The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Find Your True Self
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher
A man who has been suffering from a life experience, which left him
traumatized, requested an answer from me on Quora. So far, therapy
has not helped him. “Is there any reason to go to therapy if you
cannot be fixed.”
Unfortunately, he has the belief that he is broken and cannot be
fixed. Fortunately, I had an epiphany after a few years of helping
people who had been severely sexually and physically abused. Sitting
on the floor showing a client how to feel her emotions, body and
energy I suddenly realized that there was no bottomless pit inside of
her that could not be fixed. This awareness dramatically changed my
behavior; and thus, therapeutic results.
As I kept my attention on my new awareness that a person was not
permanently sentenced to a life of being damaged goods, I began to
relate to them differently without even knowing it. My intuitive self
began to relate more and more to their innate, real self instead of
to their wounded self.
I knew the difference between a conditioned response and a person’s
true nature because I had studied and used learning research for
years. Now, in addition to showing my clients how a conditioned
response is learned behavior, I showed them that their innate
strengths were different. Their true self was intact and ready to be
used as needed to help heal wounds.
Mother Nature made sure that nothing could destroy our real self,
which includes our intuitive self, instincts, heart, energy and inner
core. What a difference my shift in consciousness made in our
therapeutic success. There was a dramatic forward movement into
faster, stronger positive results. Thus said, here is the answer I
wrote for this man who asked if he could be fixed.
“So, the best news in the world is: You are not broken. You are not
permanently damaged. Let this reality soak into your cells and heart.
No matter what has happened to you, you can unlearn unhealthy
conditioning and heal real life trauma.
Your Inner Core, True Nature is waiting for you. Your Real Self is
undamaged and intact. Your job is to find, accept and follow your
True Self back into wholeness. This is the journey for everyone. All
of us are wounded.
Seek out teachers who show you the difference between your
Conditioned Self and your Real Self. When you learn how to recognize
your unloving ego, you have the power to make better choices in the
moments of your life. Learning to read body language and energy
rapidly increases your learning.”
Learn the difference in the energy between a conditioned response and
your Real Self. The first thirty minutes of the Opening the Heart audio
series teaches you how to feel this energy difference.
GET HELP FEELING REAL SELF: The first thirty minutes of the
three-hour Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the difference
between your real self and your fake, ego self. The next thirty
minutes helps you discover your true emotional self so you are not as
easily fooled by your ego. Learn to be more compassionate toward
yourself. Just the sounds of my voice are healing, relaxing and
comforting to your heart and soul. 100% guaranteed. $97.00.
Read more and order Opening the Heart:
Email me if you have trouble with your order.
If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:
Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
Author of Opening the Heart and 14 other self help products.