How to Stop Judging Yourself and Others for Better Mental Health


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Care and Change.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

Here is an excellent holistic psychology question I got this week
from a client. She asks, “How do I stop hating myself— as in judging
myself —when I make a mess and so many mistakes over and over again.
I can’t stand it.”

This client is learning how to be responsible for all her behaviors,
thoughts and feelings without being mean to herself. Being
responsible for yourself without judging yourself is what I call the
“First Trick in Transformation.” When you master this, you move to
the wonderful place on planet earth beyond judgment. This is the
place the poet Rumi loved to write about.

When my client makes a mess, she apologizes and thinks that is all
she has to do. However, the messes continue and add up over time
because she is not learning how to be a more responsible person with
the people in her life. She is still avoiding, instead of owning and
facing her mess. You know you are still being defensive if you cannot
admit and talk about the mistakes you make with ease again and again
over time. No buttons or triggers will be there when you are
emotionally secure.

Like most people in the world, my client does not want to be
responsible because if she admits she made a mess, her Inner Critic
beats her to death, just like the flagellation that was used for
punishment by the Romans. In 2023, you may not be physically
punishing yourself but you sure are beating yourself up creating as
much emotional and physical pain as if you were!

Sometimes, my client wants to kill herself to escape this pain. The
racing, mean, nasty thoughts hitting her emotional self makes her
want to run away and hide. If these thoughts are often enough,
terrible enough, people do kill themselves, as the brilliant author
Virginia Woolf did by putting rocks in her pockets and walking into
the Ouse river behind her home.

Therefore, learning how to stand up to your Inner Critic is essential
for personal growth. The lower brain needs to unlearn this nasty behavior
from the Middle Ages of attacking ourselves when we make a mess.
Making a mess and making mistakes are part of the natural process of
transformation that occurs when we self-actualize and become our true

When you make a mess you must clean it up. If you are not making a
mess, then you are not becoming a better person, you are stuck in
your ego. This means you want to make a mess, be responsible for your
mess, be compassionate toward yourself and stop making the same mess
over and over again. In other words, CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR! Anxiety is
usually the reason you make a mess in the fist place, so learn to
reduce your anxiety, be responsible and make better choices.

The fastest way I know to be successful learning how to stop whipping
yourself, is to FEEL how much you are hurting your little girl when you
attack her and make her bad and wrong. Feeling solves the problem for
me. Once I feel how much I am hurting myself or someone else, I
immediately want to stop being insensitive, mean or heartless.

My open heart cares and quickly stops the abuse. If you know of a
faster way to do this, please share it with me and our readers.
Caring is the result of opening your heart and solar plexus. Open
your heart to help yourself and humanity move forward.


OPEN YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS: Learn to tell the difference between your
true self and ego in the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species.” Practice
sensing your colorful vibrations as you receive guidance on how to
recognize your rigid ego energy. You are empowered as soon as you
accept your true self. Three hours of audio on feelings, fear and hurt,
recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming
vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better mental
health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into your skin
and stay grounded. When you are grounded, you cannot be anxious.
Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove
conditioned responses from your nervous system so you relax and
feel more self-confident. $197.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Experience Heaven on Earth

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Slow Down and Savor.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

My 10 commandments are quite different from the ones I learned in the
tiny country church where I was instructed on the Right Thing to do based
on the One authority that had all the answers—the Bible. I benefit
from many of the wise lessons in the Bible as well as all the other points
of view in the world.

Here is my alternative, holistic psychology commandment: “Thy shalt
not rush.”

So many people rush through life looking for “the vibrant moment.”
They long for a peak experience, a new “high” and a wondrous moment
of joy. From drugs, to traveling, to staying busy; alas, they do not,
cannot find true happiness anywhere. Indeed, I do my share of looking
for the peak in trees: from fantastically seeking the peak of the red
trees in Vermont, like a mad woman in a rental car, to searching for
the peak cherry blooms in Philadelphia. I miss the moment.

This year, I just missed the glorious peak on the River Drive, bummer.
And, the peak in the Japanese Garden, terrible. And, due to weather
and a scheduled massage, it appears that I will miss the peak in my
Cherry Grove in Fairmount Park. So, taking myself to task, practicing
what I know— I let go of control and relaxed last night.

Boom, vibrant moments are all around me. I had a great night’s sleep,
yummy. I woke up early and am enjoying each moment as I move through
space and write my newsletter to you, my beloved readers. Thank you for
reading me, some of you, for many years. I turn 75 tomorrow and am
grateful I have enjoyed so many vibrant moments through out my life.

Bless you. The more you slow down and savor the moment you are living
in, the more vibrant moments you will have. Rush not through your life
looking for something. You will not be fulfilled. You enjoy the feeling
of being in “heaven on earth” when you stop looking outside yourself.
What you are doing in the moment, washing the dishes, is where you
find true happiness.

Letting go of control and relaxing your physical body is the key.
Become like melted butter becoming one with gravity and the cosmos.
Boom, you enter the giant flow of energy that feels wonderful, whole
and delicious.


STOP RUSHING YOUR BODY!! Your body hears every thought you have and
responds. Your autonomic nervous system cannot relax your muscles if
you rush and scare it with thoughts of what you have to do. Study the
information in the tele-seminar, “Hear Your Body Talking,”
to become more relaxed and in the moment. Your physical body is
reality. One hour, $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:


REMOVE GUILT ENERGY: Learn how to say NO to guilt and judgment by
listening to this one-hour personal growth audio, “Find Peace Beyond
Guilt and Judgment.” Order mp3, only $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

Look Up for Better Mental Health and Conscious Living

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Look Up.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

How often do you take the time to look up? At the sky? Clouds?
Buildings? Others?

I was walking in a beautiful scene of nature. As I was returning to my
abode, I looked up at the blue sky above me. Three eagles were flying
around and around above me as they rode the wind currents of the
moment. We were one, together in the whole. Wow, a vibrant moment
of being alive in the cosmos. Eagles are the highest flying of all birds.
If I had not looked up at that moment, I would not have seen and
experienced this rich moment of being alive.

Is your head stuck in a computer, book, phone or tv? Imagine how it
would feel to make genuine, long, heart-felt eye contact with those
you live with? Or talk on zoom with. Or your physical surroundings? I
often recommend looking inward to get to know yourself. It is equally
important to look up at what is high in the sky and to take in the
physical space around you with your senses.

When you are not experiencing vibrant moments, the culprit is anxiety.
Anxiety interferes with the quality of life so much so that you may
not even notice you are lacking joy and passion. Do not let your
anxiety push you too fast or slow you down too much. Enjoy the lovely
scenery around you. When time is rushing it is easy to rush with it.
Best not to let time or anyone else make you move faster than your
natural rhythm of energy.

This morning, I paused and drank my glass of water. I paused again
and looked outdoors at the sunlight. Pauses help. Taking deep breaths
help. Give yourself the luxury and gift of pausing and breathing so
you are in the magical moment more often. Allow yourself to fully
experience whatever it is you are doing. Washing the dishes is just
as full of vibrant moments, joy and happiness as any other moment.

========== ====================

GET HELP REDUCING YOUR ANXIETY: YES, you can slow down and
savor the moment if you remove more of the static in your nervous
system. Ten written lessons guide you step by step into more pauses
and conscious breathing. The body exercises keep you physical so
enjoy better mental health. Five hours of audio including the Opening
the Heart series are included. Order your home study course,
Overcome Anxiety Naturally. 100% guaranteed. $199.97.

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally


Use Your Common Sense to Stay Safe and Achieve Mental Health

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Common Sense.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

When I lost my sense of smell and taste a few years ago, many of the
small pleasures in life disappeared. My body seemed to be going
through a cleansing and soon, my taste buds and magnificent nose
returned. Now, these small pleasures of smelling, eating and drinking
are the great joys of my life. As I go to bed at night on my heavenly
cloud, I look forward to the smell of delicious coffee in the morning
as I brew it like the French.

Interesting that losing your sense of smell and taste is one of the
signs of being sick with the current monster virus. Anything that
attacks your senses permanently is to be avoided, so I trust you are
taking good care of yourself. Use your common sense to stay safe and
sound as you celebrate Thanksgiving. Common sense is lacking in many
people as they move unconsciously through their life. Step away from
any ordinary and mundane experience, into your senses— so you can
enjoy more vibrant moments.

Common sense is the end result of using all your senses to make
decisions. You have taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. These are
the five senses most people talk about. There are others, we can
explore later. With the virus around you, touch yourself more often.
Hug yourself. Put two hands on your body to feel it, know it and
reassure it. This is one of the new body energy exercises I use in
the Overcoming Anxiety Naturally home study course. If you are aware
of your body and relaxed in your body—you do not experience anxiety.
Seriously, try it.

Make your Thanksgiving fun and enjoyable. Use your senses to add
color and flavor to everything you do. Touch your body and live in
it. Being body-ful not only reduces your anxiety, it also boosts your
immune system.

Use your common sense to enjoy this wild body trip on planet earth.
Being in the flesh during a pandemic. Wow!


REDUCE YOUR ANXIETY: Learn how to use the new body energy
exercises to become more aware of your physical form which directly
connects you to Mother Earth and gravity. When you breathe and
feel your body, you know how to stay safe during anything. Ten
written lessons guide you out of your scary thoughts into reality. Five
hours of audio help you feel your emotions and stay in touch. Take
the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally for $199.99
Full refund if you want it after the third lesson.

Read more and order home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Use Your Imagination During a Pandemic

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Imagination.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Energy and Transformational Teacher

You may have heard that psychological research shows over and over
again that imagining something is as good as physically doing
something. Tis true. Sometimes, imagining something is even better
than actually doing it.

So, I have been saying to myself each morning, “I am on vacation.
What do I want to do today? Shall I drive to that park or this park?
Or shall I explore a new area I have never been before?”

Travel is not the best thing to be doing right now for most of us.
However, traveling in your imagination works wonders. What fun it is
to use your imagination to create a better experience for yourself. I
have been having a ball on my vacation. If you live in a place that
does not have much to offer, be creative and clever. Use your
imagination to improve your life in all regards.

Do not live in a fantasy, pretending the virus is not real or alive.
Instead, create a more appealing, safe reality for yourself. When I
am on vacation I allow myself to do what I want to do in the way and
time that I want to do it. I give myself more breaks from how much
does that cost and should I or should I not do this. This use of my
imagination creates an opportunity for more creativity, freedom and
fun to occur in each moment. As a result, more vibrant moments are
likely to occur. Most importantly, my priorities are in the proper
place. Petty things do not bother me.

Some Suggestions for How to Use Your Imagination:

Imagine yourself getting a massage
See yourself walking in the mountains, getting exercise
Visualize yourself at the beach swimming
Hear the sounds of the birds singing in the rainforest
Smell the roses at your favorite garden
Feel the wide-open spaces that are out west with your whole body
Imagine you are a bard who knows magic
Sink into bed and have fun imaging anything you desire

Make your visualizations as real and true as possible. Include
details. Add feelings and all your senses. Once in my youth, I
pitched my women’s softball team to a championship by practicing at
night on my pillow. I never pitched before! Visualizing something
really works. Enrich your life by seeing what you want and need.

If you imagine something, it becomes a physical reality. Tis,
one of the many wonders of our human species.


USE YOUR HUMAN POTENTIAL: If you are a highly sensitive person
with lots of feelings, learn how to use your senses to be intuitive. If you
do, you outshine those who are not so sensitive to energy.

Order my special report “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive
Person.” Get the guidance you need to accept, develop and use your
HSP skills to your advantage. 31 page PDF file, $19.97.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Deal with Frustration and Helplessness

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Bend with the Wind.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


Major worldwide events, one after another, are adding more and more
stress every day to your nervous system. How to cope? What can you
do? Are you riding the ups and downs so you are moving forward?
Or are you stuck in denial?

External stress is triggering our chronic and acute anxieties. When
you cannot control the events in your world, it is normal to feel
helpless. Helplessness is our current worldwide human feeling. An
unhealthy, ineffective way to deal with helplessness is to become
frustrated. When you are frustrated you often become hostile. When
you are hostile you often act out your feelings on others or objects.
Such as— rape, physical abuse and looting.

Instead of acting out how you feel, which is not effective, you could
feel how you feel and do nothing. Strong emotions and feelings give
you information about external and internal realities. Information needs
to be absorbed and processed. It does not need to be reacted to with
knee jerk responses. Reactions are not effective. You could receive,
accept and use information to move out of helplessness into

This simple, basic choice is yours at any moment of the day or night.
You feel helpless, like a child. You feel helpless, like a woman. You
feel helpless, like a black man. You encounter “city hall,” as I like
to call it. You hit the rigid structures of your government, society
and parents. You hit energy that will not bend, move or adjust. Rigid
structures are everywhere in our world.

It is not helpful for you to be rigid and join this unhealthy,
ineffective energy. Instead, choose to bend with the wind. You can
move out of helplessness into assertiveness. First, you need to take
responsibility for how you feel. No matter what you feel, own it. The
healthy way to deal with your feelings is to be kind and understanding
with yourself. Knowing you feel helpless alerts you to the fact that you
need to change or learn something new in order to become effective.

You can let go of your rigid behaviors and become flexible. You can
let go of your obsessive thoughts and learn new ways to do things. I
know, letting go of control is not easy. It is scary. Probably the
scariest thing you will ever have to do. However, the consequences of
holding on to your rigid ego are much worse than the benefits you
gain from learning new skills and ways to cope and get through the
stressful day.

The two new skills you need to learn, relearn or improve are:

  1. Being assertive
  2. Reducing anxiety naturally

To feel more of your personal power, learn to be effective when you
feel helpless, even if being effective means being in touch with your
feelings and emotions and doing nothing. Usually when you are kind
with yourself your inner strengths, intuition, and creativity pop up
to help you. Sit still and listen to the wisdom that comes into your
conscious mind that guides you into the next vibrant moment.

Maybe some of the rigid world structures are falling apart. I am
trusting this is true. Do your part and get rid of your rigidity to
help the forward movement keep going. Rigid human behaviors must
be replaced with creative, flexible behaviors. Then humans will be back
in balance with Mother Earth and have excellent mental health.

Be safe and sane.


“Thank you Dr. Jeanette for your Assertiveness Training home study course, I
loved it. I learned that I was often being aggressive or passive or
passive-aggressive rather than being assertive. Now I know the
difference. The difference is huge, both in regard to my actions and
the results I get.”  Kevin from the UK


RELAX INTO FEAR: Learn to feel the difference in energy of your
denial, hysteria and real fear by taking the home study course,
Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written lessons that guide you
into supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self so you
stay sane and safe. Also includes the three hour Opening the Heart
audio series that guides you into healing your emotional self. Learn
how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you crazy!
$199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order the home study course: How to Overcome
Anxiety Naturally

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Breathing? Breathe to Be Alive

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Breathe and Feel
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


Take a deep breath. Hold it. Then let go of your breath and feel what
is real. Do this right now. Seriously. Your breath is a power tool that
you can use anytime, anywhere to become stronger, happier and more
self-confident. Use it. Make yourself take a deep breath no matter what
is worrying you or making you feel bad.

Breathing is a cheap medicine that works. Take a deep breath, let go
and feel what your body feels like. Feel what your genuine emotions
are. Keep breathing, letting go and feeling. Users of the “Opening
the Heart” audio know that my motto on the audio is “breathe and
feel.” I am relearning this amazingly effective lesson right this

Yes, no matter what you know, you often need to be reminded of what
you know. This is true of learned education as well as your inner
knowings. This week I worked with a new energy healing teacher who
said to me, “Breathe and feel.” I was shocked to hear those words
come out of someone else’s mouth! Breathe and feel was exactly what
I needed to hear and do.

You are a teacher and student at different times about different
things. As a teacher, you teach what you need to know. Then boom, a
life lesson brings you down to your knees. When this happens, you are
reminded that receptivity is essential for holistic health. So, I am
reminding myself and you of how important it is to receive, receive,
receive. Be like a cup and receive the energy of the cosmos. Use the
cup imagery in your creative meditation every day for a week and let
me know what happens.

If you want more vibrant moments in your life, breathe and feel.
Become a conscious breather. Every hour on the hour, notice. “Am I
breathing?” Sit in silence and breathe. Become aware of what is going
on in your body. Be body-ful. What colorful emotions are hanging out
around you? What color do you need to feel better?

Enjoy becoming more alive.


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your
self-confidence, inner strengths, joys and truths. Get to know your
body and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You
Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body
health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking


OVERCOME YOUR PROBLEMS: Learn to feel the energy of your
conditioned self, rebellious self and real self in the first thirty minutes of
the Opening the Heart audio, which is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. In addition, when you order the
Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course, you get ten written
lessons that guide you out of thinking into your helpful feelings.
Return to your physical sensations for more health and pleasure in
your life. Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from
driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Improve Your Self Esteem and Self Confidence

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Self-Confidence is Sincere
Tools from the Center for New Psychology,
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


We are continuing our search for genuine self-confidence. If you did not read last month’s article on self-esteem here it is:

The Self-Esteem Enhancer Exercise I gave you last month was to help you become more realistic about yourself. Being realistic automatically helps you feel more self-confident. This is because being realistic is the opposite of being defensive.

When you are defensive, you are insecure and weak. You are not accepting some truth about yourself! Therefore, being defensive is a waste of energy. Defensive energy reveals your low self-esteem and does not improve it. It is much wiser to accept your unpleasant qualities and improve them, than it is to defend against them. Or deny them. Or make excuses!

The Self-Esteem Enhancer Exercise:
Being honest, name three positive qualities you possess. Write them down.
Being honest, name three unpleasant qualities about yourself. Write them down.

The facts that you write down will help you achieve genuine self-confidence. Take a look at how comfortable you are with your strengths. They may be as hard, if not harder, to own than your weaknesses. Imagine how good it would feel to accept your True Self with compassion and understanding.

Take a good honest look at what you think of yourself. The qualities you like about yourself could be ego or True Self qualities. For example, you could think highly of yourself about an ego quality that you are always nice to people. On the other hand, you could think you are a bad person because you are assertive with people telling them the truth, which is a True Self quality.

How you think about yourself is based on mental judgments you learned from others. Judgments can be good or bad, or right or wrong. Being “good” is just as unhealthy as being “bad.” Being a “good girl” was the way I tried to achieve self-confidence for the first thirty years of my life. It was quite a wake up to realize my self-confidence was so low because it was based on a “good girl” image and not reality.

To improve your self-confidence, the first thing you need to do is stop being judgmental of yourself. It does not matter whether your qualities are ego or authentic, you need to stop hurting yourself. Remind yourself that you are human and have faults. Of course, you are not always true to yourself. Of course, it takes time to discover and unlearn all the unhealthy stuff you learned from others.

Put your energy into reducing mental judgments against yourself or anyone else.

Notice how often you think you are right or wrong, or good or bad. See if you can stop judging yourself. If not, get help from the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course, which teaches you how to shift out of self-judgments into self-acceptance in a realistic step-by-step fashion.


MANIFEST SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your mental judgments made you anxious so it feels wonderful to reduce them so you relax and have more fun. Ten written lessons show you how to shift out of self-judgment into self-acceptance. The Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course also includes the three-hour audio series, Opening the Heart, worth $97.00, which helps you love yourself and your emotions. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally:


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your self-confidence, inner strengths and truths. Get to know your body and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Spring into Holistic Health, Wealth and Happiness

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Spring Around You.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor


I often stress the importance of being able to relax because
relaxation is the pathway to physical, mental and emotional health.
However, relaxation is not the only energy you and your body need if
you want to have lots of vibrant moments and holistic health. You
also need to get excited! Spring is here to help you break free.

As I was consciously trying to break free from the chains that bound
me, in the early 1980s, I was out with two friends at a fancy
Philadelphia restaurant enjoying myself. I started to laugh about
something we were talking about at our small, elegant table. It was
so funny and I felt so relaxed that my whole body laughed. Pretty
soon, I was on the edge of my seat and almost fell out of my chair. I
stopped laughing, looked at the people next to me and sat up straight
in my chair feeling embarrassed.

In the natural process of transformation, being relaxed naturally
leads to excitement and joy. So, your natural state is awe. What
stops you from feeling wonder more often? Are you too afraid to let
go of the control thoughts have over you? You may not want to relax
because you are afraid you will embarrass yourself with your
excitement of being alive.

Take a look in the mirror:
Are you aware of your inhibitions?
How do you feel when you get excited?
What judgments do you have in your head about laughing freely?
Are you afraid of making a fool of yourself?

I call my second audio in the three hour Opening the Heart series,
“Fear is the pathway to freedom and joy.” This is because feeling
your real fear naturally leads to your real joy. Real fear grounds
you and keeps you safe. Whereas, feeling anxious leads to no joy and
constant insecurity. Feeling anxious is the state your Killjoy
Monster loves to put you in. Anxiety is precisely how your Inner
Critic keeps you in your chains.

Judgments from your ego create the anxiety in your body that makes
you uptight and insecure. I was extremely judgmental of myself about
being relaxed and letting go of control in a public restaurant. My
Killjoy Monster was telling me I was “loud, inappropriate, rude, out
of control, impolite.” Can you think of any other ways to criticize
my behavior? This incident helped me discover the reason I controlled
myself in the first place: I was afraid of what I would do if I were
free and uninhibited. I would get excited and do something bad, wrong
or embarrassing. Was this true? Was I dealing with a real fear or was
it my irrational anxiety?

Let’s look at the reality of the situation. As I settled back into my
table of friends, I could feel they where not judgmental of me, they
were enjoying me; maybe even envious of my spontaneity and freedom.
My enthusiasm was one of the reasons they liked being with me. The
other people in the restaurant did not appear to be concerned, they
were enjoying themselves. So, my belief was false. My behavior was
not inappropriate. Your Inner Critic could say, there may have been an
Old Grouch somewhere in the restaurant that thought I was, “loud,
inappropriate, rude, out of control, and impolite.”

So? The price you pay for staying in your chains is that there maybe
someone who judges you, somewhere, sometime. Does this fear
outweigh the benefits of breaking free from your chains? Spontaneous
people enjoy enormous benefits! They have health, wealth and
happiness. They do not suffer from depression and anxiety. Relaxed
people connect with others and enjoy healthy relationships, including
good sex.

The best things in life come to you when you are not a Grouch. Get
rid of your Inner Grouch and outside judgments cannot keep you in
your chains. All you have to do is break free of your conditioning
and unlearn your mental judgments. Give yourself permission to get
excited and express your enthusiasm without making yourself wrong.
Fear not, the skill to deal with people who judge you can be learned.
Assertiveness is a necessary skill for personal growth success and
healthy relationships. It is easy to say you are sorry if you unknowingly
step on some toes.

Feel spring and let its exciting energy put a spring in your step.
Breathe in the wonder of spring so your cells laugh with joy. Bloom
like a flower and enjoy the consequences of saying no to your Killjoy
Monster and yes to your True Self. Be in love with life.

You will be smiling all over as a result of all those vibrant moments you spend with bright, yellow daffodils.


LEARN TO RELAX: Be guided through the steps needed to break free of
your conditioning so your Inner Grouch does not stop you. Ten written
lessons teach you how to say no to your Inner Critic and yes to your
True Self. Take the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally.
This drug free course has helped hundreds of people say goodbye to
anxiety so they now enjoy the freedom of being themselves. Ten
written lessons and five hours of audio including the Opening the
Heart series. Money-back guarantee. $199.97.

Read more and order:


LEARN ABOUT AWE: Feeling your real fear naturally leads to excitement
and joy. Learn how to ride your real fear energy like a surfer rides a
wave so your fear turns into excitement and joy. The second audio
in the Opening the Heart series, “Fear, the pathway to freedom and
joy” teaches you how to do this. The first audio is “Feelings, the source
of real love,” which teaches you about love. The third is “When You
’re Hurting…,” which heals your past emotional wounds. All three come
together in the Opening the Heart audio and are included in the above
home study for a better bargain. Buy Opening the Heart as a stand
alone product for $97.00. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Dr. Doris Jeanette, author of Opening the Heart, Overcome Anxiety Naturally and ten other personal growth products.