Tips for a Healthy Brain: Feed Your Brain to Avoid Dementia, Alzheimer’s



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Love your body as much as you love your brain.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feed Your Brain.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Do you know what your brain needs to be healthy?
Do you do mental activities to keep your brain sharp?

Recent neurological research conducted by Dr. Barry Komisaruk from Rutgers University reports that orgasms are more beneficial for your brain than crossword puzzles. Take a deep breath if this surprises you. Add this important holistic health information to your personal growth program if you want a healthy brain as you age.

In order for your brain to be mentally and physically healthy, it must receive the fuel/food it needs to flourish. This means your brain must receive vital, strong, vibrant energy from your body in order to function properly.

Your brain cannot function with clarity and sanity without your body. Without your body you are just a bunch of mental energy. Your mental energy, in isolation, can easily and quickly, become confused and out of touch with its physical surroundings. This mental isolation is the source of mental illness, depression, anxiety, and other odd labels psychiatrists love to give you.

When you get defensive, you are in your head thinking about something. When you block out love, you are in your head thinking about something. When you are anxious, you are in your head thinking about something. When you get confused, you are in your head thinking about something.

So, like it or not, your brain needs your body in order to be clear, sane, and helpful. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other brain disorders can be reduced if you feed your brain the vital energy it needs to be vibrant and healthy. While it is best to start feeding your brain before it gets depleted and confused, it is never too late to fuel your brain.

Orgasms are not the only way to feed your brain. You can relax your whole body and allow the energy in your pelvis to travel north to your brain at any time. You can also feel your authentic emotions in your heart, which immediately sends wonderful waves of vital energy throughout your mind-body.

However, orgasms are a pleasurable way to fuel your brain so do not let shame, guilt, and embarrassment stop you. Neither do you need someone else to “give you” an orgasm for good brain health. Dr. Komisaruk’s MRI machine records the brain activity of women as they enjoy solo orgasms.

So, no matter how you feed your brain, the most important thing to remember is that a healthy energetic connection to your body is imperative for good brain and mental health. This is the reason all my courses, special reports and workshops teach you how to get in your body, live in your body, love your body, and use your body to feel a genuine sense of self-confidence.

When you are self-confident, your brain is clear, sane, and helpful.

SAY GOODBYE TO GUILT: The personal growth audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” helps you enjoy pleasure without being guilt tripped. Never do anything based on guilt, free yourself from negative conditioning. One hour, CD or mp3, totally guaranteed, $29.97.

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WANT MORE ORGASMS WITH OTHERS? The home study course, FOR MEN: BECOME A BETTER LOVER, shows you step by step how to slow down and get more comfortable in your body. You are guided into facing your fear of intimacy in a safe and secure fashion. Plus you get the added benefits of good sex therapy information and advice. This course has helped men around the world get a smile on their face. 10 lessons, 7 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $199.97.

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FOR WOMEN: Take the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. The 10 written lessons show you how to safely and securely overcome your anxiety and fear of letting go of control. Get the emotional support and body exercises you need to become more comfortable touching your own body and being grounded in the moment. This course has improved the lives of many women in many countries. 10 lessons, 5 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $149.97.

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FREE BONUS: Order either course above and get a free audio worth $29.97 of your choice at: If you need help in deciding which personal growth audio is best for you, email me and ask for help.

GET IN YOUR BODY: COME TO MAY 3, CAPE MAY, NJ NATURE WORKSHOP. Learn how to feel and sense energy, be more assertive and get grounded.
Sign up and Read more:


Please share this holistic psychology information at with anyone who is interested in learning to be happy, healthy and effective.

Energy and Light Therapy for Winter Blues and Grey Days


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More snow? Get out and enjoy it!




Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Light Energy.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Feeling blue? Sad?  Grey?
Is the weather affecting your energy level?

Hanging out with family members this week in sunny Colorado, we were sharing the effects and benefits sunlight has on us. Usually Colorado, USA is sunny in the winter except when it is snowing.

However, with all the current unusual weather patterns, Glenwood Springs, CO had been cloudy for 6 days and nights.  Boo hoo.  As a result of the clouds, I did not get to directly experience one of my favorite activities: cross-country skiing in the moonlight.

Another consequence of the sixth cloudy day in Glenwood was no one in my Colorado family was energetic, except the 2 and 5 year olds, who were running around the living room as usual.  Everyone else was sitting close to the windows, drinking tea and reading their computers.

What about you? Have you been feeling blue, sad or depressed this winter?  Is your energy level low? Have you been staying indoors too long? Are you light deprived?

Notice your mood, emotions and energy levels. When you feel sad, take note of the light in your life.  Light comes from the sun but the sun is not the only source for the healthy vibrations you need to feel better, stronger and more alive.  Light is energy and everything has energy.

If you pay attention, you can notice what has more energy and light and what has less energy and light.  For example, look at the books on your bookshelf.  Some books have more light than others. Toss out or give away the heavy, dark, dense books. If you do, you are sure to feel lighter. For even more light, reread a wonderful book full of light.

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person, you are probably more affected by low light than the average person.  As a HSP you also have a higher probability of feeling the light energy that does or does not exist in the world around you.  Why not put your sensitive nature to work to help you become more aware of the amount of light and energy in the world around you?

Even if you are not a Highly Sensitive Person, you can increase your ability to sense light and energy.  Keep practicing by taking a look at your thoughts and see which ones have less light. Those negative, heavy, dark thoughts need to be tossed!  See which thoughts bring more light into your world and pay attention to these higher vibrations more often.

Do not stay stuck in feeling grey and depressed.  After you become aware of what has more light and energy, take appropriate action. Do that which brings more light and energy into your world.


HIGHLY SENSITIVE? If you are a HSP and do not fully trust your feelings, senses and intuition read and study the special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” Learn what you need to unlearn so that you can fully use your HSP gift to your advantage.  31 page PDF file, $19.97.

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FEELING BLUE?  Learn more about the difference between the energy that makes you grey and the energy that is healthy and flowing. The first section in HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love, explains the difference between energy that is controlling, out of control and healthy. You can read any Amazon Ebook on your computer by downloading a reader and you can order a PDF file directly from me via email. Only $3.99. Order from Amazon:

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RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS? If your relationship has you feeling blue and grey, learn the exact steps you need to take to feel better, more secure and stronger. The 7 steps are the same if you are currently in a relationship, breaking up or getting a divorce. “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” gives you the empathy you need and outlines the exact steps that stop the blues. 13 pages; $9.97; PDF

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Keep New Year’s Resolutions, Take Action for Successful Personal Growth

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Take action. Do what you love.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Light your fire.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Do you know what stops you from being open, relaxed and fit?

Let us recap what you learned last week about how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions so you feel proud and pleased with yourself by the end of 2014.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Be realistic
Set yourself up for success, not failure
Feel proud of last year’s successes
Learn to stand in your success
Take responsibility for your actions or lack of actions
Use your intention to get energy moving forward
Take appropriate action that leads to success

Failure to keep your New Year’s Resolutions is due to one psychological factor, anxiety. For example, if you want to lose weight you must reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is what makes you eat too much. If you want to be more open, you must reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is what causes you to be distrustful of others. If you want to be more fit, it is anxiety that you must get out of your nervous system and physical body in order to become physically healthy and strong.

Apply this anxiety help to all of your New Year’s Resolutions. Anxiety makes you drink too much, push away love, not move, move too fast and defend yourself in relationships. Anxiety is what makes you stop pursuing your New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January!

Therefore, the action step you must take if you want to be successful with any New Year’s Resolution is to reduce the anxiety that currently exists in your body and nervous system. Anxiety is like static on the radio, it interferes with your ability to perform at your best in any situation. Anxiety is never helpful. Anxiety is a maladaptive conditioned response.

Maladaptive conditioned response means you learned to be anxious in a past learning experience and this response is not helpful. Period. This is the definition of anxiety. A little bit of anxiety is never good for you. Real fear, on the other hand, is helpful. Fear keeps you safe and sane.

Rest assured there are real solutions to any and all psychological problems and relationships issues. If you want to be open and trust people, you can learn to be open and trust people. If you want to reduce your anxiety, you can learn, step by step, exactly how to reduce your anxiety.

Do not sit in helplessness, thinking you cannot reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is learned, and you can unlearn it. Light some fire underneath your butt to make sure you take the positive action steps that take you directly to your New Year’s Resolutions.

Get excited and take some baby steps into more pleasurable moments in 2014.


Two Home Study Courses Lead to Success

ANXIETY HELP: Experience more relaxation, fun and self-confidence. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson, learn how to successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio, which includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

LEARN NEW SKILLS: Assertiveness Training is an essential communication skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.

If this sounds exciting to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for a discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 20, 2014.

Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxiety energy into effective energy.


GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order:


Please share your comments below.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Feel Proud


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Spending a month in Hawaii in 2013 was one of my accomplishments.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel proud.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Like removing dirty clothes, it feels good to let go of 2013. Like putting on fresh, clean clothes, it feels fantastic to walk into the brand new year of 2014. It is exciting to know that this new year offers new possibilities and promises that you could embrace if you so choose.

It is always helpful to take stock of your personal growth and review the successes you achieved over the last year. If you want to permanently improve your self-confidence, it is essential to take the time to celebrate your successes and feel proud of yourself. You need to make the successes yours.

To help you own your successes, write down the personal growth and professional achievements you accomplished in 2013. No matter how small your success, write it down and know that baby steps are the way you learn to dance in the world. Your written material will give you concrete data you can use the next time your ego starts to find fault with everything about you!

Next, you need to celebrate your successes in some way that feels good to you. Reward yourself with something that you love. It is also important to not forget about your successes. Instead, remember your successes as you walk into the New Year. Take time each day to feel proud of yourself and feel good about yourself.

Body Awareness Exercise

To help you anchor your successes into the physical plane, think of your successes as you feel your body and stand up tall with pride. Then continue to stand in your success as you walk around inside your house. If you have attended one of my workshops or phone sessions, you know these body awareness exercises are effective and fun. Next, take your new body posture outside in the world and enjoy your new body self-confidence.

Body awareness exercises help you own your power to make sure you learn a new physical sense of self-confidence that no one can take away from you. The addition of this body awareness factor is what makes my new psychology approach and home study courses more effective than traditional personal growth courses.

Take Responsibility

You must also remind yourself that you took specific actions that lead to your successes; they did not just happen to you. You are the one who took the proper actions that led to reaching your goal. It does not matter how good your teachers, mentors and coaches are, you are the one who did the work that led your to accomplishments. Like it or not, you are responsible for your successes and failures.

Intend to Make 2014 Even Better.

Write down your New Year Resolutions, goals, desires and needs. Choose to be part of the 12% of people who successfully reach their New Year’s Resolutions. It would be a waste of energy for you to be part of the 88% who drop the ball by the end of January!

You can lose weight, make more money, have more fun, improve your sex life, become healthier and attract more loving relationships by the end of 2014. If you take yourself seriously and make a definite plan on how to reach your New Year’s resolution, you will be successful. There is no reason for you to drop the ball and fail.

To succeed, you must be realistic. Do not set yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for success. Set a goal that you know you will reach. If losing weight is your New Year’s Resolution, plan to lose one pound a week. And know that some weeks you will not even lose one. That is reality and reality is the path that leads to success.

To be successful, you also need to make sure your weight loss program is not based on controlling yourself and your diet. Control is not successful with any New Year’s resolution because it is not pleasurable. Never try to make yourself do something or not do something if you want to reach your New Year’s resolutions. If the activity is not fun and enjoyable, you will quickly drop the ball and fail.

More next week on how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. For this week, stand in your successes and feel proud. Then write down realistic New Year’s Resolutions outlining a successful personal growth pathway.


Two Home Study Courses Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions.

INCREASE BODY AWARENESS: Enjoy more relaxation, fun and self-acceptance. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson learn how to stop anxiety attacks and increase body awareness so you successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio which, includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

USE YOUR POWER: Assertiveness Training is an essential skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.

If this sounds beneficial to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.

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NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for your discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 13, 2014.

Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxious energy into effective energy.


GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.

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Personal Growth Tip: Relax, Be Authentic and Assertive

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH


This is me enjoying a giant cornucopia in the Philadelphia countryside. I am a little crooked.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Authentic.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you know the difference between your learned behavior and your authentic behavior?

As a lowly human being, you must learn a great deal of information to survive on planet Earth. You have to use your learned behavior many times a day in order to get through your necessary chores and routines. Otherwise, society could reject you, imprison you and declare you insane.

Unfortunately, your high degree of learned behavior also means you are easy to control. For example, yesterday I had to stand in a long line at a pharmacy and once I got to the counter, I was told I had to sit down and wait for my name to be called and get back in the long line.

Do you wait in long lines at the bank or post office? Do you pay a lot of money to physicians and hospitals without questioning the health advice they give you and how they treat you? Do you let therapists and partners define you?

I did not sit down when I was told to sit down. I walked around the store feeling what I really wanted to do. Given the reality of the situation, I decided I was not going to wait any longer. So, I walked up to the man who told me to sit down and asked him for other options. After considering each one, one of them was better than waiting. Therefore, I told him I would come back after they called me to tell me everything was ready.

If you follow instructions without considering what your authentic self needs and wants, you are controlled. When you are controlled, you become weak and sick and miserable. As a holistic psychologist, I know the source problem of anxiety, depression and other mental illness is from years of not turning to your authentic self for healthy, effective answers and solutions.

The reason you do not listen to your authentic self is because your parents taught you to be scared of so many things that are not really scary or dangerous. This is the definition of anxiety. Anxiety is being scared of things that are not really scary or dangerous. Real fear is when you are afraid of things that are really dangerous.

Anxiety is nothing weird or unusual. It is learned behavior that is maladaptive. Maladaptive means that it hurts you and does not help you. Anxiety keeps you from being self-confident, physically healthy and emotionally happy.

Your parents taught you to be scared of many, many things, people and situations that are not really dangerous or scary. It is not dangerous to stop waiting in long lines or reject the health advice of a physician or say no to your partner. As a matter of fact, you will be respected and valued much more when you are authentic because you are strong, self-confidence and sturdy.

Thank goodness you can unlearn any learned behavior that is not helpful for you. You are not stuck with your conditioning forever and ever. You can learn how to turn to your authentic self for vital energy, strength and courage any time of the day in any situation. Then your ineffective behaviors will become effective and powerful.

You just need to know the difference between what you learned and who you are so you can move rapidly toward holistic health and enjoy lots more vibrant moments. Otherwise you are confused, controlled and stuck.

Please share your comments about relaxing and being yourself below.


NEED HELP? Learn to feel the difference between your learned behavior and your authentic behavior by developing energy awareness. Energy is also the way to know if you are experiencing anxious, which is unhelpful, or real fear, which is extremely helpful. The 3 hour audio, Opening the Heart, teaches you how to find, accept and follow your authentic self so you can move toward holistic health and vibrant moments. Discover your real self, learn the difference between fear and anxiety energy and become braver for only $97.00, fully guaranteed.

Read more and order:

Bonus: Get a 15 minute e-mail session with me worth $50.00 for free when you order before Saturday, Oct. 19 and mention The Vibrant Moment.

BE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS: You have to be authentic before you can make love with another person. Making love is fun and playful. If you are a man who wants to improve your love making skills, take the home study course, “For Men: Become a Better Lover.” You need to love and be loved. 10 written lessons and 7 hours of audio, $199.97.

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ENJOY MAKING LOVE: If you are a woman who wants to improve your relationship and sexual health, take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” You learn to be comfortable with your authentic self so you open like a flower when it is emotionally safe to do so. 10 written lessons, 5 hours of audio, $149.97.

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NEED ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING?  Take an Assertiveness Training home study course that is top notch with the added benefits of holistic psychology principles and energy awareness.  Read more and order:


Personal Growth Tip: Own Your Shadow and Dark Energy to Shine


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Look at your Shadow.






The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Own Your Shadow
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you know your Shadow?
Do you keep your Shadow hidden from others?

One of the most effective benefits of psychoanalysis is the process of uncovering the dark, unhealthy energy in your unconscious.  Carl Jung called these parts of the self that you placed in your unconscious The Shadow.

Here is what Carl Jung wrote about The Shadow, “Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.”

“Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.131

What this means is that if you are not aware of your so called bad habits, bad thoughts, bad behaviors, bad feelings, bad emotions you are sure to be really, really bad and continue to be bad.  You are hiding the fact that you are bad and the hiding of your “lack of goodness” makes you weak, mean, irrational and sick.

On the outside you are projecting goodness, but this goodness is not real.  As long as you keep your badness in the dark, you do not have a chance to transform your dark energy into light.  Instead, you are darker and denser than those of us who bring up this material to the light of the conscious mind.

Only those of us who bring up and admit we are not so good or so perfect have a chance to improve ourselves. Only when you admit you have thoughts that are judgmental, can you stop being judgmental toward yourself and toward others.

Personal growth, which leads to more self-confidence, is successful when you admit, know and own your Shadow.  It is to your benefit to know your shadow by admitting the truth that dwells deep inside of you.

Your dark, dense energy is dying to be exposed and set free so you can be relaxed, authentic and happy.


GET TO KNOW YOUR SHADOW: Your Shadow is the same energy as your Inner Critic.  Listen to the audio “De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice” so you can give up being so good and so perfect.  One hour, $29.97.

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EXPOSE YOUR SHADOW THOUGHTS: The Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally helps you expose your negative, judgmental thoughts so they do not continue to control you and hurt you. You also learn how to tame your thoughts, feel your feelings and become self-confident enough to relax and be strong.

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Order the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally by October 1 and get the personal growth audio “De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice” for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.


Assertiveness Moves Beyond Talk Therapy into Nature, Energy and Power


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Walking the truth in the forest near New Hope, PA.


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Assert Your Truth.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor


A reader of The Vibrant Moment expressed how she was feeling about some medical problems she just found out about in a recent email to me. Then she abruptly called herself out on “whining. ” Of course, as soon as she judged herself as whining, she immediately stopped sharing how she was feeling and changed the topic.

Do you block your emotional expressions by calling yourself names?

If you do, you are making sure you do not move forward into new, unexplored emotional territory.  If you want to do transformational work, which means you physically change your energy, you must express your truths no matter what they are at any given moment in time.

Of course, I do not encourage whining. However, are you really whining? Maybe yes and maybe no.   If you want to get to the heart of what is really going on with you psychologically, do not stop your truths at any point in time.

Even if you are whining, stopping yourself in this fashion keeps you from getting down to your unconscious truths.  While knowing the difference between expressing your authentic feelings and whining is important, it is even more important not to block self-expression in the moment it is happening.

This means it is better to whine so you can see that you are whining, rather than stop yourself from whining before you can tell if you are whining or not!  The act of controlling your energy is the oppressive psychological problem, not the whining.

Just imagine if you stepped back and look at your process instead of your words. As a holistic psychologist, I teach you to notice your process so you discover what is really going on inside of you and outside of you.  If you do not let your unconscious material surface, it continues to control you.  The only way to claim your power is to expose your truths.

If you stay stuck in the content, you quickly sink into psychobabble, which is what often happens in regular talk therapy.  You also reinforce your controlling behavior of trying not to whine.  You think that you are whining, complaining and being negative, but are you really?  And if you are, “So what?”

How much power would you have if you learned to notice the how, what, when, where and why behind your words?  When you pay attention to process, you quickly move beyond your thoughts and conditioned reactions into more physical data. Noticing your process gives you the energy needed to master yourself.

It does not matter if you are whining or not.  When you pay attention to your process, you may discover that you were not whining in the first place.  Or you may see that you are whining.  If so, you can learn a more effective way to get what you need or want.

Here is my clinical observation about whining and whiners.  When you judge yourself as whining, there is a high probability that you are not whining.  The whiner usually has no awareness of the fact that she or he is whining.  The whiner does not notice how she is being received by others because she is not conscious of it.

I will explain the energy difference between whining and expressing your authentic feelings and emotions next week.  In the mean time, help me do some research about what I just said about whiners. Observe yourself this week and observe other people. Is my clinical observation correct? Do whiners judge themselves and stop? Or do whiners keep whining?

Please post your feelings, thoughts and comments about self-awareness, emotional expression and whining below.


SEEKING TRANSFORMATION? The body and energy exercises at the fall Nature Workshop give you a safe place to express your truths.  Learn to notice and trust your process by having fun outdoors with an emotionally safe leader. Asserting your truths makes you stronger and more self-confident.  Sign up for the Nature Workshop near New Hope, PA, October 12, $200.00. Limited to 12 people to maximized your personal growth experience.

Read more and sign up:


BACK TO SCHOOL ANXIETY?  Anxiety about leaving home, studying, being alone or meeting others keeps you from doing your best.  Order the “How to Study Guide: 7 Study Skills to Peak Performance” for your daughter or son before exam time:

You and your children learn effective physical ways to reduce anxiety naturally by taking the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally.

Relaxation and Anxiety Help: Get Rid of Judgment and Live a Guilt Free Life

pillowThis pillow is waiting for you to relax. Rest easy and dream with the angels.

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The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Enjoy the moment.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


August 7, 2013 is National Play Day. This is a great reminder for adults and children to get outside and have fun moving and grooving.

National Play Day is a wonderful follow up to my recommendation last week to the regular The Vibrant Moment readers. I suggested for good mental health you need to enjoy some pleasure every single day.  Here is the link if you did not read it:

So, were some of you able to add more pleasures this week? I sure did. I call vibrant moments being in heaven on earth.

Here is a list of some of my heavenly moments:

Swimming in a beautiful blue pool cleaned and softened by rain water
Swimming slowly on my back looking up at the glorious blue sky
Strolling in Rittenhouse Park while giving and receiving smiles
Cooking walnut crusted trout, Swiss shard and corn on the cob
Eating walnut crusted trout, Swiss shard and corn on the cob
Relaxing in a lounge chair outside looking at green trees and insects flying around
Sipping coffee with bits and pieces of pound cake underneath a canopy of trees
Gently resting my head on my buckwheat pillow in clean sheets
Taking a warm, long shower after hard housework

If you were not successful in enjoying more pleasurable moments this week, ask yourself, “What stopped me?”

In the USA, our Puritan and Germanic backgrounds rewards hard work and staying busy.  If you work hard, you are rewarded.  If you do not stay busy, you are punished.  This means that if you want to avoid punishment you have to keep working and stay busy all the time.  This is what most people do.

Resting, doing nothing, relaxing and enjoying life is a sin. Yes, a sin.

This Puritan Ethic conditioning is hard to break free from once it takes hold in your body and psyche.  If you do not pay attention to how your conditioning stops you from enjoying pleasure, you cannot put into practice the action steps needed to break out of the bad habit of not relaxing.

At the age of 34, I consciously let go of control and relaxed.  Immediately, the most painful guilt experiences crippled me again and brought me back into control.    Every time I relaxed, I felt like a sinner. Every time I experienced pleasure, I felt like I was sinning.

No wonder I had such trouble learning how to relax in the first place! Every time I relaxed, I judged myself as lazy. Or to be more precise, I heard my father’s voice in my head calling me, “Lazy.” His judgment stopped me dead in my tracks and tightened up every muscle in my body.

Later in life when my father was dying, he confessed to me that he desperately wanted nothing more in life but to be able to put his feet up, kick back and relax. But he couldn’t. He just could not relax, no matter what he tried to do.

I suggested to him that he could stop making himself wrong when he relaxed. However, he was never able to rest, do nothing and enjoy just being in the moment. My father died an anxious man. While it is too late for my father, it is not too late for you.

If you listen, you can hear the exact judgments you learned from your parents, teachers and priests.  These mental judgments keep you from relaxing and being in the moment.  You must get rid of your mental judgments if you want to kick back and enjoy the moments of your life.

Of course, when you break free, you experience guilt.

Guilt is a given. This is when you really have to pay attention so you eliminate the irrational judgments in your head and keep moving forward.  If not, guilt puts you right back into darkness, anxiety and depression.

So, using learning research, I felt like a lazy person for a while and continued to relax my body.  I felt like a sinner over and over again, as I continued to enjoy the pleasures of living in the body.

Soon the control guilt had over me began to vanish and I could kick back and enjoy the moment without any guilt what so ever.

Share your feelings, thoughts and comments about guilt, guilt-free living, control, workaholics, Puritan conditioning and relaxation therapy below.


NEED HELP WITH GUILTY PLEASURES?  Guilt is the major block to receiving your daily pleasures.  Learn how to get rid of guilt and judgment so you give yourself pleasure every day. One-hour personal growth audio, $29.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order: ”Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment.”

Free Bonus: Order “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” before Monday, August 12 to get “Break the Grip of Anxiety Naturally: An Overview,” for free, a one-hour anxiety help audio, worth $29.97.


NEED HELP RELAXING?  Enjoy the body exercises in the Overcome Anxiety Naturally Home Study Course. Your body and mind will be glad you learned to kick back and do nothing before it is too late for you to enjoy the pleasures of being alive on planet Earth. Get 10 written lessons and 5 hours of healing therapy audio for only $149.97. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order your anxiety help course:


Sexual Health Tip: Pleasure and Feeling Good is Best Holistic Health Medicine


Relaxing in nature gives me a great deal of pleasure.

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The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Feel Good.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


How often do you let yourself feel good?

Virginia Johnson, of Masters and Johnson fame, died at the age of 88 last week.  Reading the story of her life in the NY Times on Sunday sure did bring back some fond memories of being trained as a sex therapist at Temple Medical School in 1976.

1976 was a wonderful time to be alive and studying psychology on the East Coast.  Masters and Johnson had studied the physiology of human sexual behavior in a laboratory in Missouri. Their sex research was the basis of our training as sex therapists.

I had the physical facts:
1.  The size of the penis does not affect the pleasure a man can give a woman.
2.  Intercourse is not necessarily the best way to have an orgasm for a woman.
3.  A vaginal orgasm is exactly the same as a clitoral orgasm.
4.  Old people enjoy sex just as much as young people.
5.  Some women can have an orgasm without any physical stimulation at all.

At the Behavior Therapy Unit, we cured premature ejaculation in almost every man who walked in our door.  Premature ejaculation was easy to treat by reducing a man’s anxiety in the sexual situation. Using similar methods we dramatically improved every woman’s sexual response with and without a partner.

I became known as the sex therapist who was effective with the more difficult to treat erectile dysfunction clients and thus began my private practice. 1976 was an exciting time to be alive in Philadelphia, USA.

Controlling your body and emotions are in vogue in 2013.

In sharp contrast, today’s psychologists label you and physicians drug you for sexual problems, anxiety, depression and normal grieving.  Pleasure seems to be a no-no.  Feeling good seems to have gotten a very bad reputation.

Drugs diminish your feeling ability instead of enhancing your feeling ability. Medications impair your ability to have whole body, sensual, delicious orgasms. Please remember, sex is only one of several ways you can experience pleasure and have an orgasm.

If you want to enjoy more vibrant moments and holistic health in your daily life, stay away from drugs and medication. Drugs mask problems, cure nothing and stop you from feeling good.

Do you avoid pleasure in your daily life?

Notice how often you stop yourself from having pleasure this week. Little pleasures, big pleasures. Mental pleasures, body pleasures, heart pleasures.  If you do not let yourself feel good and experience pleasure, you are sure to become weaker and weaker until you get sick.

Before you know it, your mind wanders away, your behavior becomes addictive, your body atrophies and your heart attacks you.  All of these physical results are trying to get your attention. Your real self is screaming at you, “Let me feel good!”

You need pleasure to achieve holistic health, happiness and a sustainable future. Give yourself time every day to receive pleasure in any form. Choose your pleasures based on your personal needs and desires.

Tell me about your favorite pleasures and psychological blocks to feeling good below.


NEED HELP WITH GUILTY PLEASURES?  Guilt is the major block to receiving the pleasure you need in daily life.  Learn how to get rid of guilt and judgment so you give yourself time for pleasure every day.  Study the self-help information in the ”Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” audio to be more successful in feeling good more often. One-hour holistic psychology audio, $29.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order: ”Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment.”

Free Bonus: Order “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” before Monday, August 5 to get “Break the Grip of Anxiety Naturally: An Overview,” for free, a one-hour anxiety help audio, worth $29.97.


YOUR PARTNER SUFFERING FROM PE?  The special report, “Say Goodbye to Premature Ejaculation: 7 Steps to a Better Sex Life,” could be all that is needed to turn anxious sex into sensuous sex for both of you. PDF file, 25 pages, $47.00, guaranteed.

Read more and order “Say Goodbye to Premature Ejaculation: 7 Steps to a Better Sex Life:”


SUMMER SPECIAL: Take advantage of the slow summertime to
amp up your pleasure and holistic health. Get the personal
guidance you need to solve any problem. After the first session you know exactly what to do to move forward. Enjoy experiential sessions that are
not available elsewhere. Pay for two holistic psychology sessions and get the third session free. Last session must be used by September 30, 2013.
Get three-hour sessions for $400.00. You save $200.00. Limited
number available.

Read more and order:

Personal Growth Tip: Wake Up to Your Human Potential With Relaxation


Jump into the water! Jump into Life!


Follow Dr. Jeanette on Twitter:

Big Island Beach, Sunset, 2013


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Get Unstuck.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Definition of Stuck: Not moving forward. Living a mundane and ordinary life. No passion and joy.

Do you work, eat, sleep and repeat the same behaviors day after day? If so, you are going through your life without feelings and emotions.  This means you are stuck in an ordinary and mundane life.

This phrase, “ordinary and mundane,” is taken from Dr. Charles Tart’s book, Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential, which I read in the late 1980s.  “The Vibrant Moment” exists to help you wake up and do a whole lot more than just get through your day.

How Awake and Alive Are You?

It is possible that ordinary consciousness may feel normal for you because you have not experienced anything else in so long you have forgotten the delicious extraordinary feelings you were born with.  Therefore, you may not be aware that you are living the moments of your life without passion, fire and joy.

On the other hand, perhaps you have enjoyed vibrant moments, peak performances and peak experiences from time to time.  However, stress and anxiety have unconsciously taken over your waking life.  As a result, you have settled back down into ordinary consciousness without even knowing it.

Or maybe you are grieving a great loss.  It is easy to get stuck in the grieving progress and become depressed instead of moving forward.  You may have dropped down out of ordinary mundane consciousness into a deeper level of depression.

Whatever the reason, you may be stuck in routine living, depression and anxiety without even knowing you are stuck in the daily grind of the walking dead.

To have more vibrant moments, you need to know when, where, how and why you are stuck.  To know when you are stuck, you have to increase your awareness. To increase your awareness, you need outside feedback that gives you some degree of objective data.

This means you need many different kinds of feedback systems that alert you to where your mental health, emotional security and body awareness are at any given moment in time.  I use mentors, groups and holistic health practitioners to wake me up and notify me that I have gotten stuck in the ordinary and mundane.  I also have my own daily feedback barometers.

Use Daily Activities to Notice When You Are Stuck

Just getting through a swim is not the same thing as enjoying a swim.  As a swimmer, I use how I feel and how much I enjoy my swim as a barometer of my state of being in the world.  I have many different kinds of swimming experiences.  Each swimming experience gives me concrete feedback about my consciousness and state of being alive.

There is the:
1. Delicious, flowing through the sensuous water with my whole body swim
2. Enjoyable, relaxing swim, where the mind is quiet and still
3. Fun, playful, feel good swim, where there is no thinking
4. Mean and lean exercise swim
5.  So-so swim, where the thoughts distracted me more than not.
6.  Did I even swim? swim, where my brain was in charge

I love swimming so much I don’t have a bad swim or a boring swim. But you may want to add bad and boring along with other specific qualities to your own feedback list.

Create Your Own Aliveness Feedback Barometer

To create your own Aliveness Barometer, think about some experience you do daily or several times a week.  For example, if you take walks, you can use your walking experiences. Make a list of all the difference kinds of walks you have.  Describe your walks honestly so that you can use each walk to increase your awareness of how present, alive and vibrant you are in the moment.

Then use your feedback to become more awake and alive.  If your feedback tells you that you are stuck in the ordinary and mundane, this means you are anxious. The less you enjoy something, the more anxious you are.

To correct the problem you need to begin to feel your body more and feel your emotions more. These two sensory experiences will start to bring more life energy into
your daily grind.

You only have one life to live. Get unstuck and allow more passion, joy and excitement into your precious moments. Reduce your anxiety and relax your body so you can perceive
the colors that are always dancing and playing around you before it is too late.

Peak performances, peak experiences and vibrant moments do not happen by accident. They happen because you show up and allow yourself to be in your body and emotions in physical reality. They happen because you reduce your anxiety and
relax into your body.

Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback about body awareness, emotional expression and peak performances below.


REMOVE VIBRANT MOMENT BLOCKS: Anxiety, stress and thinking too much are the major blocks that stop vibrant moments from occurring in your life.  Take the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, that has helped hundreds of people reduce their anxiety and relax into their body. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio, including the best selling emotional health guide, “Opening the Heart.” Worth $209.94, yours for only $149.97.

Read more and order:

FREE BONUS! Order “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” before
Monday, July 1 and get the free bonus audio, “Hear Your Body Talking”, a one-hour body language audio, $29.97.  Must mention The Vibrant Moment in the check out box to get free audio.


GET UNSTUCK SUMMER SPECIAL: Get the personal guidance you need to enjoy more vibrant moments and peak experiences.  After the first session you know exactly what to do to move forward. Getting unstuck is not that hard when you know what to do to move forward. You will enjoy experiential sessions that are not available anywhere else. These will not be talk therapy sessions.  Pay for two holistic psychology sessions and get the third session free. Only good during the summer months, last session must be used by September 30, 2013.  Regular one hour session, $200.00. You save $200.00. Limited number available.

Read more and order:
