The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Create and Enjoy Breakthroughs!
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Holistic Psychology Mentor, Coach
A client arrived at my door smiling and happy. “I can’t wait to tell you the good news. I am a different person,” she beamed. And indeed, she did beam. When we sat down face to face, she told me all about how her obsessive-compulsive behaviors were fifty percent better after our last session.
Due to my highly empathic nature I was also beaming… and learning. I wanted to know exactly what happened in the last session that was so effective. She had shared a traumatic event in her life that she had shared before. What had occurred during the last session that created this sudden, dramatic change for the better? I am always curious about the essential ingredients of transformation.
From my point of view she has shared more details, more pain and Ah, I remembered how she moved her hands just so and showed me. The body, maybe her body was more involved? Maybe she actually felt her emotions more in her heart and soul?
She tried to answer my questions. “I don’t know. When I go to wash my hands, I remember I don’t have to.” We talked about Lady Macbeth washing her hands over and over in an unconscious state of distress and what a brilliant psychologist Shakespeare was …
“What I thought was true was not true.” Umm, this sounds important, I perked up. She somehow discovered for sure that her belief was false. We had talked about her magical thinking over and over again. But what happened that proved to her that her belief was really, really, false?
She was more honest in sharing with me her pain, helplessness, and complete confusion. Aha! Yes, her mental confusion was expressed much more clearly and that was when her hands were telling her story with such depth. Maybe this was the essential factor in her current breakthrough! She had been too embraced to tell anyone the truth, even me.
Her mental confusion was the result of the bigger, stronger, outside attacking force. Her emotional honestly allowed me to validate with more vigor, yes, the outside forces were attacking and hurting her. But the important factor may have been that this time she confessed more of what she had been too ashamed to admit before. Sharing her embarrassing, irrational thought patterns allowed me to correct deeper levels of her fuzzy thinking.
Fuzzy thinking is one of the major obstacles to success in personal and professional growth. Fuzzy thinking is The Reason most people do not make and keep enough money on hand! Fuzzy thinking is hard to expose and clear up. Take actions to clear up your fuzzy thinking as soon as you can for better results and exciting breakthroughs!
WANT TO THINK MORE CLEARLY? With all the fuzzy thinking in the world, it is hard to get clear about what is false and not false. You cannot expose your false beliefs to yourself. You have to have some outside help in getting clear so your fuzzy thinking can be corrected. My mentor of many years helped me with my fuzzy thinking. Wow, am I glad! You can also learn from Marcia Yudkin author of twelve books. Listen to our teleseminar about Marcia’s “Six Principles to Clear Business Thinking.” Learn six, simple principles to repeatedly use to get what you want and need–even money! Money-back guarantee. Yelp, cost is $29.97.
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Summer Bonus: Order by Sunday, July 19 and get a free personal growth audio of your choice from this list: Must mention The Vibrant Moment in check out box to get bonus.
FEEL YOUR EXPERIENCE: To access your feelings, read the shorten version of the Opening the Heart Ebook, “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love.” Even if you have listened to the audio or read the original Opening the Heart Ebook, the edited “HOW TO HEAL A BROKEN HEART AND STOP THE HURT: Mend Your Relationship Heartache With Self-Love” clarifies and explains in more detail the process of feeling your way through life.
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