What Color Are You? Use Sound and Color Therapy to Become Happy and Healthy


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get to know your color.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.htm


Do you notice how color affects you during the day?
Do you know which color you need?

Color is a powerful tool you can use in your daily
life to feel better emotionally. You can use color to
relax your nerves and help you get through a difficult
situation with more ease.

The proper use of color can improve your mental,
emotional and physical health.

Some of us know that the future psychology and medicine
will primarily use color, light, sound and energy to
heal people.

Color is a civilized, safe, effective method that you
can use today to prevent physical and mental problems
and improve the ones that already exist.

To get started you need to increase your color

For example, what is your dominant color? Do you know?
Is it your favorite color?  Maybe. Maybe not.

A simple way to get to know your dominant color is to
take a look at your wardrobe. What is the dominant
color in your washing machine? What is the dominant
color in your closet? What is the color that you wear
most often?

This is your color. Write down your color. Get to know
the information in your color by paying attention to its
vibrations. Learn what your color tells you about you.

My color was red for years upon years. I even had a red
door and red shutters on my Center City home in
Philadelphia. This was my identity.  I loved red,
needed red and wore red.

Next week I will tell you how my relationship to red has
changed over the last six months.

In the meantime, increase your awareness of color. Get
to know your color.


GET TO KNOW YOUR COLOR: The special report,
“Energize Your Mind-Body with Color and Sound” is an
affordable way to learn more about color and how you
can use it to become more vibrant. The color and sound
exercises help you discover your relationship to each
color.  PDF file, 40 pages, $19.97.

Read more and order:



Aloha, (Hawaiian for “Hello”.)

I am thinking of presenting a two-day workshop on the
Big Island of Hawaii on the Kona side at the Place of
Refuge, a National Park:

It would take place next February on one of these topics:

Topic A: Experience the Energy of Body, Earth, Emotions to
Heal Yourself
Topic B: Use the Energy of Body, Earth and Emotions in
Your Healing Practice
Topic C: You name what you want.

The workshop is tax deductible as professional development
for healers and for others it maybe a business expense.
Check with your accountant.

If this idea excites you and there’s a chance you might
actually attend, please tell me which topic you like and
anything else that would make the workshop do-able for you.
I am thinking of early February.

Mahalo!  (Hawaiian for “thank you”.)

If you have never been to the Big Island, it has an active
volcano with fire and surreal landscapes. This makes it the
newest land mass on the planet. It is also the home of the
newest group of humans. The Hilo side has the cleanest air
on the planet and the whole island some of the darkest skies.

Email me to discuss your interest in Hawaiian Workshop


Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:


Is It Healthy Emotional Flow or It Is Unhealthy Ego Control?

Excepted from ebook, Opening the Heart, Chapter 1, Feelings: The Source of Authentic Love. Available at http://www.drjeanette.com/tapes.html

Let me say more about control so you begin to see control for what it is. Control is anything you use to avoid reality at any given moment in time. You may have the best intentions in the world, such as becoming healthier and happier, and still end up controlling yourself.

For example, if you are in therapy or some healing process, you might say to yourself, “I have to heal myself. I have to become healthy. I have to do it this way, to do it the right way.”

You end up doing the things you “should” do or are “supposed” to do, to heal yourself. Whether your goal is to be more spiritual, or to control your diet, or control your exercise. The result is you are making yourself be a certain way. You are in a state of unhealthy control when you must exercise a certain way or eat in a certain way.

You begin to recognize control by the energy behind your words, actions and behaviors. You cannot recognize control by the content. The content is full of lies, which your ego tells you. Words lie. Energy does not.

Control is a mechanism you use to force yourself to go too fast or too slow. Or in a certain direction you don’t really want to go. You begin to notice control by the feel of the energy and not by the content.

Your ego may say to you,” Let’s go swimming tonight.” You think to yourself, “Do I feel like going swimming tonight? “ Your ego says, “You know how much you love to go swimming.” “Yes, I love swimming more than anything else in the world.” Yet, when you pay attention to yourself, you notice, “ I don’t feel like going swimming tonight.” The ego insists,” Oh yes, you do!”

As you can see, the way you control yourself can be very subtle and insidious. Begin to notice your ego by its controlling energy so you stop letting it ruin your life. Another example is when you pretend your feelings are not hurt when they really are hurt. Or you pretend you are not afraid, when you really are afraid.

In addition, you can exaggerate you are more upset than you really are. You can react to something as if it was the worst thing in the world and it really isn’t the worst thing in the world. You just act like it is the worse thing in the world. This is your ego over reacting.

When I was developing an equal and loving relationship with my mother, she turned whatever I bought up to her about my past hurt feelings against herself. She said, “Oh, what a terrible mother I am. What a horrible mother I was to you,” which, of course, was not true. I was not saying she was a terrible mother, I just wanted to express how I felt to her and be listened to. My mother’s behavior completely avoided the real situation with me.

What I needed was a real mother to relate to me as a real child. When my mother attacked herself, she was copping out on me. She was not taking responsibility for herself. She was saying what a terrible mother she was, instead of meeting me as an equal and dealing with how I had felt hurt and betrayed by her.

My mother did not say, ”I didn’t know you felt this way. I am sorry. Let’s deal with this. Let’s relate to each other and come to know each other.” Thanks goodness, we were able to cry together and see each other’s point of view in a year or so.

Healthy emotional flow is the result of resolving your past hurts and traumas. You achieve health by giving up control. Instead, accept and be your real self. Your real self has plenty of vital, colorful energy flow. More than enough, to jump up and down, with joy.

Study with Dr. Doris Jeanette in the convenience of your home. Choose audio, e books, phone consultations or the popular multimedia e -course “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” which includes the audio version of “Opening the Heart”, a guide on feelings, fear and hurt, plus 6 written lessons and 2 “Thought Taming” CDs. Order by clicking here http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietycourseonline.html

Doris is a licensed psychologist with 30 + years of experience helping people love more, feel better and self actualize. She is pioneer in creating a new psychology which embraces healthy emotional and physical energy flow as sign of mental health, emotional health and physical health. For more tips and tools sign up for her free weekly newsletter: http://www.mcssl.com/app/join.asp?MerchantID=61376

Emotional Health, Emotional Wellness

The Vibrant Moment – your reminder to believe in yourself.

Tools from The Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette
Write to:drjeanette@drjeanette.com
Visit http://www.drjeanette.com
‘Edutainment in Energy, Emotions and Effectiveness’
You are receiving this because you signed up for it or you told me that you want to subscribe. If you didn’t subscribe, you can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of the newsletter.

Please forward this ezine to anyone you know who needs real solutions to real problems, wants to fulfill their purpose in life before they die, desires peak experiences and seeks deep meaning in everything they do.

Your emotional health,
your emotional wellness and
your relationships…..

These are the top topics you picked.
Thanks to all of you who took the time
to take the topic poll. Those of you
who show up in life are the ones who
will succeed at work or play.

Remember what Sandra Yancey says,
Showing up is the only way to get
what you want!

Listen to Sandra’s interview on
Live at the Edge anytime you feel
like being inspired to make more money,
network effectively and give back.

Let me define the top two topics.

Emotional health is the rock bottom
essential amount of emotional safety
and physical comfort you need in daily life
in order to be secure, stable and relaxed.

Emotional Wellness goes a notch beyond
healthy into having more vibrant moments,
peak experiences and peak performances.

I would never just settle for Emotional Health.
I want to glow, radiate and shine with color.
Give me the extra energy flow and peaks.

A fact: There are very few people who are
emotionally safe to be with… there are very
few people you can share your
feelings and emotions with…..without being
judged, humiliated, make fun of or criticized.

Tis true.

For a solution to this problem, this current reality
on planet earth What do you do?

I have repeatedly taught you, do not look outside
for any answer.

Instead. Look inside.

Inside is where you can create
emotional safety if you want
to be emotional healthy.

The necessary ingredient is self acceptance.
Simple, pure and powerful.

When you learn to accept your own feelings,
your own emotions and your real response to
each event or situation in your life……you begin
to provide the necessary emotional safety you
need to become secure, stable and relaxed.

For hands on guidance in finding and hugging
your emotional self read and listen to
“Opening the Heart.”
Put rock solid comfort and knowledge in
your ears and heart as needed.

Showing up for yourself is more important
than showing up anywhere else.

Those of you in USA enjoy your holiday,
the rest of the world, share with me
your important holidays.

Special this week:
Buy One set of “Opening the Heart” Tapes…
which are limited in supply but have the same
valuable information on them and sound heavenly
for half price. CDs and Ebook sell for $99.99.
You pay $19.95. Offer good until Wed, May 30th.
Click here to Order the Special.
Click here for More information.
Click here to Order CDs and Ebook.

Click here to hear audio clip from “Opening the Heart”

copyright, doris jeanette, may 26, 2007


Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Speaker, radio host, columnist and author


You may reprint any items from ‘The Vibrant Moment’ in your print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following
paragraph: Reprinted from ‘The Vibrant Moment’ an ezine
featuring tips, tricks and tools for enjoying life.
Subscribe at http://www.drjeanette.com/ and
receive by e-mail 2 handy reports, ‘How Colors Affect Emotions’
and ‘An Emotional Intelligence Test and Definition.’
If you like these tips, please pass them on to your friends,
clients and colleagues.

If you do not enjoy the contents of this The Vibrant Moment, tell me what you would like ….thanks,

Doris Jeanette

Valentine’s Day Gift – Love and Relaxation

The Vibrant Moment – your reminder to believe in yourself.

Sign up now for your email version of The Vibrant Moment.

Tips from The Center for New Psychology

Publisher: Doris Jeanette
http://www.drjeanette.com/blogger.html (Blog)
https://www.thevibrantmoment.com (Blog)
http://live-at-the-edge.blogspot.com (Blog)
“Edutainment in Energy, Emotions and Effectiveness ”
In This Issue
1. Overcoming Anxiety Naturally In time for Valentine’s Day
2. Name the Podcast Contest – You could win!
3. New Body Feelings Anxiety Reduction Class in Philly
4. Blog defined, where to go for what
5. Creative,online marketing workshop in Center City
1. Overcoming Anxiety Naturally Tips
I cannot seem to totally eliminate this nasty energy
called anxiety out of my body and energy field.
Too much nervous energy around me to ever get it rid of
all anxiety– all the time………

But I can reduce my anxiety so it does not bother me
and get in the way of my self actualization and
personal transformation.

So can you!

Just cause everyone else is anxious does not mean
you have to be anxious! Get your life long overcoming
anxiety tools now.

Read my article on Overcoming Anxiety in Time for
Valentine’s Day
at http://www.drjeanette.com/blogger.html
I can use the S word there without getting blocked.
2. Name the Podcast Contest
A podcast has been on my “To Do” list ever since my
dear neighbor Matt mentioned it to me two years ago.
He sent me all the information and I am a mac person
with all the needed gear………

A year ago a man found me online by searching for
anxiety help…….yea google. He suggested I do a
podcast on anxiety so he could learn more…..2007
is here and still no podcast….

I am going to buy a new laptop and get my podcast
in iTunes now. I need your help.

Name my podcast.

My radio show is called, Live at the Edge
My newsletter is called The Vibrant Moment.
My blogs are called Enjoy Life,
Live at the Edge and The Vibrant Moment.

What is the niche my podcast needs to fill?

What keywords do I need to use to
attract the people who need holistic psychology?

What words describe the unique information I offer?

Come on marketing geniuses, creative geniuses and
other such souls–
have fun,
name my podcast.

The Winner gets a free set of the tape series,
“Opening the Heart” or your pick from the
10 holistic psychology lectures on CD’s or
get my Overcoming Anxiety Naturally online e course.
Use your creativity and help me name my podcast.
3. New Overcoming Anxiety Class in person in Philly
My current class has been so much fun,
two men and two women.

Men are not usually so abundant so it has been a joy
to interact with their sensitive nature and teach men
how to relax and feel safe.

The classes are small to make sure you get the mind body
tools you need to succeed. You can use these tools
for the rest of your life. Then you can stop anxiety
attacks, chill out, relax and enjoy life more whenever
you want to. Get in the drivers seat, pull over and
stop for a breath.

New Class is forming. Anxiety Natural class is
like an intro to my approach or to your own Personal Self Help Success.
4. Blogs defined, where to go for what
I go all confused so I have to clear up and clean up…

Enjoy iIfe Blog – visit for travel, articles on ADH
and other holistic psychology articles

The Vibrant Moment Blog – visit for your newsletter
or past issues.

Live at the Edge Blog – visit to read about the guest
interviews, radio shows and post your comments.
Please post your comments on all of the blogs.
5. Feb. 24, Creative, online marketing workshop

Sign up for this fun, creative marketing workshop to
grow your holistic health business or
promote your products,
books or
get a higher page ranking on google or
learn about how to get free PR.

A day workshop with a small number to assure
you get what you need to move forward.

Networking with me and others is worth the
cost of the workshop.

More info and Sign up at http://www.drjeanette.com/marketing.html

Call 215-732-6197
February 24, 2007.


You may reprint any items from “The Vibrant Moment” in your print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following
paragraph: Reprinted from “The Vibrant Moment” an ezine
featuring tips, tricks and tools for enjoying life.
Subscribe at http://www.drjeanette.com/ and
receive by e-mail 2 handy reports, “How Colors Affect Emotions”
and “An Emotional Intelligence Test and Definition.”
If you like these tips, please pass them on to your friends,
clients and colleagues.

If you do not like them, tell me what you would like….thanks,

Doris Jeanette, anxiety expert, sexual health expert and loving relationship expert