Mental Health Advice: Learn to Read Body Language

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Read body language.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Several years ago, my mother was preparing her famous southern scallop potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner when I noticed she severely tightened up her lips as she was pouring the potatoes into the baking dish.

As soon as I saw the body language of my mother I realized where I learned to tighten my lips. Not only did I see myself in her, I realized her tight lips were trying to control the outcome of her potatoes! Never had I thought about control being a factor when cooking.

In the 1970’s I received referrals from the Beck Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. While looking for new ways to help people who did not benefit from psychotherapy or CBT, I begin to actively use body language and body awareness with my new referrals. This is when I discovered the difference between control and power. Read last week’s The Vibrant Moment for the definition and difference between control and power:  Relationship Advice: Choose Power, not Control

When I taught my clients to notice their body, face, lips, feet, stomach, and what their physical form was doing at any point in time, they were much more likely to give up their denial, exaggeration, and defensive behaviors quickly without resistance. Noticing when they controlled themselves and when they did not was much more effective that trying to change their negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

This is because the tension in your body gives you the feedback that you are in control and not in your power. You can learn to feel how control feels in your body. You may or may not notice when your body is tense. Many people do not. This is the reason taking body language classes, workshops, and home study courses help you become more body conscious.

Also, use mirrors and photographs. Mirrors and photographs help you become more aware if you slow down and look. Do not throw away the photos you do not like. For example, recently a stranger was using my Nikon camera to photograph a family holiday card for me. I was directing her as she was taking the photo. At first, I did not think she was clicking all the way through because the light did not flash.

When I looked at the photos I could see she had indeed taken them correctly. I could also see how I looked when I did not think she was taking them correctly! You should see my face. Unattractive, screwed up and tense. And tight, especially my lips. Yes, of course, my lips.

So, my control showed up for me to see once again. Did my tight face help make the photos better? Did my mother’s tight lips make her potatoes taste better. Nope. Control never makes anything better.

Remembering how I looked in control sure reminds me to relax my lips more often throughout the day.


CONTROL OR POWER? Learn the difference between power and control. My book, HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love teaches you in the first section the difference between control and power. $3.99

Order from Amazon:

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BODY AWARENESS HOME STUDY COURSE: It is your Inner Critic who controls you and makes you anxious. The Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course leads you into more body awareness so you become strong enough to throw your inner critic off your chest. Then you breath and feel much more relaxed being in your power. $149.97, 10 written lessons, five hours of audio, money-back guarantee.

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READ BODY LANGUAGE: Join a six-week Skype class on Body Language in 2015 with a small group of motivated people. Your body gives you immediate feedback about whether you are in control or power. You also know what other people are doing and feeling. Please email me and let me know if you are interested. The cost will be $300.00.

Call:  215-732-6197.


Feel and Express Love for a Healthy Heart and Loving Relationships

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel and Express Love.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Perhaps you are beginning to feel the difference between your healthy, authentic emotions and an unhelpful conditioned response after last weeks’ The Vibrant Moment. If you missed it, I defined and differentiated feelings, emotions, thoughts, and conditioned responses from each other:

Something you learned is very different from something you did not learn.

A conditioned response is something you learned. An authentic emotion is something you did not learn. An example of an authentic emotion is love. You did not learn to love, you were born loving. And a matter of fact, I would say you were born TO love. If your heart feels love for something or someone you feel love and that is that.

The reason you were a bundle of joy as a little baby is because you felt and expressed so much love. Now, as an adult, you feel the energy of love bubbling up in your heart from time to time. This feeling happens organically in your heart and solar plexus, without any thoughts or reason.

Once your heart is full of love, this energy naturally radiates outward away from you. This powerful energy is exactly what you need to be healthy in heart, mind, and body. Love is what you need to be happy and effective. Love connects us to each other and makes life worth living.

Of course, you can deny, repress, stop, and block your authentic feelings of love. Unfortunately, this is exactly what a large number of human beings do. In addition, you may love someone and something and cannot fully express the love you feel. Therefore, millions of people have learned to inhibit their natural feelings of love. When you inhibit your natural feelings of love, you feel lonely, isolated, sad, and unloved.

In this painful reality, your unhelpful conditioned response is how you learned to deny, repress, stop, and block your authentic feelings of love. Begin to notice what behaviors you do that control and inhibit your natural loving feelings. Notice what muscles tighten up and what happens in your nervous system. What are you squeezing and hurting when you inhibit the energy of love?

It is quite interesting that western medicine finds that the thymus on most adults has atrophied. Yes, this means your thymus may have dried up and stopped working properly. Could this be because your heart was not allowed to fully feel the love it feels? Consider the possibility.

It has been well established by western medical research that the thymus regulates the immune system. According to eastern medicine, the thymus regulates the heart charka. The research in applied kinesiology, which uses the strength of your muscles to determine if something is healthy for you or not, reveals that an alive thymus does indeed improve your immune system and immediately makes your whole energy field stronger.

So, it is true that a few thumps on the thymus immediately makes your muscles stronger and thus, healthier. This is the reason I use and teach my students and clients the Thymus Thump! Get to know your thymus and bring it back to life with physical touch and emotional love.

Inhibiting love is a conditioned response; unlearn this unhelpful behavior as quickly as you can.

Love is an authentic emotion; let it flow, so you glow!


FEEL YOUR FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS: Discover for yourself how thoughts, feelings, emotions, and conditioned responses are different when you listen to the “Opening the Heart” audio. Become more lovable by sorting through the different energies in yourself so you learn to live without knee jerk responses. Feel the love in your heart so you can express this love to yourself and others. 3 hours of comforting, relaxing, educational audio on feelings, fear, and hurt. $97.00, eBook also available for $19.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order “Opening the Heart”:


NEED HELP ADDING LOVE TO SEX? Take the home study course, “For Men: How to Become a Better Lover.” Being emotional is often harder for men than women and as a result your sex life may suffer. Let your heart feel and express the love you feel for your beloved. The sweetness and pleasure you feel is worth the investment in yourself. Learn to relax your body, get in the sensuous moment, and feel your emotions. The “Opening the Heart” audio is included PLUS 10 written lessons and 5 more hours of audio. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order for yourself or partner:


Feeling Guilty? Live a Guilt Free Life and Keep Loving, Healthy Relationships

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Say No To Guilt!
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


How often do you find yourself in this situation?

I am using my client, J’s example of guilt, because it is such a typical and difficult situation. Here is the email question I received this morning:

“My cousin, I’ve been close with, married a man a few years ago that I really don’t vibe with. My husband feels similarly. I’m trying to stay close to her without being very involved with him. She also has a young daughter just 6 months younger than my toddler.

They just bought a house and are moving farther away. It’s about 2.5 hrs. They invited us to a housewarming/birthday party.” I declined as politely as possible … trying not to give much reason.

Now my aunt and cousin are dissatisfied and I can feel it strongly. I made the decision because – I don’t really want to go.
– There are many other things I’m trying to focus on.
– I was invited to a friend’s child bday party I want to go to.

I already went way out of my way to sit through the most horrible wedding I’ve ever been too … I don’t want to experience that again and neither does my husband. It’s hard to explain . . .

Now I feel they’re “not happy” with my feelings … and I feel like it’s a lose/lose. If I go I won’t be happy … if I don’t go I’ll feel bad. After all I think *these are family – the people most here for me when my mom was sick. I feel bad. I want them to know I care, but I also want to care about myself.

Give me your wonderful guidance and wisdom please. Already listening to the guilt audio, but I need more specific help.

Thank you!”

What would you do?

This is definitely a guilt trap. By that I mean my client will feel bad, no matter what choice she makes. It is a lose-lose situation. The energy of a guilt trap is sticky, pulls at you, and makes it almost impossible to get out.

J is no push over. She was able to be assertive and say, “No,” the first time around. She has taken the Assertiveness Training home study course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” studied the self-help audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment,” and has been working with me privately for over a year.

J is clear about her feelings, yet, she is still stuck in the guilt trap. This is what I wrote back: The goal is to get out of the guilt trap and follow your authentic feelings without being passive or aggressive toward the people involved.

Take three deep breaths and intent to be true to yourself. There is no right or wrong answer. There is only your way out of this guilt trap. You want your choice to be the best choice you can make given the situation. You must live with whatever you choose.

If I already had another invitation that I had accepted I would tell my cousin the truth. If it was too far to drive back and forth in a day or night with two small children, I could tell my cousin the truth. If I could set up a fun trip and stay overnight and include the housewarming without feeling resentful, I would.

You want to transform this guilt trap into a win-win by choosing the pathway that creates the least amount of resentment for you. You may feel bad about not pleasing your aunt. You may call yourself, “Selfish and unkind.” That you can live through and transform.

Resentment, on the other hand, eats at you and makes you physically sick. Resentment permanently destroys relationships. Therefore, you want to behave in ways that do not make you physically sick and maintains an honest relationship over the years with your aunt and cousin.

Good luck in following your heart. Be aware of your feelings and reactions as you feel your way through this difficult situation. You can learn what you need to know, so the next guilt trap might not imprison you at all!


STOP BUILDING UP RESENTMENT: Assertiveness Training is the most effective way to learn how to say no to resentment and requests that are not in your best interest. Take the home study course,“Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence.” You get a 46-page manual, PLUS six lessons, over eight hours of audio instruction and live coaching with students, $149.97, money back guarantee.

Read more and order:

“Thank you Dr. Jeanette for your Assertiveness Training course, I loved it. I learned I was often being aggressive rather than being assertive. The difference is huge, both in regard to my actions and the results I get.” — Kevin from the UK

FREE BONUS: Order the Assertiveness Training home study course above and get the one-hour self-help audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment,” for free. Worth $29.97.


FEELING GUILTY? The guilt busting audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment,” explains how learned mental judgments create guilt and deliver guilt to others. The session explains the energy of guilt and offers the listener healthy ways to replace guilty behavior with effective communication skills for more loving relationships. One-hour personal growth audio, $29.97. Money back guarantee.

Order the personal growth audio, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment for $29.97, money back guarantee.

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GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR FEELINGS: Study the eBook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” Buy at Amazon for $3.99

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Relationship Advice: Trust What Works and Who Shows Up

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Trust What Works.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you trust your intuition?
Do you trust other people?
Do you trust your ego?

Let us explore what is trustable and what is not trustable. You cannot trust something that is not solid, firm and secure. On the other hand you can trust any energy that is solid, firm and secure.

For example, you can trust gravity. Gravity is a law on planet earth and this energy is solid, firm and secure. You will not go flying off into space if you relax, let go, and sink into gravity. Neither will you go flying off into space if you are tense, controlling, and pulling up away from gravity! Gravity holds you securely here whether you trust her or not!

This is the kind of reality I like to put my trust in. I trust what works instead of what does not work. Every day I pay attention to my relationship with gravity. I trust gravity and let my body relax, sink into her, and trust her to protect me and keep me safe. Teaching others how to do the same is the fundamental reason my Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course is effective.

On the other hand, I do not trust beliefs, theories, thoughts, and words. Beliefs have flimsy, unreliable energy, which are often based on false information. Trusting beliefs results in unsure footing. Your ego is based on false beliefs, rules, shoulds, and should nots. Therefore, your ego is not trustable. Neither is anyone else’s!

What do you trust?

If you do not have something or someone you trust, you are distrustful. Distrustful people have anxiety, depression, paranoia, and other mental health problems. In addition, distrustful people have trouble making love, being open, and vulnerable with other people. Therefore, distrustful people do not have fulfilling and satisfying relationships.

Paranoia is the only mental health problem that my holistic psychology approach has a low success rate in. This is because paranoid people do not trust anything or anyone. To get the help you need in unlearning your past conditioning, you must trust your holistic psychologist. Without some degree of trust, no one can lead you out of the darkness.

Developing trust is essential for good mental health. The more you trust, the happier and healthier you will be. Trust takes you into the moment and into the future where all is well. Trust is the foundation that you stand on to shine and flourish.

My suggestion is to start with one energy you trust. You must find something or someone to completely place your trust in. Nature was the place I started. Trees were easy to trust for me. From there I branched out into many other energies I count on and depend on.

Trust any energy that is solid, firm and secure. Do not trust energy that is flimsy, weak and insecure.


TRUST YOUR BODY: Your physical body cannot and does not lie. Trust your body and love your body for more self-confidence and better holistic health. Learn how to listen to your body and trust the information it knows that your brain does not know. One-hour tele-seminar, “Hear Your Body Talking,” $29.97, money back guarantee.

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TRUST ASSERTIVENESS: You cannot trust your controlling ego; it will be passive and aggressive. Trust your authentic self to stand up for yourself. Assertiveness Training is the most effective way to become more solid, firm and secure. “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence” is a 46-page manual, PLUS six lessons, over eight hours of audio instruction and coaching, $149.97, guaranteed.

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“Thank you Dr. Jeanette for your Assertiveness Training course, I loved it. I learned I was often being aggressive rather than being assertive. The difference is huge, both in regard to my actions and the results I get.” — Kevin from the UK


DEPRESSION HELP: Learn more about depression, how you learned to depress your energy and solutions to being depressed. Listen to the seminar on “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free.” One-hour audio, $29.97, money-back guarantee.

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Self Esteem Tip: Self Confidence is Based on Reality, Not What You Think!

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Look in the mirror for a photo of me.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Honest Feedback
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Do you see yourself realistically?

Last night I was pondering one of my teachers’ writings, teachings, and behaviors. I love him and that is the reason I choose him to be my teacher. I resonate with him. This means my vibration is similar to his vibration.

However, he made a comment in his book about how warm and fuzzy he was. Since I have spent time with him in person I was surprised to hear him say he was warm and fuzzy. I did not find him to be huggable. I checked with a friend who attended his workshop and she did not find him to be warm and fuzzy either.

We all have blind spots and these blind spots can appear to be ridiculous to others. So, I wondered about myself. How realistically do I see myself? I think I am warm and fuzzy, am I? Given the number of people who say I give good hugs and ask for more, huggable has a high probability of being correct for me.

To be huggable all the time would not be authentic. When under stress we respond to the stressful stimuli with either anxiety or solutions. So, give yourself and others room to be the full range of human at all times.

Nevertheless, I am intrigued about what others see in me that I do not see. I still thank my post-doc supervisor, Joseph Wolfe, M.D. who asked me, in his charming South African accent, “And exactly what was the reason you said that to your male client at that point in the interview, Dr. Keller?” I was stunted, I had no clinical or scientific reason.

I was Dr. Doris Jeanette Keller at the time and Dr. Wolpe’s comments sent me into a deep depression, feeling criticized, attacked, and inadequate. Thankfully, I looked underneath my defensive reaction to discover I was criticizing myself for being a terrible therapist. Joe’s honest feedback helped me become more realistic about myself as a beginning therapist. He was after all, teaching me how to be a better therapist.

Then there was the bass jazz player who sent me crying all the way home through Rittenhouse Square one cold, late night in Philadelphia. His simple words, “You have a chip on your shoulder,” wounded me to the core and helped eliminate another blind spot.

You cannot be self-confident if you are unrealistic about yourself. If you do not stand on solid ground, you are insecure, weak, and scared. A self-confident person knows her strengths and weaknesses. Self-confident people have no reason to defend against the truth.

My teacher’s blind spot has inspired me to make a conscious effort to see more of my blind spots this week. How about joining me in my personal growth adventure? Use feedback, energy flow, and behavior to help you become more realistic.

Self-confidence Building Tips:
1.    Notice the non-verbal feedback you get from others
2.    Listen to verbal feedback and notice your reaction
3.    Do not assume someone is criticizing you
4.    Look at yourself in mirrors and in glass panes
5.    Be self-accepting when you see tension
6.    Be self-accepting when you notice judgments

What I am suggesting you do requires moving pass the first major turning point in personal growth. Some fall back at this point and do not move forward. They do not want to see themselves realistically.

Here is a secret power tool to help you be successful making the cut. I call this the First Trick in Transformation: Do not judge that which you find. You will enjoy the process of discovering new blind spots if you do not make yourself wrong or bad about the truths you discover.

Instead, relax, let go,  and trust the process of transformation to take you to a new level of self-confidence.


LEARN MORE ABOUT TRANSFORMATION:  Study the emotional health audio, Opening the Heart, on a daily basis. Includes information about the First Trick in Transformation and helps you stay with yourself though the different stages of personal growth. Delivered in a lullaby sounding voice that is comforting to the heart, body, and soul. 3 hours of self-help audio, $97.00, money back guarantee.

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Order before Saturday, May 32 and receive the written transcript worth $19.97 for free.


ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Take the Assertiveness Training Course home study course “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence.” Recognize your passive and aggressive behavior and become assertive. Learning how to be assertive helps you be more realistic about yourself so you have more self-confidence. Stand in your power and enjoy it! $149.97, money-back guarantee.

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END OF MAY SPECIAL: Order the Assertiveness Training course before May 31 and get the Body Language audio, “Hear Your Body Talking” worth $29.97 for free!


USE BODY LANGUAGE FEEDBACK: Your body cannot lie and it reveals the truth about you. Become more aware of your body language. Use body feedback to be realistic so your self-esteem improves. Study “Hear Your Body Talking.” One-hour audio, $29.97, guaranteed.

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Self-Esteem Tip: Reduce Your Anxiety to Get Comfortable



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Kick back and relax like a baby.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Comfortable.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Being comfortable with yourself is not simple, easy, or clear. One person can be self-confident about how they dress, another feels proud when they create new software. One person can be sure of how they relate to others, while another is certain they can make plenty of money. However, these single talents do not necessarily create a person who is comfortable with themselves as they move about the world.

Consider, the loud-mouthed man in the train car behind me right this minute. He is saying over and over again, “It doesn’t matter what you think about me. All that matters is what I think about me. I am the only one who stands in my way.” He is saying all the “right” things that could make you “think” he posses self-confidence.

However, from his volume, tones, pitch and energy you know he is suffering from extremely low self-esteem. His repetition could indicate a more serious mental health problem. In any case, he thinks he has self-esteem and he does not.

Often, the people who think they are self-confident and are not, are the ones in charge of Every-Thing. Every-Thing refers to governments, religions, corporations, banks, education, medicine, and psychology. These are the people who run the world and tell us what we can do and what we cannot do and how we must do what we do.

So, what is this elusive thing called self-esteem? Where is it and how can you get more of it?  Being comfortable with yourself in your physical body, in space, is the true measure of self-confidence. Naturally, the more situations you are comfortable in, the better.  Also, take note of when you are comfortable being uncomfortable.

It is only a self-confident man who admits he doesn’t know something, needs help, and is confused. It is the self-confident woman who admits she is fearful, anxious, or unsure. Becoming comfortable with all the different aspects of your body, mind, and heart is the pathway to genuine self-esteem. There are plenty of aspects to being human that will keep your personal growth and professional development programs active for the rest of your life.

So, no matter where you rate yourself on self-esteem, take note of the places you are comfortable and enjoy them. Comfortable means relaxed, with little tension in your body. Comfortable means no thought in your mind that makes you feel bad and tighten up.

Pay attention to the times you are uncomfortable and see what makes you anxious. Invest time, effort, and money into reducing your anxiety. Without anxiety, you become more comfortable in more places, with a greater variety of people. The more your anxiety comes down, the more your self-esteem goes up.

The more self-confidence you have, the more comfortable you are being in the world. Soon, you kick back and enjoy being yourself in a situation where you used to be uncomfortable. When you notice this new behavior, you are surprised and pleased with yourself.


NEED HELP BEING COMFORTABLE? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. Leads you step by step into feeling your body and being more comfortable with its many aspects. Learn how to tame your inner critics, breathe, feel your emotions, and have more fun being comfortable in lots more places.

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BECOME MORE ASSERTIVE: Psychological research has shown that being assertive reduces your anxiety level in many situations. Consider how much better your life would be if you were comfortable with others and able to express yourself without anxiety.

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Energy and Light Therapy for Winter Blues and Grey Days


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More snow? Get out and enjoy it!




Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Light Energy.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach


Feeling blue? Sad?  Grey?
Is the weather affecting your energy level?

Hanging out with family members this week in sunny Colorado, we were sharing the effects and benefits sunlight has on us. Usually Colorado, USA is sunny in the winter except when it is snowing.

However, with all the current unusual weather patterns, Glenwood Springs, CO had been cloudy for 6 days and nights.  Boo hoo.  As a result of the clouds, I did not get to directly experience one of my favorite activities: cross-country skiing in the moonlight.

Another consequence of the sixth cloudy day in Glenwood was no one in my Colorado family was energetic, except the 2 and 5 year olds, who were running around the living room as usual.  Everyone else was sitting close to the windows, drinking tea and reading their computers.

What about you? Have you been feeling blue, sad or depressed this winter?  Is your energy level low? Have you been staying indoors too long? Are you light deprived?

Notice your mood, emotions and energy levels. When you feel sad, take note of the light in your life.  Light comes from the sun but the sun is not the only source for the healthy vibrations you need to feel better, stronger and more alive.  Light is energy and everything has energy.

If you pay attention, you can notice what has more energy and light and what has less energy and light.  For example, look at the books on your bookshelf.  Some books have more light than others. Toss out or give away the heavy, dark, dense books. If you do, you are sure to feel lighter. For even more light, reread a wonderful book full of light.

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person, you are probably more affected by low light than the average person.  As a HSP you also have a higher probability of feeling the light energy that does or does not exist in the world around you.  Why not put your sensitive nature to work to help you become more aware of the amount of light and energy in the world around you?

Even if you are not a Highly Sensitive Person, you can increase your ability to sense light and energy.  Keep practicing by taking a look at your thoughts and see which ones have less light. Those negative, heavy, dark thoughts need to be tossed!  See which thoughts bring more light into your world and pay attention to these higher vibrations more often.

Do not stay stuck in feeling grey and depressed.  After you become aware of what has more light and energy, take appropriate action. Do that which brings more light and energy into your world.


HIGHLY SENSITIVE? If you are a HSP and do not fully trust your feelings, senses and intuition read and study the special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” Learn what you need to unlearn so that you can fully use your HSP gift to your advantage.  31 page PDF file, $19.97.

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FEELING BLUE?  Learn more about the difference between the energy that makes you grey and the energy that is healthy and flowing. The first section in HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love, explains the difference between energy that is controlling, out of control and healthy. You can read any Amazon Ebook on your computer by downloading a reader and you can order a PDF file directly from me via email. Only $3.99. Order from Amazon:

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RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS? If your relationship has you feeling blue and grey, learn the exact steps you need to take to feel better, more secure and stronger. The 7 steps are the same if you are currently in a relationship, breaking up or getting a divorce. “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” gives you the empathy you need and outlines the exact steps that stop the blues. 13 pages; $9.97; PDF

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Good Sexual Health Leads to Mental Health and Happiness


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Dancing Freely, Red Earth Pow Wow, Doris Jeanette

Free your body and let it move for good sexual health.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Seek Sexual Health.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Several well-executed research studies have shown that people who enjoy sexual activities are physically healthier than people who do not. Study after study has also shown that people who enjoy physical activities are mentally healthier than people who do not.

So? What about you?

Do you enjoy sexual and physical activities? If not, begin to put more of these two healthy body movements into your daily routine.

If you are alone, single or your partner is not interested, know that you can enjoy sensual, healthy, delicious body movements on your own. You do not need anyone else to be physical, sensual and healthy in mind and body!

This is because good sexual health is based on your relationship with your own body and sexual self. Sexual health is not based on the biological definition of sex, which refers only to sexual intercourse.

Do you spend time nourishing and loving your body and sexual self? If you do not love your own body and sexual self, how could you expect others to love you? They can’t. Your lack of good sexual health keeps others at bay. Therefore, nothing fun, exciting and romantic for Valentine’s Day is going to happen between you and your beloved.

If you are afraid or uncomfortable with the sensuous parts of yourself, you are inhibited. Your inhibition keeps healthy energy and other people away. You do not move your body freely. You do not express your sensuous nature with joy. This inhibition is what blocks the healthy energy from entering your cells and body.

The Results of Poor Sexual Health are:
1. Weaker cells which are more vulnerable to all sorts of diseases.
2. Weaker connection to others, which results in depression and isolation.
3. Premature ejaculation, sex addiction and erectile dysfunction for men.
4. Lack of desire and inability to have a full body orgasm for women and men.

To improve your sexual health, you need to become more comfortable with your body and how sensuous it is in everyday life. To be successful meeting your body’s needs, you must let go of control. All sexual health problems are due to your inability to let go of control. You cannot enjoy your sexual self if you are in control.

You cannot “will” an orgasm. You cannot make yourself have a whole body orgasm, even though women have tried to fake it for centuries. You cannot “will” the benefits of loving your sexual self. You cannot make your body healthier until you let go of control. Control is unhealthy. Inhibiting yourself makes you weak, rigid and unhappy.

To become more alive, you must move all of your body and that means your pelvis, genitals and breasts freely. Not mechanically. Not with yoga. To be healthy in mind and body you must love all of you without judgment. That means your skin, breasts, nervous system and physical needs.

To get the benefits of healthy sexual and physical activities, you must let go of control and let your body lead the way. Then your cells can enjoy the fresh, new, vital energy you are no longer withholding from them.

See your cells soaking up this much needed energy! Yum.


WANT BETTER SEXUAL HEALTH? The home study course, FOR MEN: BECOME A BETTER LOVER, shows you step by step how to slow down and get more comfortable in your body. You are guided into letting go of control in a safe and secure fashion with the added benefits of some good sex therapy information and advice. This course has happily helped men around the world get a smile on their face. 10 lessons, 7 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $199.97.

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FOR WOMEN: Take the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. It shows you how to safely and securely let go of control and become more present in your body. Get the emotional support and body exercises you need to become more comfortable touching your own body and being grounded in the moment. This course has improved the lives of many women in many countries. 10 lessons, 5 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $149.97.

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FREE BONUS: Order either course above and get a free audio worth $29.97 of your choice at: If you need help in deciding which personal growth audio is best for you, email me and ask for help. Contact information at


LOVE YOUR BODY: The personal growth audio, 3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking, helps you appreciate your physical form. Learn how to take better care of your body for greater holistic health just in time for Valentine’s Day! One hour, CD or mp3, totally guaranteed, $29.97.


NEED HELP BECOMING MORE LOVING? Set up an Energy Retreat or private session with Dr. Jeanette to become more aware of what is happening in your body, heart, mind and energy field. Begin to read, feel and sense the inner and outer realities that are affecting you. Dr. Jeanette is currently available in Glenwood Spring, CO for in-person Energy Retreats and in-person private energy sessions until February 19. Email or Call 215-732-6197 to set up your session. Phone sessions are always available.

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Relationship Advice: Open Your Heart to Increase Natural Health and Wellness


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Touch others often.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: To connect with others.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:


Were you able to explore, find or plug into another person this week? Better than before? Or with a new person?

Last week I explained the magic that happens between you and another person when both of you are open and let each other close. The extra energy that you experience when you are plugged into another person is amazingly strong. This is the reason opening your heart is so beneficial to your health and wellness.

When you connect with another person, you literally have more healthy energy available to you to use as you please. This automatically makes you stronger in body and mind. Just being close to one other person gives you many natural health and wellness benefits. You feel better about yourself, have more self-confidence, feel saner, more grounded and loved. This is just for starters.

This energy exchange between you and others is potent. Do not just think of romantic love; that is of course, potent. However, the mother and child relationship and the friend relationship are equally potent. The mother and child relationship is the first and most potent relationship.

Therein lies the problem most people have with intimacy. Not to blame mothers, my wish is to make you more aware of how important it is to be attached to your mother in a healthy way. If your mother was not good at attachment or you have an unhealthy attachment with your mother, then you need to correct this relationship problem now.

As an adult, you can learn to be emotionally and physically attached to others in a healthy, emotionally mature fashion. There is no reason to blame yourself or your mother. There is nothing missing from your learning that you cannot supply yourself. You can learn to feel safe and comfortable being open so others can connect with you.

Take the time to invest in yourself so you experience the natural health and wellness benefits of being connected to other human beings.


NEED HELP CONNECTING? The 3 hour “Opening the Heart” audio was made in a sound studio with my comforting voice. Allow me to guide you into your genuine feelings and emotions. Learn to sort through your ego, thoughts and conditioning to find your emotional truths so you connect with others and experience the increased energy flow. Money back guarantee, $97.00.

FREE BONUS: Order before Monday, December 16 to get the “Opening the Heart” Ebook worth $19.97. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.

Read more and order Opening the Heart audio:


ALREADY OWN “OPENING THE HEART” AUDIO? You may be a highly sensitive person who had a mother who was not highly sensitive. Learn how to overcome the problems from the past and find your inner strengths. Read and study the special report, “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person,” 31 page PDF file, $19.97 money back guarantee.
Read more and order “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.”


FOR MEN: NEED HELP CONNECTING? Take the “For Men: Become a Better Lover” home study course to get rid of your anxiety, fear and judgments that are keeping you from plugging into others with comfort and ease.

Read more and order:

FOR WOMEN: Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” It helps you overcome your anxiety so you can let go of control and enjoy making love.

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