About Doris Jeanette

The Philadelphia Inquirer proclaimed Doris Jeanette "The Siren of Spontaneity," noting that "her co therapist is Nature." Dr. Doris Jeanette is a licensed psychologist with 30 years of clinical experience. She has been associated with top name universities, multicultural associations, diversity organizations, women's groups and humanistic, spiritual psychology. Her works and quotes have appeared in psychological journals, major newspapers, online publications and various magazines throughout the world. Doris currently resides in center city, Philadelphia, PA.

How to Overcome SAD, Depression and Anxiety in 2022

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Receive Light.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

How many shades of light are you aware of?

If you are a visual artist, you probably notice light more than the
rest of us. This is the season we celebrate light and need more light
to feel good and be healthy. You could be proactive this winter and
keep the low energy of SAD and depression away from you. Let there
be light. The lights of Hanukkah and Christmas are glorious to behold
and feel so good in your whole body.

Researchers have found a white paint that is so white that if you use
it on your house, even in hot places, you do not need air conditioners.
Wow, that brings home the difference in shades of white light. If you
look up white, house paint, there are a mind-blogging variety of colors.
I picked the whitest paint I have ever seen for my office. It reminds
me of the white buildings on Santorini. White with no yellow or blue
or red. The whole island of Santorini is painted white with black
sand and a black volcano just off its coast. Glorious sunlight bounces
all around, reflecting off the sparkling, everlasting water.

I have a friend who can sense the dramatic difference in the winter
light as opposed to summer light. I cannot—yet. The first place I
traveled that I did notice a different light was Katmandu, Nepal. The
light in the Himalayas was definitely different. I still cannot put
my finger on how it was different. However, I could see it and
feel it. When in the Rockies and other mountains in the US, I do not
sense the same light as I experienced in Febbruary 1983 in Katmandu.

I am excited to be tuning up my sensor to become more aware of light
this season. Winter Solstice is coming and the light will be
increasing for you to enjoy and receive. Notice light around you.
Take a moment, to make the moment, more vibrant, by being still and
receiving more of what is outside of you. Breathe in the light and
see where it goes in your body. Breathe out the light and see if the
color has changed. Light is full of different colors, shades and

Walking in my neighborhood today in Center City, Philadelphia, I saw
bright yellow irises in full bloom. Wow! December 13. Their light is
getting to my head as I write this, so I have more energy and am
happier to be alive. May you find more energy and increased happiness
as you tune into the lights on this planet and inside of yourself.

Let your cells soak up the light so they radiate light into the world.


“Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound.” An introduction to
the fun vibrations of Sound and Color therapy; simple, fun for
children of all ages. A home study course in Color and Sound Therapy
helps you move your body with sound and color. Sound and color are
power tools for the transformation of human energy. These simple,
playful exercises show you how to practice sensing and feeling the
information in sound and color. Learn the basics of Sound and Color
Therapy and have fun playing with energy. Great to use with children,
in groups and alone. Cost: $9.97, PDF format. 

Read more and order:


“7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” Did you know that
20% of the population is highly sensitive? Dr. Jeanette is a highly
sensitive person and resonates with people who “feel everything.”
This special report shows you how to use your HSP skills to your
advantage for more power and energy. 31-page PDF file, $19.97.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Mentor and author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self care products.

How to Overcome Insomnia and Sleep without Worry

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Learn to Relax.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


CertaPet published a study that focuses on seasonal depression in
people & pets. The study, based on keyword searches, shows that
insomnia is the top mental health condition in every state for people
who use the Internet. Very interesting study. Let me share my bias
with you: I would have guessed anxiety would be the most searched
mental health concern. As a psychologist, I often forget that many
people do not know they are anxious, but they do know they cannot

Sleep. Such a simple, natural, essential behavior as going to sleep
can be interrupted easily by anxiety, worry and fear. Fear is real.
Anxiety is irrational. Worry is useless. Therefore, the only time you
need to stay awake is when there is a real fear. Humans used to stay
awake to keep the fire burning. If the fire went out, there was
trouble in the land, clan and tribe. Some of you may still have deep
inside of you an old fear of “things in the night,” like our African
ancestors used to have.

If you are having trouble sleeping, it is essential to get the help
you need to deal with any real fears so you can rest easy at night.
After you have taken care of reality, then you need to get serious
about letting go of control and allowing your body and mind to relax.
Some people worry at night. Some people worry during the day. Some
people worry all the time.

To sleep better, notice when you are worrying and consciously shift
into relaxing your body and mind. If you focus on your breathing this
helps you stop worrying. You may have to pull your awareness away
from worry more than once. Focus on breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe
in. Keep at it. Let me know if you are successful; I love feedback.
Paying attention to nothing but my breathing allows me to go to sleep
when I use it correctly.

To stop worrying in general, you need to reduce your overall anxiety.
This means you must spend time unlearning your anxiety responses,
one step at a time. To break free, use your relaxation response in real
life to relax during stressful moments. When you relax, you have
vibrant moments. Vibrant moments are worth the effort it takes to get
back in your body so you enjoy the real world around you.


UNLEARN ANXIETY RESPONSES: This course is different because you
learn how to get into your body and expose the thoughts that are
scaring you. You unlearn any anxiety response if you take one step at
a time no matter what it is. Your body and nervous system returns to
a relaxed state so you feel safe from harm. The Overcome Anxiety
Naturally home study course leads you step by step out of worry into
solid physical safety. Two feet on the ground gives you the security
you need to relax into your body and environment. Ten written lessons
and five hours of audio including the Opening the Heart audio series.
$199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Overcome Anxiety Naturally:


LEARN TO READ ENERGY: Discover the difference between your anxiety
and reality. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the
energy difference between your thoughts and healthy flowing body
energy. Once you know the difference you find, accept and love your
genuine emotional self so you become stronger in mind and body. Three
hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality and question your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Heal Repressed Trauma

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Do Not Talk.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


A person on the Quora website asked, “How can I access repressed
trauma from my past?”

Some of the Talk Therapist’s answers offered were not empathic or
helpful. Some therapists even challenged the fact that trauma can be
adequately recalled which could make a person’s trauma worse, not
better. When effective, loving answers are not available on Quora is
when I sometimes take the time to offer a more helpful point of view.

Since Freud’s brilliant clinical work with patients, we know many
ways to help people access their unconscious memories. Even though
psychoanalysis was called the “talking cure,” the therapists did not
do much talking. Instead, they encouraged their patients to access
the vital reality living in their dark, deep unconscious. They did
this by encouraging their patients to express anything that came to
their awareness via free association.

Here is my evidence-based answer to the question on Quora about how
to access repressed trauma:

“Wise therapists know that everyone has some repressed childhood
trauma. We have all been hurt. When we are hurt we repress unless we
express. Very few children live in an emotionally safe environment
where they can express their hurt. Repressing your hurt is the mental
health problem and this is the reason you need healing and love.

The best way to recall your repressed childhood trauma is by
listening to your body. Your body holds all of your trauma. Body
awareness must increase so that you cannot be fooled by words and
psychobabble. Psychobabble keeps you stuck forever. Words lie. Your
body cannot lie.

A therapeutic massage would be a safe place to begin. Do not talk.
Listen to your body when it is touched. Feel your emotions. You may
cry soon and the images of one of your traumas could flash into your
awareness. Do not talk. The images could also be of you being
unloving toward someone or yourself. Make sure your massage person
is comfortable allowing you to feel your emotions. Just breathe and
feel. Do not talk.

The reason Talk Therapy is limited is because talking interferes with
emotional expression. After you fully express your emotions in any way
that feels safe to you, you need to learn how to love your wounded
self and heal her wounds. An emotionally safe teacher or therapist
knows how to help you feel your emotions and express your hurt. She
also knows how to help you fully express your hurt so that it is no
longer repressed energy that is trapped in your body.”

Please be careful with how much you talk and the words you say.
Notice the energy and results. Just talking about your trauma
reinforces your experience and can make it worse. The expressive arts
can help you access your trauma. Accessing your trauma does not heal
you. You must fully express your genuine emotions to get rid of the
repressed energy that is held in your body tissue. When you are no
longer defending yourself by constricting your body, healthy, healing
energy begins to flow in the areas that you have allowed to relax.

When you feel healthy flowing energy in your body, you have fully let
go of your repressed trauma. Then and only then, are you free to be
yourself. Freedom is the end result of healing.

If you need guidance staying with your emotions through this healing
process, the Opening the Heart audio series is an effective companion.
You learn to “breathe and feel” as loving vibrations guide and support
you staying with your emotions as long as needed. You need weeks,
not minutes. Listen to the calming sounds often as you step by step
have the courage to remove defensive energy from your body.


OPEN YOUR HEART: When you heal your emotional wounds from the
past, you feel more vibrant and present in the moment. You relax and
feel self-love—no matter what you think you have done wrong. The
Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the energy difference
between your True Self and your Defensive Self. Once you know the
difference, you make better decisions in the moment that lead to
self-love and self-acceptance. Three hours of audio on Feelings,
Fear and Hurt. Money-back guarantee. $97.00

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: If you are not getting the results
you want, learn to hear what your body is saying to you. It gets louder
as needed. This audio was made for therapists. It is now available at
a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers: Introduction to Body
Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of $47.00, you
pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Stop Defensive, Reactive Behavior From Hurting You

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Stop Reacting.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

Notice the difference between reacting to a real event and receiving
the real event. Reacting is a knee jerk response; it means you have
been conditioned to respond in a certain way. You get your back up.
Literally. Your tight back helps you become aware that you are
reacting. Your body is the key to awareness. The first step in
unlearning any unhealthy behavior is to be aware that you are doing

So, how do you know you are reacting?

Reacting is full of anxiety. Anxiety is static in your nervous system.
As a result of anxiety, your body becomes tight and you become weak
and powerless. You enter a defensive state instead of a being in a
strong, secure state. Being defensive is the weakest state you can be in.
When you are in the middle of reacting and being defensive it is often
hard to know what is going on. Best to look around for some reliable
outside data.

Thank goodness, there is immediate data, which can prove to you what
is going on. When you are not breathing fully into your lungs, you
are unconscious. Not breathing often means that you are defensive.
Take a deep breath and see if you can keep breathing. If you keep
breathing you will become stronger and more secure. Check more data
by paying attention to your physical body. Your physical body reveals
the truth, it cannot lie. Are you able to feel your body? If you
cannot feel your body, you are reacting.

To stop reacting, keep breathing fully into your lungs and touch both
knees with both hands. Knees are easy to reach and socially acceptable
to touch. You can touch any part of your body to bring you back into
reality. When you are breathing and aware of your body, feel how much
stronger and more secure you feel.

You can unlearn your reactions to life and learn how to relax and
receive reality. Sometimes the reality you are receiving is another
person having a reaction! Notice what they are doing and keep
breathing. Say an inner “no” to their reaction and keep your breath and
body awareness. Go take care of yourself so you have a nice day.


body, the less you let others upset you. The home study course,
Overcome Anxiety Naturally, teaches you how to unlearn your anxious
conditioned responses one step at a time. Audio and written lessons
get you into your body so you stop letting your reactions control you.
These body exercises have helped thousands become less defensive
and more powerful. $199.97 Get your money back if not happy.

Read more and order:


LEARN TO READ ENERGY: Discover the difference between your
reactions and reality. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches you
the energy difference between your thoughts and healthy flowing body
energy. Once you know the difference you find, accept and love your
genuine emotional self so you become stronger in mind and body. Three
hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality and question your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
Author of Opening the Heart and 15 other self care products.

What is a Mental Projection and How to Improve Your Mental Health

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Recognize Your Projections.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

What is a projection? It is an energy you send out and place upon any
person or situation that is based on your thoughts. Your thoughts could
be negative or positive. There are good projections as well as bad
ones. Watch out, your positive projections could get you into a love
lationship that is hard to get out of! This happened to me once. After
all, your projections are not reality. However, your projections do
affect reality. Isn’t psychology interesting?

When I first read about projections in Freud’s books, in high school,
I got hooked into becoming a psychologist. Over the last forty years,
I have learned a great deal about energy and how it moves in, out and
between us. As a scientist, I love using energy instead of psychobabble
to help people achieve better mental health. When you learn to read
energy, you move beyond theory into a higher degree of certainty.

Consider the reality that psychological dynamics occur in the
physical world, not just in your head. You can learn to recognize
projections by paying attention to the energy inside of you, around
you and outside of you. How these realities interact with each other
inside of you and then are expressed outwardly determines the results
you get. The more you know what is happening in your mind, body and
energy field, the more you can be in the driver’s seat. Otherwise,
your ego, which is your conditioning, is in charge.

Effective therapists have always helped their clients discover when
they are projecting so they can stop projecting. When you bring back
your projections you dramatically improve your mental health and
interpersonal relationships. Convincing someone with talk therapy
that they are projecting is not as easy as showing them they are
projecting by teaching them to feel the energy difference between
reality and a mental projection of their own making.

When I first started supervising young therapists, my star student
disappointed me. The night before one of my early workshops in nature
my co- therapist said she could not show up for the workshop. I was
not only disappointed, but left holding the bag without the
assistance I needed. Hours of supervision and creative work was
worthless. Angry and confused, I wondered what happened. By this
time, I had learned that being a victim was not helpful.

Processing my feelings and judgment about how “irresponsible” my
best student was, lead me to discover that I had high expectations for
her performance. I expected her to be stellar. Disappointment was the
result. A light bulb went off! I was trying to be the perfect teacher and
expecting my intern to be the perfect student. I was projecting my high
standards, as expectations, onto my intern.

Amazingly, I discovered the energy of disappointment was quite
different from the energy of genuine emotions. Disappointment is the
result of a projection. My ego was trying to control the outcome so
it projected my expectations onto my student. Wow, disappointment is
a let down caused by a hyped up expectation. Expectations are created
by the ego to try to control the outcome. This means the energy of a
projection, expectation and disappointment can be recognized for what
they are— weak, controlling, mental energy.

The next time you feel disappointment, examine your expectations and
projections. Own your projections and stop them. If you bring back
your projected thoughts you can sense and feel reality as it is. The
real world will be quite different from your thoughts about reality.
Reality will not be perfect and you will not feel disappointment.
Feel how the energy of your true self is dramatically different.
Projections are false and feel false. Your true feelings and emotions
are strong and sturdy and produce radiant energy that matches that

You will feel better as soon as you stop criticizing yourself for
trying to control outcomes. Accept that you are human and make
mistakes. Without your projections, you feel emotions appropriate for
the situation. Feeling your sincere emotions makes you stronger,
smarter and happier. No matter what variety of emotions you feel,
they are real. Reality is more powerful than your thoughts.

Next month will address how your projections interact with reality
in ways that hurt you.


LEARN TO READ ENERGY: Discover the difference between your
projections and reality. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches
you the energy difference between your thoughts and healthy flowing
energy. Once you know the difference you find, accept and love your
genuine emotional self so you become stronger in mind and body. Three
hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt. Money back guarantee.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality and question your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
Author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self care products

How to Open Your Heart and Let Love in


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Receive Love.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Love energy exists outside of you in many forms. Consider the
possibility that you are actively blocking this sweet nectar so it
does not penetrate your heart. How much love do you allow into your
heart? Probably not nearly as much as you could. Could it be that
your ego is stopping you from receiving love?

One of my large social networks is a center city, Philadelphia
outdoor olympic size pool club where I have been a member since 1980.
Being half a block from my home, I go and come all day long. I enjoy
coffee in the morning, a swim in the afternoon and dinner looking out
over the cityscape. Due to the pandemic, The Lombard Swim Club was
not able to open last year.

Five hundred of us own the club and it is a heart-warming story of
how the community saved this precious outdoor space from being
developed into townhouses. As we cautiously gather this year, my
socks keep getting knocked off at how much love energy is coming
toward me. I feel like a bag of bones, withered and weak. Like I have
aged a decade. Curiously, the comments from others do not match my
perception. As I creeped across the pool deck yesterday with lower
back pain, a new member that I do not even know said, “You look
fantastic!” Gee, what is going on?

People are seeing something that I do not feel. Could I be projecting
my judgment of myself onto others and not even know it? Probably.
Always allow yourself to notice and question your perception. If you do,
you become more grounded and realistic. It is often the case, that
others are more loving of you than you are of yourself. So, it pays to be
present enough with yourself and others to experience what is really
going on in physical and emotional reality. This is the reason it is so
important to be able to read body language.

When we only listen to the thoughts in our head, it is easy to forget
that reality is full of love. My Judgmental Self does not receive love
from others. Or give it to others! My True Self takes in it and keeps
it forever in my heart. My True Self freely gives love as a way of life.
Open your heart and allow love to come and go without your Ego
acting as the suspicious guard.

It feels wonderful to feel loved and to know that you are loved. You
deserve this feeling often. Love is knocking on your door. Open your
heart and let it in. To open your heart learn to recognize your Ego
when it is getting in your way.


A GUIDE TO OPEN YOUR HEART: Learn to recognize your Ego when it
shuts your heart. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the
energy difference between your True Self and your Egos. Once you
know the difference, you heal your emotional wounds by choosing self-
acceptance in stead of self- judgment. Your heart receives and gives
love with confidence after you heal your emotional wounds from the
past. Three hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt.
Money-back guarantee. $97.00

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality by questioning your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self-care products.

How to Stop Nervous Habits? Relax at Will Without Drugs

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Learn to Relax at Will.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

A person requested an answer from me on Quora that you may resonate with: 

“Why do I keep rubbing my eyebrow? I can’t make myself stop. People around me notice it. Should I share this with my therapist? I find it embarrassing.”

Did you become more aware of how you express your anxiety during the pandemic? I sure did. Maybe you noticed you touched your face more often than before? Or perhaps you already knew you touch your face every few minutes? Nervous habits were abundant before the pandemic and now they are even more obvious to the people who notice their environment.

How often have you been sitting beside a person who is pounding his leg up and down? He does not know his leg is moving up and down and you do. If he is sitting beside you on an airplane there is no way to escape. Other places, you can get up and sit somewhere else. Sometimes, it is a good friend and you do not know what to do.

Here is my answer to the Quora person who is already aware of his nervous habit: 

“Anxiety makes us do the strangest things. Anxiety is the source of nervous habits such as yours. You will be able to stop rubbing your eyebrow when you reduce your anxiety. Please use natural, effective relaxation techniques so you can relax when you need to. After you learn to relax at will, then you need to desensitize yourself to the things that make you anxious. 

Perhaps being close to people makes you nervous? If so, you are not alone. Have you ever noticed how most people stop breathing in an elevator? People hold their breath when they are anxious. You need to tell your therapist about anything you care about. She is there to help you become comfortable being close to people.”

Here is additional psychological information for The Vibrant Moments readers:

If you are a therapist, parent or client, not only do you need to relax at will, you also need to be able to read body language. You and your therapist will get better results if you pay attention to what your bodies are communicating in the moment to each other. Reading body language is an essential skill for doing effective therapy and for staying sane. To help you become more aware of your environment pay attention to your body and the energy that is moving through it. Then begin to pay attention to other people’s body and the energy that is moving through their physical form. 

If you do this exercise often, as you are sitting, walking and being in your world, you develop the ability to read body language. Observe people on TV and the internet and see what jumps out at you. Do not pay attention to the body language experts who tell you, “this posture means that and so on.” Postures tell you little about yourself or others. Being alive in the moment is so much more interesting. You discover that being alive, even when you are nervous, is powerful and real.

Body language is a fluid, dynamic state, like your blood pressure. Human relationships are fluid, dynamic creations that you need to allow to move and change so you maintain real relationships during and beyond everyone’s nervous habits. Bless us all.


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Made for therapists, now available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers: Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of $47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: http://www.drjeanette.com/bodylanguageaudio.html


LEARN TO RELAX: Get help so you learn how to relax at will. Ten written lessons support you on your journey into deeper and deeper states of relaxation. Lower your anxiety naturally without medication or talk therapy. First thing you learn is how to consciously breathe so you stop panic and anxiety attacks. Five hours of self-care audio including the Opening the Heart series. Money-back guarantee. $197.00

Read more and order: Overcome Anxiety Naturally: http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietyonlinecourse.html

Share The Vibrant Moment with friends. Sign up at drjeanette.com

Breathe Throughout the Day to Reduce Anxiety Without Medication

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Take a Deep Breath.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


What do you do when something in your life takes your breath away?

Do you even notice when something takes your breath away? I became
a conscious breather in my early 30s after several years of practice.
Unfortunately, this year, dealing with extreme stress, health issues
and Covid viruses, reality began to take my breath once again. In the
morning, I would read something in the news and walk into the living
room, not breathing … Wow, intense, scary and real stress factors
took my breath away. I bet you were also stressed to the max as you
lived through this pandemic.

Getting your breath back is the answer to living a life worth living.
If you are breathing as you go through your day, you also enjoy lower
anxiety, less depression and better mental and physical health. My
post doc training in 1976 included teaching breathing and relaxation
skills to clients. What a joy it was to have a huge lounge chair in each
office for our clients to sit back in and let go of control in. Thank
Dr. Joe Wolpe, the father of Behavior Therapy, for knowing how to help
people reduce anxiety without medication. This was my beginning of
becoming a conscious breather.

A few years later, I attended a lecture by a famous dancer in Center
City, Philadelphia. She said, “If you are not fully breathing, you
are not alive.” This image hit me in the guts. Immediately, I created
a reminder throughout the day to help me remember to breathe. I saw
clients on the hour, so I made myself notice if I was fully breathing
or not on the top of each hour. This throughout the day breathing
exercise really worked.

Researching the state of breathing in the world today, I find science
and the Navy SEALs have joined the top athletics in using the power of
breathing. Baseball players are the most obvious when they are batting
Take a look if you have not seen them lately. They know how to
breathe. There are new fancy names such resonate breathing and box
breathing that replace the old diaphragm breathing and yoga breaths.

I suggest that you not worry about counting and doing it “right.” In
my home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, I teach the basic
breath that gets you into alpha brain waves. Also, I recommend
breathing like a newborn baby that did not have an anxious mother.
After all, you were born a breather. All you have to do is reclaim
the power of breathing to help you enjoy life and more vibrant

Once you are a conscious breather, you can unlearn what took your
breath away in the first place as a child.


LEARN TO RELAX: Get help so you learn how to breathe as you go
through your day. Ten written lessons support you on your journey
into deeper and deeper states of relaxation. You lower your
anxiety naturally without medication if you put your mind and body
into learning how to consciously breathe. Again! Five hours of audio
including the Opening the Heart series. Money-back
guarantee. $197.00

Read more and order: Overcome Anxiety Naturally:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Teacher and author of Opening the Heart and 15 other self help products.

How to Feel Better: Take Personal Responsibility for Your Experience

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Responsible
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Author
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


When was the last time you felt really bad. Heavy? Weak, tired and
unhappy. I was dragging myself around for my daily walk. “What is
going on with me” I pondered. “It is spring time and I love spring.”
It is so hard to be grumpy when spring is expressing itself all over
the land. Tiny little flowers popping up everywhere. These bright
colors normally create a smile in every cell so I feel good all over.
Not today, no tingles for me.

My energy is definitely not resonating with the energy of spring. I
am like molasses— dark and slow. “Wonder if I taste as good as
molasses?” I thought. At least, I have not completely lost my sense
of humor! A tiny smile occurred to help me shift out of my heavy
energy and observe how I am creating such slow energy. Too much
thinking, that is for sure. I have learned over the years that my
Inner Critic depletes my energy quicker than anything else. So, I
looked at my thoughts. Sure enough, that Inner Monster was hitting
me with some nasty, scary thoughts.

The next thing I did was dig deeper into how I felt. Yes, sure enough,
Old Man River, came to mind. “I’m tired of living and scared of dying,”
was singing in my heart. It is important to discover how you really
feel, not just what you are thinking. I was feeling helpless. Things
were not going as I wished. I felt trapped and did not know what to do.
You may have trouble admitting you feel helpless but it quickly
empowers you if you do. Once you know you feel helpless, then you
take responsibility for yourself. Being responsible is an effective,
wise action to take in all situations.

Taking personal responsibility immediately removes you from the
mental illness category. When you are responsible for your
experience, you have the power. This is extremely important.
Otherwise, your unconscious is the one with the upper hand. Effective
personal growth brings up from the dark what you are doing to create
your experience to your conscious mind. There are many real life
events where feeling bad is what we really need to feel, for example,
in times of great loss such as many of us have been forced to deal
with during the pandemic. Grieving is a good feeling bad.

However, feeling bad because your unconscious is controlling you is
quite different. This type of feeling bad is totally unnecessary and
wasteful. We all get stuck in mass consciousness and powerful people
take the time to get unstuck. Take responsibly and tell your Inner
Critic to get in the back seat because you are the one in charge; you
are the driver. Take responsibility and get the help you need to
solve your real problems. Yes, get help from many sources.

Breathe, notice your thoughts, feel your feelings and take
responsibility. Soon, you feel better, much better. The next day,
you’ll feel even better, and wiser.


GET HELP FEELING YOUR POWER: The first thirty minutes of the
three-hour Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the difference
between your powerful self and your fake, ego self. The next thirty
minutes helps you discover your true emotional self so you are not as
easily fooled by your Inner Critic. Learn to be more compassionate
toward yourself. Just the sounds of my voice are healing, relaxing
and comforting to your heart and soul. 100% guaranteed. $97.00.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Author of Opening the Heart and 15 other self empowering products.

You are Not Broken and Do Not Need to be Fixed


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Find Your True Self
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

A man who has been suffering from a life experience, which left him
traumatized, requested an answer from me on Quora. So far, therapy
has not helped him. “Is there any reason to go to therapy if you
cannot be fixed.”

Unfortunately, he has the belief that he is broken and cannot be
fixed. Fortunately, I had an epiphany after a few years of helping
people who had been severely sexually and physically abused. Sitting
on the floor showing a client how to feel her emotions, body and
energy I suddenly realized that there was no bottomless pit inside of
her that could not be fixed. This awareness dramatically changed my
behavior; and thus, therapeutic results.

As I kept my attention on my new awareness that a person was not
permanently sentenced to a life of being damaged goods, I began to
relate to them differently without even knowing it. My intuitive self
began to relate more and more to their innate, real self instead of
to their wounded self.

I knew the difference between a conditioned response and a person’s
true nature because I had studied and used learning research for
years. Now, in addition to showing my clients how a conditioned
response is learned behavior, I showed them that their innate
strengths were different. Their true self was intact and ready to be
used as needed to help heal wounds.

Mother Nature made sure that nothing could destroy our real self,
which includes our intuitive self, instincts, heart, energy and inner
core. What a difference my shift in consciousness made in our
therapeutic success. There was a dramatic forward movement into
faster, stronger positive results. Thus said, here is the answer I
wrote for this man who asked if he could be fixed.

“So, the best news in the world is: You are not broken. You are not
permanently damaged. Let this reality soak into your cells and heart.
No matter what has happened to you, you can unlearn unhealthy
conditioning and heal real life trauma.

Your Inner Core, True Nature is waiting for you. Your Real Self is
undamaged and intact. Your job is to find, accept and follow your
True Self back into wholeness. This is the journey for everyone. All
of us are wounded.

Seek out teachers who show you the difference between your
Conditioned Self and your Real Self. When you learn how to recognize
your unloving ego, you have the power to make better choices in the
moments of your life. Learning to read body language and energy
rapidly increases your learning.”

Learn the difference in the energy between a conditioned response and
your Real Self. The first thirty minutes of the Opening the Heart audio
series teaches you how to feel this energy difference.


GET HELP FEELING REAL SELF: The first thirty minutes of the
three-hour Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the difference
between your real self and your fake, ego self. The next thirty
minutes helps you discover your true emotional self so you are not as
easily fooled by your ego. Learn to be more compassionate toward
yourself. Just the sounds of my voice are healing, relaxing and
comforting to your heart and soul. 100% guaranteed. $97.00.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:

Email me if you have trouble with your order.

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self help products.