Dr. Jeanette walking in her hood with her groceries on top on her head.
The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Try a New Psychology
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Visit: http://www.drjeanette.com
Live at the Edge: http://www.ladybuglive.com/edge.htm
What does it take for you to be genuinely happy and healthy?
What is the essence of what you need to know to be effective?
In 2002 at a conference in Mankato, a woman came up to say
hello to me after my workshop, “New and Exciting Ways to
Heal Your Mind and Body.” I did not recognize her. She
reminded me that she was a client I had worked with 20 years
earlier in Philadelphia!
After our enthusiastic hugs, she offered to tell me the one
thing that had helped her the most that she learned from our
work together. Quickly, I shook my head, eager to hear this
precious gift of feedback.
She touched her heart and said, “You taught me the difference
between how power feels in my body and how control feels in my body.
I use it to this day to know the difference.”
Wow! In the early 1980’s, when this woman was my client, I
was just beginning to develop my new body-emotional-energy
approach. This was the best outcome data I could have
Breaking away from the traditional models of psychology had
been difficult and scary all along the way for me. So her words
were like music to my ears.
Her feedback reveals the essence of what you need to learn in
order to become powerful and effective.
You need to know the difference between control and power. Then
you need to be able to feel this difference in your own body.
You need to know what control feels like in your body because it
is unhealthy for you. No matter what you think, say or do,
controlling energy is stagnant. Stagnant energy makes you miserable
and sick.
You also need to know what real power feels like in your body
because it is healthy for you. Power is flowing energy. Flowing
energy, no matter what you think, say or do, makes you healthy
and happy.
Being able to sense and feel this difference, puts the healthy part
of you in the driver’s seat. The unhealthy part of you, cannot fool
you any more.
If you are a psychologist, massage therapist or coach: Learn the
difference between control and power. Then learn to feel this
difference in your own body. Soon, you will not be fooled by your
clients’ reactions, defensiveness and manipulations. Otherwise, you
may react to your clients’ control issues and get entangled in
unhealthy relationship dynamics.
If you are a parent: Wouldn’t it be great if you could teach your
child to know what is healthy for her and what is not healthy for
her by how it feels in her own body? Her self esteem would skyrocket.
Children learn by modeling your behavior. Show them the way.
“Opening the Heart” was made to teach you how to feel the difference
between power and control. The opening 30 minutes explains the
difference between power and control and the rest of the series
guides you into experiencing this difference in your own heart and
body. This audio was recorded in a studio for superior quality and
sells for $97.00.
Read more and order “Opening the Heart:”
Order by Monday, May 23 and get a bonus educational audio, “Hear
Your Body Talking.” This audio was recorded during a Teleseminar.
Questions? Email me back or
Call: 215-732-6197.
ALREADY OWN OPENING THE HEART? Working with audio improves
your performance by 24%. If you add working with a coach, your
performance skyrockets to 88%. Fast forward your learning so
you get what you want out of life now. You deserve it.
May is Mental Health Month Special: Order before May 31 and use
by September 1. Three hour sessions for the price of two. $200.00
an hour, order two hours and get one hour free. Save $200.00.
You can use your hours as half hour coaching sessions on the
phone through out the summer to get in shape for your quantum
leap forward.
Read more about the new psychology and order:
Interested in quantum physics? Ready to take the leap into your
vital, emotional body? Listen to my interview with Amit Goswami
of “What the Bleep Do We Know,” fame.
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration:
If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it
to friends and colleagues. It comes to you from
holistic psychologist, Doris Jeanette, a licensed
psychologist with 35 years of experience teaching
people how to read and use energy to unlock and use
their human potential. She is author of “Opening
the Heart,” “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” and 14
other self help products. Her Holistic Psychology
Mentoring program is for people interested in
learning how to sense energy so their effectiveness
becomes dramatic.
For weekly holistic psychology principles, mind body
reminders and encouragement sign up for “The Vibrant
Moment” at http://www.drjeanette.com