.

The workshop is tax deductible as professional
development for healers and for others it maybe a
business expense. Check with your accountant.

If this idea excites you and there’s a chance you
might actually attend, please tell me which topic
you like and anything else that would make the
workshop do-able for you. I am thinking of early

Mahalo!  (Hawaiian for “thank you”.)

Read more about Hawiian Workshop in Feb. 2012

If you have never been to the Big Island, it has an
active volcano with fire and surreal landscapes. This
makes it the newest land mass on the planet. It is
also the home of the newest group of humans. The Hilo
side has the cleanest air on the planet and the whole
island some of the darkest skies.


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:
