Learn to Read Body Language, Feel Subtle Energy

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Subtle Energy.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com


Do colors jump out at you?
Do you smell odors others miss?
Do you know the outcome of events before it happens?

There are many differences between a holistic psychologist and a traditional psychologist. For a complete list of the differences between the old and new psychology check out the definition of the New Psychology here: http://www.drjeanette.com/newpsychology.html

One of the major differences is a holistic psychologist works with all of you. Working with all of you is what makes your psychological transformation and therapeutic process “wholistic.” This means your mind, body, and spirit are always included in how your problems are defined, addressed, and solved.

For example, if you already feel subtle energy, a holistic psychologist would teach you how to use your highly sensitive nature to move forward faster. If you did not trust your perceptions, I would teach you to feel the energy difference between your intuition and anxiety so you learn to trust and use your inner knowings to increase your self-esteem and be more successful.

After all, your intuition and inner knowing have not been damaged by your past learning history. So, no matter how much discouragement, neglect, and abuse you have experienced, you can learn to tap into your ability to sense, feel, taste, hear, see, and perceive the information and data that exists in your world.

Subtle energy means any energy that you do not normally notice. There are multitudes of inner and outer subtle energies you can become aware of and use to your advantage. Just sitting on a park bench with a completely relaxed body can expand your awareness of subtle energy if you pay attention to your feelings.

You can feel the tension in your body coming and going as you register your different anxiety levels as people come and go. You could feel and see the fear in others as they walk past you as you consciously improve your ability to read body language. You can even notice a harmful energy you need to get up and walk away from.

Being relaxed is essential if you want to sense more subtle energies. Like a good actor, you must relax your body in order to access your colorful emotions, your physical feelings, and the many other subtle realties that exist in your world.

Take time to relax wherever you are, and sense more of the subtle energy in your world. Relaxing gives you more vibrant moments, which lead to increased health and wellness, peace of mind, and good fortune.


READ BODY LANGUAGE: If you want to be more effective and successful in your personal and professional relationships, learn to read body language. Accurate body language reading is humbling, intimate, and compassionate. My approach warns you against using formulas and other peoples’ “postures.” This body language audio was made for holistic health professionals and is rarely available for sale. Cost is $47.00, money-back guarantee.

Order the Introduction to Body Language audio:

WINTER SPECIAL: Order the rarely-available body language audio before March 1 and get the one-hour “3 Reason You Have a Body: Hear Your Body Talking” worth $29.97 for FREE. Must mention The Vibrant Moment during check out to get free audio. http://www.drjeanette.com/hearyourbody.html

If you already own Hear Your Body Talking audio pick another personal growth audio from this list: http://www.drjeanette.com/cds.html


NOT TRUSTING YOUR PERCEPTIONS? You get a feeling in your gut and discount it. You have a dream about being sick and do not take heed. Get the professional help you need in learning how to accept, develop, and use your highly sensitive nature to your advantage. Order the special report: “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.” 31-page PDF file, $19.97. Money-back guarantee.

Order “7 Steps to Success as a Highly Sensitive Person.”
