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Dancing Freely, Red Earth Pow Wow, Doris Jeanette
Free your body and let it move for good sexual health.
The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Seek Sexual Health.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Live at the Edge:
Several well-executed research studies have shown that people who enjoy sexual activities are physically healthier than people who do not. Study after study has also shown that people who enjoy physical activities are mentally healthier than people who do not.
So? What about you?
Do you enjoy sexual and physical activities? If not, begin to put more of these two healthy body movements into your daily routine.
If you are alone, single or your partner is not interested, know that you can enjoy sensual, healthy, delicious body movements on your own. You do not need anyone else to be physical, sensual and healthy in mind and body!
This is because good sexual health is based on your relationship with your own body and sexual self. Sexual health is not based on the biological definition of sex, which refers only to sexual intercourse.
Do you spend time nourishing and loving your body and sexual self? If you do not love your own body and sexual self, how could you expect others to love you? They can’t. Your lack of good sexual health keeps others at bay. Therefore, nothing fun, exciting and romantic for Valentine’s Day is going to happen between you and your beloved.
If you are afraid or uncomfortable with the sensuous parts of yourself, you are inhibited. Your inhibition keeps healthy energy and other people away. You do not move your body freely. You do not express your sensuous nature with joy. This inhibition is what blocks the healthy energy from entering your cells and body.
The Results of Poor Sexual Health are:
1. Weaker cells which are more vulnerable to all sorts of diseases.
2. Weaker connection to others, which results in depression and isolation.
3. Premature ejaculation, sex addiction and erectile dysfunction for men.
4. Lack of desire and inability to have a full body orgasm for women and men.
To improve your sexual health, you need to become more comfortable with your body and how sensuous it is in everyday life. To be successful meeting your body’s needs, you must let go of control. All sexual health problems are due to your inability to let go of control. You cannot enjoy your sexual self if you are in control.
You cannot “will” an orgasm. You cannot make yourself have a whole body orgasm, even though women have tried to fake it for centuries. You cannot “will” the benefits of loving your sexual self. You cannot make your body healthier until you let go of control. Control is unhealthy. Inhibiting yourself makes you weak, rigid and unhappy.
To become more alive, you must move all of your body and that means your pelvis, genitals and breasts freely. Not mechanically. Not with yoga. To be healthy in mind and body you must love all of you without judgment. That means your skin, breasts, nervous system and physical needs.
To get the benefits of healthy sexual and physical activities, you must let go of control and let your body lead the way. Then your cells can enjoy the fresh, new, vital energy you are no longer withholding from them.
See your cells soaking up this much needed energy! Yum.
WANT BETTER SEXUAL HEALTH? The home study course, FOR MEN: BECOME A BETTER LOVER, shows you step by step how to slow down and get more comfortable in your body. You are guided into letting go of control in a safe and secure fashion with the added benefits of some good sex therapy information and advice. This course has happily helped men around the world get a smile on their face. 10 lessons, 7 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $199.97.
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FOR WOMEN: Take the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. It shows you how to safely and securely let go of control and become more present in your body. Get the emotional support and body exercises you need to become more comfortable touching your own body and being grounded in the moment. This course has improved the lives of many women in many countries. 10 lessons, 5 hours of audio. Totally guaranteed, $149.97.
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FREE BONUS: Order either course above and get a free audio worth $29.97 of your choice at: If you need help in deciding which personal growth audio is best for you, email me and ask for help. Contact information at
LOVE YOUR BODY: The personal growth audio, 3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking, helps you appreciate your physical form. Learn how to take better care of your body for greater holistic health just in time for Valentine’s Day! One hour, CD or mp3, totally guaranteed, $29.97.
NEED HELP BECOMING MORE LOVING? Set up an Energy Retreat or private session with Dr. Jeanette to become more aware of what is happening in your body, heart, mind and energy field. Begin to read, feel and sense the inner and outer realities that are affecting you. Dr. Jeanette is currently available in Glenwood Spring, CO for in-person Energy Retreats and in-person private energy sessions until February 19. Email or Call 215-732-6197 to set up your session. Phone sessions are always available.
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