The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Have more vibrant moments.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Human Energy Coach, Mentor
Live at the Edge:
Being alive and feeling good is your birthright.
This is the reason I want to live in as many vibrant moments
as I can during my lifetime. This is also the reason I write
this newsletter. My goal is to help you experience a vibrant
moment or two before you die.
I want you to enjoy being alive and feeling good.
To be successful, you need to experience what being
in the moment feels like in your body. Then you will know how
to return to vibrant moments more often. My hope is that you
get addicted to them like I am.
It was a double blossom bright pink cherry tree on the
river walk in Philadelphia in 1976, that taught me how to
enter and be in a vibrant moment. It was a Sunday afternoon
shortly after I finished my post doc at Temple Medical School.
My husband and I were spending the afternoon underneath a grove
of these bright pink trees on the lovely Delaware river.
Suddenly, as I lay on the ground, surrounded by pink petals,
I dropped into my first vibrant moment as a psychologist!
Naturally, like you, I had many vibrant moments as a child.
However, graduate school seemed to take them all away. I was so
removed from vibrant moments that when I noticed I was in the
moment, it felt like a new experience.
So, if you live near a cherry tree get out and spend a few hours
with this loving tree before its blooms disappear. If you don’t
have a cherry tree, substitute any other tree as your mentor.
Trees live in vibrant moments all the time.
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IT IS SPRING TIME: Time for loving and being. Couples: Energize
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private Energy Intensive. Read about it and email me for details
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Copyright, Doris Jeanette, May, 2011