Want Better Physical and Mental Health? Get Up and Move!

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Move.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


I leave the tissue box across the room, away from all the places to sit. My sensitive nose responses to various stimuli that others do not seem to be bothered by. Often, out of the blue, a tissue is needed due to my rapid firing nerves cells producing a sneezing attack.

So, why would I purposefully leave the tissue box across the room? Since I have to get up in order to get a tissue to blow my nose, deliberately placing them far away from me, helps me get up and move more often. It is so easy to stay at the computer writing for way too long.

Moving is essential for holistic health.

Of all the research studies on physical health and depression, the one outstanding factor that is repeatedly proven to improve physical and mental health is physical movement. Many people think of exercise when they think of physical movement. However, exercising is not always helpful.

For example, if you exercise with anxiety, you are not doing yourself any favors. Anxious exercising is the reason many people who engage in routine exercise programs do not end up with excellent holistic health. In order for your body to benefit, your exercise must be conducted in a relaxed and natural manner. Reduce your anxiety to get better results with any exercise program.

Exercise must be harmonious with your body and personality to be effective. It is the movement of your body that is important, not the exercise. How you move indicates whether you are relaxed or anxious. If you want to get the best health results, let your relaxed body lead the way with authentic movements that naturally make it stronger and healthier.

A natural event like getting up from the computer to get a needed tissue helps me move more often during my day. Think of ways you can help yourself move more often during the day. Do not make everything easy and comfortable. Get up and move. When you move, enjoy moving.

The goal is to move, while breathing and feeling your body, so you enjoy the movement. This is the physical feeling that produces more vibrant moments. Being alive in your body is a delicious feeling that is very, very healthy for you. Move.

NEED HELP REDUCING ANXIETY? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio lead you step by step into breathing while feeling your body. Learn how to tame your inner critic, reap better results from your exercise program, live in your body, and have more fun! $149.97, money-back guarantee.

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Summer Special: Get $30.00 off the $149.97 cost if you order Overcome Anxiety Naturally before August 1. Put HEART in the coupon box and enjoy improving your health this summer.


DEPRESSION HELP: Movement is essential in overcoming depression. Learn about the cause of your depression, which is learned helplessness. Then learn how body movements permanently eliminate depression. Order, “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free!” a one-hour self-help audio. $29.97, money-back guarantee.

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“I found exactly what I needed to help my depressed client half way through ‘Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free!’” Peter Shepard, French psychologist

HIGHLY SENSITIVE NOSE? If you are a highly sensitive person, the special report “7 Steps to Success” helps you feel good about yourself and use your sensitive nature to your advantage. PDF file, 31 pages, 19.97, money-back guarantee.

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Depression Help: Holistic Psychology Teaches You to Stop Depressing Energy

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Notice Your Energy Flow.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Do you have the energy you need to enjoy life?
Do you get excited at least once a day?
Do you suffer from depression?

I often talk about anxiety. The reason I pay more attention to anxiety than anything else is because I consider anxiety to be the source problem for mental illness, emotional distress and poor physical health.

When you are anxious you:
1.  Behave in ways that are ineffective in getting what you want.
2.  Experience emotional distress.
2.  Tighten up your physical body, which creates disease.

What About Depression?

Some of you may suffer from depression, have family members who tend to get depressed or find yourself without the energy you need to experience joy and excitement in everyday life. Thus, I thought it would be helpful to directly address depression to give you my holistic psychology point of view.

Depression can be very mild such as when you find yourself bored while living an ordinary and mundane life. Or, depression can be severe enough that you do not want to get out of bed. Traditional psychology views depression and anxiety as separate categories, each with their multiple diagnoses.

As my holistic psychology approach became more energy-based I began to define depression as when you do not move fast enough. Anxiety is when you move too fast. In contrast, the definition of good mental health is when you are moving in your authentic, natural, energy flow.

Your natural energy flow is extremely healthy for your mind and body. When you let your energy flow naturally, you have those vibrant moments I love to share with you. When you move too fast or too slow you block the wonderful, exciting moments of being fully alive in your body and in space.

Depressing your joy, excitement, and exuberance is a form of depression. You may not look as depressed as the person who receives the label depression but you are not fully allowing your energy to flow into joy, excitement, and exuberance.

After years of not being happy with my degree of success helping depressed clients, I added body and energy awareness to my approach. With this new way of teaching clients how to give up depression, one of my severely depressed clients gradually, step by step, stopped depressing her energy.

We were both thrilled. She was having fun, getting into clowning, starting to set up a new private practice, and enjoying sex with her husband. She was no longer depressed. Her real self came out and she was enjoying life.

We both thought depression was no longer a concern. A few weeks before opening her new office, she suddenly slipped back into depression. From one week to the next, she moved out of being alive in her body to being numb and depressed again. I could not understand how she, out of the blue, slipped back to her depressed symptoms and seemed paralyzed once more.

When I discovered she was scared to open her new practice I had the clue I needed. She felt out on a limb. Everything seemed like too much to handle. She was not sure she was adequate to the task so she was suddenly overcome with high anxiety. This is when she immediately slipped back into depression.

Eureka! A light bulb went off in my head. She felt safe when she depressed her energy. She felt afraid when she let her energy flow because she had new challenges, new adventures, and new opportunities where she could mess up. As a result high anxiety hit her in the face.

I had not prepared her enough so that she was able to handle the new level of stress she was facing. Therefore, she used her old coping skill of depressing her energy flow. Anytime, you do not have the proper coping skills you use what you used as a child to cope with life.

This is when I discovered that depression is an avoidance response. People flip-flop back and forth between anxiety and depression because they do not know what else to do. Bi-polar, which used to be manic-depressive disorder, is a common diagnosis psychologists give to people.

With depression and anxiety you are in a catch 22 until you learn how to deal with anxiety effectively. Therefore, the answer to depression and bipolar is to learn how to handle anxiety effectively so that your anxious energy is not bigger than you. You must know how to be effective in new situations and to be self-confident.

With this new way of looking at depression and anxiety I taught my client better coping skills. She learned to be relaxed in more situations and be much more assertive. Then she did not feel overwhelmed with her new adventures. She was able to give up her depression permanently when she knew how to handle her new stress without getting so anxious she could not be effective.

Learn the coping skills you need to feel safe letting your natural energy flow take you into new adventures. The exciting moments of being alive are well worth the investment in yourself.


BE MORE EFFECTIVE: Assertiveness Training is the most effective way to become more effective! “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence” is a 46-page manual, PLUS six lessons, over eight hours of audio instruction and coaching, $149.97, guaranteed.

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“Thank you Dr. Jeanette for your Assertiveness Training course, I loved it. I learned I was often being aggressive rather than being assertive. The difference is huge, both in regard to my actions and the results I get.” — Kevin from the UK


LEARN TO COPE WITH STRESS: Take the original, well-crafted “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” home study course. Leads you step by step into body awareness and relaxation. Learn how to tame your inner critics, breathe, feel your emotions, and have more fun. Improves self-confidence. 10 written lessons, 5 hours of self-help audio, money back guarantee, $149.97.

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DEPRESSION HELP: Learn more about depression, how you learned to depress your energy and solutions to being depressed. Listen to the seminar on “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free.” One-hour audio, $29.97, money-back guarantee.

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Please share the holistic psychology information at http://www.drjeanette.com with anyone who is interested in learning to be happy, healthy, and effective.

Mental Health Advice: Celebrate Earth Day with Cherry Trees

cherryFollow Doris Jeanette on Twitter. 

Fall in love with cherry trees.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Close to Trees.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.html


How do you honor Earth Day?
How do you stay healthy in mind and body?

Put in your intention to honor Mother Earth on Earth Day 2014 in some way that benefits you. Nature is your mother and the closer you are to her healthy ways, the better. If you have wandered off and away from Mother Earth into your computer and cell phone, it is time to come back to her.

If you feel depressed, down, tired, lonely, or looney, find a tree to spend the day with or at least a few hours. My favorite trees, which are in bloom right now, in the marvelous Philadelphia area, are the cherry trees.

There are many varieties and the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia has blessed our city with an abundance of cherry trees to sit under. I know many of these cherry trees personally and visit as they reach their peak: some on foot, many on bicycle, and some out of town in the country gardens. This past weekend I was at Morris Arboretum on Saturday and Tyler Arboretum on Sunday.

When you find a tree to spend the day with, notice how you change and shift over the course of the time you spend with your tree. Each tree is different. Every tree has a purpose, with a unique energy that it gives to you, a recent human being on the planet.

I hope you are able to find a cherry tree to connect with for a few hours. If you do, please notice how the cherry trees affect your body and mood. Pay attention to your energy field and how you feel as you leave your tree. Write me and tell me what you notice. I would love to collect a little research.

You need to take a blanket so you can relax on the ground in comfort. You could bring an old fashion book, pen, and paper to journal with, but nothing to keep you in beta brainwaves for long.

You want to let go of control and resonate with the energy of the cherry tree. Take a nap; change your body position to stay comfortable. Walk around; look at the blooms often against the blue sky. Feel the ground, your body, and all the energy around you. Drop down into gravity.

When you relax into the vibrations of the tree, you will know it.  You will feel different.  After all, you are moving out of the boring, controlling mind, into the full body experience of being alive in the physical world around you.

Appreciate the fact that you have entered a vibrant moment.  Enjoy and repeat.


LOW ENERGY? If you are down, depressed, and sad, learn more about depressed energy and how you learned to feel helpless. Next, discover effective mind-body ways to shift your energy into a more positive, proactive life experience. Order the one hour self help audio, “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free.” $29.97

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GIVE UP CONTROL: Depressed energy is too slow. Anxiety is too fast. Neither is helpful. Learn more about the different energies in you. Study the Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” The first section shows you how to create more vibrant moments by learning how to notice the slow and fast energies in your body. Buy at Amazon for $3.99 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AO7DU2E

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Heart Health: Heal Your Heart From Broken Heart Syndrome

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Order Dr. Jeanette’s Book, “How to Heal a Broken Heart and Stop the Hurt: Mend Your Relationship Heartache with Self Love” on Amazon.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Heal Your Heart.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.html


Are you afraid of losing a loved one?

For the second time in my life I was in a full-blown panic. I knew my 85-year-old mother’s heart was out of rhythm and planed to visit her in two weeks when her treatments were scheduled.  However, her physician just informed her, based on her stress test, that she had had a heart attack sometime within the last seven years that she did not know she had experienced. Due to the heart attack, he wanted to move up the procedures he hoped would correct her heart problem. He was afraid.

Over my 36 years of being in clinical practice, I have noticed the pattern that women and men often experience anxiety and panic attacks after one or both of their parents die. What is this panic and anxiety that gets triggered? I learn a great deal about human nature by observing myself as well as others.

The first time I experienced panic was when I thought my lover was going to leave me. Panic and anxiety are not the same thing as fear. Panic overwhelms you and consumes you. Its energy is sudden, intense and you are at its mercy unless you have the tools to transform its overwhelming energy into real fears, real problems, and real solutions.

What about you?

When you lose a deep, strong emotional connection with another human being or animal what happens inside of you? You may have experienced a high pitched anxiety and denied it. Or, you may have acknowledged that you were in a panic. In either case, it will help you now, if you become more aware of your real fear and irrational anxiety. Then you will handle your inevitable losses without being blind-sided by denial.

In addition, if you have ever experienced an emotional pain or loss that you have not healed, your heart is weak because it is still broken. The Broken Heart Syndrome, also called, stress cardiomyopathy, is real and scientifically established. For more information visit the American Heart Association.

Unfortunately, modern medicine can only correct Broken Heart Syndrome by repairing the physical damage after it has occurred. This means it is your job to heal your physical heart from past and current emotional pain. The only way to mend your heartache is to become emotionally healthy and strong. Healing your heart is an emotionally expressive and energetic process that occurs over time, resulting in a stronger physical heart.

I was the child that loved to go away from mother and explore the world. I did not get easily scared and run back to her for security. Nevertheless, my panic was strong, real, and humbling.  As soon as I was able to rearrange everything so I could go to her side, my panic receded. I was no longer helpless. Real fears, real problems, and real solutions returned.

All three of mother’s children were by her side as she successfully moved through her medical procedures. She saw our smiling faces before and after her surgeries. She was bathed in the love she gave us. Her heart is back in tune and all is well.

However, her death is inevitable as is mine. I am moving forward in being present with myself as her death process unfolds. You too, can prepare for inevitable emotional losses by becoming emotionally stronger and more secure.

The human heart is weak when emotions are blocked, denied, or exaggerated. However, your heart is amazingly resilient when love is the energy that radiates outward. Love is the strongest energy on this blue planet. Make sure your heart is full of love!


BREAK UP OR DIVORCE PAIN? Whether your emotional loss was in the past or recent, make sure you completely recover and heal your heart. In this special report, “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up,” learn the essential steps that heal your broken heart and mend your heartache. Taking these steps make sure you become emotionally stronger. “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up,” 13 pages, PDF, $9.97, money back guarantee.

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HEAL YOUR BROKEN HEART: The Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love” leads you through the journey of healing your heart. Learn about the difference between healthy and unhealthy energies, understand the reason you need to heal your emotional self, explore your blocks to healing, learn the difference between fear and anxiety and much more. Buy at Amazon for $3.99 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AO7DU2E

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NEED HELP REDUCING ANXIETY? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. It gives you the tools you need to leave panic and anxiety behind you. Learn to pay attention to success instead of failure, live with real fears instead of irrational thoughts, and get real solutions instead of staying stuck in never-ending problems.

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Self-Esteem Tip: Reduce Your Anxiety to Get Comfortable



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Kick back and relax like a baby.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Get Comfortable.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.html


Being comfortable with yourself is not simple, easy, or clear. One person can be self-confident about how they dress, another feels proud when they create new software. One person can be sure of how they relate to others, while another is certain they can make plenty of money. However, these single talents do not necessarily create a person who is comfortable with themselves as they move about the world.

Consider, the loud-mouthed man in the train car behind me right this minute. He is saying over and over again, “It doesn’t matter what you think about me. All that matters is what I think about me. I am the only one who stands in my way.” He is saying all the “right” things that could make you “think” he posses self-confidence.

However, from his volume, tones, pitch and energy you know he is suffering from extremely low self-esteem. His repetition could indicate a more serious mental health problem. In any case, he thinks he has self-esteem and he does not.

Often, the people who think they are self-confident and are not, are the ones in charge of Every-Thing. Every-Thing refers to governments, religions, corporations, banks, education, medicine, and psychology. These are the people who run the world and tell us what we can do and what we cannot do and how we must do what we do.

So, what is this elusive thing called self-esteem? Where is it and how can you get more of it?  Being comfortable with yourself in your physical body, in space, is the true measure of self-confidence. Naturally, the more situations you are comfortable in, the better.  Also, take note of when you are comfortable being uncomfortable.

It is only a self-confident man who admits he doesn’t know something, needs help, and is confused. It is the self-confident woman who admits she is fearful, anxious, or unsure. Becoming comfortable with all the different aspects of your body, mind, and heart is the pathway to genuine self-esteem. There are plenty of aspects to being human that will keep your personal growth and professional development programs active for the rest of your life.

So, no matter where you rate yourself on self-esteem, take note of the places you are comfortable and enjoy them. Comfortable means relaxed, with little tension in your body. Comfortable means no thought in your mind that makes you feel bad and tighten up.

Pay attention to the times you are uncomfortable and see what makes you anxious. Invest time, effort, and money into reducing your anxiety. Without anxiety, you become more comfortable in more places, with a greater variety of people. The more your anxiety comes down, the more your self-esteem goes up.

The more self-confidence you have, the more comfortable you are being in the world. Soon, you kick back and enjoy being yourself in a situation where you used to be uncomfortable. When you notice this new behavior, you are surprised and pleased with yourself.


NEED HELP BEING COMFORTABLE? Take the Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course. Leads you step by step into feeling your body and being more comfortable with its many aspects. Learn how to tame your inner critics, breathe, feel your emotions, and have more fun being comfortable in lots more places.

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BECOME MORE ASSERTIVE: Psychological research has shown that being assertive reduces your anxiety level in many situations. Consider how much better your life would be if you were comfortable with others and able to express yourself without anxiety.

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Keep New Year’s Resolutions, Take Action for Successful Personal Growth

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Take action. Do what you love.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Light your fire.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.htm


Do you know what stops you from being open, relaxed and fit?

Let us recap what you learned last week about how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions so you feel proud and pleased with yourself by the end of 2014.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Be realistic
Set yourself up for success, not failure
Feel proud of last year’s successes
Learn to stand in your success
Take responsibility for your actions or lack of actions
Use your intention to get energy moving forward
Take appropriate action that leads to success

Failure to keep your New Year’s Resolutions is due to one psychological factor, anxiety. For example, if you want to lose weight you must reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is what makes you eat too much. If you want to be more open, you must reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is what causes you to be distrustful of others. If you want to be more fit, it is anxiety that you must get out of your nervous system and physical body in order to become physically healthy and strong.

Apply this anxiety help to all of your New Year’s Resolutions. Anxiety makes you drink too much, push away love, not move, move too fast and defend yourself in relationships. Anxiety is what makes you stop pursuing your New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January!

Therefore, the action step you must take if you want to be successful with any New Year’s Resolution is to reduce the anxiety that currently exists in your body and nervous system. Anxiety is like static on the radio, it interferes with your ability to perform at your best in any situation. Anxiety is never helpful. Anxiety is a maladaptive conditioned response.

Maladaptive conditioned response means you learned to be anxious in a past learning experience and this response is not helpful. Period. This is the definition of anxiety. A little bit of anxiety is never good for you. Real fear, on the other hand, is helpful. Fear keeps you safe and sane.

Rest assured there are real solutions to any and all psychological problems and relationships issues. If you want to be open and trust people, you can learn to be open and trust people. If you want to reduce your anxiety, you can learn, step by step, exactly how to reduce your anxiety.

Do not sit in helplessness, thinking you cannot reduce your anxiety. Anxiety is learned, and you can unlearn it. Light some fire underneath your butt to make sure you take the positive action steps that take you directly to your New Year’s Resolutions.

Get excited and take some baby steps into more pleasurable moments in 2014.


Two Home Study Courses Lead to Success

ANXIETY HELP: Experience more relaxation, fun and self-confidence. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson, learn how to successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio, which includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.

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LEARN NEW SKILLS: Assertiveness Training is an essential communication skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.

If this sounds exciting to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.

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NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for a discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 20, 2014.

Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxiety energy into effective energy.


GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.

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Please share your comments below.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Feel Proud


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Spending a month in Hawaii in 2013 was one of my accomplishments.




The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel proud.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.htm


Like removing dirty clothes, it feels good to let go of 2013. Like putting on fresh, clean clothes, it feels fantastic to walk into the brand new year of 2014. It is exciting to know that this new year offers new possibilities and promises that you could embrace if you so choose.

It is always helpful to take stock of your personal growth and review the successes you achieved over the last year. If you want to permanently improve your self-confidence, it is essential to take the time to celebrate your successes and feel proud of yourself. You need to make the successes yours.

To help you own your successes, write down the personal growth and professional achievements you accomplished in 2013. No matter how small your success, write it down and know that baby steps are the way you learn to dance in the world. Your written material will give you concrete data you can use the next time your ego starts to find fault with everything about you!

Next, you need to celebrate your successes in some way that feels good to you. Reward yourself with something that you love. It is also important to not forget about your successes. Instead, remember your successes as you walk into the New Year. Take time each day to feel proud of yourself and feel good about yourself.

Body Awareness Exercise

To help you anchor your successes into the physical plane, think of your successes as you feel your body and stand up tall with pride. Then continue to stand in your success as you walk around inside your house. If you have attended one of my workshops or phone sessions, you know these body awareness exercises are effective and fun. Next, take your new body posture outside in the world and enjoy your new body self-confidence.

Body awareness exercises help you own your power to make sure you learn a new physical sense of self-confidence that no one can take away from you. The addition of this body awareness factor is what makes my new psychology approach and home study courses more effective than traditional personal growth courses.

Take Responsibility

You must also remind yourself that you took specific actions that lead to your successes; they did not just happen to you. You are the one who took the proper actions that led to reaching your goal. It does not matter how good your teachers, mentors and coaches are, you are the one who did the work that led your to accomplishments. Like it or not, you are responsible for your successes and failures.

Intend to Make 2014 Even Better.

Write down your New Year Resolutions, goals, desires and needs. Choose to be part of the 12% of people who successfully reach their New Year’s Resolutions. It would be a waste of energy for you to be part of the 88% who drop the ball by the end of January!

You can lose weight, make more money, have more fun, improve your sex life, become healthier and attract more loving relationships by the end of 2014. If you take yourself seriously and make a definite plan on how to reach your New Year’s resolution, you will be successful. There is no reason for you to drop the ball and fail.

To succeed, you must be realistic. Do not set yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for success. Set a goal that you know you will reach. If losing weight is your New Year’s Resolution, plan to lose one pound a week. And know that some weeks you will not even lose one. That is reality and reality is the path that leads to success.

To be successful, you also need to make sure your weight loss program is not based on controlling yourself and your diet. Control is not successful with any New Year’s resolution because it is not pleasurable. Never try to make yourself do something or not do something if you want to reach your New Year’s resolutions. If the activity is not fun and enjoyable, you will quickly drop the ball and fail.

More next week on how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions. For this week, stand in your successes and feel proud. Then write down realistic New Year’s Resolutions outlining a successful personal growth pathway.


Two Home Study Courses Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions.

INCREASE BODY AWARENESS: Enjoy more relaxation, fun and self-acceptance. Take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” In the first lesson learn how to stop anxiety attacks and increase body awareness so you successfully overcome your anxiety response. Since anxiety is the source of all failure, this course ensures you reach your New Year’s Resolutions and keep improving as the year goes by. 10 written lessons and 5 hours of audio which, includes the best-selling “Opening the Heart” series. $149.97, money back guarantee.

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USE YOUR POWER: Assertiveness Training is an essential skill that you must have to be effective with loved ones, your boss and your own ego. Even if you have taken an Assertiveness Training course before, benefit from the body and energy awareness approach included in this course that is not included in other AT courses. You also get a much needed tune up! Just like a piano, you go out of tune if you do not keep tuning yourself.

If this sounds beneficial to you, order the Assertiveness Training online course, “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence,” 47 pages, over six hours of audio, cost $149.97, money back guarantee.

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NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Order one home study course and get the other one half off. Ask for your discount coupon when you place your first order. Must order course by Monday, Jan 13, 2014.

Both courses include essential body awareness information that make sure your New Year’s Resolutions come true because you are transforming your anxious energy into effective energy.


GOING THROUGH A BREAK UP OR DIVORCE? The winter months can be rough. Use the time for personal growth so you light up your life before spring. Order “7 Steps to Becoming Stronger After a Divorce or Break Up” for yourself or a family member. 13 pages, pdf file, $9.97. Money back guarantee.

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Personal Growth Tip: Relax, Be Authentic and Assertive

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH


This is me enjoying a giant cornucopia in the Philadelphia countryside. I am a little crooked.



The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Be Authentic.

Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Do you know the difference between your learned behavior and your authentic behavior?

As a lowly human being, you must learn a great deal of information to survive on planet Earth. You have to use your learned behavior many times a day in order to get through your necessary chores and routines. Otherwise, society could reject you, imprison you and declare you insane.

Unfortunately, your high degree of learned behavior also means you are easy to control. For example, yesterday I had to stand in a long line at a pharmacy and once I got to the counter, I was told I had to sit down and wait for my name to be called and get back in the long line.

Do you wait in long lines at the bank or post office? Do you pay a lot of money to physicians and hospitals without questioning the health advice they give you and how they treat you? Do you let therapists and partners define you?

I did not sit down when I was told to sit down. I walked around the store feeling what I really wanted to do. Given the reality of the situation, I decided I was not going to wait any longer. So, I walked up to the man who told me to sit down and asked him for other options. After considering each one, one of them was better than waiting. Therefore, I told him I would come back after they called me to tell me everything was ready.

If you follow instructions without considering what your authentic self needs and wants, you are controlled. When you are controlled, you become weak and sick and miserable. As a holistic psychologist, I know the source problem of anxiety, depression and other mental illness is from years of not turning to your authentic self for healthy, effective answers and solutions.

The reason you do not listen to your authentic self is because your parents taught you to be scared of so many things that are not really scary or dangerous. This is the definition of anxiety. Anxiety is being scared of things that are not really scary or dangerous. Real fear is when you are afraid of things that are really dangerous.

Anxiety is nothing weird or unusual. It is learned behavior that is maladaptive. Maladaptive means that it hurts you and does not help you. Anxiety keeps you from being self-confident, physically healthy and emotionally happy.

Your parents taught you to be scared of many, many things, people and situations that are not really dangerous or scary. It is not dangerous to stop waiting in long lines or reject the health advice of a physician or say no to your partner. As a matter of fact, you will be respected and valued much more when you are authentic because you are strong, self-confidence and sturdy.

Thank goodness you can unlearn any learned behavior that is not helpful for you. You are not stuck with your conditioning forever and ever. You can learn how to turn to your authentic self for vital energy, strength and courage any time of the day in any situation. Then your ineffective behaviors will become effective and powerful.

You just need to know the difference between what you learned and who you are so you can move rapidly toward holistic health and enjoy lots more vibrant moments. Otherwise you are confused, controlled and stuck.

Please share your comments about relaxing and being yourself below.


NEED HELP? Learn to feel the difference between your learned behavior and your authentic behavior by developing energy awareness. Energy is also the way to know if you are experiencing anxious, which is unhelpful, or real fear, which is extremely helpful. The 3 hour audio, Opening the Heart, teaches you how to find, accept and follow your authentic self so you can move toward holistic health and vibrant moments. Discover your real self, learn the difference between fear and anxiety energy and become braver for only $97.00, fully guaranteed.

Read more and order:  http://www.drjeanette.com/emotionalhealthaudio.html

Bonus: Get a 15 minute e-mail session with me worth $50.00 for free when you order before Saturday, Oct. 19 and mention The Vibrant Moment.

BE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS: You have to be authentic before you can make love with another person. Making love is fun and playful. If you are a man who wants to improve your love making skills, take the home study course, “For Men: Become a Better Lover.” You need to love and be loved. 10 written lessons and 7 hours of audio, $199.97.

Read more and order:

ENJOY MAKING LOVE: If you are a woman who wants to improve your relationship and sexual health, take the home study course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.” You learn to be comfortable with your authentic self so you open like a flower when it is emotionally safe to do so. 10 written lessons, 5 hours of audio, $149.97.

Read more and order:


NEED ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING?  Take an Assertiveness Training home study course that is top notch with the added benefits of holistic psychology principles and energy awareness.  Read more and order:  http://www.drjeanette.com/assertivenesstrainingcourse.html


Personal Growth Tip: Own Your Shadow and Dark Energy to Shine


Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DorisJeanette/

Look at your Shadow.






The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Own Your Shadow
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Do you know your Shadow?
Do you keep your Shadow hidden from others?

One of the most effective benefits of psychoanalysis is the process of uncovering the dark, unhealthy energy in your unconscious.  Carl Jung called these parts of the self that you placed in your unconscious The Shadow.

Here is what Carl Jung wrote about The Shadow, “Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.”

“Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.131

What this means is that if you are not aware of your so called bad habits, bad thoughts, bad behaviors, bad feelings, bad emotions you are sure to be really, really bad and continue to be bad.  You are hiding the fact that you are bad and the hiding of your “lack of goodness” makes you weak, mean, irrational and sick.

On the outside you are projecting goodness, but this goodness is not real.  As long as you keep your badness in the dark, you do not have a chance to transform your dark energy into light.  Instead, you are darker and denser than those of us who bring up this material to the light of the conscious mind.

Only those of us who bring up and admit we are not so good or so perfect have a chance to improve ourselves. Only when you admit you have thoughts that are judgmental, can you stop being judgmental toward yourself and toward others.

Personal growth, which leads to more self-confidence, is successful when you admit, know and own your Shadow.  It is to your benefit to know your shadow by admitting the truth that dwells deep inside of you.

Your dark, dense energy is dying to be exposed and set free so you can be relaxed, authentic and happy.


GET TO KNOW YOUR SHADOW: Your Shadow is the same energy as your Inner Critic.  Listen to the audio “De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice” so you can give up being so good and so perfect.  One hour, $29.97.

Read more and order: http://www.drjeanette.com/emily.html


EXPOSE YOUR SHADOW THOUGHTS: The Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally helps you expose your negative, judgmental thoughts so they do not continue to control you and hurt you. You also learn how to tame your thoughts, feel your feelings and become self-confident enough to relax and be strong.

Read more and order:  http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietyonlinecourse.html

Order the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally by October 1 and get the personal growth audio “De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice” for free. Must mention The Vibrant Moment to get bonus.


Assertiveness Moves Beyond Talk Therapy into Nature, Energy and Power


Follow Doris Jeanette on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DorisJeanette

Walking the truth in the forest near New Hope, PA.


The Vibrant Moment – Remember:  Assert Your Truth.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


A reader of The Vibrant Moment expressed how she was feeling about some medical problems she just found out about in a recent email to me. Then she abruptly called herself out on “whining. ” Of course, as soon as she judged herself as whining, she immediately stopped sharing how she was feeling and changed the topic.

Do you block your emotional expressions by calling yourself names?

If you do, you are making sure you do not move forward into new, unexplored emotional territory.  If you want to do transformational work, which means you physically change your energy, you must express your truths no matter what they are at any given moment in time.

Of course, I do not encourage whining. However, are you really whining? Maybe yes and maybe no.   If you want to get to the heart of what is really going on with you psychologically, do not stop your truths at any point in time.

Even if you are whining, stopping yourself in this fashion keeps you from getting down to your unconscious truths.  While knowing the difference between expressing your authentic feelings and whining is important, it is even more important not to block self-expression in the moment it is happening.

This means it is better to whine so you can see that you are whining, rather than stop yourself from whining before you can tell if you are whining or not!  The act of controlling your energy is the oppressive psychological problem, not the whining.

Just imagine if you stepped back and look at your process instead of your words. As a holistic psychologist, I teach you to notice your process so you discover what is really going on inside of you and outside of you.  If you do not let your unconscious material surface, it continues to control you.  The only way to claim your power is to expose your truths.

If you stay stuck in the content, you quickly sink into psychobabble, which is what often happens in regular talk therapy.  You also reinforce your controlling behavior of trying not to whine.  You think that you are whining, complaining and being negative, but are you really?  And if you are, “So what?”

How much power would you have if you learned to notice the how, what, when, where and why behind your words?  When you pay attention to process, you quickly move beyond your thoughts and conditioned reactions into more physical data. Noticing your process gives you the energy needed to master yourself.

It does not matter if you are whining or not.  When you pay attention to your process, you may discover that you were not whining in the first place.  Or you may see that you are whining.  If so, you can learn a more effective way to get what you need or want.

Here is my clinical observation about whining and whiners.  When you judge yourself as whining, there is a high probability that you are not whining.  The whiner usually has no awareness of the fact that she or he is whining.  The whiner does not notice how she is being received by others because she is not conscious of it.

I will explain the energy difference between whining and expressing your authentic feelings and emotions next week.  In the mean time, help me do some research about what I just said about whiners. Observe yourself this week and observe other people. Is my clinical observation correct? Do whiners judge themselves and stop? Or do whiners keep whining?

Please post your feelings, thoughts and comments about self-awareness, emotional expression and whining below.


SEEKING TRANSFORMATION? The body and energy exercises at the fall Nature Workshop give you a safe place to express your truths.  Learn to notice and trust your process by having fun outdoors with an emotionally safe leader. Asserting your truths makes you stronger and more self-confident.  Sign up for the Nature Workshop near New Hope, PA, October 12, $200.00. Limited to 12 people to maximized your personal growth experience.

Read more and sign up:


BACK TO SCHOOL ANXIETY?  Anxiety about leaving home, studying, being alone or meeting others keeps you from doing your best.  Order the “How to Study Guide: 7 Study Skills to Peak Performance” for your daughter or son before exam time:

You and your children learn effective physical ways to reduce anxiety naturally by taking the Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietyonlinecourse.html