The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use the ACE!
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Feeling blue? Sad? Grieving?
Feeling so heavy you cannot move?
Is the sunlight in your life missing?
It has been a long, cold winter on the East coast of the United States. The lack of sunlight and inability to get out and move makes depression a psychological state you may have fallen into without even knowing it!
I always know when I am depressing my energy when I do not listen to music. The lack of music around me is a red flag that tells me I need to be vibrating a bit higher! You also need red flags that reveal you have dropped down into some degree of depression. You need to know when you are depressing your energy and you need to know how to increase your vibration.
Let’s help you start dancing around your NYC apartment with more energy and satisfaction. Even the ski slopes in Colorado are missing all the wonderful snow that is ending up in Boston. Boo, hoo. Change can be used for personal growth and self-improvement.
I developed the ACE several years ago to help people who are stuck in depression. Depression is a numb, mental psychological state where you do not move. Depressed energy is heavy, dense, slow, black, dark, and yucky. The laws of physics take over, as they always do … and you do not move your body. You do not want to move your body. You are inert.
The laws of physics tell you that it takes an equal or greater force to move an inert object. Viola! If you want to give up your depression you must use the ACE. The ACE is an Active Conscious Effort. When you have no energy, which is the same thing as no power, you must get power from somewhere. So, use the ACE, make yourself move in some, little, successful way.
You must choose something that has an equal or greater force for you. In other words, your ACE must be totally safe, easy to do and have no anxiety involved at all. If there is any degree of anxiety, you will not do it. Your ACE must be doable. Even desirable. So choose your ACE carefully so that it is effective in moving your energy.
When I am inert, I get up and wash clothes. Or, put on some music. Or, take a walk. Or, anything that is physical. Interesting, the only depression treatment that is known to be effective, based on solid research, is physical activity. Tis true. Psychologists who do not use the laws of physics with their clients are missing the New Psychology boat.
Stop depressing your energy and get up and shake a leg. Or arm. Your ACE will keep you sane until spring. I would love to hear what ACEs are effective in helping you move your inert energy.
STOP DEPRESSING YOUR ENERGY: The benefits of not depressing your energy are better physical, mental, and emotional health. This does not even include all the fun you have when you enjoy more vibrant moments! Everyone has some degree of learned helplessness, get in touch with yours and break free from your inhibitions. Order the one-hour holistic psychology audio $29.97, money-back guarantee.
Read more and order “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free:”
WINTER BLUES SPECIAL: Order “Depression: How to Unlearn Your Unhealthy Conditioning and Break Free,” BEFORE Sunday, March 8 and get the personal growth audio “Break the Grip of Anxiety Naturally: An Overview” for FREE.
Depression and anxiety are interrelated. You do not permanently give up depression until you know how to effectively deal with your anxiety.
READ BODY LANGUAGE: Depression is easy to pick up if you read body language. Accurate body language reading is humbling, intimate, and compassionate. My approach warns you against using formulas and other peoples’ “postures.” This body language audio was made for holistic health professionals and is rarely available for sale. Cost is $47.00, money-back guarantee.
Order the Introduction to Body Language audio:
WINTER SPECIAL: Order the rarely-available body language audio BEFORE Sunday, March 8 and get the one-hour “3 Reason You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” worth $29.97 for FREE! Must mention The Vibrant Moment during check out to get the free audio.
If you already own Hear Your Body Talking audio pick another personal growth audio from this list:
ENERGY HEALING IN COLORADO. I will be doing private in-person energy healing sessions in Glenwood Springs, CO from Feb. 17-March 18, 2015. Sense and feel the subtle energy inside of you and in your energy field. Immediately feel like a sensible, present, more alive person. If interested, email me at or Call 970-945-1089.