7 Steps to Overcome Attacks from Others

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Inner Strengths.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


“You are the bully.” “I am the victim.” “It’s your fault.”

How many times this year has someone said things like this to you?

Blame. Shame. Name calling. Judgments against you are real. Big or
small, attacking energy can fly toward you anytime from anyone. This
nasty energy is extremely painful and hurtful to your heart and body.
Your emotional self is wounded to the core. Your body takes the bunt
of attack energy and holds on to emotional pain until you consciously
release it.

Your body and inner emotional self needs protection when attacking
energy hits your body and energy field. This is when your Inner
Mother and Inner Father need to show up and protect you. Here are
seven steps to help you find your inner strengths when attacked by

Seven Steps that Make You Stronger After Being Attacked:

  1. First become conscious and aware that you are being attacked.
    Get outside validation if needed from someone you trust. Make sure
    it is not your projection.
  2. Remind yourself that attack energy is NEVER justified. Attacking
    yourself or others is abusive.
  3. Do not blame or judge the person attacking you. Your goal is to stop
    your defensive reactions so you become stronger.
  4. Feel your genuine emotions without making what you feel wrong or
    bad. Writing is a safe, effective tool. Genuine anger is not attacking.
  5. Say no, no, no to all internal or external attack energy.
  6. Say yes, yes, yes to your true self who possesses your inner
  7. Feel and use your inner strengths to stand tall with integrity.

A helpful action I learned from an attachment workshop I attended
twenty years ago is to say: “I am big enough, strong enough, smart
enough and willing enough to take care of myself.” This mantra is
helpful to say out loud over and over again as needed to affirm your
ability to stand up for yourself. Don’t be afraid to use it, I use it all the
time. My clients have benefited enormously from using it during any
kind of stress.

When you say these words to yourself, it reminds you that you are
not hopeless and helpless in this moment. In reality, your true self is
much stronger than the attack energy, which is ego based. However,
when first attacked, you do not know this to be true. But after taking
these seven steps you know you are strong and sturdy because you
can feel your true energy. You are not defending yourself; you are
being yourself.

Try these seven steps that make you stronger after being attacked
and let me know how they help you become more self-confident.


DEFENSIVE VS. TRUE SELF ENERGY: If you do not know the difference
between your defensive feelings and your real feelings, you must learn
to feel the difference so you know truth vs. fake. Study and use the
Opening the Heart audio until you know the difference between your
ego and your true self. Three hours of emotional health audio.
$97.00 Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Opening the Heart audio:


FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTHS: Learn to stop panic and reduce
anxiety immediately. When you are anxious you cannot access your
inner strengths. Ten written lessons teach you how to reject your ego
and love yourself. Take the home study course Overcome Anxiety
Naturally. This drug-free course has helped hundreds of people reduce
anxiety and find their strengths. Ten written lessons and five hours of
audio including the Opening the Heart series.
Money-back guarantee. $199.97

Read more and order:


I recommend these alternative psychology audios to make you

Say Goodbye to Guilt:

Tame Your Thoughts:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Stop Overthinking and Overcome Insomnia

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Give Your Brain a Break.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


I know a lot of you suffer from insomnia. The world around us seems especially scary right now. These external irrational vibrations make us feel unsafe. In addition, your individual stresses keep you awake at night worrying about nonsense. 

So, how can you let go, trust and sink into the incredible delicious state of heavenly sleep? 

Your brain desperately needs sleep, yet it insists on keeping you awake! The irrational behavior of overthinking is a common problem with the Homo sapiens. We do it in the waking and sleeping state. Could it be that your brain really does not want you to relax and enjoy life? It does appear to be the case. Therefore, you must rise above your conditioned, brainwashed brain and take charge of what you do and do not do.

To stop your obsessive thoughts from keeping you awake at night, you must not be the fool. The solution to insomnia is to take decisive action that moves you forward. You must consciously choose to shift out of thinking and move into feeling that which is real. You must stop believing your thoughts when they tell you that you should do this or that or the other. Your Inner Critic often masquerades as God, putting you in chains so you cannot move your body. Your thoughts give you misinformation, belief based ideas and fake news.

On the other hand, your feelings help you perceive, cope and deal with reality so that you are not fooled by your irrational thoughts. When you choose to trust your feelings, you know that you get accurate feedback about reality. You know you have good common sense, inner strengths and excellent intuition. Your know your heart knows best. Your heart is the powerful one with light and fire energy that connects you with external and internal reality. 

There are many ways to help you sleep better at night and many factors involved in keeping us awake. I will post a list of suggestions to help you on my website in a few weeks. In the meantime, there is one sure way you can get back to sleep. It is not easy to do at first and takes practice. But try it and see how much success you get. It is simple, direct and effective.

When you find yourself thinking, take yourself to task and choose to put your attention on your breath and not on your thoughts. Bring your awareness back again and again to your breathing. Breathe in slowly and out slowly. Breathe in slowly and out slowly. I have tried several versions of this until I found one that works well for me. The simple, direct way for me is to say internally to myself “In”……..and I breathe in. I say to myself “Out” and I breathe out. When I can do this for a few minutes, I fall asleep.

Focusing on you breath will keep your thoughts from keeping you awake. Whenever you are thinking, bring yourself back to breathing. Try it again and again. You will discover just how much control your thoughts have over you! Let me know how successful you are in breathing and sleeping.


LEARN TO RELAX: Be guided through the steps needed to bring your attention back to breathing and feeling. Ten written lesson teach you how to say no to your thoughts and yes to your feelings. Take the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally. This drug free course has helped hundreds of people say goodbye to obsessive thoughts so they could enjoy the freedom of sleeping. Ten written lessons and five hours of audio including the Opening the Heart series. Money-back guarantee. $199.97.

Read more and order:http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietyonlinecourse.html


LEARN HOW TO FEEL: Learn how to ride your feeling energy so you are not the fool. The first audio in the Opening the Heart series is, “Feelings. The source of real love,” teaching you the difference between thought energy and feeling energy. Get two more hours on fear and hurt included in the Opening the Heart audio. This entire series is included in the above home study, Overcome Anxiety Naturally, for a great bargain. Or buy Opening the Heart as a stand-alone product for $97.00. Money-back guarantee. 

Read more and order now:  http://www.drjeanette.com/emotionalhealthaudio.html


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.

How to Spring into Holistic Health, Wealth and Happiness

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Spring Around You.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


I often stress the importance of being able to relax because
relaxation is the pathway to physical, mental and emotional health.
However, relaxation is not the only energy you and your body need if
you want to have lots of vibrant moments and holistic health. You
also need to get excited! Spring is here to help you break free.

As I was consciously trying to break free from the chains that bound
me, in the early 1980s, I was out with two friends at a fancy
Philadelphia restaurant enjoying myself. I started to laugh about
something we were talking about at our small, elegant table. It was
so funny and I felt so relaxed that my whole body laughed. Pretty
soon, I was on the edge of my seat and almost fell out of my chair. I
stopped laughing, looked at the people next to me and sat up straight
in my chair feeling embarrassed.

In the natural process of transformation, being relaxed naturally
leads to excitement and joy. So, your natural state is awe. What
stops you from feeling wonder more often? Are you too afraid to let
go of the control thoughts have over you? You may not want to relax
because you are afraid you will embarrass yourself with your
excitement of being alive.

Take a look in the mirror:
Are you aware of your inhibitions?
How do you feel when you get excited?
What judgments do you have in your head about laughing freely?
Are you afraid of making a fool of yourself?

I call my second audio in the three hour Opening the Heart series,
“Fear is the pathway to freedom and joy.” This is because feeling
your real fear naturally leads to your real joy. Real fear grounds
you and keeps you safe. Whereas, feeling anxious leads to no joy and
constant insecurity. Feeling anxious is the state your Killjoy
Monster loves to put you in. Anxiety is precisely how your Inner
Critic keeps you in your chains.

Judgments from your ego create the anxiety in your body that makes
you uptight and insecure. I was extremely judgmental of myself about
being relaxed and letting go of control in a public restaurant. My
Killjoy Monster was telling me I was “loud, inappropriate, rude, out
of control, impolite.” Can you think of any other ways to criticize
my behavior? This incident helped me discover the reason I controlled
myself in the first place: I was afraid of what I would do if I were
free and uninhibited. I would get excited and do something bad, wrong
or embarrassing. Was this true? Was I dealing with a real fear or was
it my irrational anxiety?

Let’s look at the reality of the situation. As I settled back into my
table of friends, I could feel they where not judgmental of me, they
were enjoying me; maybe even envious of my spontaneity and freedom.
My enthusiasm was one of the reasons they liked being with me. The
other people in the restaurant did not appear to be concerned, they
were enjoying themselves. So, my belief was false. My behavior was
not inappropriate. Your Inner Critic could say, there may have been an
Old Grouch somewhere in the restaurant that thought I was, “loud,
inappropriate, rude, out of control, and impolite.”

So? The price you pay for staying in your chains is that there maybe
someone who judges you, somewhere, sometime. Does this fear
outweigh the benefits of breaking free from your chains? Spontaneous
people enjoy enormous benefits! They have health, wealth and
happiness. They do not suffer from depression and anxiety. Relaxed
people connect with others and enjoy healthy relationships, including
good sex.

The best things in life come to you when you are not a Grouch. Get
rid of your Inner Grouch and outside judgments cannot keep you in
your chains. All you have to do is break free of your conditioning
and unlearn your mental judgments. Give yourself permission to get
excited and express your enthusiasm without making yourself wrong.
Fear not, the skill to deal with people who judge you can be learned.
Assertiveness is a necessary skill for personal growth success and
healthy relationships. It is easy to say you are sorry if you unknowingly
step on some toes.

Feel spring and let its exciting energy put a spring in your step.
Breathe in the wonder of spring so your cells laugh with joy. Bloom
like a flower and enjoy the consequences of saying no to your Killjoy
Monster and yes to your True Self. Be in love with life.

You will be smiling all over as a result of all those vibrant moments you spend with bright, yellow daffodils.


LEARN TO RELAX: Be guided through the steps needed to break free of
your conditioning so your Inner Grouch does not stop you. Ten written
lessons teach you how to say no to your Inner Critic and yes to your
True Self. Take the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally.
This drug free course has helped hundreds of people say goodbye to
anxiety so they now enjoy the freedom of being themselves. Ten
written lessons and five hours of audio including the Opening the
Heart series. Money-back guarantee. $199.97.

Read more and order:


LEARN ABOUT AWE: Feeling your real fear naturally leads to excitement
and joy. Learn how to ride your real fear energy like a surfer rides a
wave so your fear turns into excitement and joy. The second audio
in the Opening the Heart series, “Fear, the pathway to freedom and
joy” teaches you how to do this. The first audio is “Feelings, the source
of real love,” which teaches you about love. The third is “When You
’re Hurting…,” which heals your past emotional wounds. All three come
together in the Opening the Heart audio and are included in the above
home study for a better bargain. Buy Opening the Heart as a stand
alone product for $97.00. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Dr. Doris Jeanette, author of Opening the Heart, Overcome Anxiety Naturally and ten other personal growth products.

A Self Love Valentine Gift

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Relax and Have Fun.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

Follow Doris Jeanette on twitter for fun and inspiration:


My Valentine’s wish to you this year is to give yourself permission
to relax and have fun. Genuine love is full of genuine fun.

I did not feel like doing anything last week. No energy, tired, just
wanted to rest, and so I did. Remembering how important it is to stay
connected to Mother Earth as she changes with the winter days and
cold temperatures, I slept like a bear. Being one with the
hibernating season of the earth felt divine. I savored being cozy in
my flannel sheets and not pushing myself to do anything. Deep sleep
is a heavenly experience! It is a rejuvenating sensation that you
deserve when needed.

After a couple of days of having fun and resting, my Inner Critic
became quite loud and unpleasant. It attacked my behavior, calling me
lazy. After a few minutes, I felt really, really bad. My fun and
enjoyment disappeared. Instead, I felt anxious and insecure.
Thankfully, all my years of personal growth paid off because I knew
exactly what was happening to me. Ding, dong!

Lazy was one of the first judgments I became conscious of back in my
twenties. I learned the lazy judgment from my father who could never
relax. Since I was conscious of what was going on in my psyche, I
quickly took responsibility for my own mental judgments and said no
to them. No, no, no! Soon, I was relaxing and feeling good again.

Nevertheless, I took note of how much my sense of self is tied to
doing something and accomplishing something every day. The more you
accomplish, the better person you are— so says the Puritans. This
superiority complex is what I learned and this is what I want to
completely and totally unlearn. No thank you, Puritans. I do not buy
or want your ethics; your way of living is extremely controlling,
judgmental and depressing.

In reality, my worth is not based on what I do or do not do. Like you,
the bears and everything else in the cosmos, I am worthwhile simply
because I exist. Thus, the Spanish way of living is my choice, which
says, “How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.” If
you want a happy and healthy life give yourself permission to do
nothing and rest when you feel like it. Do not wait until you get sick
and your body forces you to stop and receive the relaxation and fun
you need.

Open, free time gives you a chance to be creative. Creative living is
naturally and automatically fun. And the best news of all? Creative
living is prosperous because you are part of the whole. I did not miss
any appointment that I was responsible for while enjoying myself.
Trust and know that you will have all that you need if you stop trying to
control reality. It is only your separated ego that suffers and does not
succeed because it is anxious and depressed.

You do not have to do anything to be valuable and precious. You are
valuable and precious. No matter what anyone else says. Love yourself
and have fun being in the moment. Say no to your mental judgments
so you enjoy sleeping deeply until it is time to s-pring forward into


LEARN TO RELAX: Learn how to say no to your Inner Critic when you
take the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally. This drug free
course has helped hundreds of people say goodbye to anxiety.
Money-back guarantee. $199.97

Here is a $50.00 coupon to help you end the winter blues. Put
DRJEANETTE in coupon box. Must order Overcome Anxiety Naturally by
Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019 to get discount. Order now and sleep better
tonight. Email me if you have any trouble with order.

Read more and order:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Handle Stress Without Medication or Drugs

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Patient.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Edgar Cayce: “Patience is the gateway to the fourth dimension.”

It is pouring rain in Philadelphia. I am holding my breath, worried about the leak in my roof as I look at water dripping in a light fixture in my bedroom. A real problem with a real concern: I cannot control the rain or roofer.

What are your real problems? What can you do about your problems when you do not have control over factors that create or solve the problem?

Right now, the world around us seems partially stressful and out of control. I was fortunate to live through the 60s and 70s when there was a great deal of healthy energy flow in the world, especially in the USA.

In 2019, we are bombarded with extremely unhealthy energy from many sources. Even though stress is a normal factor in life, sometimes the amount we have to deal with requires a great deal of patience. Yes, patience is the antidote to stress and anxiety.

Stress creates anxiety. Anxiety is a maladaptive response, which means, it is ineffective. Even a little anxiety interferes with performance. So, I know the first thing I need to do is start breathing and relax, even if the rain is getting in my house. The first thing I must do is say goodbye to my anxiety about my real problems.

If you do not have a relaxation response that you can use as needed, now is the time to learn how to relax your body. Being able to relax at will is essential if you want to meet your stress as an equal. Yes, the way to deal with stress is to stop it from overwhelming you. Meet stress as an equal by letting go of your anxiety and trusting yourself and others.

A helpful response to real problems is real fear. The real fear of the damage that the rain will do to my house must be addressed. Go get a big bucket and catch the rain so it does not ruin my floor. Be creative and clever. Put plastic under the bucket. Use towels to soak up even more. Put damage control in place. Next, call the roofer for help. He responds. Now, I can relax and be present for my day.

After improving my ability to reduce my anxiety for over forty years, I have discovered that patience is the opposite response to stress and anxiety. Being patient with myself and my roofer works. Being anxious does not work. I must stay on top of my roofer and text him often so he does not put me at the bottom of the list. When I communicate to him I am friendly and kind, not pushy and demanding.

The next time stress hits you, practice being patient. The more patient you are during the moments of your life, the more you enjoy vibrant moments. Being patient feels so good. Patience allows you to experience heaven on earth.


FOR ANXIETY HELP: Learn how to relax when you take the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally that has helped hundreds of people say goodbye to anxiety. Money-back guarantee. $199.97

Read more and order:


Follow me on twitter for fun and inspiration:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com/blue.html

How to Keep and Increase Your Self-Esteem Around Your Family

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Take care of yourself.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


During the holidays we often interact with family members who trigger
our old, learned reactions of blame, quilt, shame and helplessness.
Tis the season to separate even more from your family members so
you feel your authentic self and inner strengths when you are with

One of the major unhealthy ways you learned to relate to your family
was via care taking. Most parents do not model for you how to take
care of yourself. Instead, they model for you how to take care of
others. As a result, you do not know how to take care of yourself
unless you make a conscious effort to learn how to pay attention to
your needs and desires and then follow through with actions that
satisfy and fulfill your needs and desires.

If you have never thought about the damage care taking does to the
quality of your relationships, now is a good time to learn more about
the consequences of taking care of others instead of yourself. You
probably have noticed that your care taking relationships are not
reciprocal, satisfying and enjoyable. However, you may not have
noticed that care taking also takes its toll on your physical,
emotional and mental health.

The consequences of care taking others are:

Examine your relationships and be honest about how you relate to your
body, your emotional self and others. With increased awareness of how
you care take others, begin to move into more equal, assertive and
honest communications with people.

When you are with others learn how to:
Feel your body
Stay grounded
Feel your emotions
Know what you want, not what they want
Know what you need, not what they need
Be assertive
Relate equally
Be sincere
Be kind

When you put into practice the above relationship skills, you have
more satisfying relationships. Your holistic health improves and you
have lots more fun.

To help you find out how healthy your relationships are visit:


LEARN TO BE ASSERTIVE: Take your first Assertiveness Training course
or sign up for a refresher at your local community college. If you
cannot find one, order the home study course I created from my
forty-two years of teaching assertiveness skills to my clients and
students. Just reading the manual helps you get started. When you put
into practice what you learn you feel better immediately about
yourself. Improve your self-esteem and holistic health by learning
how to say no.

Order the home study course Stop the World From Pushing You Around:
Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence. Forty-seven-page manual with six
weeks of lessons PLUS more than six hours of real-life audio
coaching. $149.97. Guaranteed or your money back.
Read more and order: “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six
Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence.”

Follow me on twitter for fun and inspiration:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Transform Your Shadow and Ego into Good Mental Health

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Being Wrong is Human.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


I spent two weeks being a Perfect Puritan before Halloween. The
reason for my role playing? The most powerful personal growth occurs
when you come face to face with your own ego. Your ego is what you
learned from the Collective Ego. Carl Jung discovered the Collective
Ego and called your nasty part, the Shadow.

To be free, healthy and happy, you must knowingly remove and unlearn
your ego’s reactions, thoughts and behavior. Your mental health
issues are not permanently resolved until your physical body changes
its form and readjusts to the absence of your ego. Your ego is the
tension in your body. Tension is anxiety. Anxiety is how you control
yourself and make yourself miserable. The end result of transforming
your defensive energy into more flowing energy is more relaxation and
vibrant moments.

One of the most effective ways to bring unconscious material up out
of your body is to live some role or act your ego out as if it were
really you. Why don’t you give it a try? Start by paying attention to
the nasty mental thoughts that are right under the surface of your
awareness. The goal is to expose a part of you that is in hiding.
Your ego must hide because that is the only way it maintains control
over you. As long as you are unaware of your ego, its dark energy
hurts you and often, ruins your life.

The therapeutic goal is to expose your Shadow to the light of your
conscious mind so you can decondition its false beliefs. However,
there is a trick to the transformation process. You must observe your
ego and see it for what it is, without making it the enemy. This
shift in judgment is essential or you just become more ego and not

Start with one image, thought or idea and let it move. I traveled
from the mother of a client who did not believe her child was
sexually abused, to the Scarlet Letter, to the mean way the Puritans
treated emotional people, to my mother who was a Southern Baptist
who was not allowed to wear shorts or dance. As I felt my feelings, I
began to see how often I made myself wrong and how often I am
wrong. I really am “wrong” often, according to the Puritans!

As my perfect image dissolved I felt more human and alive. As you
expose your nasty ego be loving and kind toward yourself. Remind
yourself often that we all have a Shadow. Take responsibility for
your ego and choose to stop its nasty energy from hurting you or
others. My right shoulder shook as it released years of tension from
trying to avoid doing something wrong. Being perfect is hard work.

As humans we cannot avoid being wrong or bad by someone’s
judgment. So, get rid of the judgment you learned and accept yourself
as an in-the-flesh human being with an open and loving heart.

Follow me on twitter for fun and inspiration:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with forty years
of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock
and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.

How to Fine Tune and Use Your Crap Detector to Know the Truth

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Trust What is Real.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


You cannot trust something if it is fake.

The way to know the truth is to feel what is real, honest and genuine.
You must also be able to feel what is dishonest, ego based and fake.
This means you need a Crap Detector that is fine tuned and often used!

You will never know the truth if you listen to words and use thinking.
For example, Senator Heidi Heitkamp turned off the sound to see what
Kavanaugh’s energy and body language revealed. What she saw was
the truth. What she heard was not the truth.

This is what you must do with yourself and others. Use energy and
body language to know the truth. Early in my career, I discovered
that young children developed images that they hide behind because
they were afraid of being rejected if they shared their true selves
with their parents and friends. As children grew up, they developed
their Ms. Perfect, Mr. Never-Satisfied and Dr. Tight-Ass images into
personas that they, themselves began to believe were their true self.

Indeed, just because someone believes their own ego does not mean
you have to!! Use your Crap Detector.

The process of successful therapy and transformation involves
teaching you to feel the difference between your True Self and your
Fake Ego. This is the difference between health and illness. You cannot
be mentally healthy if you are fooled by your own ego or that of
another. You are mentally ill to the extent that you cannot tell the
difference between your True Selves and your Fake Egos.

Look in the mirror often and see what you are expressing. It is your
job to sniff out the truth of yourself and others if you want a
happy, healthy fulfilled life. Develop your Crap Detector by turning
off the sound and learning how to read energy and body language.

Enjoy more vibrant moments. Dress up for Halloween as one of your
egos and have a good time exposing your fake self. Or, dress up as
one of your hidden true parts and enjoy coming out of the closet.


DEVELOP YOUR CRAP DETECTOR: Study the Opening the Heart audio
series. Three hours of audio guides you step by step into feeling the
difference in energy between your Ego and True Self. Learning the
difference between the part of you that is brainwashed and the part
of you that is real empowers you in every moment of your life. Fear
is real and you need to keep it for survival. Anxiety is learned and
you need to get rid of it! Learn to say no to brainwashing and yes to
your real body, heart and soul. Feel the difference. $97.00, money
back guarantee.

Read more and order the Opening the Heart audio:


Follow me on twitter for fun and inspiration:


If you are interested in learning how to read energy and body
language, please send me an email. I have a one hour audio that was
made for therapists that I can sell you to get started. I would also
enjoy teaching a class or course on this topic. Let’s talk about it.


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with forty years
of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock
and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem: Learn to be Assertive and Effective

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Learn Something New!
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Sometimes, I sit around my unique swim club with my friends and complain about all the things we do not like about it. All of our complaints are real problems. These problems seem as if they are out of our control. We feel hopeless and helpless. Are we really hopeless and helpless? Maybe yes and maybe no. When you feel hopeless and helpless the first thing you need to do is see if you really are hopeless. Often, you feel helpless and you are not. 

The Lombard Swim Club in Center City, Philadelphia is a success story of how a neighborhood community saved their outdoor swim club from greedy developers. Thirty-seven years ago our community bought the swim club from the owners. Today 400 of us own the club and 1100 of us enjoy the benefits of outdoor lap swimming in a Olympic size pool, a baby pool, art, drama, bingo, free coffee and open bars. We enjoy the city skyline, moon, sunsets and planets right in the heart of Philadelphia. This gem is half a block from my home. It is my home away from home.

So, what do we complain about? The money being wasted, the dirty bathrooms, irresponsible lifeguards and overstaffing. All of these could be corrected if the board and management were effective. But they are not effective. Can those of us who own the club be more effective in helping the board and management be more effective? We have tried and failed so we give up. We got rid of single use plastic glasses a few years ago and back they came this year. Weary from trying, what do we do? 

When I swim I obsess about all the problems instead of enjoying my swim. My obsessive thoughts tell me that I must stop complaining and take action. Instead of writing my regular letters with my same old complaints clearly explained, I tried a new approach. I crafted a list of direct, straightforward questions. My assertive questions were excellent. There was no opinion or blame. I shared the questions with my friends. Together four of us sent the questions to the finance committee, president and manager. These assertive questions are forcing the board and management to address the issues they have been ignoring and denying. 

I gave the questions to scores of members so they could be included. Last year I stood alone with my concerns at the annual meeting. This year there is a movement. Many of the other owners are taking a stand with me. Even if we do not get all the answers, we have already raised the awareness of the problems so that they cannot be ignored and denied anymore. Since I took action a month ago I have enjoyed my swim club much more. 

So, the next time you are obsessing about something, see what direct and assertive action you could take that would be effective. You may be surprised at the outcome if you remove all blame and say the truth as clearly as possible. Being assertive is often effective. Never underestimate the power of being effective.  

Being effective improves your self-esteem. I feel so much better no matter what happens or how fast.


LEARN TO BE EFFECTIVE: Being effective in relationships is necessary if you want healthy, equal, loving relationships. Take an Assertiveness Training Class if you can find one locally. If not, take the home study course Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence. Forty—seven-page manual with six weeks of lessons PLUS more than six hours of real life audio coaching. $149.97, Just reading the manual helps you be more assertive. Guaranteed or your money back.

Read more and order: “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence.” http://www.drjeanette.com/assertivenesstrainingcourse.html

DISCOUNT: Put STANDUP in the coupon box and pay $97.00 for Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence.


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If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.


How to Heal Emotional Wounds in Your Body and Heart

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Love Your Emotions!
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


A friend shared a story with me about being at a family event when the host began to criticize and attack her. She tried to shrug off this unpleasant experience and act like it did not bother her. However, several weeks later she confessed to me in private that this experience was still bothering her. She did not know what to do with her strong feelings and emotions. 

Empathize with my friend’s emotional experience by remembering how you felt when a family member attacked you. Remember when someone in your family blamed you for something or other. For example, my brother said at a Thanksgiving gathering, “It is all your fault because you are so selfish and self-centered. You don’t care about anyone else but you.” These words, with their nasty energy, literally stung me to my core. The knife went straight into my body and emotional self where the damage was done.

People’s nasty words become like poison arrows in your body and heart. Emotional wounds are as painful and unhealthy as physical wounds. When you do not feel your pain and heal your wounds, they often manifest as physical problems. When you were a child, you were hurt frequently by unaware adults who said hurtful things to you and blamed you with shame and guilt. As a child you took these words to heart and believed them to be true.

When you became an adult, your emotional wounds are still in your body until you knowingly heal them. Your old wounds are triggered when you experience someone blaming you for something in the present. As a result, you have the current blame sting piled on top of many old wounds that are already stuck in your body. Your body is holding all your feelings of hurt that have not been fully experienced, expressed and received by a loving person. 

This means when you feel hurt, this is a very positive, healthy sign. You can begin the healing process that must occur for you to be whole and happy. The healing process is one of finding your little girl or boy who has been hurt and wounded. After you find your real emotional energy, it is up to you to accept, love and heal your emotional self. There is nothing special you need “to do.” What is needed is for you to stay with your emotions and feelings and accept them. Your emotional self will lead you to where you need to go if you truly listen. It is up to you to follow her lead.  

Your emotional self will tell you, verbally and nonverbally, what she needs. Mostly, what she needs is the energy of love. The healing occurs by staying with your emotional self and listening to what she needs and supplying what is needed on a daily basis. She is real and when you make a loving connection with her, your whole life expands into another dimension. When I decided to love, instead of ignore, my little girl is when I spontaneously began to have vibrant moments.

Attacks of any nature are not justified. Blame is never justified. To blame is to make someone else responsible for how you feel, think and behave. Adults blame each other all the time. Blaming yourself is as harmful as blaming another. I make the Opening the Heart audio series to guide you through your confusing maze of ego anxiety and real fear, ego self-pity and genuine hurt so you learn to recognize your true emotional self from your ego energy who is currently controlling you. Knowing this difference in energy is the essential first step.

So, sit down and get in touch with your genuine emotions right now. If you need help use the Opening the Heart audio as a loving, skillful guide to help you establish a genuine heart to heart connection between you and your wounded child. Do not let another day go by without moving closer to your emotions and True Self. 

Love feels so much better than blame. You deserve love. You do not deserve blame. You have the ability to shift out of blame into self-love.


LOVE YOUR EMOTIONS: Put a loving voice into your ears that shows you how to move toward your wounded child so you know how to heal her emotional and physical wounds. Quickly, you will enjoy more vibrant moments. Feeling hurt is the first sign of more life, energy and power. Getting out of your thoughts into your feelings is like moving from AM radio to FM stereo! Enjoy the whole body experience of life instead of observing it from afar. Opening the Heart is three hours of audio on Feelings, Hurt and Fear. You are guided into finding, healing and loving your emotional self. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order, Opening the Heart audio series: http://www.drjeanette.com/emotionalhealthaudio.html


 Follow me on twitter for fun and inspiration:




If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.