How to Manifest Your New Year’s Resolutions and Reach Personal Growth Goals


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Face Fears.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

The beginning of the New Year is a great time to use your intention
to create more freedom and joy. Take time to write down your desires
and needs. Writing your desires down is an effective first step
toward manifestation. Using vision boards, soul collages and making
masks are also fun ways to set your intention into motion. Once set,
trust your process.

The next step is to notice and remove the blocks that are keeping
your intentions from becoming true. Most often, it is your unresolved
emotional issues that keep you from moving forward on your desire to
lose weight, save money, create more loving relationships and make
your dreams come true.

The problem is you can’t reach your emotional self in order to heal
your wounds until you get pass your egos. Yes, you have many. Your
defensive energy often blocks the gateway to your tender heart. This
means you need to get to know your sneaky ego if you want to
transform your body into more of your natural born energy.

Transformation means your ego energy literally changes form in your
body so that you become softer, sweeter and more receptive. Also,
during transformation your energy field becomes more radiant. This
energy change occurs because you are allowing more of your natural
born light to shine outward. Others can see and feel your change
because your change is physical, not just emotional or mental.

Meeting your ego as an equal is often a daunting task. You crafted
your ego to take care of yourself when you were little and didn’t
have any other way to protect yourself. This process of creating
defensive energy occurred unconsciously and automatically when you
were hurt or scared as a child.

However, the more you avoid exposing your controlling egos, the more
you experience anxiety and mundane moments. This is where so many
people are stuck on the planet right now. Egos are in charge of the
world. Egos are ruining our planet and hurting Mother Earth.
Defensive energy is keeping us from enjoying vibrant moments.

Back to your intentions. Have fun using your intentions to move
forward. Play with all the creative arts for success. Next, expose
your egos that are blocking your heart’s desires. The goal is to meet
your defensive energy as an equal. You need to stand up to your ego
so you can assert yourself effectively in the world. When your ego is
no longer in charge of you, you don’t let others control you.

In order to stand up to your ego, your adult self needs to learn how
to use your inner strengths and natural born talents to help you face
your fears and reduce your anxieties. The benefits of letting go of your
controlling ego are freedom and joy.

To learn more about the natural process of transformation, letting go
of control, finding your inner strengths and standing up to your ego

Please ask me any questions you have about how to get unstuck. I
will write more about breaking free and being joyful after the New

FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTHS: Learn to feel the difference between your
true self and ego in the first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species.” Practice
sensing your natural born vibrations as you receive guidance on how
to recognize your controlling ego energy. You are empowered as soon
as you love who you really are. Three hours of audio on feelings,
fear and hurt, recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers
healing, calming vibrations to resonate with over and over again for
better mental health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

The three-hour Opening the Heart audio is included in the home study
course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Ten written lessons guide you
into a stronger relationship with your body so you relax into it and
stay grounded. When you are grounded, you cannot be anxious.
Breathing and body exercises strengthen your ability to remove
conditioned responses from your nervous system so you relax and
become more self-confident. $197.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Bodyful, Notice How You are Moving: More Haste, Less Speed

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: More Haste, Less Speed.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

A British friend was getting some tea while I was getting some water.
We were standing close together at my local pool. Knowing her quite
well, I said, “You reject the Royalty and accept the tea.” She laughed
and said, “Yes, that could go on my tombstone!”

The Brit continued, “Another phase on my tombstone could be, “More
haste, less speed.” I paused and had her repeat the phase so I could
absorb what she was saying. She continued, “In Britain here is a big
difference in meaning between the two words, haste and speed. Haste
slows you down and you make a lot of mistakes.”

Thinking to myself, “That makes sense, anxiety always interferes with
being effective in the moment. So, haste is what you do when you are
anxious. I usually use the word rush.” As I was taking in what she was
saying, I connected our haste versus speed conversation to another
message I received from a friend the day before. Her message was:
“Slow down to speed up.”

Ah, I’m receiving this important message from the cosmos and giving
it to you.

Take note of how you are doing what you are doing. The rabbit and
turtle story also comes to mind as I am writing this. Take your Time.
Take baby steps, slowly, carefully—as you learn to do something new.
Or even not new! Being in the moment is the key to being successful.
Your baby steps work because you get to where you are going.

Taking small steps, that keep you on the ground, are successful in
overcoming anxiety naturally. Take the home study course, Overcome
Anxiety Naturally if you have not yet learned to take baby steps.

These same baby steps work for any long time dreams you may have.
Order here:

So, what’s on your tombstone?

Enjoy having fun and being playful as a way of life. This is your
life. Live it well.


If these links do not work, my old website is fading away and a new
one is coming. Email me for help. I am very excited about the new
website! Stay posted. Oh, an alternative email is

OPEN YOUR HEART: When you open your solar plexus and heart, you feel
more vibrant and present in the moment. You relax and feel
self-acceptance. The Opening the Heart audio series teaches you the
energy difference between making haste energy and your healthy
flowing energy. Once you know the difference, you make better
decisions in the moment that lead to effective behaviors in life.
Three hours of audio on Feelings, Fear and Hurt. Money-back
guarantee. $97.00.

Read more and order Opening the Heart:


LEARN TO READ BODY LANGUAGE: Perceive reality and question your
perception often. This audio was made for therapists. It is now
available at a reduced fee for all Vibrant Moment readers:
Introduction to Body Language: Authentic Communication. Instead of
$47.00, you pay $29.99. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

How to Tell the Difference Between The Truth and A Lie?


The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Look Inward for Answers.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


A client who was conditioned to please others was having a hard time
paying attention to her own needs and desires. As a result, this
mother of three suffered from extreme anxiety and insecurity.
Unfortunately, her schoolteacher mother successfully taught her to
look to her mother, schools, books and experts for answers.

Early on, she learned to distrust herself and looked outward for all
her answers. She learned to become insecure and unsure of her own
inner knowings so successfully that she acted dumb around others and
they believed she was dumb and labeled her such. Psychologists and
teachers sometimes do great harm to our self-esteem.

The first time I met this mother of three I knew she was not dumb, it was
easy to sense her smarts. I also could feel her wonderful heart, full of love.
Take note dear ones of what you have learned that is not true about you. Take
three deep breaths and reset your truth barometer so you can tell the
truths from the lies. You can learn to feel the huge difference between
a lie and the truth. There are lots of false beliefs outside of you. You may
have learned to believe some of them about yourself and others.

In the last session I had with my smart and loving client, she
started to ask me questions at the end of the session. I had to
remind her that I did not have her answers. She pressured me and I
like they have THE ANWER does not live in reality. No one has our answers.
Sometimes, we don’t even have our own answers because there are no

She “got it’ and told me to write about “no answers” in The Vibrant
Moment, so I did. All power is within. All answers are within. Look
inward and connect with Mother Earth and the Cosmos for the vibration
of truth.


FEEL THE DIFFERENCE: Learn to feel the energy difference between a
lie and the truth by trusting your senses and paying attention to the
biofeedback from your physical body. The first half hour of the
three-hour Opening the Heart audio teaches you how to feel the
difference between out of control energy, controlled energy and
healthy flowing energy. Reading energy is an essential skill that
empowers you so you quickly become more secure and self-confident.
The first hour audio is “Feelings. The challenge of our species.”
Order all three hours of Opening the Heart for $97.00. Or order
“Feelings” for $47.00.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Relax, Achieve Emotional Health and Improve Self-Confidence

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Accepting is Powerful.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher


Getting my post-doc at Temple Medical School with Dr. Joe Wolpe, had
many perks. One of them was meeting famous psychologists in person
for a master seminar. Meeting Dr. Albert Elias, a tall thin, wiry man
who appeared to be quite anxious, even though he reassured us he was
very relaxed comes up in my mind as I write The Vibrant Moment for
this month. Dr. Elias was sure his Rational-Emotive Therapy could
cure any mental health problem and make you as happy as he.

As I remember him and his approach, is reminds me of the current
Positive Psychology approach. Dr. Martin Seligman started this
movement, which is also rational, and tells you that all you have to
do is made the choice to think positive and be positive. After over
45 years of exploring consciousness and looking for ways to empower
us to enjoy life more, I do not find either of these rational
approaches to be effective in living a relaxed-in-the-body life of
authenticity and integrity.

Shakespeare, the best psychologist I know, said it clearly, the
choice you have as a human being is “To be or not to be.” In the
flesh, you cannot change who you are. You were born a unique bundle
of joy and lo and behold, that is the energy you are working with in
this lifetime. The question is what are you doing with your innate
energy? Are you inhibiting your light or accepting your light?

Often we make ourselves wrong and call ourselves bad when we feel sad,
angry and afraid. Being sad, angry and afraid is normal and healthy if
you live in reality. When you are true to yourself, you are a part of
nature. Like nature, you wax and wane; you do not choose when to wax
and when to wane. Life events, like the weather, affect you and you
effect life events.

To enjoy more vibrant moments, relax and be yourself in the moments
of life’s up and downs. You can be present, feel grateful and be
loving toward yourself in any emotional or mental state. Hug yourself
and give yourself more love, no matter what you feel or what is
happening to you. Include others in this love vibration and you feel
good all over.


ACCEPT YOURSELF: The first hour of the Opening the Heart audio
series called “Feelings: The challenge of our species,” teaches you
the energy difference between your ego energy and your true-self
energy. Learn how to accept your colorful emotions and enjoy your
unique vibrations. Also, you are guided into finding your emotional
self so you heal the parts of you that need to be healed. The other
two hours in the Opening the Heart series are on fear and hurt.
Recorded in a sound studio so my voice delivers healing, calming
vibrations to resonate with over and over again for better holistic
health. $97.00, money-back guarantee.

Read more and order:

If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please share it with friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over
forty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and use
energy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146

Use Your Common Sense to Stay Safe and Achieve Mental Health

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Your Common Sense.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy Teacher

When I lost my sense of smell and taste a few years ago, many of the
small pleasures in life disappeared. My body seemed to be going
through a cleansing and soon, my taste buds and magnificent nose
returned. Now, these small pleasures of smelling, eating and drinking
are the great joys of my life. As I go to bed at night on my heavenly
cloud, I look forward to the smell of delicious coffee in the morning
as I brew it like the French.

Interesting that losing your sense of smell and taste is one of the
signs of being sick with the current monster virus. Anything that
attacks your senses permanently is to be avoided, so I trust you are
taking good care of yourself. Use your common sense to stay safe and
sound as you celebrate Thanksgiving. Common sense is lacking in many
people as they move unconsciously through their life. Step away from
any ordinary and mundane experience, into your senses— so you can
enjoy more vibrant moments.

Common sense is the end result of using all your senses to make
decisions. You have taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. These are
the five senses most people talk about. There are others, we can
explore later. With the virus around you, touch yourself more often.
Hug yourself. Put two hands on your body to feel it, know it and
reassure it. This is one of the new body energy exercises I use in
the Overcoming Anxiety Naturally home study course. If you are aware
of your body and relaxed in your body—you do not experience anxiety.
Seriously, try it.

Make your Thanksgiving fun and enjoyable. Use your senses to add
color and flavor to everything you do. Touch your body and live in
it. Being body-ful not only reduces your anxiety, it also boosts your
immune system.

Use your common sense to enjoy this wild body trip on planet earth.
Being in the flesh during a pandemic. Wow!


REDUCE YOUR ANXIETY: Learn how to use the new body energy
exercises to become more aware of your physical form which directly
connects you to Mother Earth and gravity. When you breathe and
feel your body, you know how to stay safe during anything. Ten
written lessons guide you out of your scary thoughts into reality. Five
hours of audio help you feel your emotions and stay in touch. Take
the home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally for $199.99
Full refund if you want it after the third lesson.

Read more and order home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally:

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
Mentor and author of Opening the Heart

How to Spring into Holistic Health, Wealth and Happiness

The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Feel Spring Around You.
Tools from the Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette, Energy Coach, Mentor


I often stress the importance of being able to relax because
relaxation is the pathway to physical, mental and emotional health.
However, relaxation is not the only energy you and your body need if
you want to have lots of vibrant moments and holistic health. You
also need to get excited! Spring is here to help you break free.

As I was consciously trying to break free from the chains that bound
me, in the early 1980s, I was out with two friends at a fancy
Philadelphia restaurant enjoying myself. I started to laugh about
something we were talking about at our small, elegant table. It was
so funny and I felt so relaxed that my whole body laughed. Pretty
soon, I was on the edge of my seat and almost fell out of my chair. I
stopped laughing, looked at the people next to me and sat up straight
in my chair feeling embarrassed.

In the natural process of transformation, being relaxed naturally
leads to excitement and joy. So, your natural state is awe. What
stops you from feeling wonder more often? Are you too afraid to let
go of the control thoughts have over you? You may not want to relax
because you are afraid you will embarrass yourself with your
excitement of being alive.

Take a look in the mirror:
Are you aware of your inhibitions?
How do you feel when you get excited?
What judgments do you have in your head about laughing freely?
Are you afraid of making a fool of yourself?

I call my second audio in the three hour Opening the Heart series,
“Fear is the pathway to freedom and joy.” This is because feeling
your real fear naturally leads to your real joy. Real fear grounds
you and keeps you safe. Whereas, feeling anxious leads to no joy and
constant insecurity. Feeling anxious is the state your Killjoy
Monster loves to put you in. Anxiety is precisely how your Inner
Critic keeps you in your chains.

Judgments from your ego create the anxiety in your body that makes
you uptight and insecure. I was extremely judgmental of myself about
being relaxed and letting go of control in a public restaurant. My
Killjoy Monster was telling me I was “loud, inappropriate, rude, out
of control, impolite.” Can you think of any other ways to criticize
my behavior? This incident helped me discover the reason I controlled
myself in the first place: I was afraid of what I would do if I were
free and uninhibited. I would get excited and do something bad, wrong
or embarrassing. Was this true? Was I dealing with a real fear or was
it my irrational anxiety?

Let’s look at the reality of the situation. As I settled back into my
table of friends, I could feel they where not judgmental of me, they
were enjoying me; maybe even envious of my spontaneity and freedom.
My enthusiasm was one of the reasons they liked being with me. The
other people in the restaurant did not appear to be concerned, they
were enjoying themselves. So, my belief was false. My behavior was
not inappropriate. Your Inner Critic could say, there may have been an
Old Grouch somewhere in the restaurant that thought I was, “loud,
inappropriate, rude, out of control, and impolite.”

So? The price you pay for staying in your chains is that there maybe
someone who judges you, somewhere, sometime. Does this fear
outweigh the benefits of breaking free from your chains? Spontaneous
people enjoy enormous benefits! They have health, wealth and
happiness. They do not suffer from depression and anxiety. Relaxed
people connect with others and enjoy healthy relationships, including
good sex.

The best things in life come to you when you are not a Grouch. Get
rid of your Inner Grouch and outside judgments cannot keep you in
your chains. All you have to do is break free of your conditioning
and unlearn your mental judgments. Give yourself permission to get
excited and express your enthusiasm without making yourself wrong.
Fear not, the skill to deal with people who judge you can be learned.
Assertiveness is a necessary skill for personal growth success and
healthy relationships. It is easy to say you are sorry if you unknowingly
step on some toes.

Feel spring and let its exciting energy put a spring in your step.
Breathe in the wonder of spring so your cells laugh with joy. Bloom
like a flower and enjoy the consequences of saying no to your Killjoy
Monster and yes to your True Self. Be in love with life.

You will be smiling all over as a result of all those vibrant moments you spend with bright, yellow daffodils.


LEARN TO RELAX: Be guided through the steps needed to break free of
your conditioning so your Inner Grouch does not stop you. Ten written
lessons teach you how to say no to your Inner Critic and yes to your
True Self. Take the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally.
This drug free course has helped hundreds of people say goodbye to
anxiety so they now enjoy the freedom of being themselves. Ten
written lessons and five hours of audio including the Opening the
Heart series. Money-back guarantee. $199.97.

Read more and order:


LEARN ABOUT AWE: Feeling your real fear naturally leads to excitement
and joy. Learn how to ride your real fear energy like a surfer rides a
wave so your fear turns into excitement and joy. The second audio
in the Opening the Heart series, “Fear, the pathway to freedom and
joy” teaches you how to do this. The first audio is “Feelings, the source
of real love,” which teaches you about love. The third is “When You
’re Hurting…,” which heals your past emotional wounds. All three come
together in the Opening the Heart audio and are included in the above
home study for a better bargain. Buy Opening the Heart as a stand
alone product for $97.00. Money-back guarantee.

Read more and order now:


If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends and
colleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with over forty
years of experience teaching people how to read and use energy to
unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:

Dr. Doris Jeanette, author of Opening the Heart, Overcome Anxiety Naturally and ten other personal growth products.