About Doris Jeanette

The Philadelphia Inquirer proclaimed Doris Jeanette "The Siren of Spontaneity," noting that "her co therapist is Nature." Dr. Doris Jeanette is a licensed psychologist with 30 years of clinical experience. She has been associated with top name universities, multicultural associations, diversity organizations, women's groups and humanistic, spiritual psychology. Her works and quotes have appeared in psychological journals, major newspapers, online publications and various magazines throughout the world. Doris currently resides in center city, Philadelphia, PA.

How to Stay Sane During Crisis

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Stay the Course.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Just because you feel something does not mean you have to do
something! Yelp, there were many times I wanted to run away from
Baylor graduate school in Texas in 1974 and travel the USA in my VW
van, Sunshine. But I did not take that action even though I had that
strong runaway feeling numerous times.

Your feelings often change as soon as you feel them. They rearrange
and keep going, if you let them. Allowing yourself to flow with your
feelings produces peak experiences called vibrant moments. Then at
other times your feelings stay the course. This is when you know that
what you are doing is the best course of action for you.

You can also have many feelings at the same time about the same thing
from different points of view. For example, you love and hate him. You
love his true self and cherish every hair on his body. In contrast, a
minute later, his controlling Ego drives you crazy. Girl, with this stay
at home time, you sure can get on each other’s nerves!

Given how confusing feelings can be, do you trust your feelings and
use them to help you? If not, you are missing out on one of the most
powerful inner strengths you possess. The truth is you can always trust
your feelings because they give you feedback about reality. Feelings
report internal and external realities. That’s it. No more or no less.

What you feel in the moment has nothing to do with the appropriate
action you need to take. If you react immediately to a feeling you
are not giving yourself time to absorb, process and take in reality.
The natural process of transformation means that you do not react to
anything. When you react you are being controlled by your past
conditioning. If you want to be self-confident, free and happy, you
must give up knee-jerk reactions.

To be safe and sane, you must experience reality as it is happening.
Reality is energy and changes in the moment as you live your life.
How you respond to reality is your power or lack of power. How you
respond reflects your self-confidence. You can react, which makes you
weaker. Or you can respond to reality as a responsible person. When
you are responsible, you use your feelings as feedback to make good

Just like in graduate school, I feel like running away from this
current worldwide experience of the monster virus. I know world
history. In 1848, the missionaries gave the Hawaiian people measles,
killing off a quarter of the population. I know there is real danger
out there if my body encounters that virus. I also know I have inner
strengths to help me. My knowledge base includes the fact that
staying open and receptive keeps my immune system at a healthy level.

So, even though, I feel like running away, I am not going to
run away. Instead, I am staying the course. Feeling all my intense,
different feelings and not reacting to them. Instead, I keep
breathing. Making myself absorb and process my external reality which
is out of control and chaotic. I am staying with my inner reality,
which is full of real fear, irrational anxiety and a great deal of
common sense.

May this newsletter encourage you to go deeper and find your truths
so you stay in touch with what is real. The real world is the earth,
your surroundings, body, emotions, energy, light, vibrations and

Know that you are loved. Love yourself—no matter what. Comfort
yourself at all times–no matter what.


STOP REACTING: Learn to feel without a knee jerk response. Study the
difference in energy of your denial, hysteria and real fear by taking
the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written
lessons that guide you into supporting and reassuring yourself that
your body feelings and emotional feelings keep you sane and safe.
Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you
crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Feel Real Fear and Keep Safe

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Look Inward.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.” These words
from the musical “The King and I” are playing though my mind. Long
ago, the Greek temples encouraged people to look inward with the
words “Know Thyself.” Perhaps getting to know who you really are and
letting others get closer to you will produce positive results that
occur from our current scary world reality. 

You are being forced to slow down. You could distract yourself or you 
could look inward. Becoming more intimate with yourself and with 
others will empower you and make you stronger. You will face
your real fears and reduce your irrational anxieties. Then, you will
increase your ability to relax and become more comfortable in your 
body on the blue planet and soar! 

With so many real fears and irrational anxieties around us, we need
all the help we can get. One of the most important scientific,
energetic facts you need to know is the difference between real fear,
panic and denial. If you do not know this information, you do not
possess the means to take good care of yourself. You will over or
under react to real fears and put yourself in danger.

Naturally, you will sometimes panic; you will be secure and you will
deny. This is normal. However, you must have the ability to come back
to center so you are feeling your real fears without panic or denial.
If you need help in knowing the difference in the energy between
these important states, study and use the Overcome Anxiety Naturally
home study course that includes the Opening the Heart audio. To know
how to take care of yourself, you must take one step at a time
through the real fears until you reach the place where you are not

As you make your way through the real fears, you need to look inward
to your innate strengths and look outward to the love that is always
all around you. Your inner strengths are always there. You need to
trust them, feel, and use them. They help you succeed. Love is always
there. Most of the time you block this powerful energy out and do not
receive it. Or trust it. Or feel it. 

Right now, you need to know that you are loved and feel loving energy 
to help you get through these rough times. Reach out to all the love
around you and receive it in your heart. Love will charge you, your 
body and energy field with strong, radiate energy.

When your authentic self is in charge, you feel love coming and going 
between you and others. When you love and accept yourself as you 
really are, you feel good. When your ego is in charge, you do not feel 
love coming and going between you and your world. When you 
disapprove of yourself or others, you feel bad.

Love yourself as you are. You are not perfect, you make mistakes. Let 
go of control and allow what you need to come to you. Ask for help 
as needed. When you are sincere and modest, the cosmos and other 
human beings are there to help you.  

You know you are in the flow when you get what you want and need
without effort. 


RELAX INTO FEAR: Learn to feel the difference in energy of your
denial, hysteria and real fear by taking the home study course,
Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Get ten written lessons that guide you
into supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self so you
stay sane and safe. Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts
from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

SUPER DUPER SPECIAL: Order the home study course Overcome 
Anxiety Naturally by Sunday, March 29, 2020 and $100.00 off the price. 
Use coupon FEAR

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Breathing? Breathe to Be Alive

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Breathe and Feel
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Take a deep breath. Hold it. Then let go of your breath and feel what
is real. Do this right now. Seriously. Your breath is a power tool that
you can use anytime, anywhere to become stronger, happier and more
self-confident. Use it. Make yourself take a deep breath no matter what
is worrying you or making you feel bad.

Breathing is a cheap medicine that works. Take a deep breath, let go
and feel what your body feels like. Feel what your genuine emotions
are. Keep breathing, letting go and feeling. Users of the “Opening
the Heart” audio know that my motto on the audio is “breathe and
feel.” I am relearning this amazingly effective lesson right this

Yes, no matter what you know, you often need to be reminded of what
you know. This is true of learned education as well as your inner
knowings. This week I worked with a new energy healing teacher who
said to me, “Breathe and feel.” I was shocked to hear those words
come out of someone else’s mouth! Breathe and feel was exactly what
I needed to hear and do.

You are a teacher and student at different times about different
things. As a teacher, you teach what you need to know. Then boom, a
life lesson brings you down to your knees. When this happens, you are
reminded that receptivity is essential for holistic health. So, I am
reminding myself and you of how important it is to receive, receive,
receive. Be like a cup and receive the energy of the cosmos. Use the
cup imagery in your creative meditation every day for a week and let
me know what happens.

If you want more vibrant moments in your life, breathe and feel.
Become a conscious breather. Every hour on the hour, notice. “Am I
breathing?” Sit in silence and breathe. Become aware of what is going
on in your body. Be body-ful. What colorful emotions are hanging out
around you? What color do you need to feel better?

Enjoy becoming more alive.


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your
self-confidence, inner strengths, joys and truths. Get to know your
body and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You
Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body
health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking


OVERCOME YOUR PROBLEMS: Learn to feel the energy of your
conditioned self, rebellious self and real self in the first thirty minutes of
the Opening the Heart audio, which is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. In addition, when you order the
Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course, you get ten written
lessons that guide you out of thinking into your helpful feelings.
Return to your physical sensations for more health and pleasure in
your life. Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from
driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Achieve New Year’s Resolutions and Self Esteem

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Self-Confidence is Body-ful.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


What is the best way to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends? Become more body-ful! During the holidays people often get anxious because they are listening to the ego’s should nots and shoulds. When you get anxious you take on the point of view of your ego instead of being open and loving. 

Back in September, I wrote about how true breakthroughs occur when there is a physical change in your body and coined a new word, body-ful. You can always visit www.thevibrantmoment.com to read past issues of The Vibrant Moment if you missed an issue.

Since we have been exploring how to become more self-confident for the last two months, your body must re-enter the scene. When you can read body language you know when someone has genuine self-esteem and when they are faking it. This is because genuine self-confidence is a physical reality. It is not a mental state or even an emotional state. Self-confidence is flexible and fluid.

Your degree of self-confidence is based on how present you are in space at any given moment. Naturally, we all come and go, moment by moment. This means your self-confidence can become stronger or weaker instantaneously. Depending on who you are with and what you are thinking. You get a cold shoulder from someone or feel their judgment. Suddenly, you become smaller.

You are a mass of undulating energy that is held together by your physical form. Therefore, anything you do that makes you stronger physically is going to increase your self-esteem. And an added perk is: Becoming more body aware is the way to improve all of your relationships. Make your New Year’s Resolutions around these suggestions.  

Ways to Increase Self-Esteem

  1. Use any of the marital arts.
  2. Visit a good body worker.
  3. Take a class in body awareness.
  4. Get regular massages.
  5. Move more with awareness.
  6. Enjoy loving sensual activities.

Use any of the above alone or with others. They are extremely effective in helping you become more body-ful. Do not go to bed without your body or wake up without including your body. Slip out of bed letting your body lead the way. Be present for your life. Stand up for yourself. Literally.


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your self-confidence, inner strengths and truths. Get to know your body and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking


OVERCOME YOUR RESISTANCE: Learn to feel the energy of your pleasing self, rebellious self and real self in the first thirty minutes of the Opening the Heart audio, which is included in the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. In addition, ten written lessons show you how to stop your brain from overriding your body by teaching you how to return to your physical sensations. When you touch your body you stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally 


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.

How to Improve Your Self Esteem and Self Confidence

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Self-Confidence is Sincere
Tools from the Center for New Psychology, drjeanette.com
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


We are continuing our search for genuine self-confidence. If you did not read last month’s article on self-esteem here it is: https://thevibrantmoment.com/2019/10/23/how-to-improve-your-self-confidence-and-self-esteem/

The Self-Esteem Enhancer Exercise I gave you last month was to help you become more realistic about yourself. Being realistic automatically helps you feel more self-confident. This is because being realistic is the opposite of being defensive.

When you are defensive, you are insecure and weak. You are not accepting some truth about yourself! Therefore, being defensive is a waste of energy. Defensive energy reveals your low self-esteem and does not improve it. It is much wiser to accept your unpleasant qualities and improve them, than it is to defend against them. Or deny them. Or make excuses!

The Self-Esteem Enhancer Exercise:
Being honest, name three positive qualities you possess. Write them down.
Being honest, name three unpleasant qualities about yourself. Write them down.

The facts that you write down will help you achieve genuine self-confidence. Take a look at how comfortable you are with your strengths. They may be as hard, if not harder, to own than your weaknesses. Imagine how good it would feel to accept your True Self with compassion and understanding.

Take a good honest look at what you think of yourself. The qualities you like about yourself could be ego or True Self qualities. For example, you could think highly of yourself about an ego quality that you are always nice to people. On the other hand, you could think you are a bad person because you are assertive with people telling them the truth, which is a True Self quality.

How you think about yourself is based on mental judgments you learned from others. Judgments can be good or bad, or right or wrong. Being “good” is just as unhealthy as being “bad.” Being a “good girl” was the way I tried to achieve self-confidence for the first thirty years of my life. It was quite a wake up to realize my self-confidence was so low because it was based on a “good girl” image and not reality.

To improve your self-confidence, the first thing you need to do is stop being judgmental of yourself. It does not matter whether your qualities are ego or authentic, you need to stop hurting yourself. Remind yourself that you are human and have faults. Of course, you are not always true to yourself. Of course, it takes time to discover and unlearn all the unhealthy stuff you learned from others.

Put your energy into reducing mental judgments against yourself or anyone else.

Notice how often you think you are right or wrong, or good or bad. See if you can stop judging yourself. If not, get help from the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course, which teaches you how to shift out of self-judgments into self-acceptance in a realistic step-by-step fashion.


MANIFEST SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your mental judgments made you anxious so it feels wonderful to reduce them so you relax and have more fun. Ten written lessons show you how to shift out of self-judgment into self-acceptance. The Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course also includes the three-hour audio series, Opening the Heart, worth $97.00, which helps you love yourself and your emotions. $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally:


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your self-confidence, inner strengths and truths. Get to know your body and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.

How to Improve Your Self Confidence and Self Esteem

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Self-Confidence is Sincere
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor


I was discussing with some of my family members recently what self-confidence is and how to get more of it. So I thought I would put into writing what I have learned about self-esteem.

Self-confidence is based in reality. This means you cannot fake it. You can try to fake it, but those in the know are not fooled for long. The reason you cannot fake self-confidence is because your body simply does not have the ability to lie. So, no matter what you do to hide the truth, your physical form reveals the truth about how you feel about yourself.

Sure, you can puff out your chest and act self-confident. However, anyone who reads body language and feels energy knows you are acting superior. Also, if you have studied psychology, you know that arrogant behavior is due to low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is the reason people act arrogant and helpless. “Act” is the key word here.

In the physical world outside of you, you are not better or worse than another. Your ego tries to convince you that you are special or worthless. This is inaccurate. To be special or worthless you have to be separate from reality. Your true self is not a separate identity hanging out in space, disconnected from Mother Earth, your body and the cosmos. To be separate is to be crazy.

If you believe the mental delusions that you are special or worthless, you create mental diseases. Mental diseases are delusions about the true self. Neither superior or inferior ego states are authentic aspects of your true self. Self-confidence cannot be achieved by being inauthentic.

Self-confidence is based on real facts and solid matter. Your feet must be standing on solid ground with gravity pulling down on your physical form to anchor you into the earth. You must be sincere and honest about who you really are. You are born with plenty of self-confidence but the adults in your world quickly conditioned your good feelings about yourself into bad feelings about yourself.

Therefore, all of us have to unlearn the negative things we learned about ourselves from outside sources. Then we have to relearn the truth about ourselves. We do this by feeling and trusting that which is real. To help you get more in touch with reality, name three positive qualities that you possess. Then name three unpleasant qualities about yourself.

Being honest with both answers helps you become less defensive and more realistic. This is the beginning of genuine self-confidence. Next, you need to become less judgmental of the real you. So take note of any snide remarks against yourself what come to your conscious mind.


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your self-confidence, inner strengths and truths. Get to know your body and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking: http://www.drjeanette.com/hearyourbody.html


LOVE YOUR TRUE SELF: Learn to feel the energy of your real self in the first thirty minutes of the Opening the Heart audio, which is included in the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. In addition ten written lessons show you how to stop your brain from overriding your body by teaching you how to return to your physical sensations. When you touch your body you stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally: http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietyonlinecourse.html

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: http://www.drjeanette.com.

What is a Breakthrough? A Bodyful Experience!

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Breakthroughs are Bodyful.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

When was the last time you had a breakthrough?

I am long overdue for one. Therefore, I have been carefully studying
my clients as they enjoy theirs. For example, a regular coaching
client just had a delightful breakthrough this week during her phone
session. She could feel it, so could I. Her energy shifted. She got
it! More of her became present.

Breakthroughs are far beyond insights. A quantum leap occurs when
you directly experience a full-bodied awareness of how you are keeping
yourself in chains and know in your heart you cannot continue to allow
this to happen to you—no matter what! Once freedom is experienced
in the body, it is difficult for the mental judgments to take you prisoner

My client has a hard time doing anything if her family members
disapprove of her. Since her family is rigid, controlling and
self-righteous that makes it difficult for her to do what she needs
to do to be happy and free. Eating out of anxiety is one of the
behaviors she has not been able to transform. Since she has been
conditioned to eat what she should, not eat what she should not AND
finish her plate, she eats too fast and over eats. Starving children
come to haunt her…

I asked her to feel the part of her that controls her. The image was
her critical mother who she still answers to, even though my client
owns the company. For successful transformation, you must take full
responsibility for your ego that pleases mother and your ego that
resists mother. Notice your stubbornness, it is your worse enemy.
Your rebellious self does not listen to what is being communicated.
It acts as if the other person is wrong and bad, projecting false
beliefs outward.

My client’s awareness of both ego states has not been enough for her
to experience freedom. So, I asked her to feel the part of her that
cannot speak her truth. For example, “I am not keeping my ‘seat in
the butt’ working all day because I need to go walking to exercise.”
As we explored her real self who cannot speak up, the bottom line
real fear was: “I will lose mother’s love.” Next we helped her little
girl realize that approval is not love.

The breakthrough occurred when I asked her to feel her stomach. As a
result of being controlled by her family, my client’s natural
response of feeling when her stomach is full had been destroyed.
Therefore, my client does not feel her stomach. Instead, she listens
to her mental judgments of should and should nots for guidance. The
reality of not feeling her stomach brought her face to face with her

Look at your behaviors and see how many of them are due to the same
problem. When does your brain override your physical sensations so
that you do not directly experience reality? How often during the day
do you block your feelings? In what areas in your life are you
unconscious of your authentic sensations? Do you feel your feet and
notice you are not grounded? Do you hear your intuitive self when it
talks to you?

You are NOT who you think you are. Who are you? Your body knows.
However, your ego is invested in keeping you unconscious of how it is
controlling you, defining you and using you. This means your body is
the battleground where your false beliefs thrive, blocking the
gateway to reality. Therefore, you must be silent and listen. Your
body is the place to spend lots of time sensing and feeling reality.
If you need help, listen to the audio, “Hear Your Body Talking.”

Be bodyful. Be present for your life; do not let it slip away into
ordinary, mundaneness. Be bold, paint the canvas of your life brightly
with colors.


FIND YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: Your body is the home of your
self-confidence, inner strengths and truths. Get to know your body
and enjoy the benefits of freedom and joy. Order “3 Reasons You Have
a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” a one-hour tele-seminar on body
health and body awareness. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Hear Your Body Talking: http://www.drjeanette.com/hearyourbody.html

OVERCOME YOUR RESISTANCE: Learn to feel the energy of your
pleasing self, rebellious self and real self in the first thirty minutes of
the Opening the Heart audio, which is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. In addition you get ten written
lessons that show you how to stop your brain from overriding your
body by teaching you how to return to your physical sensations.
When you touch your body you stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts
from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to Say No When You Need to Say No.

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Say No to Guilt.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Transformational Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


A regular reader of The Vibrant Moment asks:

“I am a people pleaser! I learned it from my mom. I recently told
some family members “no” to an upcoming event. It felt like the right
choice for our immediate family. My Aunt was very disappointed. I
felt the disappointment. Because I am a sensitive person I felt all
of her and everyone else’s displeasure. Because they do a lot for us
I especially felt guilty. How do I STOP feeling guilty for doing
what’s best for me? I am such a caring person …it feels like I’m
not caring by not adjusting myself to meet others. I know this is not
good for me. Please help me learn this!! How do I go through life
with more ease? How can I be a caring person while not ignoring my
inner knowing?”

Saying no is extremely hard to do when you know someone you care
about will be unhappy with you. None of us want to make others
unhappy. Definitely, not those we love and care about.

Therein lies the problem; you are in a catch 22. Or so it seems. You
feel bad if you say no. You feel bad if you say yes. Yuck.

Just this week I said no and two people pressured me to say yes. I
said no again. The pressure continued and one of them said something
unkind to me, shaming me. I gave in and said yes.

The consequences of saying yes created a huge mess for me. As a
result of their poor judgment, I had to spend two days- literally
-cleaning up the mess their behavior created. Not only am I angry
with the person who pressured me with shame, I am angry at myself
for not having the courage to follow through with what was best for me.

My jaw is tight and my rage is furious like Pele, the Hawaiian
Goddess. So, what is the healthy thing to do?

Do you feel rage and not get what you want?
Or, do you feel guilt and get what you want?

The choice is yours. Keep reality in mind. Real anger at betraying
yourself will never go away. Real anger is a healthy response to
hurting yourself or being hurt by others. On the other hand, guilt is
a conditioned response. You were taught to feel guilt. This is great
news because this means you can unlearn your guilt response over
time with practice.

During my post-doc at Temple Medical School, studying with a large
group of famous behavior therapists, I learned that guilt should
NEVER be the reason for any decision or behavior. Guilt is a form of
brain washing, like shame. Dr. Goldstein told us, “Never let guilt
control you and teach this to your clients.” I took this knowing to
heart, using it to free myself from unhealthy learnings. You can do
the same.

Let’s look deeper into the relationship dynamics that are occurring
when you feel guilt. For example, when your Aunt is disappointed in
you, she is making you responsible for her happiness! Making you
responsible for her happiness is an impossible, thus, unhealthy way
to relate to you. Do you really want to take on the burden of having
to make her happy? The truth is, you are sure to fail because only
she can make herself happy.

Consider the fact that if your Aunt was considerate of you, she would
be happy with whatever was best for you. She would be understanding
and loving toward you. She would be supportive of you taking care of
your large family and many responsibilities. She would not guilt trip
you. If she wants you at an event, she needs to plan it with you. Then
it would occur at a good time for you and your family.

For more about how to desensitize yourself to guilt read the library
article, “How to Live a Guilt Free Life,” at:


SAY NO TO GUILT: “I ordered your guilt audio many years ago. It
worked.” A one-hour tele-seminar, Find Peace Beyond Guilt and
Judgment, teaches you how to stand up for yourself and say no. Over
time guilt disappears and you feel free and happy. You become a
person who is not easily guilt-tripped! $29.97, money-back guarantee

Order the effective audio, Find Peace Beyond Guilt and Judgment:


STAND UP FOR YOURSELF: Become more skillful and assertive in
communicating your needs to others. When you say no you become
effective in meeting your desires. “Stop the World From Pushing You
Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” a home study course,
gives you the information, tools and support you need to be assertive.
Just reading the manual helps you become assertive. 47-page manual
PLUS six hours of audio for $149.97, money back guarantee.

Learn more about assertive behavior and order “Stop the World
From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence:”

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Count Your Blessings to Create More Blessings

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Bless to Create More.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Just finished a session with a client and we spent the hour focusing
on the results you get when you bless something. I asked her to bless
her feet. The love energy that showed up in her feet was amazingly
strong. Yes, the result was a palpable physical energy noticeable to
her and me.

Why don’t you try blessing something? Bless any part of your body
right now that you like. Could be your hands, eyes, smile, face,
breasts, legs —you get the jest. You bless something by paying
attention to it, liking it, loving it, enjoying it. Smile at it and
send it love. Your cells receive your blessing.

Feel the results of blessing your body. Note all your senses. You
have inner senses that match all your outer senses. Write down your
results so you do not forget them. My client felt light, good and
happy. Her orange toenail polish was even more shiny than before!
Blessing is one of the universal, nature laws that operates all the
time on this planet. Blessing another person is the same as blessing

Now contrast the results of blessing something with the results of
what happens when you curse something. Cursing does not mean “bad
words.” Cursing means paying attention to something with judgments
against it. Just noticing something is just noticing something. You
can just notice your extra fat or wrinkles. Noticing reality is
healthy. Cursing is not.

When you curse something, you send it disharmonious energy that
sensitive people can feel. This unhealthy energy can be verbal or
non-verbal. When you curse something, you dislike it, hate it, avoid
it and make it wrong. Wrong and bad are the means by which we curse.

Now, curse some part of your body that you do not like and notice
what happens. Are your results dramatically different? When my client
cursed her body she felt heavy, bad and sad. Her cursing created a
grey, black feeling throughout her body and around it. Her cells did
the opposite of lighting up and shining.

You can improve your personal growth success by increasing your
awareness of what you curse and bless. The next time you curse
yourself or someone – stop it. Do not be dismayed or judgmental
of yourself. You can correct your actions immediately. All you have
to do is shift into blessing something. Anything will do, such as two
trees that are growing in harmony. Bless them. And then find
something else to bless as soon as you can; such as your strong
and sturdy feet.

Yes, two blessings to one curse is the goal. To make the universal
law work toward positive energy instead of negative, all you have to
do you is bless more than you curse. This will keep more blessings
coming your way.


WHAT ARE YOU CURSING? If you do not know, increase your awareness
by learning how to read energy. Learn the difference between
exaggerating, denying and knowing. To flow toward more health, you
need to know what your real emotions are and accept them. Study and
use the Opening the Heart audio until you know the difference between
healthy energy that blesses and unhealthy energy that curses. Three
hours of emotional health audio. $97.00. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order: Opening the Heart audio:


RELAX AND BLESS MORE: Learn to stop panic immediately and reduce
your anxiety over a ten week period. Ten written lessons teach you how
to bless your true self who is not anxious. Take the home study course
Overcome Anxiety Naturally. This drug-free course has helped hundreds
of people reduce anxiety and find better health. Ten written lessons and
five hours of audio including the Opening the Heart series. Money-back
guarantee. $199.97.

Read more and order:


If you already own the above products, order one of these audio
seminars and get another one free. Order one and tell me the second
one you want for free.

I recommend these alternative psychology audios to help you become
Hear Your Body Talking:
Say Goodbye to Guilt:
Tame Your Thoughts:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

How to be Interesting to Your Therapist, Friend and Lover

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Share Your Feelings.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com

I answer questions on the online website, Quora, from time to time
such as “What do therapists do during a boring session with a client?”

This is a great question because it applies to all relationships. What
do you do when your partner, friend or sibling is talking on and
on and you are bored? Are you polite and just keep listening? If so,
this could soon drain your energy and move your relationship into an
unhealthy dynamic. Once a relationship becomes dishonest, that
relationship is no longer healthy for you because you have lost your

Early in my career I discovered that when I was bored listening to
someone there was a high probability that other people were also
bored when listening to this person. This was a great help to me as a
therapist because now I knew one of the reasons my client did not
have close relationships with others. Their defenses were keeping them
from connecting with people. Surface talking leads to surface

Therefore, as soon as I experience a client as boring, I intervene. I
stop them and redirect them. Often I do this by asking them what they
are feeling. The feeling level of communication is interesting and
immediately connects us even if they are not aware of what they are
feeling. What someone is thinking can entertain you for a while if their
thoughts are not irrational or obsessive. Stories can also be interesting
for a while especially if they are funny or heart warming.

However, after a while just listening to anyone is boring no matter
what they are saying. Interactions and connections are needed for
people to have fun and be close to each other. You will never be
bored with yourself if you ask yourself what you are feeling. Do this
often. Listen to your emotional self until you get the honest
answers you need to be authentic and interesting.

When you get bored with others, quietly redirect the conversation to
something you are interested in. Or ask them what they feel about so
and so. Some people will follow you into a more intimate connection.
Others will not and you can kindly excuse yourself and go to the
bathroom or join another conversation.

To be interesting, you need to know what you are feeling and be able
to share your feelings with others.


WHAT ARE YOU FEELING? If you do not know, find out what your real
emotions are and accept them. Study and use the Opening the Heart
audio until you know the difference between your thoughts and your
feelings. Three hours of emotional health audio. $97.00 Money-back

Read more and order: Opening the Heart audio: http://www.drjeanette.com/emotionalhealthaudio.html


RELAX AND FEEL GOOD: Learn to stop panic and reduce anxiety
immediately. Ten written lesson teach you how to be yourself so you
are interesting. Take the home study course Overcome Anxiety
Naturally. This drug free course has helped hundreds of people reduce
anxiety and find their true self. Ten written lessons and five hours
of audio including the Opening the Heart series. Money-back guarantee

Read more and order:


If you already own the above products, order one of these
teleseminars and get another one free. Order one and tell me the
second one you want for free.

I recommend these alternative psychology audios to help you become
more interesting.

Hear Your Body Talking:
Say Goodbye to Guilt:
Tame Your Thoughts:

Email me back with any problems or questions.

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at: