Color Therapy: The Power of Pink for Personal Growth

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Fall in love with pink.





The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Wear Pink.
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


How do you feel around pink?
Does pink attract you or repel you?

In 2006, a small county jail in Texas started using pink. They dressed their inmates in pink jumpsuits and made them sleep on pink sheets and wear pink slippers. Even the walls and the bars of the cells were painted pink.

“I wanted to stop reoffenders,” the sheriff of Mason County, Clint Low, told the Associated Press. The pink jumpsuits were intended to act as a deterrent and stop inmates returning to jail, the pink walls were intended to calm tempers at the cramped prison.

The sheriff reported that the reoffending rate was down by 70% since he introduced the pink regime. He added that there have been no fights among inmates since the walls were painted pink. According to the sheriff, the men did not like pink so they behaved themselves to avoid the pink in the jail.

No fights? Amazing. Pink stops violence? Wow! Do these results make you stop and consider the power of pink? Most women, not all, but most, are comfortable wearing pink.

Pink is a heart color. Pink makes us feel good all over because we feel loved. We love pink and enjoy being around pink. Sensitive men are usually comfortable around pink and can wear pink with self-confidence. But your typical male or criminal does not often show up wearing beautiful shades of pink.

Perhaps the sheriff’s reason the pink jail had such a powerful effect on his criminals is incorrect. Maybe being around all that pink energy and pink vibrations actually changed how these men felt about their feelings, authentic emotions, and loving heart. Maybe the pink in the jail actually transformed these criminals into better citizens.

After all, in regular life, men are not allowed to wear, love, and enjoy pink. Men are taught to avoid pink and never be soft and tender. Pink is female, girly, and gay. Could it be that spending time in the presence of pink vibrations transformed these men into better citizens because their emotional vibrations changed?

I suspect the men enjoyed being hugged all over by the loving heart, pink energy. Yummy. A follow up study is certainly needed to see if these men changed their relationship to pink. Then we could discover the real reason these men did not want to break the law and be mean anymore.

In any case, check out the power of pink for yourself.


COLOR THERAPY: Love is pink and blue. Both blue and pink have loving vibrations. This home study course, “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound,” is a great introduction to using color therapy. The six primary colors are paired with sound and body movements to help you get more energy and different vibrations in your body and energy field. Learn which colors you are avoiding and which ones you need. It is playful and fun. Use alone, in color therapy groups, or with children. PDF format, 40 pages, $19.97.

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Special Free Bonus: Order the color therapy guide, “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound” before Sunday, May 4 and get the special report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for free.

This report explains the steps you need to take to become emotionally secure and healthy in or out of relationships. 13 pages, $9.97, PDF format.


BECOME MORE EMOTIONAL: Men have emotions and need love just as much as women. Study the Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” Buy at Amazon for $3.99

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Mental Health Advice: Celebrate Earth Day with Cherry Trees

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Fall in love with cherry trees.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Close to Trees.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


How do you honor Earth Day?
How do you stay healthy in mind and body?

Put in your intention to honor Mother Earth on Earth Day 2014 in some way that benefits you. Nature is your mother and the closer you are to her healthy ways, the better. If you have wandered off and away from Mother Earth into your computer and cell phone, it is time to come back to her.

If you feel depressed, down, tired, lonely, or looney, find a tree to spend the day with or at least a few hours. My favorite trees, which are in bloom right now, in the marvelous Philadelphia area, are the cherry trees.

There are many varieties and the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia has blessed our city with an abundance of cherry trees to sit under. I know many of these cherry trees personally and visit as they reach their peak: some on foot, many on bicycle, and some out of town in the country gardens. This past weekend I was at Morris Arboretum on Saturday and Tyler Arboretum on Sunday.

When you find a tree to spend the day with, notice how you change and shift over the course of the time you spend with your tree. Each tree is different. Every tree has a purpose, with a unique energy that it gives to you, a recent human being on the planet.

I hope you are able to find a cherry tree to connect with for a few hours. If you do, please notice how the cherry trees affect your body and mood. Pay attention to your energy field and how you feel as you leave your tree. Write me and tell me what you notice. I would love to collect a little research.

You need to take a blanket so you can relax on the ground in comfort. You could bring an old fashion book, pen, and paper to journal with, but nothing to keep you in beta brainwaves for long.

You want to let go of control and resonate with the energy of the cherry tree. Take a nap; change your body position to stay comfortable. Walk around; look at the blooms often against the blue sky. Feel the ground, your body, and all the energy around you. Drop down into gravity.

When you relax into the vibrations of the tree, you will know it.  You will feel different.  After all, you are moving out of the boring, controlling mind, into the full body experience of being alive in the physical world around you.

Appreciate the fact that you have entered a vibrant moment.  Enjoy and repeat.


LOW ENERGY? If you are down, depressed, and sad, learn more about depressed energy and how you learned to feel helpless. Next, discover effective mind-body ways to shift your energy into a more positive, proactive life experience. Order the one hour self help audio, “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free.” $29.97

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GIVE UP CONTROL: Depressed energy is too slow. Anxiety is too fast. Neither is helpful. Learn more about the different energies in you. Study the Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” The first section shows you how to create more vibrant moments by learning how to notice the slow and fast energies in your body. Buy at Amazon for $3.99

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Self-Esteem Tip: Reduce Your Anxiety to Get Comfortable



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Kick back and relax like a baby.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Comfortable.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Being comfortable with yourself is not simple, easy, or clear. One person can be self-confident about how they dress, another feels proud when they create new software. One person can be sure of how they relate to others, while another is certain they can make plenty of money. However, these single talents do not necessarily create a person who is comfortable with themselves as they move about the world.

Consider, the loud-mouthed man in the train car behind me right this minute. He is saying over and over again, “It doesn’t matter what you think about me. All that matters is what I think about me. I am the only one who stands in my way.” He is saying all the “right” things that could make you “think” he posses self-confidence.

However, from his volume, tones, pitch and energy you know he is suffering from extremely low self-esteem. His repetition could indicate a more serious mental health problem. In any case, he thinks he has self-esteem and he does not.

Often, the people who think they are self-confident and are not, are the ones in charge of Every-Thing. Every-Thing refers to governments, religions, corporations, banks, education, medicine, and psychology. These are the people who run the world and tell us what we can do and what we cannot do and how we must do what we do.

So, what is this elusive thing called self-esteem? Where is it and how can you get more of it?  Being comfortable with yourself in your physical body, in space, is the true measure of self-confidence. Naturally, the more situations you are comfortable in, the better.  Also, take note of when you are comfortable being uncomfortable.

It is only a self-confident man who admits he doesn’t know something, needs help, and is confused. It is the self-confident woman who admits she is fearful, anxious, or unsure. Becoming comfortable with all the different aspects of your body, mind, and heart is the pathway to genuine self-esteem. There are plenty of aspects to being human that will keep your personal growth and professional development programs active for the rest of your life.

So, no matter where you rate yourself on self-esteem, take note of the places you are comfortable and enjoy them. Comfortable means relaxed, with little tension in your body. Comfortable means no thought in your mind that makes you feel bad and tighten up.

Pay attention to the times you are uncomfortable and see what makes you anxious. Invest time, effort, and money into reducing your anxiety. Without anxiety, you become more comfortable in more places, with a greater variety of people. The more your anxiety comes down, the more your self-esteem goes up.

The more self-confidence you have, the more comfortable you are being in the world. Soon, you kick back and enjoy being yourself in a situation where you used to be uncomfortable. When you notice this new behavior, you are surprised and pleased with yourself.


NEED HELP BEING COMFORTABLE? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. Leads you step by step into feeling your body and being more comfortable with its many aspects. Learn how to tame your inner critics, breathe, feel your emotions, and have more fun being comfortable in lots more places.

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BECOME MORE ASSERTIVE: Psychological research has shown that being assertive reduces your anxiety level in many situations. Consider how much better your life would be if you were comfortable with others and able to express yourself without anxiety.

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Tips for a Healthy Brain: Feed Your Brain to Avoid Dementia, Alzheimer’s



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Love your body as much as you love your brain.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feed Your Brain.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Do you know what your brain needs to be healthy?
Do you do mental activities to keep your brain sharp?

Recent neurological research conducted by Dr. Barry Komisaruk from Rutgers University reports that orgasms are more beneficial for your brain than crossword puzzles. Take a deep breath if this surprises you. Add this important holistic health information to your personal growth program if you want a healthy brain as you age.

In order for your brain to be mentally and physically healthy, it must receive the fuel/food it needs to flourish. This means your brain must receive vital, strong, vibrant energy from your body in order to function properly.

Your brain cannot function with clarity and sanity without your body. Without your body you are just a bunch of mental energy. Your mental energy, in isolation, can easily and quickly, become confused and out of touch with its physical surroundings. This mental isolation is the source of mental illness, depression, anxiety, and other odd labels psychiatrists love to give you.

When you get defensive, you are in your head thinking about something. When you block out love, you are in your head thinking about something. When you are anxious, you are in your head thinking about something. When you get confused, you are in your head thinking about something.

So, like it or not, your brain needs your body in order to be clear, sane, and helpful. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other brain disorders can be reduced if you feed your brain the vital energy it needs to be vibrant and healthy. While it is best to start feeding your brain before it gets depleted and confused, it is never too late to fuel your brain.

Orgasms are not the only way to feed your brain. You can relax your whole body and allow the energy in your pelvis to travel north to your brain at any time. You can also feel your authentic emotions in your heart, which immediately sends wonderful waves of vital energy throughout your mind-body.

However, orgasms are a pleasurable way to fuel your brain so do not let shame, guilt, and embarrassment stop you. Neither do you need someone else to “give you” an orgasm for good brain health. Dr. Komisaruk’s MRI machine records the brain activity of women as they enjoy solo orgasms.

So, no matter how you feed your brain, the most important thing to remember is that a healthy energetic connection to your body is imperative for good brain and mental health. This is the reason all my courses, special reports and workshops teach you how to get in your body, live in your body, love your body, and use your body to feel a genuine sense of self-confidence.

When you are self-confident, your brain is clear, sane, and helpful.

SAY GOODBYE TO GUILT: The personal growth audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” helps you enjoy pleasure without being guilt tripped. Never do anything based on guilt, free yourself from negative conditioning. One hour, CD or mp3, totally guaranteed, $29.97.

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WANT MORE ORGASMS WITH OTHERS? The home study course, FOR MEN: BECOME A BETTER LOVER, shows you step by step how to slow down and get more comfortable in your body. You are guided into facing your fear of intimacy in a safe and secure fashion. Plus you get the added benefits of good sex therapy information and advice. This course has helped men around the world get a smile on their face. 10 lessons, 7 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $199.97.

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FOR WOMEN: Take the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. The 10 written lessons show you how to safely and securely overcome your anxiety and fear of letting go of control. Get the emotional support and body exercises you need to become more comfortable touching your own body and being grounded in the moment. This course has improved the lives of many women in many countries. 10 lessons, 5 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $149.97.

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FREE BONUS: Order either course above and get a free audio worth $29.97 of your choice at: If you need help in deciding which personal growth audio is best for you, email me and ask for help.

GET IN YOUR BODY: COME TO MAY 3, CAPE MAY, NJ NATURE WORKSHOP. Learn how to feel and sense energy, be more assertive and get grounded.
Sign up and Read more:


Please share this holistic psychology information at with anyone who is interested in learning to be happy, healthy and effective.

Energy and Light Therapy for Winter Blues and Grey Days


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More snow? Get out and enjoy it!




Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Light Energy.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Feeling blue? Sad?  Grey?
Is the weather affecting your energy level?

Hanging out with family members this week in sunny Colorado, we were sharing the effects and benefits sunlight has on us. Usually Colorado, USA is sunny in the winter except when it is snowing.

However, with all the current unusual weather patterns, Glenwood Springs, CO had been cloudy for 6 days and nights.  Boo hoo.  As a result of the clouds, I did not get to directly experience one of my favorite activities: cross-country skiing in the moonlight.

Another consequence of the sixth cloudy day in Glenwood was no one in my Colorado family was energetic, except the 2 and 5 year olds, who were running around the living room as usual.  Everyone else was sitting close to the windows, drinking tea and reading their computers.

What about you? Have you been feeling blue, sad or depressed this winter?  Is your energy level low? Have you been staying indoors too long? Are you light deprived?

Notice your mood, emotions and energy levels. When you feel sad, take note of the light in your life.  Light comes from the sun but the sun is not the only source for the healthy vibrations you need to feel better, stronger and more alive.  Light is energy and everything has energy.

If you pay attention, you can notice what has more energy and light and what has less energy and light.  For example, look at the books on your bookshelf.  Some books have more light than others. Toss out or give away the heavy, dark, dense books. If you do, you are sure to feel lighter. For even more light, reread a wonderful book full of light.

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person, you are probably more affected by low light than the average person.  As a HSP you also have a higher probability of feeling the light energy that does or does not exist in the world around you.  Why not put your sensitive nature to work to help you become more aware of the amount of light and energy in the world around you?

Even if you are not a Highly Sensitive Person, you can increase your ability to sense light and energy.  Keep practicing by taking a look at your thoughts and see which ones have less light. Those negative, heavy, dark thoughts need to be tossed!  See which thoughts bring more light into your world and pay attention to these higher vibrations more often.

Do not stay stuck in feeling grey and depressed.  After you become aware of what has more light and energy, take appropriate action. Do that which brings more light and energy into your world.


HIGHLY SENSITIVE? If you are a HSP and do not fully trust your feelings, senses and intuition read and study the special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” Learn what you need to unlearn so that you can fully use your HSP gift to your advantage.  31 page PDF file, $19.97.

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FEELING BLUE?  Learn more about the difference between the energy that makes you grey and the energy that is healthy and flowing. The first section in HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love, explains the difference between energy that is controlling, out of control and healthy. You can read any Amazon Ebook on your computer by downloading a reader and you can order a PDF file directly from me via email. Only $3.99. Order from Amazon:

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RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS? If your relationship has you feeling blue and grey, learn the exact steps you need to take to feel better, more secure and stronger. The 7 steps are the same if you are currently in a relationship, breaking up or getting a divorce. “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” gives you the empathy you need and outlines the exact steps that stop the blues. 13 pages; $9.97; PDF

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Holistic Health Tip: Clean Up Your Unconsious, Become More Aware of Body Wisdom


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Take off your mask for better health.


Greek mask in kitchen window, Doris Jeanette



The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Become more aware.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Several readers of The Vibrant Moment mentioned to me within the last month that they are dealing with serious physical problems.  I recently got a common cold that lingered on for three weeks with a stubborn cough keeping me awake at night.

All of us are humbled from time to time with physical challenges.  Once the body is weak and sick, it takes much more energy to heal and become stronger than it does to stay healthy and strong in the first place.

However, never be judgmental toward your body when you are sick. It is not your body’s fault that you are sick. Remember this fact and do not forget this fact. It is not your body’s responsibility that you are sick, so do not attack your body and be mad at your body.

Instead, be kind and gentle with yourself when your body is weak, sick and not healthy. Give yourself whatever you need to become healthy, using the very best of Western, Eastern and Natural Holistic Healing approaches.

Obviously, it is essential to work at the physical level when you are physically sick. In addition, it is equally important to work at the emotional, mental and energetic levels when you are sick.  This is the reason I do not understand why physicians are booked up for weeks in advance and psychologists, body workers, energy workers and holistic health practitioners are not.

If you want to reach and maintain good holistic health, you need to rush to the people who teach you how to become more aware of the energy that is making you sick.  You need to become aware of the psychological reasons you are sick. Do not rush to physicians for treatments and medications that do not cure your physical problems.

Usually, you do not know what is making you sick.  Just as you may not know that eating tuna everyday could result in mercury poisoning that is slowing killing your body, you may not know the psychological reasons you are getting weak, sick and suffering pain.

The reason you do not know what is making you sick is that the psychological facts and truths are in your unconscious.  You are not aware of what you are doing to create disease and disharmony in your body and cells. You are not aware of what you need to be aware of in order to become healthier and stronger in the flesh. How could you be?

You cannot be aware of something you are not aware of. This is the reason you must work with others that teach you how to become more aware of what you are not aware of!  Rush to skilled, competent professionals who teach you to become more aware of what is lurking in your unconscious.

What you do not know can make you sick and could eventually kill you earlier than your natural death.  This is the reason it is important to take the time to become more aware of what you do not know.  Getting sick is based on certain facts. Getting sick does not happen out of the blue. You can learn the reasons you get sick so you can help yourself become healthier over time by addressing the cause.

So, get the physical treatments you need immediately to help yourself when you are sick. Then rush to holistic health professionals and holistic psychologists who teach you how to become more aware.  You must bring your unconscious truths up to the conscious mind so you are more aware of the inner and outer realities that are making you sick.

If you do not become aware of how you are creating disharmony in your body, cells, psyche, mind, brain, heart and energy, you cannot change and stop it. If you do not become aware of self-rejection and transform this energy into self-acceptance, you could die before your natural death process begins.  And you could suffer from physical pain and discomfort needlessly along the way.

When your body is sick, listen and learn from the physical reality that exists in the moment. Discover what is really going on deep in your unconscious.  Your body knows how to heal itself. Get out of the way and listen to your body’s wisdom.


NEED HELP LISTENING TO YOUR BODY? What Are the Benefits of Listening To Your Body? You know what you need to do to be physically healthy. “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking,” a personal growth audio teaches you how to receive and honor the wisdom of your body.  Your body knows more than your conscious mind. Your body remembers everything you have lived through. Your body never forgets and never lies. Improve your relationship with your body to become healthier. One hour, $29.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Free Bonus: Order “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking,” before Monday, Jan. 27 and pick the other personal growth audio, worth $29.97, you would love to own from this list:


NEED HELP BECOMING MORE AWARE?  Set up an Energy Retreat or private session with Dr. Jeanette to become more aware of what is happening in your body, heart, mind and energy field. Begin to read, feel and sense the inner and outer realities that are affecting you.  There is no limit to how aware you can become. There is an infinite amount of knowledge to tap into by developing and using your own senses, intuition and inner knowing.  Dr. Jeanette is currently available in Glenwood Spring, CO for in-person Energy Retreats and in-person private energy sessions. Email or Call 215-732-6197 to set up your session.  Phone sessions are always available.

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Relationship Advice: How to Get Close to Others? Plug in!



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Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Fall, 2013

Nature is a great place to plug in to your genuine self.



The Vibrant Moment – Plug In to Connect.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you long to be close to others emotionally?
Do you want to give and receive hugs with ease?

I used to watch other students at East Carolina University, a very long time ago, hug each other with comfort and ease. As a freshman psychology student, I desired to have the closeness I saw between my fellow classmates. Yet, I did not have a clue how the boys and girls I saw connected so effortlessly with each other.

During my sophomore year, my desire to be close to people outside of my family gave me the courage to allow my friends to move closer to me. Slowly, I relaxed into the comfort of sitting closer to friends in the dorm and at the student center. I shared my feelings with them by writing poetry and letting them read it, especially when the poem was about them. As I let my friends see who I really was inside, the magic happened – we connected.

After studying the emotional and energy dynamics of relationships for 37 years, I know that being intimate is a fact that is supported by solid physical data. This is the reason I base my new holistic psychology approach on energy and the laws of physics. It does not matter what you think; if you want to be close to others, you must allow a physical connection to take place.

There is a specific point, spot, physical place where you must plug into another person. There are no words or topic that allows a connection to occur. However, you can use words and topics to find a way to get into another person’s world. You must find a point of entry into the other person’s reality. You must be an emotionally safe person in order to be successful. Otherwise, you are not trustworthy. Once you plug into the other person, they must receive you.

When there is an energy exchange between two people, the magic happens.

Most people miss each other. They live their lives on the surface bouncing off each other. They think they are close to others and yet their body is not relaxed enough to make a physical connection. Neither is their heart open enough to allow a genuine emotional intimacy to occur.

Do you let others close?

Your image, which is your ego, is composed of frozen energy, which does not allow a genuine physical connection to occur. Therefore, if you relate, image to image and ego to ego, you do not experience a genuine closeness because you are not literally plugging into another person. Images and egos bounce off each other and do not connect energetically with each other.

Therefore, if you share your image and ego with others you feel empty, isolated and void. On the other hand, if you share the emotional truth in your heart and the physical truth in your body, there is a chance another person will receive you. If they do, you experience a delicious, exciting, comforting vibrant moment. You feel full of life because your real self has connected with another real self and there is the magic of intimacy.

In order to share yourself with others you have to know yourself. So the first step is to connect with your real emotional and physical self. You must be connected with yourself before others can connect with you. Otherwise there is no real place for others to plug in.

Plug into yourself to connect with others.


NEED HELP CONNECTING WITH YOURSELF?  The 3 hour “Opening the Heart” audio was made in a sound studio with my comforting voice. Allow me to guide you into your genuine feelings and emotions. Learn to sort through your ego, thoughts and conditioning to find your emotional truths so you can share them with others. Money back guarantee, $97.00.

Read more and order:

FREE BONUS: Order before Monday, December 9 to get the Opening the Heart eBook worth $19.97. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.


ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART?  Get to know your body better so you can share your divine nature with others. Listen to “Hear Your Body Talking,” to learn the 3 major reasons you have a body so you can use your divine nature to experience more vibrant moments.

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WINTER BONUS: Get a free audio if you order Hear Your Body Talking before, Monday, Dec. 9. Pick any other personal growth audio at:


“MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT” TELE-CLASS IN JANUARY. If you are manifesting what you do not want instead of what you do want, learn how to switch this around. Learn how to use natural laws to your advantage. Feel, sense and affect the flow of energy toward you, away from you and around you.

Four week course on manifestation taught in one hour sessions with practice in between for all students. Learn to use the laws of physics and metaphysics to manifest what you want and need. From money to friends, master the flow of your own energy so you interact with reality in ways that empower you and support you.

Beginning Tues. night, 6:00 ET, Jan 14. Sign up at:


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Music, Sound and Color Therapy Tip: Listen to the Blues and Feel



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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Good Vibrations.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Sitting in the Memphis airport catching up on my email while listening to sounds of the Blues being piped throughout the Memphis airport. For those of you outside of USA, Memphis is on the Mississippi River in western Tennessee and is the birthplace of the Blues.

B.B. King, an African-American, is considered to be the King of the Blues. He performed his soulful sounds right here on Beale Street in downtown Memphis. He is 88 years old as of 2013. The Blues are a colorful expression of emotions put to music which grew out of the hard life on the Mississippi Delta.

I have been recommending color therapy and music therapy to my clients for over 30 years. For example, listening to the Blues can help you heal your heart and connect with your soul. If you allow yourself to feel the vibrations in the Blues, these vibrations provide you with a safe, effective form of color therapy and music therapy.

What can listening to the Blues do for you?

The results of listening to the Blues when you feel down and out gives you psychological benefits far beyond what most traditional talk therapy can do for you. The vibrations in music affect your physical body and your emotional body.

Sound vibrations affect your physical body. Color vibrations affect your emotional body. Therefore, listening to music helps you connect with your authentic emotions. The more you feel your authentic emotions, the more effectively you move through difficult periods in your life.

If you let yourself feel your sad feelings when you feel sad, you do not get stuck in depression. Instead, you move forward through your pain, loss and sorrow until you reach the state where you feel more alive, rich and deep. The Blues help you feel your authentic emotions, which helps you move forward.

As a result, you begin to live life more fully than you did before your loss, pain or sorrow. Listening to music is helpful but certainly not enough. If you keep moving forward by engaging in effective personal growth actions, you get to the emotionally healthy place where you don’t even experience the Blues very often anymore.

I like to listen to the African-American women sing the Blues. Ma Rainey is considered to be the Mother of the Blues. Bessie Smith, Ida Cox, Alberta Hunter and Ethel Waters are just as worthy of your attention. Of course, many of the current performers render their wonderful original tunes with heartfelt emotion.

My all time favorite Blues song is Ida Cox’s “Wild Women Don’t Get the Blues.” If you have never heard it, give it a spin. Whether you are a man or woman, you need to be free, wild and happy without needing external approval from someone else.

Feel the vibrations in the Blues and let your body move. Soon you will feel better, stronger and more alive.


FEEL BABY FEEL: For those of you who have not yet listened to the colorful, soulful vibrations in the Opening the heart audio, now is the time to put the good vibrations in my voice into your ears and heart. No music, just good vibrations that help you feel your emotions and love yourself. Use them over and over again to relax and feel comfort. Three hours, $97.00, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Order before Monday, November 11 and get the Opening the Heart ebook, worth $19.97 for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.


COLOR THERAPY: The simple exercises which connect color, sound and body movements in the Home Study Course, “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound,” give you an introduction to sound and color therapy. Learn more about the science behind color and sound therapy. Do the exercises to become more aware of the different vibrations in sound and color. These exercises are fun for children and the child within you. Great to get you moving out of depressed energy. Downloadable in PDF format, 40 pages, $19.97.

Read more and order:


MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT TELE-CLASS IN JANUARY. If you are manifesting what you do not want instead of what you do want, take this course. Learn more about natural laws and how to use them to your advantage. Feel, sense and affect the flow of energy toward you, away from you and around you.

Four week course on manifestation taught in one hour sessions with practice in between for all students. Learn to use the laws of physics and metaphysics to manifest what you want and need. From money to friends, master the flow of your own energy so you interact with reality in ways that empower you and support you.

Beginning Tues. night, 6:00 ET, Jan 7.
Sign up for Manifest What You Want Course.


Please share your comments and feedback below.

Personal Growth Tip: Relax, Be Authentic and Assertive

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH


This is me enjoying a giant cornucopia in the Philadelphia countryside. I am a little crooked.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Authentic.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you know the difference between your learned behavior and your authentic behavior?

As a lowly human being, you must learn a great deal of information to survive on planet Earth. You have to use your learned behavior many times a day in order to get through your necessary chores and routines. Otherwise, society could reject you, imprison you and declare you insane.

Unfortunately, your high degree of learned behavior also means you are easy to control. For example, yesterday I had to stand in a long line at a pharmacy and once I got to the counter, I was told I had to sit down and wait for my name to be called and get back in the long line.

Do you wait in long lines at the bank or post office? Do you pay a lot of money to physicians and hospitals without questioning the health advice they give you and how they treat you? Do you let therapists and partners define you?

I did not sit down when I was told to sit down. I walked around the store feeling what I really wanted to do. Given the reality of the situation, I decided I was not going to wait any longer. So, I walked up to the man who told me to sit down and asked him for other options. After considering each one, one of them was better than waiting. Therefore, I told him I would come back after they called me to tell me everything was ready.

If you follow instructions without considering what your authentic self needs and wants, you are controlled. When you are controlled, you become weak and sick and miserable. As a holistic psychologist, I know the source problem of anxiety, depression and other mental illness is from years of not turning to your authentic self for healthy, effective answers and solutions.

The reason you do not listen to your authentic self is because your parents taught you to be scared of so many things that are not really scary or dangerous. This is the definition of anxiety. Anxiety is being scared of things that are not really scary or dangerous. Real fear is when you are afraid of things that are really dangerous.

Anxiety is nothing weird or unusual. It is learned behavior that is maladaptive. Maladaptive means that it hurts you and does not help you. Anxiety keeps you from being self-confident, physically healthy and emotionally happy.

Your parents taught you to be scared of many, many things, people and situations that are not really dangerous or scary. It is not dangerous to stop waiting in long lines or reject the health advice of a physician or say no to your partner. As a matter of fact, you will be respected and valued much more when you are authentic because you are strong, self-confidence and sturdy.

Thank goodness you can unlearn any learned behavior that is not helpful for you. You are not stuck with your conditioning forever and ever. You can learn how to turn to your authentic self for vital energy, strength and courage any time of the day in any situation. Then your ineffective behaviors will become effective and powerful.

You just need to know the difference between what you learned and who you are so you can move rapidly toward holistic health and enjoy lots more vibrant moments. Otherwise you are confused, controlled and stuck.

Please share your comments about relaxing and being yourself below.


NEED HELP? Learn to feel the difference between your learned behavior and your authentic behavior by developing energy awareness. Energy is also the way to know if you are experiencing anxious, which is unhelpful, or real fear, which is extremely helpful. The 3 hour audio, Opening the Heart, teaches you how to find, accept and follow your authentic self so you can move toward holistic health and vibrant moments. Discover your real self, learn the difference between fear and anxiety energy and become braver for only $97.00, fully guaranteed.

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Bonus: Get a 15 minute e-mail session with me worth $50.00 for free when you order before Saturday, Oct. 19 and mention The Vibrant Moment.

BE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS: You have to be authentic before you can make love with another person. Making love is fun and playful. If you are a man who wants to improve your love making skills, take the home study course, “For Men: Become a Better Lover.” You need to love and be loved. 10 written lessons and 7 hours of audio, $199.97.

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ENJOY MAKING LOVE: If you are a woman who wants to improve your relationship and sexual health, take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” You learn to be comfortable with your authentic self so you open like a flower when it is emotionally safe to do so. 10 written lessons, 5 hours of audio, $149.97.

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NEED ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING?  Take an Assertiveness Training home study course that is top notch with the added benefits of holistic psychology principles and energy awareness.  Read more and order:


Personal Growth Tip: Own Your Shadow and Dark Energy to Shine


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Look at your Shadow.






The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Own Your Shadow
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you know your Shadow?
Do you keep your Shadow hidden from others?

One of the most effective benefits of psychoanalysis is the process of uncovering the dark, unhealthy energy in your unconscious.  Carl Jung called these parts of the self that you placed in your unconscious The Shadow.

Here is what Carl Jung wrote about The Shadow, “Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.”

“Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.131

What this means is that if you are not aware of your so called bad habits, bad thoughts, bad behaviors, bad feelings, bad emotions you are sure to be really, really bad and continue to be bad.  You are hiding the fact that you are bad and the hiding of your “lack of goodness” makes you weak, mean, irrational and sick.

On the outside you are projecting goodness, but this goodness is not real.  As long as you keep your badness in the dark, you do not have a chance to transform your dark energy into light.  Instead, you are darker and denser than those of us who bring up this material to the light of the conscious mind.

Only those of us who bring up and admit we are not so good or so perfect have a chance to improve ourselves. Only when you admit you have thoughts that are judgmental, can you stop being judgmental toward yourself and toward others.

Personal growth, which leads to more self-confidence, is successful when you admit, know and own your Shadow.  It is to your benefit to know your shadow by admitting the truth that dwells deep inside of you.

Your dark, dense energy is dying to be exposed and set free so you can be relaxed, authentic and happy.


GET TO KNOW YOUR SHADOW: Your Shadow is the same energy as your Inner Critic.  Listen to the audio “De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice” so you can give up being so good and so perfect.  One hour, $29.97.

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EXPOSE YOUR SHADOW THOUGHTS: The Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally helps you expose your negative, judgmental thoughts so they do not continue to control you and hurt you. You also learn how to tame your thoughts, feel your feelings and become self-confident enough to relax and be strong.

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Order the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally by October 1 and get the personal growth audio “De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice” for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.
