How to Feel Your Feelings and Feel Better

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Accept Your Feelings.


It is the end of 2020, a rough year for most of us. This means feeling bad is normal, healthy and sane. Many have lost loved ones. All of us have lost something precious and dear to us. Have you lost your health, wealth, job, friend, pet, travel? If you give yourself the luxury of grieving before the start of the New Year, it will improve your holistic health.

Grieving takes time, patience and self-love. 

Accepting your feelings, no matter what you feel, is an act of self-love. Whenever you are in touch with your emotional self, you know how you feel. When you are not in touch with your emotional self, you do not know how you feel. This means the first step is to find and listen to your emotional self so you know what you feel. The goal for excellent emotional health is to know what you feel twenty-four hours a day.

Here is a Body-Emotional-Energy Exercise to help you discover what you feel:

Stop everything and sit down. Do not move until you know how you sincerely feel inside. Give yourself time to stop thinking and start feeling. Touch your body anywhere you feel tight and tense. Breathe into this physical area. Take a deep breath and exhale. As you exhale, let go and feel what you feel. Slowly keep breathing deep breaths. Feel what you feel as you exhale. If you stay with yourself, some sort of fear or hurt will bubble up inside of you. After you acknowledge what you feel, sit with your feelings as long as you can and accept your emotional reality. Keep breathing and go about your day with more awareness of your inside and outside realities.

The purpose of feeling your feelings is to feel better and be more alive. It is not to get stuck in depression or anxiety. Once you know how you feel, it is helpful to stay with your emotions and allow them to move and resolve. Natural, healthy grieving comes and goes in waves. Be a surfer and ride your emotions to shore. Sometimes you ride smoothly and sometimes you fall off. Be kind with yourself.

The exciting news is that as soon as you feel a genuine emotion, its energy changes into another color and off you go into completely new territory. To help you stay in this colorful flow, write. Psychological research shows that writing is an effective way to process your feelings and keep the energy moving so that you feel so much better afterwards. 

To help you process your emotions, do this writing exercise: 

Pick up a pen or your computer and write about how you feel for 15-20 minutes. Just write, do not judge, edit or stop the words from flowing. After you finish, put your writing away and go about your day. You can come back later and read what you wrote or not. What is important is that you are expressing your feelings instead of controlling them. Write for at least four days in a row to get great results. 

If you get stuck in depressed or anxious energy, then you need to make an active conscious effort to get up and move. I call it the ACE. Walk, dance, sing, do the laundry, wash the dishes. Any physical activity will help you stay out of the deadly mental states. When you experience depression or anxiety you are stuck in a rigid mental state, you are not feeling your emotions. After an ACE, come back and write about your emotions once again. 

Let my people grieve. Could be a Broadway show. Let my people grieve to free themselves from anxiety and depression. Keep breathing and feeling.

========== ====================

GET HELP FEELING AND BREATHING: The Opening the Heart audio series is a guide into your emotions and feelings. You find your emotional self on the first audio called Feelings. You learn the difference between real fear and anxiety in the second hour, Fear. The last hour, When You’re Hurting helps you stay in your hurt so it becomes less and less of a problem. Just the sounds of my voice are healing, relaxing and comforting to your heart and soul. 100% guaranteed. $97.00. 

Read More and Order Opening the Heart:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with it friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Use Your Common Sense to Stay Safe and Achieve Mental Health

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Common Sense.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

When I lost my sense of smell and taste a few years ago, many of the
small pleasures in life disappeared. My body seemed to be going
through a cleansing and soon, my taste buds and magnificent nose
returned. Now, these small pleasures of smelling, eating and drinking
are the great joys of my life. As I go to bed at night on my heavenly
cloud, I look forward to the smell of delicious coffee in the morning
as I brew it like the French.

Interesting that losing your sense of smell and taste is one of the
signs of being sick with the current monster virus. Anything that
attacks your senses permanently is to be avoided, so I trust you are
taking good care of yourself. Use your common sense to stay safe and
sound as you celebrate Thanksgiving. Common sense is lacking in many
people as they move unconsciously through their life. Step away from
any ordinary and mundane experience, into your senses— so you can
enjoy more vibrant moments.

Common sense is the end result of using all your senses to make
decisions. You have taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. These are
the five senses most people talk about. There are others, we can
explore later. With the virus around you, touch yourself more often.
Hug yourself. Put two hands on your body to feel it, know it and
reassure it. This is one of the new body energy exercises I use in
the Overcoming Anxiety Naturally home study course. If you are aware
of your body and relaxed in your body—you do not experience anxiety.
Seriously, try it.

Make your Thanksgiving fun and enjoyable. Use your senses to add
color and flavor to everything you do. Touch your body and live in
it. Being body-ful not only reduces your anxiety, it also boosts your
immune system.

Use your common sense to enjoy this wild body trip on planet earth.
Being in the flesh during a pandemic. Wow!


REDUCE YOUR ANXIETY: Learn how to use the new body energy
exercises to become more aware of your physical form which directly
connects you to Mother Earth and gravity. When you breathe and
feel your body, you know how to stay safe during anything. Ten
written lessons guide you out of your scary thoughts into reality. Five
hours of audio help you feel your emotions and stay in touch. Take
the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally for $199.99
Full refund if you want it after the third lesson.

Read more and order home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Use Your Imagination During a Pandemic

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Imagination.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Energy and Transformational Teacher

You may have heard that psychological research shows over and over
again that imagining something is as good as physically doing
something. Tis true. Sometimes, imagining something is even better
than actually doing it.

So, I have been saying to myself each morning, “I am on vacation.
What do I want to do today? Shall I drive to that park or this park?
Or shall I explore a new area I have never been before?”

Travel is not the best thing to be doing right now for most of us.
However, traveling in your imagination works wonders. What fun it is
to use your imagination to create a better experience for yourself. I
have been having a ball on my vacation. If you live in a place that
does not have much to offer, be creative and clever. Use your
imagination to improve your life in all regards.

Do not live in a fantasy, pretending the virus is not real or alive.
Instead, create a more appealing, safe reality for yourself. When I
am on vacation I allow myself to do what I want to do in the way and
time that I want to do it. I give myself more breaks from how much
does that cost and should I or should I not do this. This use of my
imagination creates an opportunity for more creativity, freedom and
fun to occur in each moment. As a result, more vibrant moments are
likely to occur. Most importantly, my priorities are in the proper
place. Petty things do not bother me.

Some Suggestions for How to Use Your Imagination:

Imagine yourself getting a massage
See yourself walking in the mountains, getting exercise
Visualize yourself at the beach swimming
Hear the sounds of the birds singing in the rainforest
Smell the roses at your favorite garden
Feel the wide-open spaces that are out west with your whole body
Imagine you are a bard who knows magic
Sink into bed and have fun imaging anything you desire

Make your visualizations as real and true as possible. Include
details. Add feelings and all your senses. Once in my youth, I
pitched my women’s softball team to a championship by practicing at
night on my pillow. I never pitched before! Visualizing something
really works. Enrich your life by seeing what you want and need.

If you imagine something, it becomes a physical reality. Tis,
one of the many wonders of our human species.


USE YOUR HUMAN POTENTIAL: If you are a highly sensitive person
with lots of feelings, learn how to use your senses to be intuitive. If you
do, you outshine those who are not so sensitive to energy.

Order my special report “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive
Person.” Get the guidance you need to accept, develop and use your
HSP skills to your advantage. 31 page PDF file, $19.97.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Get Rid of Guilt and Feel Good About Yourself

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Say No to Guilt.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Energy and Transformational Teacher


I was in such a deep, heavenly sleep that I did not want to leave the sweet refrain. I knew I was asleep and also knew I was enjoying every moment. Then, my brain tells me that I need to get up and make the coffee so I can start writing before it gets too late. Guilt was the result of that single thought.

This sweet state of consciousness is the one Thomas Edison found to be most helpful to his creativity. He would put a pot on his head, sit in a chair and try to go to sleep. He did not want to go completely asleep, he wanted to stay in that delicious place between sleep and awake when he could find his next brilliant idea. The pot would fall and keep him from sleeping.

Guilt is a nasty energy that keeps us in a controlled state much of the time with, “You should not sleep late. You should get up and work.” Even if I happen to enjoy my work, my bully brain, my ego still wants to control me with the what, when and so forth. Guilt in any form, for any reason, is harmful to you. Always say no to guilt because it is one of the major ways your ego keeps you from being creative, intuitive and free.

You need to know that guilt is not needed to “make you do the right thing.” There is no right or wrong, only experiences to learn from. If you listen to your heart and your true self you are naturally loving, firm and assertive. So, the struggle is between your controlled, conditioned brain and your heart.

If you choose to live a life without guilt, you are creative, intuitive and free. If you want good mental health you say no to guilt as often as needed to stay sane, strong and safe. When you follow your heart more vibrant moments pop into your experience on earth. Vibrant moments are what I enjoy.

How to get rid of guilt?

  1. Become conscious of your judgments against yourself or others.

Making someone else wrong is the same vibration as making yourself wrong. Mental judgments have a heavier, denser energy that you can learn to feel and sense. Notice them as soon as you can.

  1. Say “No, no, no” to your judgments as soon as you notice them.

I used to throw mine in the air and shoot them with an imaginary gun. Create some physical activity to help you get rid of them. If you include the body and movement, it accelerates the unlearning process. You can also get rid of dense mental energy by throwing it on the ground. Find your own way, be creative.

Choose to live a guilt free life for the earth children. Show them the way to avoid mental illness and suicide.


SAY GOOBYE TO GUILT: Get the information and coaching you need to say no to guilt and hello to freedom and creativity. Guilt is sticky energy. Learn how to recognize guilt and remove it from your body and energy field. A one-hour tele-seminar, “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” gets you started and helps you continue to unlearn your guilt response. Money-back guarantee on all products at Use over and over again to help you as you move forward.

Read more and order “Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment” audio.

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Sign up for The Vibrant Moment, a free holistic psychology newsletter.

Dr. Doris Jeanette has been called,”all heart,”a “monster tamer,” and “brilliant,” for her ability to teach people how to achieve mental health without drugs or talk therapy. As The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, her “co-therapist is Nature” and she does “the work of the gods.” Doris is author of “Opening the Heart” and fifteen other holistic health products based on her body-emotional-energy approach. For more information sign up for her free newsletter, The Vibrant Moment.

Sign up for Dr. Jeanette’s free newsletter, The Vibrant Moment, for free alternative therapy information, research and holistic health ways to achieve good mental health.

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    The late, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross loved Dr. Jeanette’s “Opening the Heart,” “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love it. I am going to recommend it in my newsletter.” 

    Opening the Heart, an emotional health guide, is available as ebook or audio.

    The best way to contact Dr. Doris Jeanette is email. Find her address at her major website,

    How to Flourish During a Pandemic and Psyche Attack

    The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Lathe Thyself With Love.
    Tools from the Center for New Psychology
    Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Transformational Teacher and Mentor


    “Lathe thyself with love.”

    At a Jean Houston workshop in NYC in 1983, Jean shared a story about
    Margret Mead. Jean was close to Margaret at the time and overheard
    her talking to herself in her room as she woke up in the morning. It
    sounded as if Margaret was moving and stretching as she talked to
    herself. I cannot remember the exact words, but it was something
    along the lines of, “I am so happy with myself. I am so glad to be
    me. It is oh, so, delightful to just be me.”

    This was a rare story of someone who was not only comfortable talking
    to herself, but was also at ease being sincerely pleased with herself.
    Unfortunately, self-love is not easy for most of us to enjoy, experience
    and sustain over time. This is because loving yourself is forbidden
    and even considered a sin by some religions. As a result, it is hard
    to be tender with yourself without hearing judgments in your head.

    If others love you, it is ok—for a bit. However, you should not love
    yourself. If you do, your Inner Critic calls you selfish, narcissistic and
    crazy. Tis Strange— when you really step back and look at it, isn’t it?
    Very peculiar.

    After all, self-love is the heart of what any good therapist, coach
    or mentor teaches you. Step by step, they lead you to the pot of gold
    at the end of the rainbow that lives in your heart. When you sense
    your inner truths, loving energy is always present. As soon as you
    feel the reality of the universal loving energy that lives in your
    heart, self-love is possible.

    It took me a few years after hearing this story about Margaret Mead,
    to make a conscious choice that I was indeed worthy of being loved.
    And it was a conscious choice. For 35 years the negative judgments I
    had learned about the real me were dominant in my psyche. One by
    one, as they hit me, I lay the nasty comments about the lazy, relaxed,
    disorganized, selfish, creative, colorful, crazy me, dead at my feet.

    My therapy, workshops and self-care were growing corn. Finally, to
    myself, and in my own mind—I decided that I was indeed, good enough
    as a person, that it was all right for me to let go of control and
    love who I really was. Profound. I knew for sure that I could trust
    my heart and follow it. My heart was wise and I would do no harm. All
    I needed to do was be responsible for my actions.

    Do not confuse self-praise with self-love. Praising yourself for
    something is an act of the ego. You can be pleased with yourself if
    you make a lot of money, have a lot of friends, have a lover, get a
    degree or job and so on. This is not self-love. Self-love is
    accepting who you really are inside, without having to do anything.

    If you listen to your heart, you discover that you are inherently a
    good person. This knowledge is the turning point. I could never go
    backward after knowing that I was born lovable. From my conscious
    choice forward— I was glad to be me. However, life did not stop
    throwing new judgments at me.

    It appears the Inner Critic does not die a permanent death. Our ego
    seems to be like a virus that is out of control for a while and kills
    a lot of people. Eventually, you become stronger than the virus.
    However, the virus does not completely disappear, even after we get a
    vaccine and medication! Antibiotics can kill the bubonic plague, yet
    it is still lurking around with all the other viruses!

    Thus said, you can tame your ego but cannot destroy it. The moment
    you choose to love your true self, you become much stronger.
    Self-love gives you a healthy immune system and lots of vibrant
    moments. But you must make this choice over and over again. So, the
    next time you feel down in the dumps, look around for your ego. It is
    attacking you. You could choose to shift out of self-judgment and
    lathe thyself with love!

    Notice how much and how often you truly love yourself this week.
    Notice how much and how often you judge yourself this week and for

    If you need help in feeling the energy difference between your sneaky
    ego and your real self, study the Opening the Heart audio. In the first
    thirty minutes you get a lesson you never forget.

    Read more suggestions for coping with stress, depression and anxiety.


    SUPER SUMMER SALE: Order the Opening the Heart audio series on
    feelings, fear and hurt for only $49.97. Regular price is $97.97.
    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross praised the emotional health audio because
    they provide the step by step guidance needed to love yourself and
    others. Order by Sunday, July 26 to get discount. Use coupon HEART

    Read more and order Opening the Heart:

    If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
    colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
    years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
    unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

    How to Deal with Frustration and Helplessness

    The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Bend with the Wind.
    Tools from the Center for New Psychology
    Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


    Major worldwide events, one after another, are adding more and more
    stress every day to your nervous system. How to cope? What can you
    do? Are you riding the ups and downs so you are moving forward?
    Or are you stuck in denial?

    External stress is triggering our chronic and acute anxieties. When
    you cannot control the events in your world, it is normal to feel
    helpless. Helplessness is our current worldwide human feeling. An
    unhealthy, ineffective way to deal with helplessness is to become
    frustrated. When you are frustrated you often become hostile. When
    you are hostile you often act out your feelings on others or objects.
    Such as— rape, physical abuse and looting.

    Instead of acting out how you feel, which is not effective, you could
    feel how you feel and do nothing. Strong emotions and feelings give
    you information about external and internal realities. Information needs
    to be absorbed and processed. It does not need to be reacted to with
    knee jerk responses. Reactions are not effective. You could receive,
    accept and use information to move out of helplessness into

    This simple, basic choice is yours at any moment of the day or night.
    You feel helpless, like a child. You feel helpless, like a woman. You
    feel helpless, like a black man. You encounter “city hall,” as I like
    to call it. You hit the rigid structures of your government, society
    and parents. You hit energy that will not bend, move or adjust. Rigid
    structures are everywhere in our world.

    It is not helpful for you to be rigid and join this unhealthy,
    ineffective energy. Instead, choose to bend with the wind. You can
    move out of helplessness into assertiveness. First, you need to take
    responsibility for how you feel. No matter what you feel, own it. The
    healthy way to deal with your feelings is to be kind and understanding
    with yourself. Knowing you feel helpless alerts you to the fact that you
    need to change or learn something new in order to become effective.

    You can let go of your rigid behaviors and become flexible. You can
    let go of your obsessive thoughts and learn new ways to do things. I
    know, letting go of control is not easy. It is scary. Probably the
    scariest thing you will ever have to do. However, the consequences of
    holding on to your rigid ego are much worse than the benefits you
    gain from learning new skills and ways to cope and get through the
    stressful day.

    The two new skills you need to learn, relearn or improve are:

    1. Being assertive
    2. Reducing anxiety naturally

    To feel more of your personal power, learn to be effective when you
    feel helpless, even if being effective means being in touch with your
    feelings and emotions and doing nothing. Usually when you are kind
    with yourself your inner strengths, intuition, and creativity pop up
    to help you. Sit still and listen to the wisdom that comes into your
    conscious mind that guides you into the next vibrant moment.

    Maybe some of the rigid world structures are falling apart. I am
    trusting this is true. Do your part and get rid of your rigidity to
    help the forward movement keep going. Rigid human behaviors must
    be replaced with creative, flexible behaviors. Then humans will be back
    in balance with Mother Earth and have excellent mental health.

    Be safe and sane.


    “Thank you Dr. Jeanette for your Assertiveness Training home study course, I
    loved it. I learned that I was often being aggressive or passive or
    passive-aggressive rather than being assertive. Now I know the
    difference. The difference is huge, both in regard to my actions and
    the results I get.”  Kevin from the UK


    RELAX INTO FEAR: Learn to feel the difference in energy of your
    denial, hysteria and real fear by taking the home study course,
    Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written lessons that guide you
    into supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self so you
    stay sane and safe. Also includes the three hour Opening the Heart
    audio series that guides you into healing your emotional self. Learn
    how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you crazy!
    $199.97, money-back guarantee.

    Read more and order the home study course: How to Overcome
    Anxiety Naturally

    If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
    colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
    years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
    unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

    How to Ride Out of Control, Crazy Energy

    The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Hold on Tight!
    Tools from the Center for New Psychology
    Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


    Hold on tight to energy that is real. Let go of all other energies. Disharmony is killing our species. 

    Do you feel like you are on a wild bronco? Most of the human family is riding a wild bronco because we are face to face with human insanity. Out of control energy, fighting and fussing, is everywhere in reality. This crazy energy is also inside of you because you learned it from outside sources— once upon a time!

    Makes me sick to my stomach when I watch the news. Who to trust? What is the truth? I am reminded of what creates mental illness in children— crazy parents or other adults! Irrational people are either out of control or controlled. Neither energy is harmonious. Feeling the difference between disharmony and harmony will help you stay safe and sane as we move through this worldwide real event.

    Reality is harmonious even though it has its ups and downs. After all, what happens when you fall off the bronco? You get grounded— immediately! Yes, hitting the ground brings you back into gravity where sanity lives.  

    Suddenly, you are in harmony with your surroundings, even if you are hurt. Happens every time you fall. 

    Falling pulls you into gravity and harmony but it does not keep you there. After you fall, strong winds and storms of emotional distress and self-doubt swirl around you. What is the real voice in your head saying? When is your ego lying to you? Are these words from your parents? Your teachers? How do you survive a real health crisis?  

    It is helpful to remember you become disharmonious when you get stuck in irrational thoughts. Blind spots exist. We have more of them than we know about! This means you need an outside reality to hold on to. There must be someone or something you trust and allow to question your mind, perception and thoughts. Be flexible and welcome being challenged and questioned.

    What you think is often incorrect. There is much psychological research to support this simple statement. Becoming stronger means being comfortable with the reality that you are wrong. Your own perception is not accurate enough to bring you back into harmony. Your brain is too easy to condition and your ego too dependent on mass consciousness for you to trust. Your brain and ego are so clever with their words they confuse you and mislead you. 

    You need to hold on tight to something or someone you trust. Yes, I hate to say it, but some thing outside of you must be there to help you. As we ride our wild broncos we are facing our deepest fears. You cannot trust what you think or know from the past. Now is a new reality. In this moment, you must make choices using your instincts and intuition. You must stay connected to the whole and hold on to reality as you move through your fears to the other side. On the other side you enjoy freedom and joy. 

    Some of my clients hold on to me like a rock. They know I care and will do my best to empower their true self instead of their thoughts and ego. They trust me to tell them the truth, knowing I will not always be nice and try to please them. I hold on to my trees, invisible energy, gravity and therapist.

    What and who do you trust? Hold on to reality. Be wrong. Fall off your bronco. Get back in the flow. Reality is sincere, modest and full of love. Thank the Goddesses! 

    Let go of control. You will feel safe and sane in the real, vibrant moment. No matter what.


    RELAX INTO FEAR: Learn to feel the difference in energy of your denial, hysteria and real fear by taking the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written lessons that guide you into supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self so you stay sane and safe. Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

    Read more and order the home study course: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally 


    If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

    How to Stay Sane During Crisis

    The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Stay the Course.
    Tools from the Center for New Psychology
    Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


    Just because you feel something does not mean you have to do
    something! Yelp, there were many times I wanted to run away from
    Baylor graduate school in Texas in 1974 and travel the USA in my VW
    van, Sunshine. But I did not take that action even though I had that
    strong runaway feeling numerous times.

    Your feelings often change as soon as you feel them. They rearrange
    and keep going, if you let them. Allowing yourself to flow with your
    feelings produces peak experiences called vibrant moments. Then at
    other times your feelings stay the course. This is when you know that
    what you are doing is the best course of action for you.

    You can also have many feelings at the same time about the same thing
    from different points of view. For example, you love and hate him. You
    love his true self and cherish every hair on his body. In contrast, a
    minute later, his controlling Ego drives you crazy. Girl, with this stay
    at home time, you sure can get on each other’s nerves!

    Given how confusing feelings can be, do you trust your feelings and
    use them to help you? If not, you are missing out on one of the most
    powerful inner strengths you possess. The truth is you can always trust
    your feelings because they give you feedback about reality. Feelings
    report internal and external realities. That’s it. No more or no less.

    What you feel in the moment has nothing to do with the appropriate
    action you need to take. If you react immediately to a feeling you
    are not giving yourself time to absorb, process and take in reality.
    The natural process of transformation means that you do not react to
    anything. When you react you are being controlled by your past
    conditioning. If you want to be self-confident, free and happy, you
    must give up knee-jerk reactions.

    To be safe and sane, you must experience reality as it is happening.
    Reality is energy and changes in the moment as you live your life.
    How you respond to reality is your power or lack of power. How you
    respond reflects your self-confidence. You can react, which makes you
    weaker. Or you can respond to reality as a responsible person. When
    you are responsible, you use your feelings as feedback to make good

    Just like in graduate school, I feel like running away from this
    current worldwide experience of the monster virus. I know world
    history. In 1848, the missionaries gave the Hawaiian people measles,
    killing off a quarter of the population. I know there is real danger
    out there if my body encounters that virus. I also know I have inner
    strengths to help me. My knowledge base includes the fact that
    staying open and receptive keeps my immune system at a healthy level.

    So, even though, I feel like running away, I am not going to
    run away. Instead, I am staying the course. Feeling all my intense,
    different feelings and not reacting to them. Instead, I keep
    breathing. Making myself absorb and process my external reality which
    is out of control and chaotic. I am staying with my inner reality,
    which is full of real fear, irrational anxiety and a great deal of
    common sense.

    May this newsletter encourage you to go deeper and find your truths
    so you stay in touch with what is real. The real world is the earth,
    your surroundings, body, emotions, energy, light, vibrations and

    Know that you are loved. Love yourself—no matter what. Comfort
    yourself at all times–no matter what.


    STOP REACTING: Learn to feel without a knee jerk response. Study the
    difference in energy of your denial, hysteria and real fear by taking
    the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written
    lessons that guide you into supporting and reassuring yourself that
    your body feelings and emotional feelings keep you sane and safe.
    Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you
    crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

    Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

    If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
    colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
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    How to Feel Real Fear and Keep Safe

    The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Look Inward.
    Tools from the Center for New Psychology
    Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


    “Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.” These words
    from the musical “The King and I” are playing though my mind. Long
    ago, the Greek temples encouraged people to look inward with the
    words “Know Thyself.” Perhaps getting to know who you really are and
    letting others get closer to you will produce positive results that
    occur from our current scary world reality. 

    You are being forced to slow down. You could distract yourself or you 
    could look inward. Becoming more intimate with yourself and with 
    others will empower you and make you stronger. You will face
    your real fears and reduce your irrational anxieties. Then, you will
    increase your ability to relax and become more comfortable in your 
    body on the blue planet and soar! 

    With so many real fears and irrational anxieties around us, we need
    all the help we can get. One of the most important scientific,
    energetic facts you need to know is the difference between real fear,
    panic and denial. If you do not know this information, you do not
    possess the means to take good care of yourself. You will over or
    under react to real fears and put yourself in danger.

    Naturally, you will sometimes panic; you will be secure and you will
    deny. This is normal. However, you must have the ability to come back
    to center so you are feeling your real fears without panic or denial.
    If you need help in knowing the difference in the energy between
    these important states, study and use the Overcome Anxiety Naturally
    home study course that includes the Opening the Heart audio. To know
    how to take care of yourself, you must take one step at a time
    through the real fears until you reach the place where you are not

    As you make your way through the real fears, you need to look inward
    to your innate strengths and look outward to the love that is always
    all around you. Your inner strengths are always there. You need to
    trust them, feel, and use them. They help you succeed. Love is always
    there. Most of the time you block this powerful energy out and do not
    receive it. Or trust it. Or feel it. 

    Right now, you need to know that you are loved and feel loving energy 
    to help you get through these rough times. Reach out to all the love
    around you and receive it in your heart. Love will charge you, your 
    body and energy field with strong, radiate energy.

    When your authentic self is in charge, you feel love coming and going 
    between you and others. When you love and accept yourself as you 
    really are, you feel good. When your ego is in charge, you do not feel 
    love coming and going between you and your world. When you 
    disapprove of yourself or others, you feel bad.

    Love yourself as you are. You are not perfect, you make mistakes. Let 
    go of control and allow what you need to come to you. Ask for help 
    as needed. When you are sincere and modest, the cosmos and other 
    human beings are there to help you.  

    You know you are in the flow when you get what you want and need
    without effort. 


    RELAX INTO FEAR: Learn to feel the difference in energy of your
    denial, hysteria and real fear by taking the home study course,
    Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written lessons that guide you
    into supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self so you
    stay sane and safe. Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts
    from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

    SUPER DUPER SPECIAL: Order the home study course Overcome 
    Anxiety Naturally by Sunday, March 29, 2020 and $100.00 off the price. 
    Use coupon FEAR

    Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

    If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
    colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
    years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
    unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: