For those of you seeking the reason you were not successful
last year fulfilling your New Year’s Resolutions and heart’s
desires, look at your motivation.
Motivation is the energy that moves you forward and makes
sure you reach your goals. All along the way you will bump
into blocks such as fear and anxiety. These two monsters
are a given.
Therefore, you need to learn how to overcome anxiety and
face your real fears. These two skills must be in your
self-improvement toolbox for any personal growth and
professional success.
However, you also need to pay attention to your motivations.
You may have motivations that you are not aware of that are
seriously effecting your results.
Take a look at what really motivates you.
Are you motivated by:
Avoiding Pain?
Peace of Mind?
Avoiding Conflict?
All of these “goodies” can be used to get your human
energy moving in a stronger fashion. Some of these
“goodies” will move you toward unfulfilling professional
goals and some will move you toward unfulfilling personal
growth goals.
I am not kidding.
Your motivation for avoiding pain could be stronger than
your motivation for success. Your motivation for money
could be stronger than your motivation for love. Your
motivation for candy could be stronger than your motivation
for peace of mind.
When you look at the results you are getting, know that your
motivation is definitely taking you to where you want to
go…consciously or unconsciously.
You do not have to let your unconscious take you to a goal
you do not desire. All you need to do is become aware of
what really motivates you.
Expand your awareness and make better choices to get the
results that your heart desires instead of the results that
your ego desires.
Professionals: Are you stuck in the same ole routine?
Overworked? Not enjoying your clients? Regroup and get more
into your heart’s motivations and less into your ego’s
motivations. Get the holistic psychology training, energy
awareness and emotional support you need to reach your
highest professional goals.
Parents: Do you find that you are more concerned about what
others think than you are about your child and what he or she
needs? Don’t let outside factors make you control, inhibit and
hurt your emotional, sensitive, loving child. Let love for
your child motivate you to be strong enough to stand up for his
or her needs in this anxious, crazy, out-of-balance world.
help in increasing your awareness. Each time I have a private
session with my mentor, my awareness increases. Get the direct
experience you need to become more aware of how your ego wins
the race when you do not want it to. Mentoring and coaching
increases your awareness so your heart can lead the way.
For private coaching sessions email me about your interest.
I will be in Glenwood Springs, CO for private in-person human
energy sessions until Feb. 15. Phone sessions and Skype
sessions are available at any time.
Questions? Email me at
Or call 215-732-6197.
Get Mentored:
Overcome Anxiety and Face Fears:
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If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it
to friends and colleagues. It comes to you from
holistic psychologist, Doris Jeanette, a licensed
psychologist with 35 years of experience teaching
people how to read and use energy to unlock and use
their human potential. She is the author of “Opening
the Heart,” “Overcoming Anxiety Naturally” and 14
other self help products. Her Holistic Psychology
Mentoring program is for people interested in
learning how to sense energy so their effectiveness
becomes dramatic.
For weekly holistic psychology principles, mind-body
reminders and encouragement sign up for “The Vibrant
Moment” at