The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel your fear.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychologist
A reader of The Vibrant Moment wrote me this week and asked a very important question about fear. Below you will find information about how to deal with fear effectively so that you do not live your life with regrets.
“Dear Dr. Jeanette,
I wanted to thank you for your Vibrant Moment newsletter. It always seems to deliver a key message that somehow manages to enlighten whatever I am going through in that moment.
I appreciate what you have written about peak performance and the importance of relaxing. I am wondering though how you approach fear? Sometimes I feel fear is so important. When I look back on my life, the most terrifying moments have also been the most rewarding. I do not ever regret doing a scary thing, but I often regret not trying a scary thing.
What role does fear play and how might we negotiate with it to go for what we want? Can it be useful or is it a hindrance? Can fear be positive?”
This question goes to the heart of why fear must be properly addressed if you want to enjoy more vibrant moments, relaxation, peace of mind, holistic health and peak performances. You do not want fear to stop you from living fully, richly and with meaning and purpose. However, if you deny your fear and pretend like you are not afraid, you fool yourself into thinking you are fine and you are not fine.
The authentic emotion of fear is always helpful, positive and good.
One of the major ways my new holistic psychology approach is different from others is that I teach you how to use fear effectively. Fear is real and helps you move safely through real dangers so that you are on solid ground as you go along the pathway of transformation and personal growth.
Anxiety is not helpful, good or positive.
Anxiety is not the same energy as fear. If you deny or exaggerate your fear, you upset your body and your emotional self so much you become anxious. The more you deny or exaggerate your real fear, the more anxious you become.
Anxiety is an unhealthy response to any situation. Anxiety is like static on the radio; it interferes with anything you do. This is the reason your anxiety must be reduced if you want to experience peak performances and peak experiences. You cannot make love, ace the putt or fulfill your dreams if you are anxious. Anxiety tightens your body, making you physically and emotionally sick.
On the other hand, fear is your ticket to freedom, joy and getting what you want. This means you must learn to feel your real fear so you use its authentic energy to safely move toward your desired goal. The title of the second hour of audio in my Opening the Heart series is called, “Fear: The Pathway to Freedom and Joy.” This title expresses the physical truth that the real energy of fear leads you directly and safely to that which you desire.
Making friends with your fear allows you to negotiate a safe pathway so you do what you want with your life with mastery and success. If you deny or exaggerate your fear, you will not get what you want because you will be too anxious even if you think you are just fine.
Therefore, it is very important to feel your real fear because it keeps you safe so you know when you are secure enough to let go of control and enjoy whole body relaxation, peak performances and joy.
Please share your thoughts, feelings and feedback about fear, anxiety, holistic health and peak performances below.
ANXIETY OR FEAR? It is imperative that you learn the difference between how fear feels in your body and how anxiety feels in your body. The one-hour audio, “Fear: The Pathway to Freedom and Joy” teaches you how to ride your fear energy with mastery toward your desire. The information is securely based on learning research so you get the help you need to master your destiny. One hour stand alone audio, “Fear: The Pathway to Freedom and Joy” for $49.97.
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Or order the emotional health guide, Opening the Heart and get “Fear: The Pathway to Freedom and Joy,” “Feelings: The Source of Authentic Love,” and “When You’re Hurting…,” all three hours for $97.00.
Read more and order the Opening the Heart audio:
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