The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Do Nothing Often.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
For over a decade this flyer took center stage on my refrigerator. It was given to me by one of my students at the Internal Women’s Writing Guild at Skidmore College where I taught body awareness classes outside on the Quad for 14 years. She knew I would love it.
“How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.”
Spanish Proverb
To one who seeks to enjoy life, this proverb needs to be taken to heart. I am in Mexico right now, alone, doing nothing. Resting. And doing nothing. I came here to snorkel but I find that the real reason I am here is that I need to reconnect with doing nothing and resting.
Often during the course of your life you need to relearn lessons you have learned before. It is so easy to get catch up in “doing” that your body has to give you a loud shout out to give you the message that you need to let go and be.
Being is the healthiest state you can live in. Psychological research says being in the present gives you the most happiness. Being is the only place where vibrant moments spontaneously occur. To reach a being state you must relax, receive, and replenish. This used to be a title of one of my speeches. Remember the 3 R’s.
Bad weather is often a gift because it helps you slow down and spend the day inside doing nothing. As I enjoy a Mexican thunderstorm from my beachfront villa I have time to learn how important it is for me to do nothing and rest afterwards.
Try it and see what happens to you. If your Puritan Ethics and “shoulds” get in the way, you could learn to relax by overcoming that Inner Critic of yours. Relaxing your body is the only way you can receive the precious energy of life into your cells and body to replenish much needed areas.
If you succeed in relaxing, you know immediately because you have more energy. You are excited and ready to do something you love!
OVERCOME YOUR INNER CRITIC! To enjoy the many benefits of relaxing, including better mental and physical health, you must learn to get past your Inner Critic. Getting past your inhibitions is successful only when you become more aware of your body and let it lead the way. Your body adds the strength and security you need that your brain does not have. Step by step, learn to relax and take better care of yourself. Ten written lessons show you how to be effective taming your thoughts plus five hours of audio including the three-hour Opening the Heart series adds the emotional depth needed to make sure you are the victor. $199.97, money-back guarantee.
INTERESTED IN TAKING A DO NOTHING TRIP WITH ME? If so, email me to let me know. I love snorkeling so it must be part of the trip. That means a blue water location.
If you want to experience more emotional and body awareness and do not have local workshops available please email me. I will consider doing a workshop in your area if it is a fun place to visit and if you are able to gather ten people together for the workshop.